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The Tempted Series: Collectors Edition

Page 198

by Janine Infante Bosco

  It would’ve been too much for any sane man to handle but, I’m not sane. In fact, I’m the furthest thing from it and while some might think my mental illness is a liability, I believe my crazy is what put the Satan’s Knights and Rocco Spinelli on the map. I preach a lot to my brothers about heart and how we all need it to survive but for me, I need more than the love of a good woman and a family to come home to. I need the voices in my head.

  As much as I hate to admit it, I need that vile bitch of a maker. That fucked up voice that makes me doubt everything and envelopes me in darkness. I need her to keep fighting with me. For the only thing, I fear in this world is not battling with her because I know when that day comes, when I no longer can hear her, well, that’s the day she finally wins. The day I lose my battle with manic depression and lose my fucking mind altogether.

  It’s going to happen and with the Feds breathing down my neck it’s going to happen sooner rather than later. I like to think I can handle a lot. After all, I buried a child and every day I watch another suffer from the illness she inherited from me. But a man can only cheat his due fate for so long. I’m running out of pardons and my doctors are running out of answers. The best I can do is cherish the time I got with the people that matter most. I’ve got faith in my club, in the man who will lead when I no longer can and these days, while I’m still the president, I find myself taking a step back from the front lines. Being home with Reina and Danny, seeing Lacey and my grandkids, that’s what matters most.

  Tossing a ball to my son in the fucking snow because he wants to hang out with his old man that’s what makes life worth living. It’s what keeps a sick man fighting.

  Lifting my left leg, I rear my right arm back and pitch to my son. The ball spirals through the air, his eyes following it. grips the bat and swings with all he’s got. The tip of the Louisville, splinters as it collides with the ball. As fucked as I am, my instincts don’t fail me, and I duck before the ball smacks me in the head. Danny tosses the broken bat behind him and takes off for the bases we’ve placed around the grass in the yard.

  Snow, sleet, and rain won’t stop this kid from putting in the work and that makes an old fuck like me proud. He’s got the talent and the determination to be so much more than his old man ever will be. My only wish is I’m around to see him under the bright lights of Yankee Stadium. If not, I’ll be rooting for him wherever I wind up. Whether it be the confinements of a cell, a padded room or six feet under, I’ll be cheering my boy on, hoping he lives his best life.

  Touching my palms to my knees, I breathe into the cold air and rise to my full height as he slides through the snow and touches home plate. Glancing over his shoulder, he pulls the baseball cap from his head and shoots me a grin.

  “And, that’s how it’s done,” he boasts.

  Laughing, I smooth a hand down my leather vest before bringing my hands to my face and blowing into my freezing palms.

  “You killed that ball,” I tell him as I move to close the distance between us. “If you keep controlling that swing, you’re going to be the MVP this season.”

  “Want to go another round?” he asks as I reach him and drape my arm around his shoulders.

  “Tomorrow,” I promise. “You still gotta finish your homework and your sister, Blackie and the girls are coming over for dinner.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to tell Blackie about that hit,” he exclaims, tossing the ball into the air. “He’s going to go off when he finds out I shattered the bat,” he adds, pushing open the back door.

  Entering the kitchen, he kicks off his sneakers and my eyes dart around the room in search of Reina.

  “Reina?” I call out.

  “In here,” she shouts from the laundry room. Turning my attention back to our son, I pull his cap from his head and ruffle his hair. “Go upstairs and do your homework before they get here.”

  “Alright,” he agrees. “But don’t tell mom about my hit, I wanna tell her myself.”

  “My lips are sealed,” I swear.

  I’ve got plans for my mouth and they sure as fuck don’t include talking. Watching as he dashes for the stairs, I pad across the tile floor and make my way to the laundry room. Ass perched high in the air, Reina bends over and loads the dryer. For all the fucked up shit I’ve done, I got one thing right… I got her.

  Creeping up behind her, I grip her hips and pull her against my cock. Hard at the mere sight of her, I press into her plush ass and bend my head. With the tip of my nose, I nudge her blonde locks out of my way and touch my open mouth to her neck. She doesn’t jump at my touch. Instead, she nestles her denim covered globes against my cock and angles her head, giving me better access to suck and lick her floral scented skin.

  “Where’s Danny?” she murmurs as my hands glide up her sides. Reaching her magnificent tits, I fill my greedy palms and squeeze tight.

  “Upstairs,” I growl against her shoulder. “Take your tits out for me,” I order, dropping my hands back to her hips. Spinning her around, I back her against the washing machine and reach for my belt. My dark eyes settle on her, watching as she pushes the fabric of her shirt over her lace covered breasts. Sliding her hands into the cups, she lifts her tits out of the bra and leans back.

  “Are you hungry, Parrish?” she questions playfully. Desire flashes in her eyes as she extends her arms and shoves my hands away. Threading her index fingers through the belt loops of my jeans, she pulls me closer and slides her hands into my boxer briefs.

  “Looks like I ain’t the only one,” I grunt, rocking my dick against her palm. “You cravin’ something, Sunshine?”

  “Yeah,” she whispers, pulling her hand out of my pants. Placing both palms flat against the edge of the washing machine, she lifts herself on top of it and crosses one leg over the other. “Your cock,” she adds cheekily.

  Stepping closer to her, I uncross her legs and wedge myself between them. Lifting my hands, I take hold of her face and lean into her. Staring into Reina’s eyes, feeling her love, I don’t feel so damaged. I’m not running on borrowed time, crawling out of the darkness. Right here, in her arms, I’m whole.

  I’m light.

  I’m Jack Parrish the husband, the man who found his heart and is hangin’ on with all he’s got.

  Jack & Reina’s story continues this summer…


  “What they lose in the dark, they find in the light.”

  Reckless Temptations: Lauren & Riggs (AKA Kitten & Tiger)

  Chapter One

  Lauren Bianci

  Before there was the movie franchise, Bad Moms, there was me, Lauren Bianci. The ex-nursing student who took a detour to the Satan’s Knights clubhouse found her tiger and got knocked up in the parking lot. Three kids later and another on the way, I am the OG mom, the fucking inspiration behind those blockbuster hits.

  Like Mila Kunis, I too have an overbearing mother and while she might not point out all my parenting fails, she does like to remind me that I’m breeding out of wedlock. Yes, I said breeding—her words, not mine.

  Insert eye roll.

  Now, I know what you’re thinking…you think the reason I’m an unwed mother of four is because my baby daddy won’t marry me. Wrong. In fact, marriage might be the one and only thing my mother and Riggs agree on. For someone who was scared shit over becoming a father and engaging in a monogamous relationship, Riggs is the most devoted father and wannabe husband a woman could ever hope for.

  The reason we’re not married is all on me.

  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a vision of what my wedding would be like. I would wear a big white gown with a twenty-foot train just like Mariah Carey wore when she married Tommy Mattola and my bridesmaids would be decked out in the lavender silk. There would be flowers everywhere and those fancy candelabras on every table. My brother would give me away and there would be a grand reception after an epic kiss declaring us husband and wife.

  The plan has changed some.

  Instead of picturing L
uke Perry as my future husband, it’s always Riggs that’s waiting at the altar for me and we’re not surrounded by a fleet of lavender. Now, when I think of our wedding, it’s our kids that are beside us. Our three boys and this little girl I’m carrying.

  So, yes, I want to marry Riggs but not until this little girl makes her big debut. We’ve waited this long, a few more months won’t hurt. It may not be conventional but, Riggs and I were never the traditional type. We’re Kitten and Tiger and when we take our vows, I want all our cubs to be there. All the little peas we created because we took a detour.

  They’ll be chaos.

  The cake will probably go flying.

  One of the boys will likely break something very valuable.

  Another will likely tie my mother-in-law to a chair and my father-in-law will probably assist.

  Our daughter will fuss.

  My mother will nag.

  The Satan’s Knights will surround us, all wearing a patch in memory of Bones.

  It will be perfect.

  The phone rings pulling me away from the wedding of my dreams and forcing me back to reality. Instinctively I cringe as my eyes dart around the room, realizing it looks like a tornado took root in my living room. Aside from the playpen, the walker and the vast variety of baby stuff, there are toys everywhere thanks to Riggs. The moment he found out Toys R Us was closing, he took the boys to the beloved toy store and cleaned the place out. I shit you not, there is one of those plastic cottages in my living room—you know the ones that normal people put in their backyard—yep, right smack in the middle of the room.

  Realizing there’s no point in physically searching for my phone, I follow the sound of the ringtone. As I reach for the cushions on the couch a baseball flies past my head.

  “Eric, you can’t play ball in the house!”

  Turning to my first born, I narrow my eyes and watch him grin deviously as he whacks another ball into the air.

  From his rebellious streak to the sunglasses he refuses to take off, he’s a clone of his father.

  A horn sounds and my eyes widen as my second oldest, Anthony, whizzes past me with his new wheels.

  “Didn’t I say you couldn’t ride your Power Wheels inside the house!?”

  “Daddy said it was okay,” Anthony argues.

  “Of course he did,” I growl.

  Baby Robert starts to cry as he lifts himself to his feet and reaches over the edge of the playpen for me.

  “Just a second baby,” I soothe. Finally finding my phone, I glance at the screen. Seeing it's my mother calling, I accept the call and lift the phone to my ear.

  “Eric,” I shout as he swings the bat again. “Hi, Mom, sorry—”

  “Lauren, I hate to do this to you sweetheart, but, I can’t watch the kids tonight.”

  The tip of the bat collides with the ball and I watch as it crashes into a vase. My mother’s words register as the porcelain cracks and the dirt filling it pours freely all over the beige carpet.

  “What? No, you can’t cancel on me. Mom, I need you to watch them. It’s parent-teacher conferences at Eric’s school.”

  “I’m sorry Lauren but, I’m not feeling well. You know I wouldn’t cancel on you.”

  “What am I supposed to do with them?”

  “Maybe Anthony and Adrianna can watch them?”

  “Grace is watching Luca and Victoria so, they can go to the conferences too.”


  “It’s fine,” I snap, blowing out a breath as Robert screams at the top of his lungs. “I’ll just have to take them with me.”

  “Where’s that scoundrel you procreate with?”

  “And, this conversation is officially over. Feel better Mom,” I say before ending the call.

  “I’m hungry,” Eric groans, tossing the bat onto the floor.

  “Mommy, I have to go pee-pee,” Anthony whines.

  “Mama!” Robert cries, snot dripping from his nose.

  “Have kids they said….” I mutter as I make my way to the playpen. Lifting him into my arms, he buries his face in the crook of my neck and rubs his snot all over me.

  “Mommy! I’m hungry!”

  “Mommy! I need to go pee-pee!”

  “It’ll be fun they said…”

  They clearly didn’t have a fleet of boys with the self-proclaimed Tiger.

  Reckless Temptations: Lauren & Riggs (AKA Kitten & Tiger)

  Chapter Two

  Riggs “The Motherfucking Tiger”

  Pulling in front of the elementary school, I kill the engine on my Harley and drop down the kickstand. Without turning my attention toward the front of the school, I can feel the parents gathered at the doors glaring at me. They’re just salty because they had to park their minivans seven blocks away. It’s not their fault no one told them to join an MC.

  Removing the helmet, I fit my signature aviators to my face and throw my leg over the bike. The sun has been down for hours but, all the cool kids wear their sunglasses at night. Another thing no one told these stiffs.

  Fixing a grin to my face, I stride through the front door like the tiger I am and make my way to the security guard at the desk.

  “Can I help you?” she asks without bothering to look at me.

  “Hello, beautiful,” I croon, flashing her a smile.

  Lifting her head, she stares at me over the rim of her glasses. Taking her in, I decide she’s about the same age as my granny back in Texas. I love my granny and all but, she’s not equipped to be a security guard, and neither is this lady. Calling the numbers at a Bingo tournament is where this lass belongs but, I’m too much of a gentleman to tell her that. Instead, I lay on the charm, ask her to point me in the direction of Eric’s class and make a mental note to write a letter to the Board of Education requesting they beef up the security in the public schools. Maybe, while I’m at it, I’ll offer my services.

  Picture that.

  The Satan’s Knights standing guard in front of schools near and far.

  We’d have to curb the curses some and maybe regulate Jack’s medication. I don’t think the parents would be too fond of Parrish going bonkers in front of their children. Still, it’s a thought and as I reach Eric’s classroom I decide to bring it up at the next PTA meeting.

  Yes, I sometimes attend those.

  Don’t fucking judge.

  The bake sales are fucking epic.

  As I prepare to enter the classroom a smile works the corners of my lips knowing Kitten is waiting for me and the kids are with her mother. You know what that means right? Kitten and I are totally getting frisky in the back of the Suburban after the conference is over.

  Fuck yes.

  I hope she parked close to the school that way we can give those minivan driving parents a fucking show they’ll never forget. My dick twitches with excitement as I start to picture the truck rocking as I bury my face in Kittens ginormous tits while she rides my cock.

  Have I mentioned how well pregnancy agrees with my little lioness? Not only is she always hungry for my anaconda but, her tits—Jesus fuck, they’re like globes now.


  The sound of Eric’s voice filters through the air as I step into the classroom and the boner I was sporting a second ago vanishes. I love my kids. I truly do but, I had my hopes set on rocking Kitten’s world. I even wore my favorite pair of boxer briefs for the sex fest. The black pair with a tiger’s open jaw screen printed over my cock.

  Bending down I lift Eric into my arms as I find Lauren’s eyes.

  “Surprise,” she offers, bouncing Robert on her knee. “Anthony get down from there,” she scolds, tearing her eyes away from me. Following her gaze, I watch my son hop from one desk to another.

  “Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg,” he chants.

  “I’m really sorry about this,” Lauren says to the teacher. “My mother got sick at the last minute.”

  Dropping Eric onto his feet, I bend my knees making us eye level.

  “Do m
e a favor? Keep your brother occupied so me and your mom can talk to your teacher.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “Five bucks,” I wager.

  “Make it ten and you got yourself a deal,” he counters.


  “Fine, ten dollars,” I grunt, reaching into my back pocket. Pulling out a ten, I slap it into Eric’s open palm before rising to my full height. I watch Eric run toward Anthony and make my way next to Lauren. Bending my head, I press my mouth to hers in a quick kiss and take Robert from her lap.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” I offer. “Traffic was a bitch.”

  “Riggs,” Lauren hisses. “Language.”

  “Oh, stop it, you love it when I talk dirty.”


  “Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery—"

  "Oh, no, we're not married," I correct Eric's teacher. Stealing a glance at Kitten from the corner of my eye, I watch as she scowls. Every time the topic is brought up, Lauren skates around it. I’m starting to think she doesn’t want to be Mrs. Montgomery after all.

  "Really, Riggs? Now, isn't the time," Lauren argues, forcing a tight smile. "We're here to discuss Eric's progress."

  "Progress? He's in kindergarten," I argue, winking at the teacher. "No offense, lady, I donate to the United Federation of Teachers or whatever it's called but, he plays with blocks all day,” I say, leaving out the fact he probably learns more life lessons coming to the clubhouse with me on a Saturday morning then he does the six hours a day he’s here singing about a muffet who sat on her tuffet.

  I mean check out his bargaining skills. They probably don’t teach that kind of shit until the third grade.


  Turning back to Lauren and the problem at hand, I hold up a hand and interrupt the teacher.

  "And, while we're at it," I continue, bouncing Robert on my knee. "If I had a dollar for every time I brought up getting married and you replied with 'now isn't the time', I'd be even richer than I already am."


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