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Love on the Risky Side

Page 12

by Mariah Ankenman

  Without regard to their audience, he leaned down and placed a brief, but very hot, kiss on her lips. She didn’t even get a chance to respond before he ended the connection and turned to the other women.

  “You ladies need a ride back home?”

  Both smiled with approval. Lizzy shook her head. “We drove in Maggie’s car.”

  “Remember,” the baker added. “You promised to come to dinner tonight. Kayla made dessert. Mint Madness cupcakes.”

  Ryder turned to her with a sexy grin on his face. “Yes, I know.”

  Heat rose up her cheeks, and her knees just about gave out.

  “Then I guess we’ll head out, unless you need any help closing up?”

  Maggie waved him away. “No, we were actually done about fifteen minutes ago.”

  “Work goes a lot faster with an extra hand.” Lizzy winked at her.

  “See you at the ranch then.” He took her hand in his own and headed toward the front.

  “Not if we see you first,” Lizzy called after them.

  Kayla threw on her coat and followed him out into the cold. Ryder’s truck was, thankfully, parked right out front. Her nose only froze a little before she once again settled in a warm, enclosed space.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked once they were on their way. “It looks like you’ve been crying.”

  She sighed, upset that she wasn’t better at hiding her emotions. He was already doing so much for her. She didn’t want to burden him with her roller coaster feelings, too. “Oh, it was nothing. I just forgot how wonderful it felt to have a best friend. Being with Maggie and Lizzy, well, it was almost like I was with Jen again. It feels like weeks have gone by since she died, not days.”

  “Death has a way of making time go wonky. It took me years before I stopped looking for Dad’s car in the driveway at the end of the day.”

  Of course he would understand. How could she forget this man had lost people he loved, too? Placing a hand on his thigh, she patted softly. “I’m sorry, Ryder. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

  He reached down, grasping her hand with his own and bringing it to his lips. A ripple of awareness shot through her as his mouth brushed against her skin.

  “The only memories I have of my dad are good ones. Some are sadder than others, but they’re all good.”

  They rode in silence for a moment, country music playing low on the radio, the crunch of snow under the tires. For the first time in days, a pleasant peacefulness settled over her.

  “The girls invited me back to the shop tomorrow. Maggie says they’re having a bit of a holiday rush and could use an extra hand.”

  “That’s great.” He released her hand and gripped the wheel once more. “Actually, it’s probably best if you don’t spend too much time alone at my place.”

  The tone of his voice sent a spark of worry through her. He didn’t want her to be alone, or he didn’t want her alone in his house? Was he worried for her safety or had she over stepped her bounds with the kiss earlier?

  Maggie and Lizzy assured her Ryder liked her, but what if they were wrong?

  Oh, good grief. She felt like an adolescent relying on the word of her school chums on whether the cute boy in class had a crush on her. She’d always been terrible at reading signs as far as relationship stuff went. Had she misinterpreted Ryder?

  He called her pet names like “sweetheart,” but he also called Lizzy “honey” in the shop a little while ago. He was affectionate with her, kissing her hand or forehead. But again, she had seen him hug and be affectionate with the other women, too. Was she mistaking his friendliness for interest? Did he want her safe or away from him and his things?

  But he’d kissed her in the shop. And not a friendly kiss. That kiss had felt like more, to her at least.

  Maybe to me only?

  Before she could ask him to clarify his meaning, they arrived at the Denning ranch. Ryder parked the truck in the large driveway and shut off the engine. Confused and worried, she unbuckled her seatbelt, trying her best to mask the emotions rioting inside. He came around the truck to open her door, offering her his hand to help her down. A romantic gesture or just more polite manners?

  She was going crazy trying to figure this man out.

  The night had already darkened, but the porch light was on, illuminating their path to the front door. It opened to reveal…Colton, at least she believed that was the younger brother’s name. The one with lighter hair, who was engaged to Maggie.

  “Hey, guys. Come on in. Maggie and Lizzy should be here any—oh there they are.”

  Kayla turned, and sure enough, the headlights of Maggie’s car shone bright behind them.

  She quickly shuffled inside the house as the others followed. Hanging her coat on the rack, hellos were said. While kisses for the fiancés were exchanged, she turned her head, awkwardness heating her cheeks at witnessing such an intimate moment. Once the pleasantries finished, she followed Maggie and Lizzy into the kitchen

  “I put everything in the crock pot this morning, so give me a few minutes and we can eat. You boys set the table.”

  “You got it, Magpie,” Colton said, kissing his fiancée’s neck.

  Kayla shifted, unaccustomed with the intimate display. They sure were affectionate out here in Peak Town.

  She helped with the salad while the men set the table and Lizzy took care of drinks—the only thing anyone would let the pregnant woman do in the kitchen.

  The meal was delicious and the conversation lively. They talked about the upcoming holidays, the wedding, and Lizzy’s next doctor appointment where they would discover the gender of the baby.

  “Do you have a preference?” In her experience most people tended to.

  “I don’t care as long as it’s healthy.” Dade gazed at his future wife with all the love in the world.

  Kayla wondered what it would feel like to have someone stare at her like that.

  Lizzy snorted. “What a load. Everyone has a preference, they just never say it in case they don’t get what they want.”

  “Well, then what are you hoping for, Miss Sassypants?” Colton asked.

  “A boy, of course. Everyone knows boys love their mommies. Besides, I remember when I turned thirteen and my hormones went crazy. Deal with that nightmare again? No thank you.”

  The pregnant woman had a point. As a teacher, she’d had to deal with a few puberty related meltdowns in the school hallways over the years. Thankfully, it didn’t happen in her kindergarten class.

  “Boys go through puberty, too, sweetheart.”

  “Yes, but if we have a boy, you get to deal with it, my love. Unless you want to explain to our daughter about the different types of sanitary devices?”

  Kayla smiled at the look of pure terror on Dade’s face. Colton thumped his brother on the back; their sibling ribbing made her wistful for that kind of playful familial connection.

  “Relax, big bro, it won’t be that bad. You can make a day of it and go shopping. Help little Lizzy Jr. pick out everything she needs.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” Lizzy joined in on the teasing.

  Dade narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I hope you have ten daughters, and they’re all as flirtatious as you, you jackass.”

  Colton blanched, and the room burst out in laughter. Kayla was enjoying herself immensely, but in the back of her mind she still worried. As much fun as it was having dinner and great conversation with her newfound friends, she had to remind herself this wasn’t real. These people had no idea who she really was and why she was here. It would be so easy to pretend she was having a typical evening dinner with friends, like a normal person.

  But she wasn’t a normal person at the moment.

  She also wanted to leave and get Ryder alone so they could finish their conversation. She needed clarification. If he didn’t have romantic feelings for her then she needed to know.

  So she could stop making a fool out of herself.

  After dinner, they ate th
e Mint Madness cupcakes she helped make. Everyone commented on how delicious they were. Ryder kissed her temple, saying they were the best he had ever had. That had to be good, right?

  Her emotions were in such turmoil by the time they were ready to leave, her stomach started to churn. The delicious dinner now sat like a cement rock in her gut.

  A little after ten in the evening, they said their goodbyes, climbed back into Ryder’s truck, and headed to his house.

  The ride was quiet and tense. Not like the peaceful silence they rode in before. This was different.

  Oh, no. She had misinterpreted his actions. He was just being his usual friendly self. What other explanation could there be for his sudden silence?

  Kayla sneaked a glance at him from the corner of her eye. His face was tight, jaw clenched. Something was bothering him, it was clear. That something being her, she assumed.

  She had been throwing herself at him when all he wanted to do was help her out. How could she be such an idiot? Why would Ryder want to be with her? She was a nobody, an average, plain Jane kindergarten teacher from Chicago turned framed wanted murderess of her best friend.

  Every man’s dream, right?

  Ugh, such a moron.

  This man, out of the kindness of his heart, wanted to help her out of her bad situation, and what does she do to repay him? Push herself on him like a pathetic, lovesick puppy. She should go ahead with her original plan and leave town. David was going to find her eventually. It would be better if she wasn’t here when that happened; she’d already come to care too much for the people in this town to risk their lives.

  The sudden stop of the car jarred her out of her thoughts. They had arrived back at his home, and she hadn’t even realized it.

  Before he could come around, she opened her door and slid out of the truck. She couldn’t bare his politeness right now. Not when she was so humiliated by her behavior.

  She led the way into the house. He locked the front door and threw his jacket on the back of the couch, still silent.

  It was all too much for her.

  “I’m sorry,” she spoke, breaking the tense silence.

  Tossing his boots on the shoe rack, Ryder glanced up at her in confusion. “For what?”

  “For kissing you earlier.” She rushed through her apology, hoping to get it all out without her entire body flushing from mortification. “I understand you’re just being nice, trying to help me out. I didn’t mean to…imply anything or embarrass you in front of your friends. I know you don’t think of me that way and I—”

  “What way?” he interrupted her ramblings.

  “Um, the romantic way, I guess.”

  “Romantic way?”

  “You know…in a, um, sexual way.”

  His eyes widened, and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

  “You think I don’t find you attractive?”

  She shrugged. His dark gaze narrowed. He took a step toward her, then another, until she could feel his warm, chocolaty sweet breath on her face.

  “You think I don’t realize you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and with the strongest heart. You think I don’t want to rip off every stitch of clothing on you and bury my body so deep inside we won’t know where you end and I begin?”

  She gasped, body throbbing at the vivid imagery he painted.

  “Sweetheart, since the moment I met you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to strip you naked and sate myself in you until we’re both blind from pleasure.”

  Her heart felt like it would burst from happiness. She’d been wrong. So wrong. He wasn’t being polite—he did want her. Almost as desperately as she wanted him, it appeared.

  “Yes.” The soft word slipped out of its own accord.

  He studied her, long and hard. “Are you sure, Kayla? Be sure, because once I have you, I’m not sure I’ll be able to give you up.”

  Knowing there was no other answer, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her for a deep, hot, and very thorough kiss.

  When she pulled away, she gazed right into those chocolate brown eyes, hazy with need, and said the only thing she could. “I am yours, Ryder. Have me.”

  Chapter 18

  How in the world could Kayla think he didn’t want her? How could he not want her? She was the strongest, bravest, most beautiful woman he had ever met. He would be an idiot if he didn’t want her.

  Ryder was trying to be noble. She had been through hell, she was vulnerable, the last thing she needed was him jumping on her like a dog in heat. He’d been trying to give her time. She needed to feel safe, not scared by his overwhelming desire for her.

  Looking down at her needy, lust-filled eyes, he admitted she didn’t appear scared, far from it, in fact. She struck him as a woman ready to go to bed, and not for the purpose of sleeping. She did ask him to have her…and he’d never been one to refuse a lady’s request.

  Bending down, he tucked an arm under her knees, scooping her up against his chest. Their gazes locked, never losing contact, as he walked down the hall to his bedroom. Kayla clung to him. Her delicate fingers teased his nape. Anticipation wound every muscle in his body tight. He would finally have her, tonight, right now.

  The light was off in his bedroom, but the curtains were open. The full moon cast the room in a dim glow. Perfect. Just enough light so he could see every sweet curve of her body. Placing her gently on the bed, he kissed her again. She responded with fervor, sucking on his tongue, arching her tempting body against his. He was so hard right now he would bet he had an imprint of his zipper on his dick. He wanted to take her, hard and fast.

  But he wouldn’t.

  This was Kayla. She was special. She deserved to be loved, thoroughly. He intended to give her a night of passion that would leave her spent and satisfied like no other woman before. Every inch of her would be worshiped by his hands, his mouth. He would discover what made her cry out in pleasure and moan in ecstasy.

  Hard and fast could come later. They had all night.

  Fisting the soft sweater in his hands, he tugged. She broke contact, lifting slightly to help him remove the garment. The short sleeve shirt underneath came off as well, leaving her bare from the waist up, except for the sexiest black bra he had ever seen.

  “This is pretty.” He traced the lace cups with a finger.

  A soft moan escaped her lips. He watched as her nipples hardened, pressing against the lace, begging to be kissed. Bending his head, he did just that. She gasped as he closed his mouth over one stiff peak, tonguing the hard, round bud through the delicate material.

  “Oh, Ryder, yes,” she moaned, grabbing his head to press him against her.

  Damn, this woman was hot. Every single thing she did turned him on.

  Kayla gave a tiny yell as he bit gently on her nipple. One slim leg wound around him, pulling his lower half closer to hers. Releasing her breast, he blew across the damp cloth, causing her to shiver. He then turned his attention to the other breast, repeating the process and garnering another scream of ecstasy.


  “Yes, sweetheart?” he asked, reluctantly leaving her perfect breast to look up at her.

  “Will you take your hair out of the braid? Please?”

  Women often commented on his long hair. Some liked it, some didn’t. He never gave it much thought. It was how he wore it. The desire in her eyes shot straight to his soul, and he vowed right then and there to never cut his hair as long as this woman was in his life.

  Reaching back, he pulled out the tie at the end of his braid and tossed it to the floor. Long, delicate fingers reached out, carefully weaving through his hair until it was free.

  “It’s so soft.” Her gaze filled with wonder.

  “You’re soft. And sexy. And driving me insane.” He punctuated each declaration with a kiss.

  Kayla smiled. With fingers still running through his hair, she made another request. “Take off your shirt.”

  He thanked the powers t
hat be he’d changed out of his uniform before picking her up that evening. Undoing all those buttons on his sheriff’s shirt would have been more than he could handle at the moment.

  Yanking a fistful of material, he had his chest bared in seconds. Her eyes widened, and her hands stopped playing in his hair to reach out to touch him. Every brush of skin felt like fire licking a path along his body where her fingers grazed.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “I’m just a man, sweetheart.”

  Her gaze rose to meet his.

  “A man who needs you, desperately.”

  Her eyes went hazy, and she shifted against him. “I need you, too.”

  “Then let’s get rid of the rest of these clothes so I can spend all night making sure your every need is met.”

  She gulped, beautiful hazel eyes going wide. “All night?”

  He couldn’t stop the grin curling his lips at her disbelieving expression. Reaching behind her back, he unhooked her bra, peeling the lace away. Her breasts were small, but perfect. He covered them with his hands.

  Yes, perfect.

  She sucked in a breath as he massaged and learned their intricacies. He could spend all night on her breasts, but he’d save that for another time.

  Running his hand over her stomach, he flicked open the button of her jeans. The zipper rasped loudly in the still air as he gently pulled it down. “Lift up for me, honey.”

  She did, and he slid her jeans down her legs, tossing them to the floor.

  “Now you.”

  Kayla reached for his belt, but he stilled her hands. “Not yet.” He glanced down at the woman before him, clad only in black lacy panties. He could come right there just staring at her. God, she was a sight.

  Beautiful, sexy, and so sweet.


  Her hesitant question made him realize he had been staring.

  “You are beautiful, Kayla.”

  She smiled, her entire face lighting up like he’d just given her the best gift in the world, and he felt ten feet tall. Knowing he put that beautiful expression on her face made him feel like a damn superhero.

  He ran his hand up her bare legs, reveling in the silky feel of her smooth flesh. His thumbs stroked along the inside of her upper thigh, higher and higher until he came to the center of her. The sweetest spot known to man. He slipped one thumb inside her panties, rubbing soft circles right on that magic spot.


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