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Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4

Page 21

by Trinity Bellingham


  Chapter Ten

  Rita was glad to see Annie West as she accompanied Cora into the mercantile later in the afternoon. They had brought clothes for Myra and herself. "Annie, I am so happy to see that you are up and about but you didn't need to bother with coming in."

  "Thank you Mrs. O'Malley, you helped a lot this morning and I think I needed some time to rest. All is well with me now and I really wanted to see how things were with Robin and yourself." Annie cared deeply for Robin, particularly since Sarah's passing, and she had immediately taken her best friend's mother to heart since the moment they'd first met.

  "Where is Mama Paine?" Cora copied her sister's name for her mother in law. When Cora had first heard the children addressing Myra as Mama Paine, she had scolded them, thinking the older woman would be offended. Myra had laughed happily and ever since no one called her anything else, not even the hands on her own reanch... even her own son.

  "She is upstairs helping Robin with ..." Rita cleared her throat and blushed furiously, much to her daughter's delight and Annie's amusement. They knew the extent of Rita's modesty and found the whole situation hilarious. Just that moment they heard Myra coming down the stairs and Cora could not hold back her laughter when she saw the formidable Mama Paine wielding the chamber pot as if she had done it all her life.

  "Laughing at me are you now Cora?" Myra raised her eyebrows, eyes twinkling with merriment. "Well, it has been done." She went out the back door and headed for the outhouse to relieve the chamber pot of its contents, leaving the girls laughter in her wake.

  "Mama Paine has changed so much," Annie joined in the laughter. "It's hard to believe she is the same woman who most people used to be terrified of."

  "She is such a kind soul," Rita only knew a little about Myra's past nastiness to people, especially her daughter and wasn't sure she wanted to hear all the details. "I don't know what I would have done without her help." She looked at the two girls. "Could you watch the store for me for a moment please? I had to reopen because customers keep coming to check on Robin and I don't want them to disturb him yet by going upstairs. I need someone to be here to give them updates on his progress. It's strange though, I didn't realize how many people actually care about Robin. I thought they just wanted fodder for gossip, but they don't and I'm really touched by their concern."

  "Sure mama, if we get stuck we will call you and you know that those two spinster sisters are the only real town gossips and I bet neither of them have come to see how Robin is doing."

  "You're right about that," mused Rita. She was pleasantly surprised to discover that the majority of townsfolk were not the gossips she had thought them to be and made a note tell Robin about it later when he was well again.

  Myra returned to the house and to find Rita in the kitchen. "What are you preparing?"

  "Some chicken soup. I know Robin will need some when he next wakes up. It's a good way for him to keep his strength up while he's ill and it will feel comforting while he's in so much pain."

  "Let me take this upstairs," Myra held up the chamber pot. "It is already cleaned and ready for next use." How Rita wished she could be as nonchalant about such things.

  Rita hoped Robin would wake up so she could go in and sit with him for a time. While she was grateful that Myra was present to help with the uncomfortable issues, she nevertheless longed for some time alone with the recovering man.

  She was finally convinced that the feelings she had for Robin went deeper than mere friendship. The deep pit in her stomach when she discovered he had been shot had awakened her to her true feelings for the gentle and kind man. Surely she was too old to feel like a young woman and she should not be having those feelings, especially when she had vowed to enjoy her life alone as a widow.

  It hadn't occurred to her that she wasn't actually 'old'. She was only in her mid-thirties. Her life with Tom had made her feel old, but she wasn't old as such.

  And even if she was old, which she wasn't, surely everyone regardless of age was capable of loving and being loved. These were new thoughts and only possible through living a different life where she valued herself and her contribution to the community around her.

  How had Robin broken through the barriers of her heart and taught her to love again? Confusion lined her brow, how could she long so much to be alone and happy, while at the same time longing to be with Robin and be happy? Two totally opposite desires fought for dominance in her heart.

  Besides that, Robin was clearly still in love with his wife and he had never once indicated that he had feelings for Rita, even when he had clumsily informed her of what the town gossips were saying about them. She shook her head, muttering to herself. Maybe the day's happenings were making her think crazily, or was she imagining it all?


  The four women talked for a long time, each enjoying the company of the others and would have continued with their conversation had Richard and Jeremy not showed up, protesting the long absences of their wives. Rita smiled when she saw how much in love the two couples were and it reminded her of her own feelings for Robin.

  She had never seen men who really cared for their wives the way Richard and Jeremy did. It was there in their eyes, it was there in the way they touched them as they helped them from the store and it was there in their voices as they spoke. This was genuine love, something she now knew she had never experienced with Tom.

  When Tom had showed an interest in her many years ago, she had felt a flutter like any young girl who was on the threshold of adulthood did when a handsome young man took notice of her. But that had all faded away within a short time when her husband changed for the worse. She had stopped believing in true love but now that she saw its evidence with her own daughter and her husband, as well as the Wests, she knew it existed.

  She and Myra had leftovers for their supper which tasted just as good now as they did earlier at lunch before all the drama had occurred. As they shared the mashed potatoes and fried chicken together with some other vegetables, they talked about their children.

  "My Jeremy is so happy," Myra told Rita. "I never knew that my son would find a woman who challenges him while respecting him at the same time. You raised a good woman Rita, you should be proud of Cora."

  "That I am," Rita said softly. "Because of her courage, my other children now have a good future ahead of them." She smiled sadly. "I don't know if Cora has told you that she has three other brothers?"

  "She has mentioned it in passing. Why didn't they come with you?"

  Rita took a deep breath, hoping that what she was about to say about her eldest boys would not harm her friendship with Myra.

  "They followed in their father's footsteps, drunk and always fighting. They are all employed, or they were, but are lazy and irresponsible. It was a relief to get away from them, and especially to get the younger children away from them. I prayed everyday that Samuel and Luke would not fall under their influence. George, my eldest son, had even insisted that Marie get married to a man he'd found for her, no doubt an Irish drunk and lout like him. I'm embarrassed to have birthed such bad men."

  "Samuel and Luke are fine young men and you did the right thing by leaving. It's not your fault the older ones turned out bad. I can see you are a fine person and I know you would have raised all your children the same. No, sometimes there are things beyond our control that can make a man bad and your Tom doesn't sound like he was much of a father... and it's a father's influence that counts for so much when it comes to raising boys." She paused to eat some more of her supper before continuing.

  "Out here and with Richard as a mentor to Samuel and Luke, they'll grow up into very hardworking and responsible men you can be proud of. I'll tell you something about Richard West. He was a very poor man and I am ashamed to say that I scorned him and tried to forbid Jeremy from being his friend." Myra reached out a hand and touched Rita's. "Do you know that Annie West was supposed to have been married to Jeremy but I refuse
d to allow it?"

  "I did not know that."

  "It's true. At the time I was a nasty piece of work," Myra smiled. "I told my son that he would never marry a widow, especially a pregnant one. But my son is stubborn. He gave in on that particular occasion, but asked Richard to take Annie and eventually they got married. When Cora came to help out when Alex was born, Jeremy fell in love with her... and he defended her even when I was totally opposed to their union. Now I'm glad they're married because once more our home is filled with laughter and I know it won't be long before we both enjoy our grandchildren."

  "Thank you for being here for me Myra," Rita sighed. "May I ask you something?"

  "Yes, go ahead."

  "Is it natural for a woman my age to have ..." she cleared her throat and blushed. "I mean to be ...." She wrung her hands helplessly. Myra understood her and laughed.

  "God made us all to love and desire companionship Rita. Even old people like us, though I wouldn't say you are old. If you are asking me if love can happen at your age, then the answer is yes. Nobody likes to grow old alone, not even me but I have my farm and my son and Cora. I also have Alex to come visiting from time to time, and now your children are here." She chuckled. "I'm rather fond of the name they have given me, 'Mama Paine' it sounds really affectionate." Myra paused for a drink of tea.

  "More than that, I once had the love of a good man and every woman deserves that at least once in their lifetime. Some are lucky and have it twice, but I had a very good man and my memories of him take me through the days and nights. You on the other hand, have had it rough and now there is a good man lying upstairs who needs your care. Perhaps you should stop feeling guilty and just open your heart. You never know where it will lead you."

  Rita gave some serious thought to Myra's words. She was right of course. Rita was still young enough to experience love with a good man and God knows, after twenty three years with a bad one, was long overdue for it. After seeing Cora and Annie married to good men, she knew in her heart that the time for love with her own good man was at hand.


  Later that night when Myra was asleep in one of the spare rooms, Rita went in to check on Robin. He was just waking up and she rushed back downstairs and returned with a tray which had a steaming bowl of chicken soup on it. He was now wide awake and when he saw her he gave her a wide loving smile.

  "So I was not dreaming after all," he murmured and she blushed, delighting him further. "What smells so good?"

  "Chicken soup," she placed the tray on the small bedside table and helped him sit up, pumping the pillows to make him more comfortable. "Will you please take some for me?"

  "Now that I think about it, I am rather hungry. Our lunch was interrupted and my stomach is empty."

  Rita fed him, blowing over his soup and making him beam with delight and was thrilled when he ate up all the soup. She put the bowl down and turned to help him lie down again but he resisted gently and took her hand instead, caressing her thumb. She blushed and in the bright light of the moon he saw the shy and beautiful woman who had captured his heart.

  Rita could not believe what Robin was doing to her thumb. This was definitely not the touch of a mere friend and her heart fluttered in expectation. Dare she hope that Robin felt something for her after all? She looked at his hand as it held hers, his fingers gently caressing her thumb, over and over, leaving her feeling a little breathless, giddy as a young girl in the first flush of love.

  "Rita, you are a wonderful woman, more beautiful than I can describe and I am so grateful that God brought you my way." He smiled. "Thank you for taking such good care of me and seeing to my every need. I owe you my life for rushing to get the Sheriff so quickly." He closed his eyes briefly. "You are like an angel sent to rescue me from the deep despair I was in after Sarah died."

  Rita did not know what to say and she felt the warmth of Robin's hand. This feeling of closeness was something she had never experienced with Tom and it frightened her a little. They sat in silence but it was a pleasant feeling, just holding hands and smiling shyly at each other.

  "You are such a fine companion and I would be a fool not to see that. I don't know right now if I can ever forget Sarah, but I hope you and I, Rita, can be loving companions and look after each other until the end of our days. All I know is that I would be lost without you, and in the past few months that we have worked together, each time I saw you my heart fluttered. If that is the beginning of love, then please serve me a huge portion," he made an attempt at humor and winced at the effort.

  "Oh Robin," she whispered. "Don't hurt yourself so."

  "I believe we are well suited, we work together so well, and you understand me in a way I did not imagine would be possible again. You made me feel that once again I have something to live for." He looked at her so tenderly that she felt as though her heart would burst wide open with happiness. "You have been through so much pain and hardship Rita, and for as long as I live and as God helps me, I want to provide for you, to protect you, to hold you when you are sad, to share joyous moments and to walk the path of life until God calls us home." He struggled to sit up straight and she stood up quickly to help him. "Would you consider this poor broken man to be your husband, will you marry me Rita?'

  Rita's mouth opened and closed a few times and to her consternation she burst into tears. She felt his hand gently wiping them as he murmured soothing words to her. Could her life get any better than this, she wondered. Tom had never comforted her when she cried, had never wiped her tears away, instead he was the one who had always put them there. This was bliss and she could no longer hesitate.

  "Yes Robin," she smiled through her tears, kissing the palms of his hands. "Yes I will be honored to be your wife."

  "Rita, even in my pain I am the happiest man in the world tonight." He kissed her hand. "You will never have to fear for your children again. My Sarah and me were not blessed with children and we were about to adopt some orphaned children. I always wanted a family and now I have one with you." He touched her cheek gently. "May you never cry tears of pain again my love, but only shed tears of joy and happiness. I want to provide not only for you, but for Maria, Joanna, Samuel and Luke too. "

  She stared at him in disbelief. She had only told him the names of her children once. "Yes, if you and they will allow me, I promise to be a good father to them. We will be a big happy family."

  "Robin you have made me so happy. My youth is all but gone and I thought love had gone with it. Now I know that what Myra said was true. Love is eternal and it can catch us at any time, regardless of how old or how young we are. And you should know that I never want you to forget your love for Sarah and I am honored to follow in her footsteps. Something so special should always be remembered."

  Robin blinked rapidly and Rita knew he was fighting with his emotions. "Rita, are you saying that you love me? And that you understand the feelings I still have for Sarah?"

  "Yes my love," she nodded. "I love you so much that it frightens me to think so much is buried within me. I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life and if this is what companionship and loving friendship can achieve, then I am ready for love. I will take it." She rose to her feet and kissed his forehead gently. "I look forward to many happy years together with you Robin Watson, for as long as the good Lord gives us."


  Two Miracles for Christmas

  A Clean Historical Mail Order Bride Romance


  ~ BOOK 4 ~


  Chapter One

  Annie West stood at her bedroom window watching Marie O'Malley as she played with Alex on the wraparound porch. Her son's happy laughter usually made her smile but today it seemed as though a deep depression had settled over her and she couldn't even summon up so much as a simple grimace. She felt listless and tired; her whole body felt as though someone had put her through the butter churn and turned her over and over ag

  She should be happy, and indeed most times she was, but lately it was as though there was a heavy burden on her shoulders and happiness was slowly receding, like a tide on the way out. With a sigh the twenty four year old woman reached up,tied her thick hair into a round coil and put her apron on.

  There was a lot of work to do on a farm and it would not get done by standing about and day dreaming about it. Even though it was early afternoon and very cold, she was not worried about Alex. Ever since Marie had come to work for her a few months ago things had changed in her household.

  The boy was her only child and she loved him more than life itself. He wasn't quite two yet but fancied himself as being much older and he was always wanting to be outside playing at being a cowboy. Why children were always in such a hurry to grow up was beyond her, but then again, life was hard on a frontier ranch in Wyoming and children had to know what they were about if they were to survive and do well as they grew into hardened men and women.

  Alex seemed happier because Marie played with him, which was something his own mother was not able to do, especially since she'd started feeling so exhausted all the time. Thank goodness for Marie O'Malley. Alex liked her and the girl certainly had a knack with children. Marie was always happy to play with Alex outside, regardless of the weather and her boundless energy matched young Alex's enthusiasm for life.

  Annie's pretty face was drawn into a tight scowl and as she walked to the kitchen she heard Marie calling out to someone. A few minutes later the kitchen door opened and Cora Paine walked in. The two young women had been the best of friends since they arrived together in Tipton as Mail Order Brides. Without meaning to seem ungrateful for her friend's visit, Annie secretly felt herself wishing that Cora would go home. She chastised herself immediately for the uncharitable thought.


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