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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 2

by Jaime Marks

  He knocked softly on her door. “Narysia? Sweetheart, are you alright? I heard you crying.”

  The room went completely silent and his blood ran cold. She was shy and sweet, but even if she didn’t want him to see her cry she would at least answer him. They’d always gotten along and he met with her at least once a week. Since she’d taken an interest in his brother she asked his advice almost daily. She’d never just ignore him.

  Kyle appeared at his side and they misted into the room to find two of the unawakened Shade holding her down on the bed. Style a Styvelion rested on top of her, pinning her legs as Havyion a Yaverious restrained her arms and covered her mouth. Before they could react Kyle was on Style.

  He gripped him by the throat literally growling in his ear. “I suggest you get up slowly,” he instructed with venom laced in his voice. “I’d hate to break your fucking neck.”

  Byryn studied the situation raising his hand and forming a ball of sheer Light. “Release her Havyion. Don’t make this any worse for yourself. I can easily flood you with Light. It wouldn’t hurt her in the least but I promise it will burn you into shock.”

  He took his hand from her mouth and slowly moved back from her as she gasped for air. He waited until Kyle had Style out of the way and under control before motioning to her.

  “Come here, Narysia. Come away from them.” He cursed when she just lay there shaking, curled into herself.

  Just as he was about to go over and grab her Wycelion appeared in the doorway with Wytheryn. His brother’s rage surged as he took in the scene and his essence rolled over him in waves. Byryn and Kyle exchanged glances. If Wytheryn lost it he wasn’t sure if either of them really wanted to stop him, but they needed to keep control of the situation.

  “I didn’t say to bring him,” Byryn growled as he stepped into Wytheryn’s path, resting a hand on his chest.

  Amazingly his brother stopped, but his eyes were still boring into the unawakened that had hurt Narysia. It was hard enough to control his own rage without dealing with his, but he understood exactly why he was on edge. Narysia his mate. Which was precisely why he’d reached out to Wyce so he would know there was an issue. He wanted to be sure Wytheryn wasn’t nearby since he’d taken to walking the corridors at night, claiming he had trouble sleeping.

  “You said Narysia was attacked. He had a right to know.” Wyce shrugged without any real apology ass his eyes bored into Style’s.

  Byryn shook his head knowing full well why he’d brought him. It would trigger every protective instinct Wytheryn had and strengthen the bonding. That didn’t mean it was worth the risk, or that he’d let him get away with questioning his orders. “We’ll discuss it later.”

  Wytheryn’s eyes landed on Narysia and in and instant he’d pushed past Byryn and was pulling her away from Havyion. Honestly he hadn’t really tried to stop him. The boy jumped back to the corner of the bed, eyes peeled wide as his brother approached. He should be afraid. His brother wasn’t Redeemed. He didn’t care for the ways of the Fae and right about now he looked like the only think he wanted was to kill both of these scum bags in the most painful way possible.

  “Did they hurt you?” Wytheryn demanded as he moved her away from her attackers and gently laid her on the floor.

  “N-no.” She shook her head fearfully as she managed to get out the word, but her voice was strained and hoarse. Byryn watched as he gently lifted her head, taking in the dark bruises already emerging on her throat. Releasing her chin he carefully examined both of her hands, turning them to reveal bruising on her wrists. The girl had fought. Hard.

  Wytheryn’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, they did, and they’ll pay for it, but you will tell me, Narysia, did they touch you? Did they harm you in any other way? Don’t dare lie to me. You have gone out of your way to get my attention and you have it, but you will tell me the truth.”

  She all but collapsed in his arms sobbing, taking him off guard, but he slowly pulled her close. Byryn studied her a moment and her nightgown seemed primarily intact, though it was torn near her neck. It didn’t really provide her any real protection though. There was really no way to tell what had happened before he’d heard her.

  Wytheryn held her tightly, seeming at a loss for a moment, but he looked up measuring the two males that had attacked her with a fury in his eyes that Byryn had only ever seen Cymeryn match. “What exactly did you think you were doing? Answer me! Or I swear it won’t matter what judgment Byryn and Kyle level against you. I hold no allegiance to their laws.”

  Style measured him with a huff. “You’ll understand soon enough.”

  Kyle slammed him into the wall. “I believe he asked you a question. You might not be required to answer him, but you will answer me. Why did you attack her?”

  “She wanted to know what it was like to be with an unawakened Shade so we decided to show her,” he sneered smugly. It was the wrong thing to say. Byryn could feel Wytheryn’s fury permeate the room and he was inclined to allow his brother his vengeance.

  She sobbed shaking her head against his chest. “I didn’t…I wouldn’t.”

  Wytheryn kissed her head, but Byryn didn’t miss the perplexed look that crossed his face after he’d done it. He kept his voice soft and low as he spoke to her. “Shh, girl. I know. I will deal with this.”

  He shifted Narysia to Byryn as he stalked over to Style. Kyle stepped out of the way allowing him to grab the boy by his throat. “Either answer the question, or I’ll break you in the most depraved and painful ways possible. None will want you once I have finished, not as progeny, not even as a slave.”

  Style smirked smugly, “As if your brother would allow it.”

  “He doesn’t appear to be stopping me, now does he? I am unawakened. Human. Your blood won’t stain my hands any Darker than they are and I could give a fuck if it did,” Wytheryn spat back, ripping him forward and slamming him back. “Now tell me! She is mine! You dared to touch her, hurt her. You will answer me or I swear I will slake my rage in your flesh and relish in your blood.”

  His eyes were peeled wide as he glanced from Kyle to Byryn then Wycelion, but none of them moved to intervene. In a respect it was unsettling watching Wytheryn because it reminded Byryn of how he’d been back in school when he was protecting Staryana. He felt Kyle’s agreement as amusement rolled through him and caught the images of the last time he’d kicked his ass before he knew she was his sister, but neither of them said anything.

  They needed to know what had provoked this and Wytheryn was within his rights. Narysia was his mate, whether he’d formally claimed her or not. It was no different than how Byryn had looked after Staryana when they were both human. As far as he was concerned, that justified it.

  “T-Tomas. Tomas a Alayne. He’s marked you a traitor,” Style choked out. “You betrayed the High Priest of Darkness and as your penance he ordered her raped and disfigured.”

  Wytheryn slammed his fist aside of the boy’s head but Byryn could almost sense his panic. “How does Tomas even know of her, Style? How do you know what he’s ordered?”

  The boys exchanged looks and Wytheryn cracked Style upside his head. “I asked you and you will tell me. Don’t worry, Havyion and I will be closely acquainted shortly.” Byryn watched as the boy turned red from the pressure on his windpipe.

  “Vilyn,” he choked and Wytheryn released him letting him fall to the floor. “He’s been using the passages, biding his time until he can strike. We don’t know why he’s been following the Priest.”

  Byryn blanched but said nothing. He needed to get back to the nursery and check on Bryce. He needed to see that Felycia was safe.

  Cymeryn formed in the room answering their summons with his arms crossed. He looked mildly disheveled and a bit groggy as he measured the scene before them. “By all means, inform me as to why I am awake and not sleeping in preparation for the ceremony I and mine twin must perform this coming eve.”

  Wytheryn turned to face him with barely controlled rage. “It appears we hav
e a mutual issue and I demand the blood I’m due.”

  Cymeryn raised a brow scanning the room his eyes landing on Narysia with a strange look, but quickly focused in on Wytheryn. “Explain.”

  “These fools attacked Narysia to punish me.” He pointed at Style. “The command came from Tomas a Alayne via Vilyn a Trevyn,” he snapped.

  Cymeryn turned to Byryn. “Go, check on them. Kyle and I will handle this.”

  Byryn bowed respectfully though it took everything he had not to outwardly show the panic he felt. “Grandsire.” He misted from the room.

  If anyone dared to endanger his son or threaten his sister they’d suffer the full brunt of his wrath. He already knew his mate and eria were safe or he’d likely be out of control himself. As it was he could understand Wytheryn’s anger and actions. Narysia was so innocent and special. Seeing her hurt was enough to put him on edge without even considering what damage his brothers could be causing undetected in the realm. It was why he’d allowed him to take things as far as he had.

  Soon he’d need to address the situation between him and Wytheryn again. He could see the potential in his brother and he knew with small concessions like he’d made tonight, he was slowly gaining his respect, if not at least peaking his curiosity. He just hoped he reached him soon because his awakening was fast approaching.

  Devyn heard the soft tap on the door and looked up in alarm. Felycia was still sleeping soundly and he carefully unwrapped himself from her. Cautiously he opened the door to the nursery to find Byryn standing over Bryce. He eased some, but only marginally. It was not rare for him to visit with the boy, but to stop by at such an hour there was likely a reason.

  “I figured you would hear that,” he explained as he stared down at their son.

  It was how Devyn had come to think about this, even if it could never be known. Byryn may be the boy’s uncle to any that mattered, and even to Bryce himself, but he would always allow him to be his Father as well.

  Byryn ran a hand roughly through his hair. “We have a problem. The Shade we were told might have made it into the realm are here. They’re using the hidden passages. I’m not sure how we’ve missed them, but we’re sure.” He blew out a breath seeming somewhat pained. “Narysia Reynolds was attacked by two unawakened and they admitted the order came from Tomas a Alayne and my brother Vilyn.”

  Devyn breathed deeply. “We need to catch them before we can risk leaving the realm.”

  “I know,” Byryn conceded. “If we don’t, I’ll make it look like I left and return to see to Bryce myself. Felycia is better off with the entirety of our lines to look after her. If they know the truth about Bryce, what she’ll endure at the hands of the Elders of the Brood...” Byryn shook his head. “I’d die before I ever let her go through that.”

  “As would I,” Devyn reassured him. “She is my mate, Byryn. I will protect her with my life.”

  “I know you will, but until you complete the bond you’re both vulnerable to some extent.” He sighed, “I’m not trying to put pressure on you. I know Felycia’s struggling with all of this. I’m just pointing out the truth of the matter. We’ll manage the risks but I’m going to mist his crib into your chambers for the night. I would say avoid telling her, but there can’t be any secrets between the two of you if you want her to trust you. I just wanted to give her this one night. She needs the sleep so badly.”

  He considered his options. If she knew of the threat to Bryce she would likely refuse to leave him. At the same respect, if he lied then he would prove her fears. She would always worry that he would lie to her again.

  “I will tell her in the morn.” He studied Byryn a moment. “Once this threat passes…if I wanted to take Felycia from here for a couple days, would you and Staryana be able to see to Bryce? Would you allow me to take her to the Realm of Light?”

  Byryn rose a brow. “You don’t need my permission anymore, Devyn, she’s your mate. I only ask that you be sure you can protect her there. I’ll always be willing to take Bryce. I told you, I’m not abandoning him to you. I know my limits, but I’m still his uncle and we both know he’ll need me.”

  “I know. I just needed to be sure you felt it safe to do so.”

  “We’ve covered things as best we can. I’ve been working on my relationship with Felycia and I take a personal interest in all of my line. Trycen, Wycelion, even Wytheryn.” Byryn shrugged. “Let them speculate. Unless they know how to sense hybrid essence, or how to trace the touch of Lunya in him, there isn’t anything they could prove. Even Kato couldn’t sense a direct connection to me. If they target him they’ll deal with us. Bryce is more protected than anyone in this Palace aside from Reyana herself.”

  Devyn watched as he took hold of the crib and rested a hand gently on Bryce’s chest. He walked back into his chambers as Byryn misted and watched him and the baby reappear. The boy still slept soundly, as did his Mother. Byryn simply nodded to him and misted from the room.

  He walked over and looked down at their son, the boy he Claimed and would raise as his own. This was his family now. His line had long since died out leaving him alone so long. His mate, his son, the Lucerna Lines…they were his family and he would die to protect them.

  Chapter 3

  Cymeryn surveyed the scene wondering how much he should intervene. If Wytheryn had his way he would have a pound of each of these boys’ flesh, if not their lives. Not that he would blame him, taking in the way Narysia cowered, sobbing from whatever she had endured at their hands. It was enough to draw worth his own rage, but he kept it tightly controlled.

  His eyes landed on her again and he could feel the draw, but he had no reference for it. There was something about the girl. He had noticed her on occasion, but there had never been time for him to investigate further and he was aware that Kyle and Byryn looked out for her. Besides, it was quickly becoming clear that Narysia was the boy’s mate, and despite his avoidance of the girl, the bonding was ruling Wytheryn in this moment. It was the one thing that made Cymeryn pause in this. Stopping him was counterproductive to bringing the boy closer to them.

  “What say you, Cymeryn?” He demanded. “Will you allow me my vengeance?”

  He measured him with annoyance, “I say first you will address me correctly, Wytheryn, and then, and only then, shall we discuss it.”

  Wytheryn’s eyes narrowed and he could tell he was fighting everything he had been taught. Cymeryn could easily read the war in his eyes. “I say I will show no man, Fae or Shade, such courtesy that would deny me the right to protect and avenge what’s mine…but…” He glanced back to where Narysia sat, clenching his fists as he watched the tears streak down her cheeks.

  “But? Think carefully before you answer, boy. First you must decide, and decide clearly, what exactly you profess is yours,” Cymeryn challenged.

  If he was going to claim the girl the proper decrees needed to be in place so he could care for her. It was something he would not be able to undo easily if he decided he could not handle what he felt for her. Aside from that Wytheryn needed to stop fighting them if he wanted their support. He had been better the last couple days, but the veiled threats and arguments with Byryn continued. He could not have it both ways.

  “Next you must choose once and for all where your allegiance truly lies. I will not suffer this indecision from you any longer. I understand your reasons, and even your issues with your brother, but you must decide how long you will hold the path laid before you both against him. He is only a year your elder, Wytheryn. What befell you was not his fault any more than his life was any easier. Being the favored did not mean Byryn did not suffer. Believe me he suffered more so than any of his brethren aside from possibly yourself.”

  He ground his teeth as Kyle clasped him on the shoulder. “Decide Wytheryn. Your brother would die for you. I know the truth of his heart and the reality of all he’s endured. His story and mine could be opposite halves of the same black coin.

  “I know Alayne’s tactics. He lies, he poisons, and
he’ll show you compassion only when it suits him. He beats fear into you until you’re loyal only to him. Do you honestly believe he would die for you? Do think any of them would? I know that struggle. The fight to deny your heart, to hide any and all compassion. You’re part Fae. I feel it in you, Wytheryn. I know. I know what you hide, and why, because I lived that life. There’s a reason I will never return to it and a reason you hid your awakening hoping you would die in it rather than risk being returned to my Grandfather or betraying him.”

  Wytheryn met Kyle’s eyes briefly, but rather than comment he turned to Narysia and knelt beside her. His hand shook as he reached up to cup her cheek, but touching her seemed to steady him. He caressed her, wiping away her tears as he searched her face. There was an insecurity and concern that seemed to weigh him down, but it confused Cymeryn slightly. As much as he seemed worried for her wellbeing in this moment, he almost sensed that this was more about her safety and protecting her. Something more was running through the boy’s head than just this sole attack.

  “You stubborn girl,” he sighed. “You won’t just give up on me will you? Even with what has occurred…No matter what I say or do you will still pursue me in this?”

  She looked down at her hands as they trembled and he took them both in one of his own while he stroked her cheek, soothing her. “Please, don’t leave me alone right now, Wytheryn. Please don’t. I…”

  He slid his thumb over her lips to quiet her but there was a moment of insecurity that Cymeryn read easily. The boy hid his reactions well, but this entire turn of events had him unsettled. It was not simply what had been done to her but the girl, herself, that perplexed him. There was also something else. It was as if he was waiting, expecting something…


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