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My Notorious Highlander (Highland Adventure 5)

Page 23

by Sinclair, Vonda

  "We're off in the morn," Isobel's brother, Chief Cyrus MacKenzie said, referring to him, his younger brother, and their men.

  "Och. I wish you'd stay longer," Dirk said.

  "I'll be back in the spring for the birth of my new nephew, or niece." Though the man looked like a dark, hardened warlord, he obviously had a soft spot for the wee ones.

  "We'll look forward to that," Dirk said.

  "I'm going to head south with Cyrus," Rebbie said.

  "You are?" Dirk asked, his eyes widening. And Torrin knew 'twas because Rebbie had been at Dirk's side most every day for more than a year. And that they'd been friends for over a decade.

  "I think I'll pay our friend, Lachlan, a visit. I haven't seen him since November."

  Dirk nodded, a nostalgic half-smile upon his face. "I'd like to see Lachlan. He's probably a proud da by now."

  "Indeed." Rebbie grinned. "I'm looking forward to seeing if he's capable of holding a wee newborn bairn in those big paws of his."

  Dirk laughed and shook his head. "In addition to a son, I hope he has ten daughters so he has to worry about rogues like he used to be."

  Rebbie snickered. "I'll tell him you said that."

  "Aye. Also tell him I wish him the best of health and happiness."

  Rebbie nodded.

  "And as for you," Dirk said, giving his friend a pointed look. "I hope you find a fiery lass who steals your heart and shows you unending happiness."

  Rebbie shook his head. "I don't ken whether to thank you or give you the evil eye."

  Torrin and the other men laughed.

  "You'll thank me." Dirk sipped his whisky. "Isobel is the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me. Sorry, Torrin."

  Torrin held up his hand. "I'm glad you came upon her in that snowstorm and rescued her. You two are perfect for each other." And if he hadn't, Torrin would've never met Jessie. Now, he knew Jessie was his destiny and his life. He simply had to convince her of that.

  "He's a good man. He doesn't hold bride-thievery against you," Rebbie said.

  Dirk nodded and raised his glass to Torrin. "I thank you for that."

  "Aye. Now if only you can convince Jessie to marry me, all will be perfect," Torrin said.

  "I'm afraid you are the only one who can do that, my friend," Dirk said.

  "Indeed." But he needed far more time in bed with her in order to do that, since she wasn't willing to marry him until she was with child. They hadn't had any time alone because of his injury and, with so many people around, sneaking about the castle to spend the night together was difficult. Still, he must see her tonight.

  "I'll travel to Dornie with Cyrus on his bìrlinn," Rebbie said. "Then hire one of his men to take me south to the port near Glasgow and travel overland toward Perth."

  "I'll miss you, my friend," Dirk said. "I appreciate your help over these last several months."

  "'Twas my pleasure. I'll probably come back to visit you in the spring. In the meantime, I'll send you a missive and let you know how Lachlan and Lady Angelique are doing."

  "Aye. Good. We should get together every summer for a few weeks. Here or in Perth. We could travel by ship and bìrlinn."

  "Sounds like a grand idea."

  "But you have to get married first." Dirk grinned.

  "What?" Rebbie's eyes rounded. "I'll not be getting married for a few more years, not until my da can truss me up like a wild boar and force some unsuspecting lass to marry me."

  Dirk snickered. "Well, whoever she is, I hope she drives you mad."

  After talking a short while longer, Torrin bid the other men goodnight. He needed to see Jessie. Was she in her room or elsewhere? He had to find out. Since no one else was about, he ventured down the corridor and knocked lightly at her door.

  She opened it and smiled, hiding the rest of her body behind the door. That alone spiked his excitement.

  "Can I come in?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

  "Aye." She widened the door and he entered.

  The candle on her bedside table revealed that she wore a thin white smock and naught else. Though it covered her body fully, he knew he could have it off her in an instant, revealing all her creamy skin and delicate curves.

  "Don't give me that look, MacLeod," she said in mock warning.

  He'd heard her say that before and knew it meant she was tempted. "What look?"

  "That one." She pointed at him.

  He grinned, remembering 'twas exactly what she'd said to him on the beach of Sango Bay before their first time.

  "It means I want you," he murmured.

  She dropped her gaze, looking demure of a sudden. "You're not well enough. I would hate for you to injure yourself further."

  He shook his head and barred the door. "I'm well enough, if you'll… do some of the work."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jessie lifted her gaze to Torrin's, unable to believe how sizzling and seductive he looked at the moment in the dim candlelight of her chamber. His green eyes were dark as midnight and wicked as sin. It had been over two weeks since they'd spent the night together, and she was feeling a bit shy. She was also hesitant to ask what he'd meant by if you'll do some of the work.

  "How?" she asked.

  "I'll be glad to show you." Wearing that crooked, mischievous grin that always lured her in, he pulled her close and kissed her.

  She slid her arms around his neck and melted into the kiss, opening her mouth, wanting him to consume her utterly. His tongue teased and tempted hers. He tasted of whisky and virile, aroused male.

  Slowly, he gathered up her smock until the hem was above her waist, then skimmed his hot hands over her hips.

  "I want to undress you first," she said, not liking the idea of being naked while he was fully clothed.

  "Very well." He unbuckled his belt, while she unpinned the brooch of the MacLeod Clan crest that held the top of his plaid in place over his shoulder, then unbuttoned his doublet and slipped it off. Once his plaid was removed, she carefully pulled his ivory linen shirt over his head.

  Her eyes were drawn immediately to the wounds on his abdomen. Nannag had removed the stitches earlier that day and the cuts were healed shut, though still red. But not swollen, thankfully.

  "I'm afraid 'twill hurt you," she said.

  "Nay. But if it does, 'twill be a pleasurable pain." He lifted the smock over her head and flung it, then led her to the bed.

  He stretched out on his back and held his hand up for her. She took it, lay down close beside him and brushed her lips over his.

  Saints! How she had missed his sizzling kisses. He made all thoughts flit from her mind. All she could think about was how delicious he was. Turning onto his side, he pulled her tight against his heated body, though she tried to avoid putting pressure on his injury.

  With his stone-hard shaft pressed against her lower belly, all she could focus on was her growing need for him. She already knew he would feel heavenly sliding into her.

  He stroked a warm hand up and down her back, over her hip and along her thigh.

  It suddenly struck her that Torrin was well, and she was so thankful tears sprang to her eyes. "I love you," she whispered.

  He pulled back a few inches, looking deep into her eyes with an affectionate smile. He stroked his fingers over her face. "And I love you, Lady Jessie. I have since the first moment I saw you."

  She bit her lip and stared down at his chest, for she knew not how to respond to that. She could not believe how lucky she was to have such devotion from a man like him.

  With a finger, he lifted her chin, telling her without words to look into his eyes. She did, amazed at the emotion she saw there once again.

  "You are the most remarkable man I've ever met," she said.

  He shook his head. "I doubt that, but no other man could ever love you as much as I do."

  "I believe that," she whispered. "And I want you to know that I love you no matter what, even if—"

  He placed a finger upon her lips, halting h
er words. "Do not say it, Jessie MacKay."

  Sliding his finger away, he pressed his lips against hers, forcing any remaining thoughts from her mind. If he kept kissing her like this, she'd go along with almost anything he said. But she knew she couldn't lose her head completely… the way she'd lost her heart.

  His hand again trailed over her back, her hip, her thighs, turning her body into a bonfire of sensation. He stroked his thumb over her breast, then leaned down and drew her nipple into his mouth, sparking off thousands of fiery sensations inside her. She buried her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer.

  After treating her other nipple to the same delicious torment, and sending her mind toward the stars, he said, "Climb on top of me."

  "What?" Her eyes sprang open. Surely she'd misheard.

  He grinned, looking more roguish than ever. "You said you would help with the work, aye?"

  She nodded.

  "I need for you to get on top. Just put one knee on either side of my hips."

  "Oh." She did as he asked, realizing this was the most wanton position she'd ever been in. He smiled up at her, and she immediately knew she was going to love this.

  "Lean up this way and put your hands on either side of my shoulders." He helped her get into position and lifted his shaft to stroke it against her. "Now, slowly sit back," he whispered.

  She moved backward a tiny bit and the head of his shaft slipped inside her. She gasped.

  He gave a slight thrust, then growled. She couldn't tell if it was a passionate growl or a pain-filled one. "More," he said between clenched teeth.

  She pressed down upon him as he slid deeper. "Am I hurting you?" she asked.

  "Nay. You feel so good," he ground out.

  "You do, too." She loved the sensation of him filling her.

  "Now, ride me," he said.

  "Do you mean like…?" She slowly lifted herself, near rendered senseless by the feel of him gliding from her body.

  "Aye," he breathed. His hands at her hips, he pushed her down again. "Faster."

  Need possessing her, she followed his directions, finding that the more rapidly she moved, the more intense the pleasure. Breathless anticipation stole over her and when the intense delight of climax seized her, she felt she would collapse.

  Growling, Torrin tugged her to him, kissing her while his body trembled against hers.

  "Saints," she hissed, moments later when her breath returned. "I didn't even ken that was possible."

  He grinned. "I'm glad I taught you something, then."

  She bit his earlobe in punishment for his impertinent mouth.

  He chuckled and she moved to lie beside him.

  "Give me five minutes and we'll do that again," he said.

  "In truth?"

  "You doubt me?" he asked, incredulous, but grinning.

  "Nay. 'Tis only… you are not fully recovered."

  "I'm recovered enough."

  She stroked her fingers over his chest and arms, appreciating each hard curve and flat plane of muscle. She wanted him to heal completely, of course, but she knew once he grew strong again, he would leave Dunnakeil and head for home. Then, she would be utterly lost without him.


  A week later, Jessie slipped into Torrin's chamber. Thrilled, he grinned and barred the door.

  They had secretly spent every night together in one of their rooms, and Torrin had enjoyed every moment of it. But he could not stay at Dunnakeil forever. His clan would start wondering where he was and whether he was ever going to return to Munrick. He was much more recovered now and able to travel.

  After they made love, they lay in bed, snuggled together in the candlelight.

  "Jessie, I have to leave in the morn," he said, though the very idea made him feel wretched. "I have to go to Munrick and tell Nolan's widow and the rest of the clan of his death. Then, two of Dirk's men are going to show me where Nolan's grave is."

  Jessie nodded, her eyes misting. "I understand."

  "Please, will you marry me and come with me?" he asked, trying not to sound as if he were begging, though he would if it would convince her.

  Closing her eyes, she shook her head. "You know I cannot do that. I've already told you why."

  Disappointment engulfed him as it always did when she refused. "You might be carrying my bairn, even now." 'Twas his only argument.

  She gave a sad smile. "I wish I was."

  His heart pounded with hope. "Is that truly what you want?"

  "Of course."

  "Why do you not ask the healer to examine you and see?"

  "I have. Flora said she didn't see any sign of a bairn yet." Tears filled Jessie's eyes.

  "Saints, lass." He pulled her to him, just as disappointed as she was. "I'm sorry."

  She shook her head.

  He kissed her forehead. "I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  "Stay here with me tonight."

  She nodded.

  He would get her with child or die trying, but 'twas no hardship. Making love to her was like heaven on earth.

  But, once he left, he feared he might go mad without her.


  The next day, Torrin rode away from Dunnakeil with a heavy heart. He was not looking forward to going home to Munrick without Jessie. He'd told her he would return in a fortnight, or as soon as possible. He had to believe something would change her mind between now and then. Either she would be with child, or she would miss him so badly, she would agree to go with him.

  He could just imagine her riding with him now, commenting on how beautiful the purple drifts of bell heather were upon the green and rocky hills. 'Twas a warm, sunny day, reminding him of the unforgettable days they'd spent on the beaches around Durness. Aye, the best days of his life, so far. He hoped better ones were to come… if only she would marry him.

  Dirk had sent a dozen of his clansmen with them because 'twas unsafe for only a few people to travel alone with McMurdo and MacBain still roaming about. Some of the MacKays with them were the ones who had buried Nolan, and they were going to show Torrin the gravesite in the small wood south of Munrick.

  Iain rode beside Torrin, glancing at him from time to time.

  "Stop worrying about me," Torrin said.

  Iain smirked. "I'm not worried about you."

  His friend was lying, but he expected that.

  "I ken you're disappointed," Iain said. "In your situation, I would be, too. But when you return to Dunnakeil in a couple of weeks, you may well find that she is with child and eager to marry you."

  "I hope so." But he also knew there were no guarantees.


  Since Torrin had left the day before, Jessie had tried to keep herself busy by helping Isobel oversee the serving staff, especially in the mornings when Isobel wasn't feeling well. But Jessie was often distracted. She thought about all the places she'd had conversations with Torrin, or more intimate encounters.

  Now, she found herself in the third floor bedchamber with the broken window where she and Torrin had one of their first conversations of any length. The pigeon had scared her and Torrin had rushed to her rescue. She should've known then that he was honorable and heroic.

  She stared out at the view over Balnakeil Bay and the golden sand beach where they'd talked, wrestled, and practiced archery, the distant cliffs on each side, protecting the bay. Cliffs that looked far more ominous now, for she'd almost lost her life out there.

  With the MacBains and McMurdo skulking about, she couldn't walk on the beach anymore. She missed it. But she missed Torrin far more. It felt like he was a thousand miles away now. Tears burned her eyes, and she prayed he would be safe and return soon.

  The sky was heavily overcast and the water of the bay dark, so unlike the sunny day she'd spent with Torrin out there. She still couldn't believe she'd been stealthy enough to knock him to the ground. She smiled, tears in her eyes, remembering the priceless look of shock on his face. 'Twas the day he'd first kissed her… and the day she'd fall
en in love with him. Though she hadn't realized it until later.

  Why did life have to be so difficult? Why couldn't she simply marry him, conceive and give birth like a normal woman? She would give anything to be normal, and the type of wife he needed.

  He was the best of men, accepting, understanding and always affectionate with her. He hadn't faltered in his pursuit of her. Weeks ago, when she'd seen him on the opposite side of that ravine, barely able to stand, his clothing drenched in his own blood, while Haldane held the knife to her throat, she'd known then that Torrin's heart was true. And that he would give his life for her if he had to.

  But to marry him would be too much of a risk. If she were to do that and then be unable to provide him an heir, she would be devastated. If only she knew what the future held. She could certainly envision a joyful future with him. She could dream of making love to him every night, and several months from now, holding a healthy newborn babe in her arms, while he smiled proudly and kissed her.

  But 'twas only a dream.


  After spending the night in Scourie, Torrin, Iain and the rest of their party drew closer to Munrick that evening. 'Twas only a couple of miles away. They had been traveling for two days through rough, rocky terrain, and Torrin was sick of riding. All the men and horses having to be ferried across a loch had also slowed their progress.

  Maybe 'twas because of his recent injury that riding was tiring him more easily. Saints! He had to toughen himself up again. Or maybe 'twas because he missed Jessie so profoundly that he'd gotten little sleep the night before. He'd become used to her sleeping in his arms for the past week, and for her to suddenly not be there anymore was hell.

  The sun was sinking low over the mountains, gleaming through the rosy clouds and sparkling off Loch Assynt below. Torrin would love for Jessie to see this view, for it would mean she was coming home with him.


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