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Take Me Out

Page 18

by Dawn Robertson

  With that, he pulled out a turquoise Tiffany & Co. box from his pocket and opened it. My heart was doing somersaults in my chest. I laughed and cried all at once. I took Bentley’s hand locking eyes with him. He already knew my answer.

  “Yes Bentley, I’ll marry you!”

  I jumped into his arms and our lips crashed together as the entire stadium erupted into applause, whistles and screams. The scoreboard flashed “She said Yes!” He quickly pulled the ring from its snug position in the box and slid it onto my left hand.

  I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. I don’t think I could have smiled any bigger. I wondered how he could have pulled this off without me noticing. Everyone surrounded us offered congratulations and hugs while the opening cords of Sweet Caroline started playing in the background.

  Bentley took me in his arms and started singing the words, still looking deep into the windows of my soul. “Where it began, I can’t begin to knowin’.” As he crooned the words of the song which brought us together so many months earlier, life genuinely fell into place. We had come full circle, but in reality this was just the beginning of our life together.


  Dawn Robertson is a twenty-something indie erotic romance, and mother. She lives in sunny senior citizen packed Florida, where she wrangles her kids, and Pitbull puppy.

  Dawn can normally be found swearing like a sailor, making late night drive-thru appearances, arguing with her kids (or being run over by their power wheels), reading a steamy romance while hiding in her bathroom, writing her little heart out on her laptop (or dragging her Macbook to the Genius bar praying they can save her latest work in progress), or sipping on a smoothie. She loves to hear from her fans, readers, and authors alike. Feel free to drop her a message.

  Dawn rarely takes life seriously, so be sure to expect heavy sarcasm from her. She is also the life of the party, so be sure to meet up with her at one of the many author events she will be attending in the next couple months. Buy her a shot of whiskey, and she will love you for life.

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  Other books by Dawn Robertson from Beau Coup Publishing:





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