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Runaway Dreams

Page 9

by Richard Wagamese

  his nephew’s vote with who won’t need

  it until he gets out of jail anyway

  and there’s no one watching out

  for shit like that even though it happens

  everywhere and the people pay the price

  as in the suicide rate that still hangs high

  above the national average

  (though why they even have a stat for that

  boggles you at the best of times)

  when you open your eyes there’s

  nothing before you but the land

  and in its absolute stillness

  there’s the sound of wind on water

  and as you push to hear it you discover

  that you have to really want to

  it doesn’t just come to you

  you have to crave it, yearn for it

  ache for the luxuriant whisper that says

  harmony happens on its own here

  when you come to believe that it fills you

  and you become beach and wave and lake

  and mountains humped against the semi-dark

  and a moon that sails across the sky like hope

  another thing you have to really want

  in order for it to happen

  in the end it’s as Indian as it gets

  this reaching out to feel connected to imagine

  becoming a part of things displaced

  from you by issues and bothers and hurt

  the Old Ones say that harmony and separation

  cannot occur in the same time and place

  and maybe that’s it

  this whole native issues thing

  that you ultimately become

  what you believe in most

  even a planet chasing a moon

  across time and space

  September Breaks — Paul Lake

  The lake exhales a jubilant mist that carries

  within it the desperate calls of loons

  making preparations to wing south

  and there’s a bear ambled down

  to drink and eye the yards hewn

  from mountainside lush with blackberry

  late season saskatoons and the trashcan

  someone left the lid ajar upon

  as an eagle cuts a slice out of the sky

  then gives way to the osprey clan

  hungry for trout and the muskrat who

  claimed a home beneath your friend’s dock

  noses an expanding vee into the water

  placid with chill and the feel of the

  mist rising slowly above it all

  like silent applause and the eagle

  flies into the sun rising in a blunt

  cleft between the ribs of


  for the longest time I didn’t know

  that such a place existed

  couldn’t believe really

  that it could even be imagined

  let alone allow me to stand here

  at this window with a mug looking

  over it all stunned into believing

  suddenly that beauty exists somewhere

  beyond the vague hope you carry

  that you can change the world

  with words

  you can’t really

  in the end it’s just you

  that you adjust to fit the situation

  and mornings like this remind you

  that ugliness has a reservation

  to sit all churlish and smug

  waiting for you to disbelieve

  but you can’t, not now

  not after finding the way

  this all sits between your ribs beating

  like a second heart

  calling you from the window

  to the desk where you’ll sit

  and peck away like a frantic rooster

  for the words to lift the sun

  back into the sky and call September forward

  because it’s not really fall

  when it elevates you so

  White Shit

  Seventeen without a clue. Wandering like a tourist in my own

  life, picking up whatever I thought might fit, might flesh me

  out, give me meaning, when the old Indian across the table at

  the Mission asked through a mouthful of thin stew and bread,

  “What’s with all the white shit?” Then in stir, six months for

  stupidity, the native guy with braids and a “today is a good day

  to die” tattoo above his heart leans on the bars of my cage,

  studies my row of books and asks, “What’s with all the white

  shit?” Then, the girl I wanted so much to love, long flowing

  black hair, angular face, obsidian eyes and a name like Rain

  Cloud Woman in her Cree talk, wanders about my room

  picking up the trinkets and the stuff, eyeing it like relics,

  squints at the Beethoven records and the Judy Chicago print

  on the wall, looks at me and laughs and asks, “What’s with

  all the white shit?” They cut me, those words. Sliced clean to

  the bone, through the fat and gristle of the world to lay open

  the glistening bone of fact and I studied my brown face in

  the mirror in the hard yellow slant of the morning sun.

  “What is with all this white shit?” I asked myself. And that’s

  when I turned Indian. That’s when I became a born-again

  pagan/heathen/savage, dancing, singing, turquoise- and

  buckskin-wearing, chanting, drumming, guttural, stoic, hand-

  sign talking, long haired, feather wearing, walking-talking

  iconographic representation of the people, man. There was

  no room in that for any white shit. But I was young then and

  hadn’t heard the voices and the teachings of my people and

  hadn’t turned my heart to truth. It would take some doing.

  It would take some isolation and the loneliness that false

  pride instills and it would take a desperate reaching out to

  belong somewhere, anywhere, with anyone. Three decades

  later I have seen some serious shit, man, and life is all

  about the truth of things. So I sit drinking coffee on a deck

  overlooking a mountain lake in a community of white folk,

  surrounded by computers, a TV, music, books, a pickup

  truck, a car, guitar, piano, appliances, conveniences and

  responsibilities. But there’s an Indian at the heart of me.

  I feel him here where the crows speak Ojibway, where the

  breeze carries hints of old songs sung around a fire in the

  night, where a hint of sage in the air shows me the line where

  ancient and contemporary meet, telling me that traditional

  and cultural, in the end, becomes where you live, where you

  set your soul to rest and I look around at fifty-five and see that

  where I am is always where I wanted to be. Life has become

  a ceremony and The Indian sans beads, sans feathers, sans

  get-ups and trickery surrounded by white shit and glad of it.

  Mother’s Day

  You take me somewhere I have never been before and the

  immensity of the landscape fills me with wonder. It took me

  a long time to become the kind of man for whom wonder was

  a property of being. But you took me there easily like shadows

  breaking in sunlight. I know you wonder sometimes about

  your measure, how the world sees you and it’s funny because

  it’s you that gives measure to me, and that, I suppose, in the

  final analysis is what motherhood is all about: the transfer

  of magic conducted gently like a hand upon the brow. It

  lives in the eyes of your children when they look at you.

  Those times wh
en you’re not looking, busy with the pots or

  arranging things, your head bent in concentration, working

  at getting it right for them. They look at you with eyes filled

  with wonder. At this woman who bears their chin, their nose,

  their eyes, their look of solemn thoughtfulness and I see them

  inhabit the same landscape as I do. All of us transported and

  transformed by virtue of allowing you to touch us. I love you

  for that. For the anonymity of motherhood you travel in,

  oblivious most times to the practical effect of magic you

  carry in your hands.

  To Displaced Sons

  In your hands I lay the articles of faith

  the elements of this teaching way

  that has brought me so far out

  of darkness and into the light

  of understanding who I am and how

  I got to be here as a human being

  a man and an Ojibway

  that’s the thing of it you know

  this act of discovery

  goes on forever whether

  you want to believe that or not

  because we’re created to be those three things

  three truths of us that never change

  for the length of time we’re here

  and our work is the search

  for the meaning of those things

  so we can carry the teachings on

  to where our spirit travels next

  on its eternal search

  for its highest expression

  of itself

  this is what our elders say

  so that you can never be less

  than what you were created to be

  you can only become more

  and the heart of that teaching means

  you never have to qualify for anything

  you never have to prove yourself worthy

  because you always were

  the three truths of you

  man, Ojibway, human being

  inarguable, inextinguishable, alterable only

  by Creator’s hand

  and she’s not likely to

  along this path there are many

  examples of what it means

  to be a good human being

  watch for them

  and follow their lead

  because there are teachers everywhere

  even in the most unexpected places

  where you wouldn’t think to look

  they stand there holding mirrors

  so that we can see ourselves

  and become more

  I have found saints in prison cells

  and holy women under lamp lights

  and great philosophers eating

  the humblest fare behind dumpsters

  and visionaries in one-room shacks

  at the end of gravel roads

  burning twigs for warmth

  in the very least of these

  was always something to carry with me

  on the journey to myself

  I just had to want to find it

  when people learn to live with little

  they open themselves up to more

  not of worldly things or grandeur

  but of spirit

  so when the settlers came and saw our people

  living simple lives upon the land

  they thought us poor and backward

  and when we opened our hands

  to share the plenty we knew existed

  they thought us savage and ill prepared

  for a world that demanded fortune

  but they were blind to where our ceremonies

  directed us

  not to a salvation promised on some other plane

  but right here on this ground

  where we learn to live and become

  the people we were created to be

  Creator is everywhere around us

  we are joined from the moment we arrive

  and we sprang from this Earth

  so that we can never be lost

  we are always home

  this is what it means to be

  a human being

  in the Indian way

  it means the world is our teacher

  its rhythms and its motions are our university

  in the ones who fly

  the ones who crawl and swim and walk

  four-legged are spirit teachers meant to guide us

  and they hold within them

  great examples of fortitude, steadfastness

  harmony, balance, sharing, loyalty, fidelity

  compassion, love, truth, wisdom

  and sacrifice

  that we need to learn if we are

  to learn to live well and long

  and take the skin of this planet

  as our own

  watch them these spirit teachers

  they live honestly

  for they were born knowing

  exactly who and what they are

  and have no need of the agony

  of the search

  they are our protectors

  and we honour them by following their natures

  seeking to reflect their spirit

  in our own

  and this is why we call them dodem

  or totem as the settlers learned to say

  in the plants and grasses and even

  the rocks are things meant

  to inform the way we travel

  they teach us of community really

  like when the sapling reaches for the sky

  from the ribs of the Grandmother tree

  when she lies down in the forest

  or the stones offering their faces

  to the rain so the moss can breathe

  in these things are elemental teachings

  that bring us to ourselves

  that teach us to be human animals

  neither less nor more than any other being

  this is what the elders say

  what we learn is that life is a circle

  and the moment that we enter it

  the first principle that comes into practice

  is equality

  for we are energy and we are spirit

  and there is no hierarchy there

  nor does there need to be

  this is why our ceremonies and our rituals

  are built on circles

  because we are all teachers

  because we are all mirrors

  because we need each other

  to find the truest possible expression

  of ourselves

  we come out into this reality in humility

  naked and crying in the innocence

  that allows us to be carried forward into trust

  which in turn grows into the strength

  that allows us to look within ourselves

  for the truth that is our own

  and in this way we attain a degree

  of the wisdom that allows us to return

  to the innocence that bears us

  forward into the sacred circle of learning

  again for that is what life is

  always was

  and always will be

  there is no end to circles

  only continuance

  and learning never stops if we allow it

  so when we arrive at that point in time

  when our joints are old and tired

  and we find ourselves aged and bearing

  the white in our hair

  that is the colour of knowing

  we are blessed to find

  the greatest teaching waiting for us there

  that this journey toward becoming

  a good human being, this struggle

  results always in our becoming

  good men and women

  and ultimately good Ojibway

  or whoever we were created to be

ause we learned the greatest lessons first

  when we learned to be good people

  I became a good Indian after

  I became a good man who learned

  to be a good human being

  that’s the natural way of things

  and it can’t occur in any other order

  so my wish for you is that you learn

  to see the world as altar

  where everything you need to pray

  and sing and hope and dream

  and become

  is laid out there for your use

  when you choose to pick it up

  because the truth is, my sons

  that’s where the power lives

  within the choice that we are born with

  choose to allow

  choose to discover

  choose to become more

  and in this way you become

  a creator

  aligned with the spirit of creation

  and filled with the immense power

  of possibility

  the magic that is itself a circle

  containing everything

  I have learned in my time here

  that we are born covered in things

  like love and trust and loyalty

  humility and hope and kindness

  and that sometimes the world

  has a way of rinsing those things off us

  so we stand naked and crying again

  but at that very moment

  when we want it the most

  Creator allows us to find a way

  to re-cover ourselves

  in those spiritual qualities

  so don’t be afraid to fall

  it’s how we learned to walk

  in the first place

  instead, go forward in all things

  and take the teachings with you

  so that in quiet times in quiet rooms

  or somewhere out upon the land

  you can lay them on the altar again

  and choose to pick them up

  and carry on

  I’ll be with you

  standing at the edge of a forest somewhere

  or on a rock overlooking a stretch of water

  breathing and laying tobacco down

  in gratitude and mumbling quiet prayers

  for the joy of your becoming


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