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Remember Me 2

Page 31

by Ian C. P. Irvine

  Hamish pressed the red button gently with his thumb.

  Chapter 57

  Wednesday Evening

  The Scottish Parliament

  Dining Hall

  Edinburgh 19.00

  By the time Stuart arrived, the reception was already underway.

  As soon as the CRFT had released him he’d been bundled into a police car and driven down to the Scottish Parliament buildings beside Holyrood Palace.

  His own car had been destroyed in the explosion which he too had almost been killed in.

  Apparently, just a minute later, and he would have been toast. Or at least, little pieces of toast. Charred and black.

  A terrorist had blown himself up, only metres in front of his car.

  Wrong time, wrong place.

  The universe was obviously punishing him for telling lies.

  He’d tried several times to reach Marie, but she wasn’t picking up.

  Stuart was going to tell her the truth.

  She was either fed up of him and his excuses, or was already busy chin-wagging with the First Minister of Scotland.

  He managed to make it through to his personal assistant and told her he was on his way, and she in turn had informed him, that the situation was now even worse than before.

  The Queen had decided to stay another night. She would now be in the Dining Hall with the First Minister.

  Both of whom knew him by his first name.

  He’d arrived at the Parliament building at 7.15 p.m. Fashionably late and slightly char-grilled.

  As he’d walked into the Dining Hall, all eyes had turned to him.

  “I’m so sorry.” He’d announced, hurrying across to the table at which six places were set. The Queen. The Duke of Edinburgh. The First Minister of Scotland and her husband. Marie McDonald, and an empty space for himself.

  The look of relief on Marie’s face as she glanced over her shoulder and saw him arrive, was incredible.

  Her face lit up. Her eyes sparkled. She smiled.

  And then it happened.

  The Queen coughed. Marie looked back at her. The Queen smiled and sort of waved and said, “Hello Stuart, did you forget your watch tonight, you naughty boy? You’re late!”

  Followed quickly by a laughing First Minister.

  “Stuart, we’ve been hearing all about you. Apparently you’re going to live in Poland for a while?”

  Stuart Nisbet stopped in his tracks, bowed slightly to the Queen and turned red in the face.

  Almost ignoring the First Minister he turned back towards Marie McDonald, whose face was now as white as a sheet.

  “I guess, I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.” He said, sheepishly.

  “Don’t you worry,” the Queen said. “The Minister and I shall just talk amongst ourselves for a moment. We’ll give you the opportunity to explain to this beautiful young lady, just who you really are! But make it quick, the soup’s going cold!”



  The Old Portobello High School


  DCI Campbell McKenzie, his wife and her large Little Bump stood outside the portacabin, looking over and up at the towering blue hulk of the Old Portobello High School.

  All the roads had been closed off and all the necessary diversions were in place.

  The crowds of onlookers were smaller this time around, since very little notice had been given about the impending demolition of the school.

  McKenzie was determined that it should happen today.

  Hamish Hamilton was dead. He’d committed suicide and evaded capture and they would probably never know the true nature of the relationship between Hamilton and Maggie Sutherland.

  But did it matter?

  Perhaps it did, but that could wait until another day.

  For now, McKenzie wanted to fulfil a promise he’d given to Gary Bruce. That they’d let him finish the job he’d started the week before, and help him to do it before he too became a permanent victim of a case that had already claimed five lives, including the murderer himself.

  In a few hours, press releases would be given out to announce the deaths of David Weir, Ronald Blake, Mark McRae, Daniel Gray and Hamish Hamilton. No mention would be made of Maggie Sutherland. Or the book ‘Remember Me?’, the reason they had all been killed, or the injustice that may or may not have been done to Maggie Sutherland. That part was DCI Wilkinson’s decision.

  Everyone involved in the case was now dead. There could be no benefit in dragging up a past that could only remain in the past if there was no way to shed any further light on it.

  Everyone had agreed that before the announcements went out, the Old School should also be allowed to die a dignified death, without becoming a mecca for tourism for sick individuals who thrived on the suffering of others.

  Portobello High School was, for the majority of pupils who attended it, a wonderful, much-loved home for over six years of school life.

  It had shaped lives, created lives, and fostered and nurtured dreams that had lasted whole-lifetimes.

  The building was loved by tens of thousands, and would be remembered warmly by all those who had once walked and been educated within its beloved walls.

  Portobello High School had been the centre of a warm community. And now it was time to lay it to rest.

  Gary Bruce stepped forward, his final checks now complete.

  He nodded to Fiona McKenzie, and held out his hand, gesturing at the big red button on the desk in front of her.

  “It was your school. It’s time to say goodbye.”

  Fiona turned, and looked around at the team of people present that had saved her life, and the life of Little Bump.

  Sergeant Anderson, DI Dean, DS McLeish, DS Wishart, PC Lynch, DI Brown, Sergeant Galbraith, DI Mather, and her husband.

  Smiling at them all, she looked back for one last time at the towering eight floors of the school that had once been such an important part of her life, and then she pressed the button in front of her.

  Just then she felt Little Bump kick. Fiona laughed and grabbed her husband’s hand, pulling it towards her and letting him stroke their ‘Bump’.

  DCI Campbell McKenzie smiled, and kissed his wife on her forehead.

  There were tears in his eyes.

  A moment later, when they both glanced upwards, the school was gone.


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  With Special Thanks for help with this book to:

  Allan Guthrie

  Sue Alexander

  I appreciate all your thoughts, suggestions and support!

  A Personal Note from the Author


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  Ian C.P. Irvine."


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  Other Books By Ian C.P. Irvine


  Please look out for others books by IAN C.P.IRVINE on Amazon and see below:-

  I Spy, I Saw Her Die

  In a race against time, it's Ray Luck against the world!

  When Ray Luck - a top cyber security expert - accidentally stumbles upon a devastating secret while surfing the web, he knows immediately he is in way above his head and soon he is being hunted by both Mossad and the British Security Services.

  Alone, desperate, with only three days to live, Ray is a man with not one, but several missions: to save the life of his girlfriend who has been kidnapped by the security services; to prevent a terrorist cyber attack destroying London; to save the Middle East peace process; and to bring one of the most powerful men in the world to justice for the savage killing of an apparently innocent woman, a murder certain powerful people in the British Government are determined to cover up at all costs.

  Only Ray can stop them all.

  But as the clock starts to tick, he discovers that nothing is as it seems. Who is the real enemy? And who can he trust? Unless he finds out soon, will Ray’s luck finally run out?

  Find out for yourself!

  Written by a cyber security expert, this thriller will make you think twice about our modern world and using the internet. By the time you've finished the book, whenever you next watch television, you'll wonder just who is watching you! It's called 'tele-vision'. Now you'll understand why!

  Murder, mystery, cyber crime, espionage, conspiracy, a terrorist plot, romance, page-turning, nail-biting adventure... this book has got it all.

  Be one of the first to read it!

  Say You're Sorry

  Sometimes, an apology is all it takes to save your life, no matter who you are!


  A gripping page-turning crime thriller which will make you think twice about how you treat strangers or ever use the internet or your mobile phone again!

  When Scottish crime lord Tommy ‘McNunn’ commits the perfect murder, killing a corrupt policeman and framing his death on a rival, DCI Campbell McKenzie knows there is little he can do to stop a gang war and prevent McNunn taking over the whole of Scotland.

  However, when Tommy McNunn accidentally drives into an old age pensioner, destroys the man’s car and refuses to apologise, his ambitions are soon to be thwarted. In a modern day retelling of the biblical story ‘David Versus Goliath’, the meek topple the mighty, brains conquer brawn and good overcomes bad. DCI McKenzie versus his arch rival, Tommy McNunn. Who will win? In another classic IAN CP IRVINE thriller, just when you think you know the truth, your world is turned upside down. Hold on tight, cancel the rest of your day and take a deep, deep breathe. You'll need it.

  The Assassin’s Gift

  If there's one thriller you must read this year, this is it! A gripping, page turning thriller from an author everyone is falling in love with!

  The Assassin's Gift is a tense, eye-opening thriller that will sweep you up and whisk you away on a breathtaking journey of adventure and discovery before dropping you exhausted on the shores of Loch Ness, incredulous, smiling, and begging for more!

  Salvador is the top assassin in the world: an invisible killer, feared, respected, in demand, and hunted by every crime agency on the planet.

  For Salvador, killing is an art-form and a way of life, until during an accidental meeting with a mysterious monk on the banks of Loch Ness in Scotland, Salvador is given a rare, unwanted gift: the ability to heal people.

  Cursed and burdened with a 'gift' he cannot give back, Salvador must evaluate his life afresh, being able to kill with one hand, and cure with the other. Denying his Gift, he takes on his toughest assignments yet: to achieve the impossible by killing a top Scottish crime lord, Tommy McNunn, whilst locked up - and protected - inside Scotland's impenetrable and most secure prison, nestled amidst the Scottish Highlands. And then to kill DCI Campbell McKenzie, the man responsible for McNunn's imprisonment.

  Now also hunted by Russia's top agent who is ordered to kill Salvador at all costs, Salvador discovers that everything in life happens for a reason, and that life and death are two sides of the same coin. A coin which he now owns.

  But who is Salvador? What is the secret that protects his life? Why has he been given The Gift? And 'how' does he manage to pull off the crime of the century?

  If you're looking for a new author to fall in love with and the Thriller of the Year!, look no further. Treat yourself to The Assassin's Gift. Download and read it NOW!

  The Assassin's Gift is a fully independent novel, but may be read in a series following 'Say You're Sorry' and ' I Spy, I Saw Her Die'.

  Haunted From Within

  For some, death is not the end. Thanks to modern medicine, they are given a second chance. A second chance to live, and another chance to kill.

  A fast paced contemporary medical thriller, based upon a true medical mystery that scientists and doctors do not yet understand.

  Readers should be warned that the novel contains strong language and scenes of sex and violence.

  The Story:

  When Peter Nicolson, a reporter with the Edinburgh Evening News, is almost killed by a gang leader out to make his mark, the only way to save his life is through a double kidney transplant. One of the first people in the world to be treated with the new genetic wonder drug 'SP-X4', Peter makes a remarkable recovery. Yet as he recovers, his personality begins to change, and he discovers that he can see visions of unsolved killings committed by a murderer that no one has ever caught. Peter sets out to solve the murders, to track down the killer, and find out the truth behind the visions that he sees.

  As time progresses, and as Peter uncovers a trail of death that stretches across the United Kingdom and Europe, the makers of 'SP-X4' watch his actions from afar, anxious that he will uncover the incredible truth behind their new drug treatment, and conspiring to make sure he does not succeed in revealing it to the world.r />
  'Haunted From Within' is also the story of seven separate lives: readers will follow each character as the plot develops and their lives intersect, culminating in a surprise ending that few will predict.

  Please beware: this book is based on fact: a medical phenomena that few understand and most are unaware of. At first, it may seem hard to believe. This is after all, just a story, a fast-paced thriller written to entertain you . . . but it will leave you wondering and talking about the definition of 'life' itself. Enjoy!

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  Haunted From Without

  The Sequel to Haunted From Within

  Following the international success of Haunted From Within, Haunted From Without is the latest thought-provoking medical thriller from Ian C.P. Irvine.


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