African Nights
Page 14
32. Emanuele and a spitting cobra
33. Emanuele and a large python
34. Going away. Emanuele’s last photograph
35. Sveva at the graves
36. Sveva and Wanjiru
37. Sveva on her 8th birthday
38. Lake Tanganyika: approaching the Mahali Mountains’ camp
39. Emanuele at Magic Cove
40. Paolo and Emanuele perched on an old dead tree on the edge of the Great Rift Valley
41. Emanuele with green grass snakes
42. Sveva on Leppy
43. Night at Ol Ari Nyiro Springs: Sveva and Leah
44. Laikipia: with the anti-poaching patrols
45. Simon Itot
46. Kuki and her dogs welcoming a plane landing at Kuti during an elephant count
47. Sveva carrying a large tusk for the 1989 Ivory Fire
48. Kuki and Sveva
49. The nest on the Mukutan: only local materials were used to build it
50. Kuki writing in her nest above the Springs
Asante Thank you
Askari Guard, night-watchman
Akili Clever
Arufu Smell
Ayah Nanny
Bhang, bhangi Marijuana
Bila shaka Without fail
Boma Enclosure made of thorn bushes
Buibui Traditional dress for Muslim women
Bunduki Gun
Bwana Mr, husband
Carissa Wild jasmine with edible berries
Chinja Slaughter
Chui Leopard
Chùmvi Salt
Desturi Custom
Duka Shop
Faru Rhino
Fundi Craftsman, artisan
Hapa Here
Hapana No
Ingine Another
Jambo Hello
Jangili Poachers, bandits
Kaburi Grave
Kamili Exactly
Kanga Loose garment for women
Kikapu Basket
Kikoi Loose garment for men
Kitanda Bed
Kopje Small hill
Kubwa Large
Kufa Die, dead
Kuja Come
Kulia To the right
Kumbuka Remember
Kuona To see
Kwaheri Goodbye
Kwenda Go
Lelechwa Wild sage
Lugga Dried-up river bed
Madafu Fresh coconut
Maji Water
Makuti Thatch made of palm leaves
Manyatta Dwellings for a family group built within an enclosure
Maramoja At once
Marati Trough
Mashua Boat
Mboga Vegetable, cabbage
Mbogani Clearing
Mbusi Goat
Mchanga Sand
Memsaab Madam
Mimba Pregnant
Miti Tree
Mlima Hill
Mnyama Animal
Muganga Witch-doctor, wizard
Mugongo Back
Muivi Thief
Musungu European
Mutamayo Wild olive
Mutoto Child
Mvua Rain
Mwaka Year
Napenda Like
Ndege Bird
Ndiyo Yes
Ndovu Elephant
Ngamia Camel
Ngombe Cattle
Ngurue Pig
Ni shauri ya Mungu It is the will of God
Njau Calf
Nungu nungu Porcupine
Nussu Half
Nyama Meat
Nyoka Snake
Nyumba House, room
Papa Shark
Pembe Horn
Pete Ring
Poriti Mangrove poles
Pole Sorry
Pole-pole Slowly
Rafiki Friend
Roho Heart
Rudi Return
Saidia Help
Samaki Fish
Shamba Small farm, field
Shauri Problem
Shimu Hole
Shuka Loincloth, shawl
Simba Lion
Taabu Problem
Tafadhali Please
Tangu Since
Tena Again
Upupa Hoopoe
Wanawake Women
Wasungu Europeans
Zaidi More
A number of friends have encouraged and advised me during the writing of this book. I am particularly indebted to:
Gilfrid Powys, for his total confidence in me; Chris Thouless, for his witty criticism and intelligent humour; Adrian House, for calling me a story-teller; Toby Eady, for his professional and brotherly support; John and Buffy Sacher, for the generosity with which they made me welcome again and again in their home in London; my Kenyan friends; the scores of people who wrote just to let me know that my earlier book had helped their own life in some way, and who asked me to continue to write.
And, as ever, to Paolo and Emanuele, whose memory infuses my life with light and a sense of purpose.
And to my daughter Sveva, for being here.
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First published by Viking 1994
Published in Penguin Books 1995
This edition published 2014
Copyright © Kuki Gallmann, 1994
Cover photograph: Ivan Mateev © Getty Images
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
The Gallmann Memorial Foundation PO Box 45593, Nairobi, Kenya
ISBN: 978-0-241-01840-8
* ‘There goes my vessel with the black sails.’
* ‘One often needs someone smaller than oneself.’
* ‘The gods thought otherwise.’
* ‘I could see nothing more, apart from your eyes.’