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The Tempted Series: Collectors Edition

Page 196

by Janine Infante Bosco

“I feel fine,” she answers. “I’m nervous is all.”

  We tried not to get our hopes up, even prepared ourselves for a false positive but, spending three days as parents only to be told we’re not, will undoubtedly crush us. Yes, I said parents and not parents-to-be. We became parents the moment we looked at that fucking test and saw it was positive. No one is going to tell me otherwise.

  I kissed a pee stick for crying out loud.

  I’m a dad and the beautiful girl sitting next to me biting her lip is one hundred percent a mom.

  Please let it be real.

  “There is nothing to be nervous about,” I assure her. “The odds of a false negative are greater than a false positive and I have four positive tests in my back pocket.”

  “Are you ever going to stop carrying those around?” she asks with a smile.

  “If you want one, I’ll give you one but, the other three are mine,” I tell her with a wink.

  “Mrs. Valente?”

  Simultaneously our heads turn in the direction of the nurse. Nikki squeezes my hand as I pull her to her feet. Together we follow the nurse into the exam room and I take a seat as Nikki changes into one of those paper dresses.

  “Do you have the results of my bloodwork?” Nikki asks, tying the string around her waist.

  “Yes, the doctor will be in shortly to go over everything,” she replies, keeping her back to us as she busies herself with the urine sample.

  “Relax,” I say, rolling my seat next to the exam table. Placing a hand on Nikki’s knee, I glance back at the nurse. “Can you confirm the test results, or do we have to wait for the doctor?”

  Turning around, she smiles at us.

  “Oh, you’re very much pregnant,” she replies. “The doctor will be a just a moment and he’ll determine how far along you are and your due date.”

  Smiling back at Nikki, she drops her hands to her stomach and grins.

  “This is really happening,” she says.

  “Yeah, it is,” I rasp as the nurse leaves the room. “Did you decide if we’re going to tell anyone yet?”

  “Now that we know for sure I think we can tell my mom and Anthony and Adrianna. I’d rather wait until after the first trimester before we tell anyone else.”

  “So, no Red and Aunt Gina then?” I tease.

  “Unless you want them as houseguests,” she retorts. “I hear Aunt Gina upped Bert’s dose of Viagra so they’ve been testing out all her new lingerie.”

  I’m still scarred from the vision of Aunt Gina in a teddy. I would bleached my eyes if I thought it would erase the image.

  “Bert’s a lucky guy,” I mutter. I’m pretty sure the poor bastard is suffering from dementia. Either that or he’s losing his sight along with his libido. Too wrapped up in the visual of Bert and Gina doing the nasty, I don’t hear the door open.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Valente,” the doctor greets, entering the room. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  Focusing on Nikki, it’s hard to tear my eyes away as she beams at the doctor.

  “Finally,” she exclaims.

  “All good things come to those who wait and in the smallest packages too,” he offers, opening her chart. Scanning the test results, he lifts his head. “Everything looks good and judging by your last menstrual cycle, I’m going to estimate you at five weeks but, we’ll do an internal sonogram to get a more conclusive idea.”

  It’s not my first time accompanying Nikki to the gynecologist and I’m not shocked when he positions himself between her legs. I don’t even blink an eye when he prepares the probe for her internal sonogram. However, as the screen fades from black to a grainy image of Nikki’s uterus, my heart starts to pound violently against my ribs. Until now, any picture he’s showed us was of her ovaries or her tilted uterus. For the last few days, I’ve been so occupied preparing for the worst, I didn’t take time to prepare myself for seeing my child for the first time.

  It’s a crazy feeling and I’m not sure there is a single adequate word that can describe it.

  “Is something wrong?” Nikki says as the doctor stares at the screen.

  Looking between my wife and the monitor, I try to decipher what’s displayed on the screen. Of course, I didn’t expect to see a fully formed baby waving at me or anything like that but, I mean all I see is two bubbles with dots in the center.

  “Are those her ovaries?” I ask.

  “No,” the doctor says, clearing his throat. Leaning forward, he uses his free hand to point to one of the circles. “That right there is your baby,” he informs, pointing to the little bean shape in the center of the circle.

  “Holy shit,” I say, inching closer. It’s the cutest little bean ever.

  “And, this right here,” he says moving to the other circle. “Is its brother or sister?”

  “Look how cute it is, Nik. I told you everything would be fine. The baby even has a—”

  Before the words fly past my lips, my brain registers what he’s saying causing me to turn to the doctor.

  “What did you just say?”

  “Congratulations you’re having twins,” the doctor announces.

  “Oh my God,” Nikki exclaims.

  “Like two of them?” I ask, unable to process the information. “At one time?

  “That’s how it works, yes,” he answers. I can tell by the smirk, he’s trying his hardest not to laugh in my face. “You’re just shy of five weeks.”

  “Twins,” I mutter.


  Shaking my head, I lift my eyes to Nikki.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  “He said there is two of them. Did you hear that?”

  Biting her lip, she nods and holds out her hand. Sliding my hand into hers, I wonder if she’s having a delayed reaction of sorts.

  “They’re fraternal,” the doctor adds.

  “Well, at least we’ll be able to tell them apart.”

  Their laughter makes me realize I said that out loud.

  “We’re having twins,” I defend, turning back to Nikki. Her smile is so fucking big and bright, I swear it reaches Heaven. For some reason that makes me smile. The people we lost, my parents and her father, I truly believe they pulled some strings for us. They gave us these two little miracles and they’ll be there to guide us through the chaos of having two children at the same time.

  Oh. My. God.

  What if they’re two girls?

  I’m a clear shot but, I’m going to have to learn how to shoot two guns at the same time. A bullet for each punk that tries to date, my girls.

  My girls.

  Holy shit.

  Forbidden Temptations: Anthony & Adrianna Bianci

  Chapter One


  There used to be a time in my life when I wondered if my happily ever after had passed me by. A time when the love of my life was in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and I was pregnant with another man’s child. I spent my entire pregnancy preparing myself for life as a single mother but, fate had a different plan for me. The day my love was released from prison, I went into labor. Fate intervened, placing me at Anthony’s apartment when my water broke, and it was he who held my hand as I delivered my son. A bittersweet moment for two people who loved and lost one another. Two people who thought they’d spend their whole lives loving each other.

  At the time, it seemed hopeless. Anthony was still very much involved in the mob and my biggest concern was raising my son. To be fair, Luca was also a concern of Anthony’s. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t my son’s biological father, Anthony cared for Luca from the moment he cut the umbilical cord. My son was just minutes old when the nurse placed him in Anthony’s arms and an unbreakable bond was instantly forged between the two greatest loves of my life.

  Luca was two years old when Anthony and I finally found our way back to one another. Thanks to my late father, Anthony was able to remove himself from his dangerous lifestyle and we were free to be a family. Anthony legally adopted Luca after his b
iological father relinquished any paternal rights and we were married. Not shortly after I became Mrs. Bianci, I became pregnant with our daughter, Victoria Grace.

  My husband won’t admit it but, I know he misses the life. He doesn’t regret his choices but, there will always be a part of him that belongs to the mafia. Sometimes, when the urge strikes, he’ll head over to the Satan’s Knights MC where Jack Parrish and our brother-in-law Riggs are happy to give him a fix of danger.

  Being the daughter of New York’s most notorious gangster was the only title I knew, and Anthony wasn’t the only one who had to transition into a new lifestyle. The kids kept me busy while Anthony worked day and night to get his boxing gym off the ground. It wasn’t long after he opened Xonerated that he decided to make the gym a chain. Now, we’re the proud owners of five locations spanning from Brooklyn to Staten Island.

  “Mom! Do we really have to stop for coffee? Dad’s waiting at the gym for me,” Luca groans beside me. Putting the car into park, I grab my phone and confirm my Order-On-The-Go is ready.

  Between both kids having extra-curricular activities, I’m constantly running from one end of Staten Island to the other. So, yes—I need to stop for coffee until someone figures a way to administer caffeine intravenously.

  “Mommy, did you order me a donut?” Victoria calls from the backseat.

  “Chocolate frosted,” I reply, glancing over my shoulder. Dressed for dance, with a bow the size of her entire head, she frowns at me.

  “I said strawberry frosted,” she whines.

  And there goes the simplicity of ordering on the go. Sighing, I turn off the car and help Victoria out of the back. Too engrossed with his phone, Luca enters the Dunkin Donuts ahead of us and takes a seat at one of the tables.

  “Go sit with your brother while I get your donut,” I tell my little girl.

  Once she’s seated across from Luca, I make my way to where mine and Anthony’s iced coffees wait alongside the wrong donut. Grabbing the two coffees and the bag, I head toward the line to swap the donut out when I hear a familiar voice. Lifting my head, I stare at the man in front of me ordering a coffee. Turning to leave, our eyes meet and the world around me fades.

  “Adrianna,” Vinny acknowledges.

  Staring into his eyes, the same eyes as my son, I lose my will to speak. I haven’t seen Vinny since Luca was a baby and he signed over his rights. At the time, Vinny was heavy into gambling and addicted to drugs. He wasn’t fit to be a father and knew his son deserved better. Shamefully, I thought his addiction would’ve caught up to him by now however, he doesn’t appear strung out. In fact, he looks healthier than I’ve ever seen him.

  Suddenly, I feel two arms wrap around my middle and I nearly drop the coffees.

  “Mommy, did you get the donut?”

  Vinny’s eyes drift lower and I watch him study my daughter.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell Victoria. “I was just about to order it.”

  Turning her attention to Vinny, she stares up at him in wonder.

  “It’s not polite to stare,” she points out, dropping her hands from my waist and placing them on her hips.

  Vinny’s lips quirk as his gaze slices back to me.

  “I wonder where she gets that from,” he says softly.

  Just as I’m about to reply, Luca steps beside me and I watch Vinny’s eyes widen.

  “Mom, dad just called. He wants to know if you’re getting the coffee beans in Columbia,” he says with a smirk.

  Unable to turn my attention away from Vinny, I continue to stare as he takes in my son.

  “Hello? Earth to mom,” Luca says, narrowing his eyes at Vinny. “Who are you?”

  Clearing his throat, Vinny opens his mouth to speak but panic engulfs me forcing me to cut him off.

  “Nobody,” I stammer. “We shouldn’t keep daddy waiting,” I add, turning my back to Vinny.

  “What about my donut?”

  “Adrianna,” Vinny says from behind me.

  “Nobody knows your name,” Luca retorts.

  Closing my eyes, I shove the coffees into his hands.

  “Take your sister and go in the car. I will be right there,” I say, watching his eyes drift behind me. Sizing Vinny up, Luca shrugs his shoulders and turns to Victoria.

  “I’m just going to switch the donut out and I’ll be right there,” I assure my kids. Seeming satisfied, they turn and head out of the store.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything,” Vinny says from behind me. Keeping my eyes pinned to the kids, I watch as they get into the car before I turn to face him.

  “Luca doesn’t know about you,” I admit. “Anthony is his father.”

  The sting of my words causes him to flinch but, he nods in agreement.

  “He’s beautiful,” he says hoarsely. “I can’t believe how big he’s gotten. He’s eleven now, right?”

  “Twelve,” I correct.

  “Is he a good kid? Smart? Play ball?”

  “He’s the best,” I rasp, feeling my throat constrict. “He gets good grades, and he loves to box. He’s great with his sister and he’s happy, Vinny. Luca has a great life.”

  He takes a deep breath and forces a nod. I want to ask him if he’s clean if he finally straightened out his life. If giving up his son changed him in some kind of way. But, I don’t say a word because it doesn’t matter. Vinny made his choices and Anthony is Luca’s father in every way that counts.

  “I’ve got to go,” I say finally, brushing past him to swap out the donut with the barista.

  “Adrianna,” Vinny says from behind me. “Thank you for giving him a good life.”

  Forcing myself to swallow the lump in my throat, I grab the bag with the correct donut and turn to him.

  “No,” I reply. “Thank you, Vin. Thank you for giving Luca to me and Anthony and for being man enough to do the right thing by our son.”

  Deciding the conversation is best left at that, I turn around and start for the door. Vinny doesn’t say another word but, I can feel his gaze penetrate through me. Reaching the car, I chance a glance back at him. He tips his chin just as my phone sounds in my pocket. Pausing, I grab it and see it’s my husband calling. Trying to mask the distress in my voice, I answer the phone.

  “Hey babe, we’re on our way—”

  “What does he want?” he questions, cutting me off. Narrowing my eyes, I glance around the parking lot in search of him.

  “Where are you?”

  “At the gym, the same place you’re supposed to be with our kids,” he mutters. His normally calm and controlled voice is laced with frustration. “Luca called me. He was worried, said you were talking to some guy and looked spooked. I made him send me a picture,” he explains.

  “He didn’t say anything to Luca,” I assure him, leaning my back against the car.

  “Did he make you feel uncomfortable?”

  “Not intentionally,” I say. “I was caught off guard. In ten years we’ve never run into him. I wasn’t prepared.”

  “Well,” he replies, pausing to release a breath. “We knew this day would come.”

  Didn’t he hear me? I just told him I wasn’t prepared to see Vinny, obviously, I didn’t think this day would ever come. As awful as it sounds, I expected Vinny to be dead. I never thought I’d run into him and sure as hell not with Luca next to me.

  “Babe,” he calls into the line. “I want to tell Luca the truth.”

  My lips part in shock as I wonder how a perfectly normal day could turn into a disaster in mere seconds. Fucking coffee. Fucking donuts. Fucking life.

  “The truth is you’re Luca’s father,” I argue, clenching my teeth.

  “Always,” he agrees.

  The raspy tone of his voice causes me to remember the promise I made to both him and myself. Years ago, we vowed to tell Luca the truth when the time was right. We didn’t want to be the type of parents who lied to our children. We decided we would share our lives with our kids. The good, the bad and the ugly because we prevailed and wante
d our son and daughter to know their strengths. Life isn’t always picture perfect, and that’s okay. So, when we promised to be open and honest with our kids, I silently vowed to let Anthony take the reins when it came to telling Luca about Vinny, knowing he would handle the delicate situation with care only he can give.

  “Adrianna,” Anthony says, drawing me away from my head.

  “I know,” I rasp. “Whatever you want to do,” I agree.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  I know it will because he will make sure of it.

  That’s just the type of guy Anthony is.

  Once the most dangerous man on the streets, he’s now the man who puts his family first.

  Forbidden Temptations: Anthony & Adrianna Bianci

  Chapter Two


  Luca was a toddler when I took a gamble and opened Xonerated. At the time, I was weaving my way out of the mob and needed to adapt to a legit lifestyle. If I was going to allow myself, the honor of being this boy’s father than I needed to earn my place in his life. I needed to provide him with a safe life. However, I had been climbing the ranks of Victor’s organization for as long as I could remember. The underworld was all I knew until I was sentenced to three years in a federal prison. With nothing but the memories of Adrianna and the dreams of the baby we lost keeping me company, I started to lose my mind. Fighting in the yard became a pastime of mine and getting thrown in solitary, a regular occurrence. I started hitting the heavy bag and one of my fellow prison mates took notice of me. Before getting locked up for grand larceny, he was a reputable coach who worked with quite a few championship boxers. He taught me the fundamentals; the footwork, the combinations—how to duck, dive and cross.

  Boxing kept me sane and out of trouble. It saved me in prison and it became the source of my redemption when Victor cut me loose from my life of crime. My story isn’t the norm. Men like me don’t usually get a pardon. The only way out for them is in a body bag or a life sentence. Knowing that I made it my mission to reach out to kids around the boroughs, kids who were on the brink of committing to a life of crime. I spoke freely, telling them my story and made them understand that living on the wrong side of the law wasn’t as glamorous as it seemed. The sacrifices and the struggles stick with you forever and not only affect you but the people you love as well.


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