Runaway Cowgirl
Page 6
“Don’t worry. We’re not going to let you lose anything. We can take care of you. We love you, not the money.” Henry held her tightly.
“You helped those ladies before your father was ill. Charity is a part of you.” Jack kissed her hand.
“I know. I just have to help them even more now.” She jumped up and paced the room. “Wait! Maybe we can use the house for an orphanage too? If Manitou Springs ever needs one, of course. Most people have family or friends to raise the kids. If not, instead of sending a child off to a big orphanage in Denver, they stay here with the town they know.” She watched Henry’s eyes light up.
“Raised by prostitutes?” Jack asked.
“And the Widow Lange and my housekeeper. She’ll stay there. It’ll be a fulltime job for sure. If they have family to go to then of course that’s the right thing to do instead. I’d just hate to see bad things come to this town. I saw the orphanage in Denver and it’s so crowded. So big. We can do better. We can aid whoever needs help. Give out extra food too. Help for families that are struggling. A centralized charity office with food for the poor, classes for those who want to learn, and anyone can go and ask for help if they need it.” She nodded. “Don’t try to talk me out of it.”
“Never. You’re too stubborn and amazing.” Henry pulled her back into her seat and buried his face in her hair.
“I love you and I know this can work. I can have everything I wanted for the town, and also the marriage, children and passionate love with both the men I wanted. How can you even think of sending me away?” She shook her head at Jack.
Henry kissed her mouth. “I’m in. I love you, Emily. You’re stuck with me forever.”
She snuggled to him and inhaled his scent. The emotions playing over his face told her how much it meant to him. They both looked at Jack.
“I love you too, but this relationship is not conventional. We have to be careful and very careful in public about things.” Jack folded his arms.
“I know. We can do it. It’s not as though people go around kissing in public. I want a full night of passion before a formal engagement. That way you can’t take it back. Don’t send me away. Make me yours, both of you. If you’re sure, we’ll announce the engagement tomorrow.” She waited impatiently for an answer.
“You’re sure?” Jack asked.
Annoyed, she hopped up and methodically stripped off all her clothing right there in the kitchen. It was a difficult process without a maid, but she couldn’t go riding off on horseback in her nightclothes. “If you don’t, I could just tell them you did and you’ll have to marry me anyway.”
Jack grinned. “Fine.”
“Fine?” she mocked. “That’s it?”
“You’ll be nice and sore tomorrow. Like you rode your horse for days and days.” Jack gave in, helping her undress then snagged her by the legs.
He carried her to the bedroom over his shoulder. Henry followed, licking his lips. The joy was clear on Henry’s face and she knew her cheeks would be sore from smiling as well.
The big wooden bed covered with plaid flannel blankets dominated the room. No paintings hung on the walls, just an oil lamp sitting on the bedside table. There was some decorating to be done in here. Her body flushed as he tossed her onto the bed with room enough for three. The tingling between her legs started as the men undressed each other.
They kissed slowly and she didn’t even have to ask them to. It dawned on her that she could protect them as well. With her married to one of them, they’d be able to relax. Even though everyone believed they were family, she knew that their sexual connection had to concern them. If she’d caught them in the barn, someone else could as well.
“You look lost in thought.” Jack knelt between her legs.
She studied his hard cock and powerful form. “I want you both so much. This is right.”
He nuzzled her knee. “Thinking time is later.”
Henry nipped at Jack’s cheek. “If he’s saying that, jump on the fun times. Jack is always thinking too much.”
Jack teased her pussy. She wanted to ride them both, so she shoved away the last bit of fear, warning what would happen if people found out. She’d be labeled a whore and the men would be strung up at worst, run out of town at best. They’d run together. She had enough in gold, silver and copper to fund it. Her big carriage would serve as a safe means of travel. They could go west and set up a ranch near a bigger town where people paid less attention and didn’t know every one of their neighbors. The three of them might even try to take their cattle along. She’d start a stampede if she had to, just to stay with them.
Stroking Jack’s cock, she guided him closer. Henry’s fingers teased her entrance and she pushed for more. As Jack filled her slowly, Henry tickled her clit and she relaxed. Being stretched mixed pleasure with an ache. She lifted since staying still would make her crazy. Henry leaned down and nibbled her breasts, spreading the pleasure, and her focus.
She stared into Jack’s eyes as she eased back. “More,” she said.
Jack shook his head. “Don’t rush it.”
“Enjoy it,” Henry said.
“I need more.” She scooted down and grabbed Jack’s arm.
Jack filled her and slipped in deeper this time.
She gasped and shuddered. “So good!”
Henry pinched her nipples and kissed her neck as Jack leaned down. He kissed her hard then his tongue filled her mouth.
She curled her tongue to his and wrapped an arm around each man’s neck. With both of them pressed to her, she felt safe and powerful. Right and rebellious. It was a dizzying new world, but she wanted to explore it all.
She rocked her hips to Jack as she released his mouth and kissed Henry, sliding her fingers down his body until they curled around his throbbing cock. Jack picked up speed and she matched him. It felt so natural, just like riding a horse.
Only she was being ridden this time. He hit parts of her no one had ever touched. The ache and stretching sensation were blotted out by pleasure as they played with her body.
Soon Henry would take her too.
“Plenty of time to have us both.” Henry brushed her hand away and bit one then the other of her nipples.
Bowing her back, she dug her nails into their strong shoulders as the pleasure built. There was ache behind it, but she wanted the exquisite release that was coming.
Jack held her hips and fucked her. Henry’s mouth ruled her breasts as his fingers teased her clit. She bucked as her tender flesh seemed to catch on fire. It was like a lightning strike deep inside her. Screaming, she felt Jack deep inside her.
A hoarse shout from Jack reassured her that he’d found her first time satisfactory as well. He thrust again and pulled from her. A line of fluid landed on her stomach as Henry settled on one side of her.
“You okay?” he asked.
She smiled as Jack flopped next to her on his back. “I’m perfect. No going back now.”
“Actually, odds are you won’t end up with child.” Henry leaned down and licked up the cream on her. “That stuff usually goes inside you.”
Nodding, she understood they were trying not to force her into marriage. “I’m not a virgin anymore. But I need both of you.” She turned her head and looked at Henry. She wouldn’t feel right until she’d had them both.
When she rolled over onto him, Henry knew exactly what she was after. A cat in heat wanting to get all the attention. It was a new power for her.
“Pace yourself, sweetheart. I won’t last long.” Henry saw the need in her eyes. “We’ve got plenty of time. I don’t ever want you to leave.”
She straddled him like a saddle and the feel of her silky thighs and wet pussy made him groan. He grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks, tilting her forward. “You want us both.”
“Yes,” she said.
“You belong to us both. Whatever the law says, you know the truth.” He rubbed his cock along her slit until she moaned and tried to take it into her.
He g
uided her down and let his fingers work at her rear entrance. There was surprise in her widening eyes, but the soft sounds coming from her throat encouraged him.
Jack moved behind her and Henry let him take over. Henry shifted his hands to her breasts and let her ride him. He lifted at a steady pace she could anticipate as she rocked her hips, altering the angle. Sometimes she slammed down on him hard. Other times she ground against him as their bodies met.
“You’re more spirited than any woman I’ve ever met,” he said.
She leaned down and kissed him. “I’m not sure I can take two this time.”
“Two?” he asked.
She nodded to Jack behind her. Henry smiled.
“Jack’s just playing. Maybe next time? Next week? Whenever you’re ready.” Henry kissed her neck.
Jack smiled at Henry over her shoulder. “If you want it. No rush. Does it feel good?”
She nodded and leaned back on him. “We fit together like this. It’ll be perfect.”
“It is perfect any way with you,” Jack said.
In that moment, Henry knew everything would be fine. They were all in this together even if he wasn’t sure how they’d work it out just yet.
Jack slid his hand around her body and stroked her clit as she rode Henry harder. His control slipped as she squeezed on his cock. She was tight and perfect. Jack was teasing her and the beauty in her face as she climaxed drove Henry over the edge.
He lifted and cursed as he came deep inside her. Emily fell forward and kissed him as she moaned.
“Shouldn’t have done that,” Jack said.
“Yes, he should have. You wanted to drag me off?” She shook her head at Jack.
“It’s done.” Henry kissed Jack with their woman pressed between them. “You can’t change it now.”
Jack smiled slightly. Henry had to be more daring and tease her. She’d given herself freely and trusted them. Jack loved the idea that she belonged to them, but he was more civilized. She’d marry him out of love, not necessity. They were good for each other, and for her. Jack kept Henry from running wild, but when the right risk turned up, Henry nudged Jack into it.
“I’m glad.” Emily kissed Henry slowly. “Will you two do me a favor now?”
“Anything.” Jack helped her slid off him.
“Always,” Henry said.
She stretched out on the other side of the bed. “I want to watch you two. What you were going to do when I interrupted you? It’s the same thing you want to do to my backside, isn’t it?”
“You want to watch?” Jack asked.
“The vixen,” Henry said in a husky tone as he caressed Jack’s cock. “I think Jack might need relief. You want to watch him fuck me?”
Her cheeks flamed deep red. An innocent seductress, she was learning her power over them. She folded her arms under her blonde curls. “I want to see it all.”
Henry rolled over onto his hands and knees, offering Jack his ass while kissing Emily. Jack fetched the oil they used. When he returned, he gave Henry’s ass a smack. The loud crack startled Emily.
“We’ve been doing this for some time. Trust that we know what we’re doing,” Henry said to her.
“I’m sure.” She sat up and watched.
Henry relaxed as Jack rubbed oil on the spot in question. Emily slid her soft hands along Henry’s back as Jack filled his ass. Henry sighed and rocked back at the familiar stretching. She leaned into his body. He could almost feel her watching him get fucked by the man they both loved. He was vulnerable and powerful as the sweet burn enveloped his skin. It turned him on that she wanted to see and be part of all of their love. Men could be vulnerable and strong, she was seeing all of him now.
He reached back and grabbed her around her waist, dragging her to him. “He’ll fuck you that way next—when you’re ready.”
She kissed him. “And you’ll be inside me too?”
He nodded. “You should see it from underneath.”
“Underneath?” She frowned.
He tugged her to the bed on her back and scooted her under his body. She caught on and wiggled along until she kissed his cock and watched him being fucked. Henry let the rough love build his lust as he leaned down and kissed her slick pussy. The scent of her was unique and so intimate that he wanted to have it every day.
Moaning, she stroked his cock and licked his balls. Henry licked her cunt until she lifted for more. Tonguing her sweet folds, he backed up, impaling himself deeper on Jack’s cock. His lover sped up and Henry braced himself. Emily had learned fast. She jerked his cock in time with Jack’s efforts.
The world turned black as Henry’s release hit and Jack ground into him. Their shouts and moans mixed together. Henry muffled his noises in her pussy and lapped at her clit. Her groans grew bolder. Tapping and rubbing her clit with his tongue, he changed things up, sucking her folds and licking them to keep her on the edge then nudged her to join them.
Her toes curled and her legs trembled. Triumph rushed through him. They’d made her comfortable with her sexuality. A possessive sensation filled him as he nuzzled her thighs.
Jack pulled out and the trio uncoiled. Emily kissed Jack and fell back in the bed, admiring her men. Jack grabbed Henry then devoured his mouth roughly.
“I’m going to clean up. Don’t get her started on anything new until I return,” Jack said.
“I promise.” He nipped Jack’s stubbly chin.
“You’re both so attractive. Confident.” She snuggled against Henry as he stretched out next to her.
“You’re irresistible.” He held her tightly.
She smiled and kissed his shoulder. “I never want to leave, ever.”
“Well, odds are you’ll have to go back to your place tomorrow. If we have a wedding tomorrow, it’d look suspicious.”
“You’re asking me?” she asked.
He shook his head. “I think you should marry Jack. But if he gets nervous, don’t worry. I will.”
“You love me too. I love you just as much.”
He held her hand over his heart. “I do love you every bit as much as he does. I’ll still be part of the ranch and the family. No one would expect me to move out. It’s perfect.”
Her nose scrunched up adorably as she thought about it. “That’s true. You’re more willing to marry me, though. Jack isn’t in a rush.”
“I’m more willing to take risks. He’s not. You’re worth it and you want it, so he will. I just don’t want you to worry if he hesitates. One of us will marry you. We’ll be a family, no matter what.” He crushed her to his chest.
“We already are,” she whispered.
Jack walked in. “You’re rushing things, Henry. Don’t push her.”
Chapter Seven
Emily patted the bed. “Sit. I’m tired of men telling me what to do.”
Without a word, Jack sat next to them.
“I wasn’t telling anyone what to do,” Henry said.
She put a finger on his lips. “I understand, really I do. This is happening fast and it’s amazing. I wouldn’t get this much time alone with a man if I was traditionally courted. I’m lucky. And with both of you, I’m doubly lucky. So don’t tell me I’m going too fast or being rushed. I knew I loved you both before I found you in the barn. I thought I’d have to make an impossible choice.”
“You don’t have to,” Jack said.
“I know. But you two do. Don’t marry me because of honor or duty. Don’t do it to protect me. I chose to fully explore this and I’m not sorry for it at all. If you’re not totally sure you want me forever”—she folded her arms tightly over her bare chest—“then don’t marry me, either one of you.”
Nakedness was feeling far too natural for her. Plenty of women wouldn’t approve, but she loved it. Being bare felt like she could bare her soul to them as well. They hadn’t put down her desire for the vote or her wish to help the saloon girls.
“That’s not how the world works,” Jack said.
“If you want to follow how
the world works then you’d never marry a woman who has had sex with two men. In fact, you’d never marry me because I’m not a virgin anymore.” She felt the ache inside her. It was very real and there was no going back.
“A man takes responsibility for his actions.” Jack flopped next to Henry.
She sighed. “That’s not what I want. I’m not your responsibility. I’m not a child. I don’t have to marry either one of you. I can move to Denver and live with my sister. They wanted me to stay with them, but they couldn’t force me to remain there. You can’t force me to stay, either. You have to want me.”
“You doubt that we do?” Henry asked.
She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her. “I don’t doubt the lust or the feelings. You love each other as well. It’s not fair for me to jump into the middle of your relationship. I’m not going to get married because I have to or you feel some sense of obligation.” She stretched out on one side of the bed. Jack lay in the middle with Henry on the other side.
“I was only suggesting that you take a little time to be sure. You should think about what you really want. We already know what we want.” Jack yawned.
“He just means we’re not rushing you. There is time before a baby would show.” Henry hugged Jack.
A baby. She had changed her life so quickly. Jack was right about considering all the possible repercussions. “I understand that. I can’t give this up, but even if it’s not right, I won’t expose your truth. Your intimacy. Don’t think you have to marry me.”
She’d rather go live with her sister than let men run her life.
“We’d never think that,” Jack grumbled. “We’ve mucked this up with too much talking. We all need to get some sleep and talk in the morning.”
“I’ll have to go home.” She yawned and tried not to think about it.
“We’ll be up early and we’ll be clear that we’re engaged. We need to rest now.” Jack reached across her then turned down the oil lamp on the bedside table.