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Over You

Page 26

by Christine Kersey

  Suddenly wary, Jessica stared at him a moment. “I’m pretty tired.”

  Obviously understanding that she was dismissing him, he stood. “Sleep well, Jess.”

  She nodded, then watched him walk out of her bedroom. A moment later she heard the front door close and the deadbolt turn. She had trouble falling asleep that night, her feelings for him warring with the logic that her mind kept putting forth. The logic that said to be very, very cautious with trusting him with her heart.

  Second Chances Chapter Three

  By the time Jessica had finished cleaning up from breakfast the next morning, then begun working on her programming project, she’d become worried because Kyle hadn’t shown up or called. This would be the last full day he would have to work on Ellen’s bathroom before Jessica brought her home from the long-term care center the next day. She knew he still had a number of tasks to complete, and she knew he’d planned on working all that day.

  Jessica glanced at the clock on her computer again, her thoughts turning to the interaction she’d had with Kyle before he’d left the night before. Had her comment about them no longer being engaged gotten to him? So much that he had decided not to come over? The thought surprised her, because he normally wasn’t the type of person who would let that bother him for long.

  Trying to stay focused on what she was working on, she forced herself to ignore the minutes as they passed with no word from Kyle. Finally she couldn’t take it any longer and she called his cell phone, but when it went to voice mail, she hung up without leaving a message, knowing he would see he had missed a call from her.

  Just before she was about to take a break and have lunch, Jessica heard a car pulling up to the house. A sense of relief swept over her when Kyle knocked on the front door, then let himself in, and Jessica admitted that in the back of her mind she’d been worried that something had happened to him.

  “Hey,” he said, walking toward her.

  “Where have you been?” she blurted.

  He sighed. “Avery cut her head.”

  Avery, Jessica thought. Melanie’s adorable two-year-old who Kyle admitted he was crazy about. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah. She had to get stitches.”

  She shook her head in confusion. “I don’t understand how this involves you.”

  Kyle’s forehead creased. “Melanie called me as I was heading over here. She was pretty upset. Apparently the cut was bleeding pretty heavily.” He glanced away, then looked back at Jessica before going on. “I was nearby, so I went over, then I brought them to the Emergency room and stayed while Avery got the stitches.”

  Though Jessica didn’t like the feeling of jealousy that seemed to overtake her, she couldn’t seem to help it, but it felt petty to complain about him taking care of a young child when he was supposed to be working on her aunt’s bathroom, so she kept her thoughts to herself. But inside she admitted that she was surprised he would drop everything and rush to Melanie’s side, and she wondered if that would happen again. After all, he’d broken up with her the week before.

  He stood there a moment. “Well, I guess I’d better get to work. I have some time to make up.”

  Jessica nodded, not sure what to say. He walked out of the sunroom, and before long Jessica heard him working upstairs. Her thoughts filled in the blanks to Kyle’s story. When he’d arrived at Melanie’s house, he’d pulled her into a warm hug, trying to comfort her. Then he’d taken her and her daughter to the Emergency room, staying by her side for hours, then brought the two of them home, staying long enough to make sure they were both okay, finally remembering Jessica and his commitment to finish Ellen’s bathroom.

  As the images rolled through her mind, Jessica felt her jealousy and anger growing until she was furious at Kyle. But she couldn’t very well tell him how she felt. How heartless would she sound if she told him he should have ignored Melanie and Avery in their time of need? What kind of person was she that she really did feel that way?

  Not liking the way she felt, she pushed down her feelings and turned her attention to work, but it didn’t take long to realize that her focus was shot. Instead, she pulled up her personal email account, but frowned when she saw an email from Alex. Though tempted to delete it without reading it, she decided to see what he had to say.


  I was so relieved to be able to see for myself that you’re okay. I want you to know that you’ve continually been in my thoughts, and if you need anything, tell me, and I’ll be there as fast as I can. I can hardly wait until you come home, and I’m eagerly awaiting your answer to my proposal. We make a great team, and I love you so much. I can’t wait to make you my wife!

  I love you!


  A small moan sounded deep in her throat as she realized that he was either in deep denial, or really had no clue that they were done. Considering if she should just break up with him in an email, she decided that would be too callous—too reminiscent of when Kyle broke their engagement over the phone—and decided that once she got Ellen settled in, she would drive home and break the news to Alex in person. Besides, she’d been gone from her apartment for three weeks. It would be good to stop by the post office and get her mail, and check up on things at home.

  Feeling slightly better now that she had a concrete plan, she settled back in her chair and resumed working on her programming project. After an hour she decided to take a break and see how Kyle was progressing on the bathroom. As she approached the bathroom she pictured Kyle’s arms around Melanie and felt a flash of jealousy.

  When she walked in the bathroom, she saw Kyle’s body sticking out from under the bathroom sink as he worked on the plumbing. His shirt had ridden up, exposing his muscular abs. Resisting the urge to reach out and touch his stomach, she bent over so that she could see his face.

  “How’s it going?” she asked.

  “Hey.” He smiled. “I’m just about done with this part. Give me a sec.”

  She stayed where she was, enjoying watching him work, and a few minutes later he slid out and stood.

  He grinned at her. “Let’s see if this faucet works.” Turning to her, he said, “Why don’t you do the honors?”

  “Okay.” Jessica turned the knob and water gushed out. “It seems to be working.”

  He smiled. “Unless there’s a leak.” He knelt on the floor and looked inside the vanity cabinet. “Nope. Looks good.” He stood a moment later, and placing his hand on hers, he turned the faucet off.

  Jessica watched him watching her, and was glad they’d gotten back together—despite the obstacles she was sure they’d have to cross.

  He moved his hand from hers, then reached out and stroked her face. “I’m really sorry about this morning, Jess.”

  How could she stay jealous or angry at him now? He really hadn’t done anything wrong, had he? He’d just come to the aid of a friend—at least she hoped that’s all Melanie was to him. Nodding, she forced a smile on her lips. “It’s okay.”

  He pulled her to him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the feeling of his body pressed against hers. She breathed in his unique scent, and lay her head against his shoulder. He ran his hands up and down her back, sending shivers of pleasure through her. Then he put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face to his. He gazed into her eyes, then his eyelids fluttered closed as his mouth descended toward hers. Heat raced through her as their lips met, and she allowed herself to enjoy the feelings flowing through her.

  After a moment he pulled away, a smile on his mouth. Jessica gazed at him, all thoughts of Melanie gone. Then Alex’s face filled her mind and she remembered her decision to go home and tell him that she would not marry him. She wanted Kyle to know her plans—she didn’t want him to have any doubt that she had chosen him.

  “Kyle, I have to tell you something.”

  “I already know.” He grinned. “You’re desperately in love with me.”

  She smiled. Of course he was right, but she wasn’t ready to
express it quite like that. “No.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “No? You’re not in love with me?”

  She laughed, but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of telling him that he was right. “I wanted to tell you something about Alex.”

  Now his eyebrows formed a V. “What about him?”

  “I’ve decided that I’m going to go home in a few days and tell him face to face that I’m not going to marry him.”

  Kyle’s expression smoothed out. “Oh. Good.” He paused. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  She laughed. “Don’t you think that would be like rubbing salt in his wound?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean that I’d be there when you tell him, but just that I’d be in town.”

  It would be nice to have him go with her—then she would have his complete attention for a change. But somehow it didn’t seem right to bring along her new boyfriend when she broke up with the old one—even if he wouldn’t actually be there when she did the breaking up. “I think I’d better go by myself this time.”

  “This time?” Kyle grinned. “How many times are you going to have to break up with this guy?”

  Jessica laughed. “You know what I mean.”

  He smiled. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Better. My back’s not as sore.”

  “Good.” His cell phone rang. He looked at the Caller ID, glanced at Jessica, then pressed the phone to his ear. “Hello?” Then he was silent as the caller spoke.

  When it appeared to Jessica that his phone call might take a while, she wandered into her aunt’s bedroom and looked around, wanting to make sure everything was ready for her aunt to come home the next day. Deciding to put fresh sheets on her aunt’s bed, Jessica stripped off the sheets and tossed them in a pile, then got a fresh set out of the linen closet.

  As she tucked the sheets in, she couldn’t help but overhear Kyle’s side of his conversation, and when she heard him mention Avery, she stopped what she was doing and listened more closely.

  “Can’t you put a different bandage on?” he was saying. Then a pause. “Do you really think that would make a difference? . . . Okay. I’ll come over in a while.” Then all was silent.

  Jessica continued making the bed, and when Kyle walked into the room, he seemed surprised to see her there and she wondered if he knew she’d overheard his conversation—the conversation she could only assume was with Melanie. She glanced at him and smiled as she finished making the bed, acting like she hadn’t heard anything, then she straightened up the nightstand and dresser.

  “Everything okay?” she finally asked as he stood there watching her.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I, uh, I need to go see Avery for a little while.”

  At least he’s not trying to hide it, Jessica thought, holding back a frown. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. I guess she keeps trying to take off the bandage that’s covering her stitches, and she won’t take a nap.” He smiled, like he knew what he was about to say was lame. “Melanie thinks I might be able to get Avery to take a nap.”

  Whoa, Jessica thought. It’s like Melanie is trying to get him to be Avery’s father. Though Jessica thought Melanie was crossing the line, who was she to deny a little girl access to the only man who’d been like a father to her?

  Not sure what to say, Jessica just nodded.

  A look of guilt flashed across his face. “I’ll be back as soon as I can to finish the bathroom.”

  She managed to keep the expression on her face neutral. “Okay.” What else was she supposed to do? If she told him he shouldn’t go, she would sound petty and selfish.

  He nodded, then walked out of the room and down the stairs. A moment later Jessica heard him go out the front door. She looked out the window that overlooked the front of the house and watched Kyle climb into his truck. She couldn’t see very well, but it looked like he was making a phone call. A moment later he started up his truck and drove away.

  Frowning, Jessica sighed, then made her way back to the sunroom, deciding to lose herself in her work. When hunger forced her to stop, she realized it was getting late, and Kyle hadn’t come back yet. Irritated that he’d chosen Melanie and her daughter over her, she fixed herself something to eat, even though her appetite had suddenly diminished.

  By the time she got ready for bed, she’d given up on Kyle coming back, and her earlier irritation had morphed into outright anger. Now it would be nearly impossible for him to finish her aunt’s bathroom before Ellen came home. After locking the front door, Jessica climbed into bed and was only able to fall asleep after Hudson curled up against her, his purring comforting her.

  The next morning she woke to the sound of the front door opening. Startled, her eyes shot open, and she froze, certain Douglas Harrington had come back to finish her off. She’d left her bedroom door open in case Hudson wanted to go downstairs and eat, and now she could hear the distinct sounds of someone walking up the stairs. Paralyzed, she squeezed her eyes closed, then focused on what she could hear, anxious to know if the intruder was coming toward her room.

  A moment later she heard footsteps outside her door. Her heart hammered in her chest as she cracked her eyes open enough to make out the shape of a man standing in her doorway. Holding back a scream, she locked her gaze on the figure who hadn’t moved. Finally she found her voice, though it came out in a squeak. “I’m calling the police.”

  The figure moved towards her, and she let out a blood curdling scream.

  “It’s just me,” Kyle said as he hurried to her side.

  Her heart raced as she clamped her mouth shut, and after calming down, she glared at him. “You scared me to death.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on her arm. “I’m really sorry, Jess. I tried to call you, but I guess your phone is off.” He paused. “I just wanted to get an early start since I didn’t make it back last night.”

  The memory of Melanie calling him, and then him dropping what he was doing to rush to her side flooded her mind, and the anger she felt the night before pushed out any warm feelings for him. But she held her tongue. It didn’t feel right to scold him for going to the aid of a two-year-old. Even if the two-year-old’s mother was a woman he’d been dating only days earlier.

  “Leave me alone,” she finally said, then turned her back on him. A moment later she felt the bed move as he stood, then she heard him walk out of her room and down the hall.

  Second Chances Chapter Four

  A short time later she dragged herself out of bed and into the shower, needing to get ready to pick up Ellen and bring her home. They’d spoken briefly the evening before, and Ellen had said she would be ready to go by mid-morning. Hot streams of water pounded her back, and she realized that she was feeling a lot better.

  After she was ready, Jessica stopped by the bathroom to ask Kyle for the house key back—she didn’t want him to be able to walk in like that ever again. She found him attaching the toilet to the floor, and felt a little better when she saw that nearly everything was done. He just needed to hang the mirror over the sink, and attach the towel rack. “Looks like you’re almost done,” she said.

  He didn’t look at her as he responded. “Yeah. Are you going to get Ellen now?”

  “Yes. But first I wanted to get my key back.”

  His hands were occupied with working on the toilet installation. “Okay. Give me a minute.”

  She watched him finish, then he stood to face her.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you like that this morning, Jess.”

  She frowned. “Well you did.” She held out her hand.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key, then set it in her hand. “I should be done and out of here before you get back.”

  Jessica hesitated, wondering if she was supposed to suggest when they should see each other again. “Okay,” she finally said, leaving it up to him.

  “I’ll call you later,” he said, a small smile on his face.

ed that he’d made the first move, she nodded and smiled back, then turned and left the room. Twenty minutes later she walked into her aunt’s room at the long-term care center. “How are you feeling?” she asked Ellen, who sat in a chair, her packed bag sitting on the floor next to the door.

  “Now that I’m leaving, I feel great.”

  Jessica gave her a hug, then stood in front of her. “How’s your ankle?”

  Ellen lifted her leg and slowly swiveled her ankle from side to side. “Not too bad. I should be able to get around just fine.”


  Before long Ellen was discharged and Jessica helped her into the car. “Your bathroom should be done by the time we get home,” Jessica said as they pulled out of the parking space. “Kyle was finishing it up when I left.”

  “I’m so excited to see it,” Ellen said, smiling. She turned to Jessica. “How are things with the two of you?”

  It had only been a few days since he’d told her he was still in love with her, but already they’d had a few bumps. “Okay, I guess.”

  “You don’t sound as enthusiastic as you did the other day. What’s going on?”

  “I’m just not certain that he’s put Melanie in his past. In fact, I kind of doubt that he has.”


  Jessica glanced at her aunt. “You know her daughter, Avery?”

  Ellen nodded. “Yes, I remember you telling me about her.”

  “Well, the other day Avery cut her head and had to get stitches. Melanie called Kyle and he rushed over to her house. And then yesterday afternoon Melanie asked him to come over and help with Avery, and he dropped everything and went.” Jessica stared at the road ahead of her. “It really bothers me.” She looked at her aunt. “Is that selfish of me?”

  “I don’t think so, dear. But think of it from Kyle’s point of view. How long was he involved with this woman and her daughter?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose I haven’t really wanted to get in to those kinds of details with him. I guess they dated for a while though. He told me that he wouldn’t abandon Avery. He even told me that he loves her like a daughter.”


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