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Sass With a Past_Demons, Gods, and Monsters

Page 4

by Flewz Nightingale

  Colby pulled out his phone and began to dial numbers. It only took a few words to arrange for the car to be towed and worked on over the next couple of hours. “He says he can probably have it done tonight,” he said to Tanisha.

  He saw the life and excitement returned back to Tanisha’s face. He went to hang up the phone but had an idea.

  Colby scrunched his face with a genuine concern. He could see Tanisha’s face also beginning to scrunch with worry. He didn’t want to stress her out but still, he had his plan. “Just a sec,” Colby said into the phone, “I’ll let her know.”

  He looked in Tanisha’s direction and feigned a face even more worried. “He says he can only do it if you agree to have dinner with me.”

  She scrunched her face and pursed her lips in disbelief.

  “Weird request, I know, but people are weird in this town.”

  She smiled.

  He smiled. “So I’m taking that as a yes?”

  Chapter 4 - The Dinner

  “So first things first, a toast and a thank you.” Colby raised a glass, Tanisha followed doing the same. She tried to let herself go and be festive, but something was still nagging at her.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t celebrate yet. We haven’t heard anything back from Barbara.”

  Colby’s expression changed.

  Dammit, she was allowing her nerves to get to him. “What am I talking about,” she said, “of course she’ll like it.” Tanisha forced a smile. “I guess I’m just nervous.”

  Colby smiled. “I hope it’s not on account of me.” His smile went coy. He knew damn well he wanted it to be on his account. All day it was, up until an hour or so ago when the thought of not having an escape vehicle suddenly became a potential reality. “Thanks again for your help with the car, you’re really a lifesaver.”

  “Of course,” said Colby. “Of course, that’s what you’re worried about. Of course.”

  If she didn’t know better she think his face had just gone crestfallen.

  “Though, I kind of hoped that wasn’t the only thing you are nervous about.” His face seemed to register the stupidity of the comment. “What am I saying? I don’t want you nervous about anything.” He shook his head.

  A smile found its way across Tanisha’s face. He was terrible at flirting. But that wasn’t a surprise.

  “Okay,” he said, “tonight we toast to working transportation, next week we toast to a proposal well received. What do you say?”

  Was he purposely trying to make her feel guilty? Her stomach churned. She didn’t want to lead him on but there’d be no toast next week. She wouldn’t be there.

  She wanted to tell Colby everything, or absolutely nothing. If the latter, she preferred they get right to the erotic side of things, it would make it easier for her to drive away in the morning that way. But at the moment it was the waiter with the most pressing concern, wondering if they’d like to hear the night’s specials or were ready to order. The waiter came to the table just as she went flush. She wasn’t able to concentrate because of guilt. Colby bought them sometime and they bantered over the menu. It was obvious what each of them wanted for dinner. And dessert.


  The evening had come to that point of ultimate awkwardness. They were at a crossroads. Would they end the evening as flirtatious colleagues or something more?

  Dinner had been spent getting to know each other. Tanisha learned that Colby went into social work after being raised by a father he’d rather not talk about. Something told her they had similar skeletons in their closet. Though she was married to hers and he’d soon be released from prison.

  She also learned that Colby was writing a novel. Not just any novel, a romance. Tanisha let out another giggle. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. I just would have never made the connection.” She looked at the blue-eyed musclebound man sitting in front of her that looked like he belonged on the cover of a romance novel, and not as its author. “Tell me the premise again,” she said through a pursed grin.

  “I will not,” said Colby. “I can tell when I’m being mocked.”

  “I’m not mocking you at all. I’m an interested reader. Think of me as your target audience. Tell me about the adventures of Sheriff Nolby.” She could barely get the name of his protagonist out without laughing.

  “Ha, ha,” he mocked. “Laugh away but you just missed your opportunity to support the book before it becomes a best seller. When I’m rich I’ll remember that you didn’t believe in me.”

  He was seriously mistaken. She definitely believed in him. He was a fantasy sitting right in front of her. “I believe in you,” she said, “and I’m also curious. If this is a romance novel, I wonder how much of your art imitates life. Those novels can get pretty steamy. Are you including personal encounters?”

  Colby began coughing uncontrollably.

  Tanisha reached over to help. “Are you okay?”

  He coughed hard but raised a hand, indicating that he was okay.

  Damn. Now she wanted to know what was in those books. Was it wrong for her to want to find out tonight?

  Colby’s phone rang, interrupting her author interview. He asked her permission then answered after she insisted. Colby’s posture went upright and he stared at Tanisha; concern was in his eyes. “Oh that’s too bad. Is there anything you can do?”

  Tanisha could hear a muffled voice from the other side but couldn’t understand what it said. Colby’s face grimaced as the voice continued the mumble. “How long are we talking?” Colby asked interrupting. His face flinched at the response. He got Tanisha’s attention then interrupted the call. “Hey Saul, she’s actually right here. Why don’t you talk to her.”

  Colby’s eyes softened and seemed to try to warn her about the blow.

  She didn’t need the warning, she already knew what was coming.

  “It’s the garage. There’s some bad news about your car.”

  Tanisha’s heart pulse as she grabbed the phone.”

  “Hey there Miss Violet, so sorry to trouble you with the news. I tried your phone but we couldn’t reach you. There’s a little more trouble than one night can cure. I’m gonna need about a week or two to get the parts and then a day or two to get it running. But don’t you worry about the cost, you’re a friend of Colby and the center, so everything will be at cost.”

  Her heart sank. She appreciated the gesture, but the cost would be far greater if she stuck around town for that long. “I have to leave here,” she said. “I have to leave town this week.”


  Did she just say she was leaving town this week?

  She said she had to leave town, his wolf reminded him. Colby wondered what she was running from. She seemed determined not to run, but drive as fast as she could. She was definitely nervous; sweat had gathered on her forehead and on her neck and cleavage. But she just as quickly regained her composure and refused to accept what she was being told.

  “What can be done by tomorrow?” she asked, “how far will that repair get me?”

  Damn if she wasn’t persistent in getting what she wanted. But Colby saw her lip tremble, a faint crack in her controlled veneer. Fear and anxiety scented the air.

  The hairs on Colby’s arm stood erect and he heard himself snarl. What was she running from?

  He wanted to grab the phone and demand that she get what she wanted, but more, he wanted to demand to know what she was running from. He wanted to know who was chasing her.

  She hung up Colby’s phone and handed it back to him.

  “Is everything okay?” Obviously it wasn’t, but he was inviting her to open up.

  Tanisha took several deep breaths, as if with each one she was mulling over one of her options. Colby wondered what was going on in her calculating mind. “Hey, are you all right?”

  “He’s going to find me.”

  Colby’s hairs thickened along the back of his neck. “Who’s going to find you?”

  Tanisha took another deep inhale, downing air the way he
down Bourbon when he was nervous. “It’s okay. This is a small town and people run to small towns to get away. You’re in a small town of paranormals and shifters,” said Colby. “What’s chasing you?” Colby gazed into her eyes, trying to let her know with his that it was safe to trust him. She wasn’t the only one with secrets.

  “My ex…my hus-” She hesitated for a few uncomfortable moments. “He’s…” She took another breath. “He’s a demon. Half demon.”

  The revelation was surprising, but then again, it wasn’t. “What happened?”

  She pulled back.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. He’d gotten too personal. He didn’t need to hear the details. Demons were possessive, physically abusive, demented in the things that brought them pleasure. No one should be in a relationship with one, which is why they weren’t often mated up, but instead ran in legion packs.

  His wolf roused.

  “I’m going to preface this with an acknowledgment that I have a tendency to say what’s on my mind, even to my detriment. So if this makes you uncomfortable, I apologize in advance.”

  Tanisha’s eyes grew concerned. She sat up in her seat preparing herself for what Colby was going to say.

  “I want to get to know you. I know the timing’s terrible, but being that you’re about to skip town, I’m just gonna put it all out there. I want to get to know you but it sounds like I won’t get the chance. That’s highly disappointing.” Colby felt the hairs again standing up on his neck. He snarled and growled, fighting the Fenrir in him threatening to take control. His wolf was pushing Colby to claim her. Claim her, and then we can protect her because she will be ours.

  But Colby fought his wolf. He recognized the expression that claimed Tanisha. It was the same fear that had petrified his mother.

  He knew he couldn’t claim Tanisha as his. Not yet. If she was still running that meant she’d not yet known what it meant to be free, and that was far more important for her than to be claimed by someone else.

  Still, every part of him wanted her, both man and beast. For more than anything he wanted her safe. “Have you thought about protection?”

  “You mean a gun? I’ve already heard that suggestion.”

  “A gun won’t work against the demon.” He was surprised she didn’t know that, but he had a feeling finding out her husband was a demon was probably also a surprise. “Guns don’t work against demons. I’m talking about something more powerful.”

  Tanisha looked surprised by the news and excited about a possible solution. “Like what?”

  “The law. Everyone is bound by rules,” said Colby, “even demons. You just need to know which rules and how to have them enforced. Everyone is subject to the law.”

  This sounded like the same logic that had her filing restraining orders that were about as effective as a collander trying to hold water. She wanted to keep an open mind and to remain hopeful, but she also wanted to keep her son safe. “I’ve got to be honest with you, I don’t have a lot of faith in the justice system.”

  “In the human justice system, neither do I,” said Colby. “But shifters and paranormals are also subject to a higher law. My sister is a paranormal lawyer, I think you should talk to her.”

  He couldn’t read the expression on Tanisha’s face. It seemed to be fighting to relax. Something about her deep brown eyes, her lips that quivered for the wrong reasons; she should be quivering with ecstasy, not fear. Right now he just wanted her to feel safe. “You don’t have to always run.”


  She wanted to change the conversation. It had taken a grim turn and she didn’t want to go there. She hated thinking about Brad, but the mention of him and the flowers on the table took her back…

  Tanisha remembered the signs leading up to the revelation that Brad was a demon. First were the dead flowers.

  Since she was a girl she dreamed of a house full of orchids and flowers. She by flowers and leave them on the table in a vase but by the time she returned they were always dead. Then she noticed that there were never any birds in their yard. No birds, rodents, not even a fly.

  There were other signs, like his preference for curdled milk, and eating all of his meets raw, even chicken. He also had a preference for extreme heat and a tendency to bathe in scalding water.

  She could have lived with all of that, but then one day he changed. His family legion showed up and everything went to hell. She didn’t realize the danger she put herself in until it was too late.

  He got violent after she got pregnant. She was on the pill and hadn’t missed a dose, but still got pregnant. He wanted her to get an abortion but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She lied about it and tried to hide it until she couldn’t. That’s when things got violent. He beat her for the first time that night. Brutally. To this day she’s sure he tried to kill their son.

  She’s never seen his full on demon, but that day she saw him half shifted. Brad is a big man, it’s one of the things that attracted her to him, he can do plenty of damage in human form, but she knows there’s an even bigger demon inside, and both of them have raging tempers.

  She used to have hope for him. He’d snapped so quickly, she expected him to just as quickly snap back. But instead she just got slapped, over and over, until he ended up in prison with half of his family.

  When she tried to divorce him while he was in prison he laughed at her and said “no.” He threatened to take their son if she ever tried to leave him. Or worse. In his mind they were together until death do them part.

  She had her doubts that a paranormal lawyer could handle this, and they were probably just as expensive as a normal one. She doubted anyone could keep Brad’s hands off of her.

  “Thank you,” she said, trying not to sound as if she didn’t appreciate the suggestion, but she definitely had her doubts.

  Chapter 5 - The Nightcap

  So this was his place?

  His house felt sleek and modern, but at the same time comfortable. Her temporary furnished apartment was a far cry from this place. Something inside of her felt uncomfortable, like she shouldn’t be there.

  She convinced herself that the ill feelings were unwarranted. It wasn’t like she was going through with the desires she felt all day. Those desires had waned once reality and the talk of her husband rained on her parade. Something inside of her still longed for the more carnal side of Colby, but at the moment, his protective and nurturing side was keeping her company. He was finishing giving her the tour of his place.

  “This is the guest bedroom.” He opened the door and showed her to her room for the night. “There’s also a bathroom, but you want to avoid using it. Better the main bathroom down the hall. I’ll grab you a towel.”

  “Thanks.” Tanisha wondered what Amelia and her sister would make of this. She was spending the night at a man’s house, just not in his bed. A tinge of disappointment crawled inside of her. They’d surely accuse her of wasting an opportunity, but under the current circumstances it was impossible to remain in the mood. She just wanted to thank him and turn in for the night.

  She wondered if Colby was equally as disappointed. When he invited her back to his place to talk, she jumped at the invitation. Sure, she wanted to talk, but more than anything, she didn’t want to be alone. The idea of her being alone in her place, with no car for escape gave her nightmares. To be isolated was one thing, isolated and stranded was too much to think about.

  Colby returned. He looked at her questioningly. They’d once again come to a crossroads.

  “It’s late, and I’m sure you’re tired.” He left her towels and promised that first thing in the morning he’d take her home and then to the garage so they could see what kind of progress had been made on the car. “We can also stop by my sister’s practice. Just meeting her could bring you some peace of mind.”

  Tanisha wasn’t sure how to show her gratitude for such kindness. She wasn’t used to it, if she was honest. Should she kiss him? Hug him? Do something to show that she still strong desp
ite him rescuing her like a damsel in distress? She decided on a genuine “thank you,” and a long hug.

  Colby embraced her and she felt herself being lost in his grip. She could have held him or have been held by him all night, but Colby broke his embrace. He stared at her, making her think he was also up for a night of embracing. But she saw the nurturing Colby in front of her. The Colby that insisted she get some rest. He assured her that there was nothing to worry about, as he was just down the hall.

  His gaze lingered as he left her standing at the door in the guest bedroom and made his way into his own room.


  Nightmares jolted Tanisha awake. It was Brad. In her dream he caught her and made her pay for running away from him.

  Tears stung her eyes. She knew it was a dream but it felt too real. His hands weren’t really around her neck, she’d felt them around her neck before, but this time was just a dream. The same was true for the blows she’d taken from him in her sleep. She wiped her eyes and reminded herself that she hadn’t actually been backhanded or punched, but the reminder wasn’t enough to check her nerves. She was shaking and crying in somebody else’s home in the middle of the night.

  Her hands searched for a light. She wanted to find her phone and to call her sister or maybe Amelia, but she realized the last time she saw her phone was when it died on her and she’d attempted to charge it in the car. Silent sobs overtook her at the realization. She was without communication or transportation. Though her rational mind knew she wasn’t, emotionally she never felt more alone.

  A sudden bang sounded from the hall outside of her room, causing her to jump. Footsteps made their way closer to her door and then stopped.

  Tap tap tap, sounded the knock at the door.


  His Fenrir had awakened him in a cold sweat. He reached out in his bed and felt the dampness from his sweating. His heart still pulsed, the vision of the nightmare still fresh in his mind. He heaved a few more times trying to catch his breath. It was only a dream. But it involved her. He threw off the covers and made his way toward the door, then into the hallway, the door to his bedroom closing a little too loudly behind him.


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