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Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4

Page 27

by Trinity Bellingham

  Richard did not want to believe that the child who Lily had left at the orphanage could be Alex. It was just not possible. Marie never let the boy out of her sight, and when she had to attend to other matters Annie would take over the task of babysitting.

  There was just no way that Alex could have been left unattended by any of the women in his household. Besides that, Myra practically lived at his house, always finding an excuse for coming over just to see Alex, who she had adopted as an honorary grandson.

  And then there was Cora his godmother. Alex was surrounded by his female bodyguards at all times. There was no way this child could be Alex. He had his own entourage of women fussing over him all the time.

  When he escaped from the hen house, as Richard sometimes laughingly referred to his home, it was to the barn where Samuel would keep a strict eye on him, taking turns with Michael and Emmanuel. There was no way that Lily could have gotten a hold of his son.

  Sheriff Andrew looked at the expressions on Richard's face and felt for him. He too was puzzled as to how Alex West's riding crop came to be in Lily's possession. Something was not right and he needed answers.

  He stood up. "Come with me," he told Richard and one of his deputies who Richard found out was called Solomon Yardley. "We need to visit the orphanage and find out what's going on down there."

  When Martha saw the Sheriff come through the front door of the orphanage, she hurried to call Nina.

  The woman came in smiling at the three men. "Sheriff Andrew, what can I do for you today? Or have you come to make a generous donation to our little orphans?"

  Richard cleared his throat and Nina turned inquisitive blue eyes on him. "Ma'am, I was here twice yesterday and this morning too, because my wife and I are looking to adopt a child."


  "I have been made to understand that you have a child, a small boy who needs a family."

  Richard saw the anger flare up in Nina's eyes but her tone was deceitfully calm. "You have been misled my good man." She shook her head. "Sometimes my staffs are so incompetent. We have no children here. The last child was adopted two days ago."

  Richard was not convinced. "Someone told me that a boy was left here just yesterday evening. I would like to adopt him so he can be my son's brother."

  "Again sir, I will tell you that no child was left here. You have been misled. If you will excuse me, I have a meeting with the mayor in a few minutes time and I don't like keeping such an important person waiting."

  Andrew shook his head. The normally confident woman looked nervous, her lips kept twitching uncontrollably. "Mrs. Hoxton I'm afraid I cannot allow you leave until we get to the bottom of this. Where is the child who was brought in here last evening by a drunken woman?"

  "Sheriff, someone is telling you tales, perhaps someone who has ill intentions towards our establishment. I promise to carry out my own in house investigations to find out if any of my staff are involved in a smear campaign."

  "With all due respect Mrs. Hoxton, I would really like to believe you, but the facts speak for themselves. We have it on the strongest authority that a drunken woman came to this orphanage with a male child, between one and a half to two years old and handed him over to one of your wardens. We will need to question all of them and find out which one of them received the child."

  "No need to trouble my staff, besides, I gave them today off so they can complete their Christmas shopping," she laughed briefly. "You know how hectic things get around the holidays."

  "This morning the body of a woman fitting the description of the one who came in here with a child yesterday, was found lying in the school yard under a tree. Poor woman froze to death. We suspect that she stole the child from his parents and we want to do the right thing and restore the boy to them. They must be out of their minds with worry. I'll only ask you one more time Mrs. Hoxton, will you cooperate and bring the child out to me or will I have to arrest you as an accessory to kidnapping?'

  "Mrs. Hoxton, think about how some parents somewhere will be spending a very sad and tormented Christmas instead of joyfully with their boy," Richard added. "It isn't fair if you are holding the boy here and refusing to hand him over to the Sheriff. This will get you into a lot of trouble and no one will remember the good that you have done."

  "But I ....." Nina started, only for her voice to be drowned by the piercing scream of a child.


  Alex woke up in a strange bed and sat up. Usually someone came to him when he called out but his mama was not coming to him, neither was Marie. He had only seen strange faces for a while now, and he was scared.

  Then he heard his papa's voice. He stood up and clutched the cot's railings and tilted his small head to one side and listened. Yes, it was his papa.

  "Papa," he screamed at the top of his voice. He had strong lungs and used them. "Papa."

  Richard almost fell down when he heard his son's voice. It was coming from behind a closed door and he took a step in that direction.

  "Sir," Nina tried to block his way but was pushed aside like one would swat at a fly. She stumbled and found herself in Sheriff Andrew's arms. He straightened her but kept a loose hold on her hand.

  Richard tried the door which was locked. He shouldered it and the lock splintered. He entered the room and saw his son standing in a cot, holding out his arms.

  "Papa, papa," Alex waved his chubby arms in the air. "Papa come for Alex."

  "Yes my son," Richard's eyes filled with tears. "Papa come for Alex." He scooped his son in his arms and held him close, breathing in the baby scent. Someone had washed his son and dressed him in warm clothes and for that, he was grateful.

  He deduced that Lily must have snatched Alex from the house, and Richard was grateful that she had at least had a lucid moment to be of a mind to bring the child to the orphanage. He walked out to the waiting area and stood glaring at Nina.

  "You are a wicked woman," he said between clenched teeth. "This is my son and it is obvious Lily stole him and brought him here, all the way from Tipton. A good person would have immediately notified the Sheriff. Why did you want to keep my son for yourself? What are you intentions?"

  He didn't wait for an answer but turned to Andrew. "Thank you very much Sheriff. Please look into this woman's despicable actions. You might find a lot of anomalies with her administration."

  "I'm just glad that you found your son." Andrew smiled. "I wonder how that woman got a hold of him."

  "Her farm was close to ours and the creek where her son and husband drowned runs through both our land. She might have come up to the house and taken my son while he was playing on the porch since Alex never ventures down the steps."

  "All is well that ends well," Andrew said but turned to Nina. "You dear lady, have a lot to answer for. This is a very serious crime and you can be sure that this place will soon be swarming with government officials."

  Nina Hoxton seemed to have aged right before Richard's eyes but he didn't care. She was a wicked woman who didn't deserve to be working at the orphanage. Who knows what other evil schemes the woman was running? The little children couldn't stand up to her and she had effectively gagged her staff with threats.

  With a final grateful word to Andrew, Richard left, his son secure at last in his arms. Let the Sheriff deal with Mrs. Nina Hoxton, senior administrator of Little Angels Orphanage and Foundling Home. She deserved whatever was coming to her.

  Now that his pa was here Alex enjoyed the train ride home even better. His father smelled nice, musky and strong, not like the other woman who was beautiful but smelled bad. He knew he was safe and his mama and pa would always look after him.

  He settled in his father's arms, cuddling close and humming a little song to himself. His world was right again. Everything was alright now that his big strong papa was here.

  Soon, he knew, he would see his mama. He missed her but he wouldn't cry. His papa was here and papa would take him to mama.

could not believe that but for the grace of the Lord he would have lost his son forever. What must Annie be feeling, he thought, shaking his head. It pained him that he was not with his wife through this difficult time, but he had something better, a miracle for her.

  For Alex being restored to them was nothing but a miracle. This was going to be the best Christmas present from him to his wife.


  Chapter Ten

  Annie woke up early on the morning of Christmas Eve and lay disoriented on her bed for a while. She turned her head but her husband's side had not been slept in.

  Then she remembered that Richard had traveled to Granger to find them a child they could adopt. And speaking of children, it suddenly came to her that her son had been missing since yesterday. It all came back to her and the reality of having lost her son was like being doused in an icy creek.

  She scrambled out of bed and stood swaying for a while, as the world seemed to be tilting. She would not faint. She had to have all her wits about her because she needed to find Alex. She hurried into the kitchen where she found Anna and Myra. Marie was not there.

  Maybe Alex had been found and Marie was playing out on the porch with him. With a smile she stepped out of the kitchen door and went around the whole house, calling out for her son.

  "Where is Marie, did they find Alex? Where is Marie? Is she playing with Alex?" Annie looked at her friends, her eyes wild with fear. "Cora, where is my son?"

  "We need you to take some milk because you need to take your medication," Cora struggled to her feet. "Let me get your laudanum."

  "No," Annie shook her head vigorously. "I cannot fall asleep again Cora, I need to find my son. I need to find Richard and tell him that Alex is missing. What will I tell Richard, where will I say our son went?" She was frantic.

  "Please sit down Annie," Myra held her by the waist, intending to lead her to her chair. "There is something ..." But she did not complete whatever it was she wanted to say for Annie doubled over and retched, a harsh sound that brought tears to her eyes. Then she was violently ill and when she finished she felt darkness overcoming her and would have fallen in her vomit, but for Myra's quick reaction.

  "Poor girl," Myra laid her on the kitchen floor. "Cora, get Samuel to help me carry Annie to her bedroom." Samuel came in and assisted by Myra, they soon got Annie to her room and onto the bed. "Samuel, run to Dr. Reginald's house and tell him that Annie is doing very poorly and that he must come at once," Myra's voice brooked no nonsense.

  "Yes Mama Paine, right away."


  Reginald Green was troubled by Mrs. Annie West's condition. The woman was not getting better. If anything she seemed worse than when he had seen her yesterday. Motioning to Myra he asked her to accompany him so he could do a thorough examination of the unconscious woman.

  He kept frowning and Myra began to worry. Then he laughed and wiped his hands on the wet cloth provided for him. "Wouldn't have known it, smart little critter," he grinned.

  "What is it Dr. Green?"

  "This little missy here is pregnant, all of four months gone. The baby tried to hide from my examining hands but I found him or her." Annie was just opening her eyes and she shook her head.

  "You are wrong Dr. Reginald, I cannot be pregnant."

  "Why not child? Don't you have a man in your bed every night? What's to prevent you from being a mother?"

  "You don't understand. I can't be pregnant because Richard is sterile. He cannot father any children."

  "Well you are definitely pregnant and I can't imagine anyone but your husband being the baby's father."

  It was embarrassing to say the least, for the doctor to have to contradict her, but Annie maintained she could not be pregnant by her husband.

  "Annie, I know of only one immaculate conception and that was going on two thousand years ago. I can't imagine for a minute you are another Mary."

  Annie and Myra didn't know what to say to that.

  "Would you know the cause of your husband's supposed sterility Annie?"

  "Yes." She nodded, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "When Richard was fifteen he was kicked by a horse in the groin area and the doctor who examined him said he would never have children."

  "Well, I have been a doctor for thirty years now and I know what I know. You are definitely going to have a baby. It also explains why you have been feeling weak, constantly tired and being ill all the time. That is morning sickness dear child. You are very much the pregnant woman or my name isn't Reginald Green."

  "But how did it happen?"

  Myra could help but laugh. "The way that all babies are conceived, silly. Now don't you go turning red on me. You know very well what I mean."

  Reginald chuckled, rubbing his small goatee. "We doctors know a lot of things, and I have seen my fair share, but I also know that miracles do happen. The body as the good Lord created it is a wonderful organ that sometimes heals itself."

  "And you think this could have happened to Richard?"

  "I suspect that is exactly what happened with Richard. He's a strong and healthy man in his prime and doesn't abuse his body. His healthy body no doubt righted itself, helped along by your wholesome cooking. Dear girl, even with everything that is going on around you, this is a miracle for you and your husband."

  Annie thought about the doctor's words and realized that what he said was true. This was indeed a miracle and she was happy. What about her little boy though? He was still missing and Richard was probably on his way back from Granger with another child for them to adopt.

  He had no idea that Alex was missing, what would he say when he came back? Would he blame her? She felt so guilty at having fallen asleep and letting her son stray from the house.

  Would he trust her with another child's life, seeing as she had failed with Alex, her own flesh and blood? What would he say when he found out that he was going to be a father?

  He was not sterile after all. God had healed him somewhere along the line and he had now achieved the impossible, putting a woman, her, in the family way.

  These thoughts swirled through her mind and she wanted to get up, tried to stand up but darkness overcame her once again.

  "At least I now know the cause of her weakness," Reginald said. "We have to ensure that she eats properly." He turned to Myra and motioned for them to leave the room. Out in the corridor he turned to her. "Any news of the boy?"

  "No," Myra sighed. "The searchers found his footprints leading right up to the creek and then they disappeared. We suspect that he might have drowned."

  "That is too horrifying to think about," Reginald said. "Were his the only footsteps at the creek? Maybe someone found him and carried him to safety."

  "But shouldn't they have come forward by now especially since word has gone around the whole town and beyond, that Alex is missing?"

  The two could not come up with an explanation and walked into the kitchen where Cora poured the doctor a cup of tea. "It's better that I stay around for a few hours more just to monitor Annie's state of health which is worrying, given her condition."

  "What condition?" Cora turned frightened eyes to her mother in law. "Mama what is the doctor talking about?"

  Myra laughed softly. "It turns out that Annie is pregnant after all. The weakness, constant throwing up, feeling listless all the time, sound familiar?" She raised eyebrows at Cora who smiled back.

  "But how?"

  Myra rolled her eyes. "You're as bad as Annie. The same way it always happens of course. Don't tell me I need to give you a birds and the bees talk?"

  Cora looked a little miffed. "Of course you don't. I know exactly how babies are made." She couldn't help but look a little smug.

  The three of them went into a discussion about the mysteries of science and the human body, feeling better that Annie's illness had finally been understood.

  They drew comfort from each other as they waited for Richard to return so they could pass on the news a
bout the possibility of his son having drowned.


  Rita, Joanna, Robin and Luke heard the sudden cheers from the street and a few of their customers rushed out to see what the happy noise was all about. The store was full of last minute shoppers who wanted to get as much done as they could before Christmas, since the mercantile would remain closed on Christmas Day and the day after.

  Cora had invited her whole family, at Myra's urging, to the Dancing Stars Ranch for the two days and everyone worked twice as hard so they could enjoy their two days off without feeling guilty.

  The door bell tinkled as the store door opened and there was brief silence as almost everyone's eyes were drawn to Richard who was carrying a child. At first Rita and her family thought Richard had found a child to adopt.

  They were also aware that he had no idea that his own son was missing. Then the little boy lifted his head and turned around, smiling at Rita.

  "Grandma," he waved his arms and it was as though pandemonium broke out in the store. The store owners plus some of their customers who knew that Alex was missing, all rushed forward, eager to touch the boy and reassure themselves that he was alright.

  Alex as usual basked in the glow of all the attention and he had never received so many gifts of candy before. His father firmly but gently took his gifts away, allowing him only a small amount at a time.

  "Richard, how come you have Alex with you? The whole town seems to be outside the mercantile." Robin looked towards the windows where groups of people were gathered and kept pointing towards the store.

  "You can imagine my surprise when I arrived at the train station and was swarmed by so many people, expressing their joy at Alex's return."

  "That young man gave all of us a few grey hairs," Robin chuckled. He had always loved Richard's son, and so had Sarah. He could now remember his first wife with fond memories as he looked at Rita, his new wife.

  She was a joy and a blessing and he never stopped saying that. She had saved his life a few months ago when the store was invaded by some drunken miners. They had fallen in love and were now married and so happy together.


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