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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 4

by Jaime Marks

  He looked up to find her staring at him with an understanding that broke him. It wasn’t pity that he read. It was insight, recognition, and acceptance that only another who had endured such pain could possibly possess. She nodded slowly squeezing her eyes shut and he cupped her face, drying her cheeks of the tears that flowed.

  Drawing a breath he focused on her body pulling her hands away from the wounds. “I…I need to check the rest of you, beautiful. I need to see what we need to fix, ok?

  She nodded, allowing him to raise the gown above her breasts and it stopped his heart to see her so exposed. Despite the wounds and bruising from the attack she was absolutely gorgeous. There were no other wounds on her body, but she was littered with bruises, some so deep he wondered if she had suffered internal injury. The girl had to be in substantial pain, though she barely showed it.

  He carefully lowered the gown and kissed her head. “Thank you for trusting me, Narysia. I know how hard that was and I promise I’ll help you get through this, beautiful.”

  She turned from him. “How can you call me that? You…you’ve seen my body, what they d-did to me. How can you not be repulsed by me? I’m so…so dirty,” she shook as she spoke, or rather whispered. She was still unable to speak loudly due to how badly they had bruised her throat.

  Carefully he turned her to face him. “Look at me, Narysia. What they did to you enrages me, but not at you. Even with the bruises and the marks they placed on you, your body is beautiful to me. You are beautiful. The rest will heal, if not now, in your awakening. I will discuss it with the Healer but you will see her.” She went to shake her head but he took her chin and held her fast. “Narysia, it’s obvious they were rough with you and that can sometimes…damage you…inside.”

  He had seen a number of human females bleed out after Alayne and his sons’ brutal usage of them. He would not risk her welfare for her pride. “I need to know that you are not harmed, and if you are, we need to see to your health. If you want I will stay, but I am sure that will mean I need to make some decrees or something. I don’t know how that works in your world, but I know my brother will and he’ll demand it to protect you. I need to know if that’s what you want.”

  “I…” She shook her head, seeming slightly more calm now. “I don’t want you to do this because you feel obligated to me, Wytheryn. You made it clear you didn’t want me.”

  “You silly girl,” he smirked. “Do you have any idea how much I looked forward to running into you throughout the day? Or how difficult it was to ignore you when you walked past me? I sent you away and discouraged you to protect you.” He grimaced thinking of the abuse she’d suffered, “I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “You…you…want me?” She looked at him in shock and disbelief. “Even with…even now?”

  He ran a hand through his hair trying to reason out his actions. He was all but promising her to stay with her and care for her. He meant it, but she needed to understand what that even meant. “I won’t lie to you, Narysia. Even if you deny me your life won’t be easy. Because they have linked you to me, the Shade will target you. If they can they will take you to one of two factions and neither is preferable. I could escape here and leave you, go back to either the Brood or my Master and attempt to take the danger away from you, but the other would still target you in an attempt to gain control over me.”

  He stood and turned from her with his hands on his hips as he paced through his thoughts. “There is no way I can save you from this now, but even if I stay this won’t be easy on you. I will always be a target. There are things I know, secrets that the Shade will kill to silence. There are times I’ll have to run and if you give yourself to me, if I claim you, that will mean we will have to run.”

  He turned to face her holding her gaze. She was watching him intently, taking in everything he said, but her expression was unreadable. The Light he adored was gone from her eyes and she just looked defeated. He wanted to scream for what they’d done to her, but he would avenge her pain.

  He continued to speak as she stared at him so he could attempt to read her reactions to what he said next. “Sometimes those we trust will become our enemies, and sometimes our enemies will become our friends. It is the way of the life I lead and I don’t have a choice to it. I haven’t lived an easy life, Narysia, and I can’t promise you one. I don’t know how to be soft and delicate with you like you deserve. When I say I will claim you, I mean it. You will be mine, Narysia. I will own you because that is the only way I know. Trust me when I say I’m a bastard, that I’m demanding and controlling, because I don’t think I know how to treat you any differently.”

  “Obviously,” she replied her lip curling slightly before her expression blanked again.

  He smirked at her. “Yes, Narysia, obviously; considering I’ve been controlling and demanding of you since I entered your room.” He walked back to her and knelt in front of her. “To be honest I am fighting my nature to even ask you. When I told you earlier that you’ve got me whether you like it or not, I meant it. To me, you’re already mine, and every part of me is screaming to do what I need to do to protect you despite what you say.”

  She looked down at her hands in her lap. “Then…do it.”

  He raised a brow and gripped her chin again, forcing her to look at him. This sudden submissive streak of hers worried him, but he could just imagine how she’d been treated. “Think carefully, Narysia. I’m giving you a choice now before I take over completely. I can’t promise I’ll ever be able to release you, let alone be willing to, once this is done.”

  “You’re my mate, Wytheryn, I’ve always been yours. I’ve known it since the moment I met you. I felt you even before that…I just didn’t know where it was coming from until I saw you at Prince Kyle’s Bonding. If you’ll still accept me after what happened, I won’t deny you. If what you say is true and it doesn’t matter to the Shade whether we’re together or not, then please, don’t deny me. I…” She hesitated a moment as if searching either him or herself for something, which he didn’t know. “I give myself to you. I’m…yours.” Her voice softened in uncertainty as she spoke, but her words and her vulnerability filled something deep inside him.

  He kissed her head again, realizing he enjoyed the gesture. “So be it, beautiful,” he whispered completely touched by her willing surrender. “So be it. I will have you solidify your words later, but first I’ll see to your care.”

  He sighed as he rose, opening his robe as she watched him. It didn’t seem to upset her as her eyes ran over his chest in a way that pleased him. He didn’t want her to be frightened of him. He would never rule her with fear.

  Covering her with his robes he spoke to her, “I need to let the others back in and see if the Healer is here yet.”

  She went to protest but he slid his thumb over her lips and bored his gaze into her eyes. “Mine, Narysia. You will not argue with me over something so important as your health.”

  He stood and walked to the door, not giving her a chance to reply and she didn’t try. She was learning quickly and he would ensure he trained her appropriately. If they ever needed to survive amongst the Shade what he taught her would save her life.

  He knew Byryn and Kyle were compromised. He could sense it, but he couldn’t define it. Whatever it was came from Lazurys himself. They were in control of themselves, and could be trusted to a point, but that would change. If he aligned himself to them, if he did what he knew he had to at this point to ensure their safety, he’d need to be prepared for where that path would take them both.

  Opening the door he stepped out into the hall, kneeling in front of the Princes and King in supplication. “Thank you.”

  Byryn sighed heavily. “Rise Wytheryn, you don’t need to bow to us.”

  “He’s fine, Byryn. It’s the way he’s been taught to show favor and allegiance and he’s seen even our own lines practice it in public,” Kyle defended as he stepped forward, resting his hand on his head and allowing his essence to wash over
him as his Master had always done when he was pleased with him. There was something comfortable and soothing in the gesture. It was familiar and provided the stability he needed in this moment, knowing what would come next. “You honor us with your favor and we honor your respect. We’re proud of how you’ve handled yourself tonight, Wytheryn. Rise.”

  He rose slowly and cautiously as Cymeryn measured him with a nod. “If there is something you need to discuss or decree, do so.”

  He sighed, running his hand through his hair feeling suddenly uncertain, but her words floated through him, strengthening him as he remembered how freely she offered herself to him. “The unawakened Fae Narysia is my mate. I don’t know your ways, but I know there is a decree of some sort regarding her courting and bonding that need to be made.”

  Cymeryn pursed his lips in thought a moment. “You are prepared to ask for her hand? To make a Decree of Betrothal as well? That is not necessary until she has awakened. You can request the Right to Court her as well as the rights to her awakening and decide the remainder later if you are uncertain,” he offered studying him closely.

  He hardened his resolve, knowing he wouldn’t change his mind. The more he had been in her presence the harder it had been to keep his distance. Despite the reasoning, the time he’d spent with her tonight was making it difficult to be separate from her even to deal with this. She needed him now and once this was done he knew he’d never be able to let her go. She’d given herself to him. She was his.

  “No. I would ask for her hand this eve. She has already accepted me, but I assume you need to confirm that with her.”

  “I will,” Byryn interjected placing a hand on Cymeryn’s shoulder as he stepped forward. “She’s ward of the Liaisons of Redemption. We don’t know her lineage yet.”

  He nodded watching Byryn’s reaction. He seemed pleased with this, but cautious. He could not blame him for that but he’d need to somehow learn to work with him and gain his trust. There were no other options now with both his Master’s son and the Brood marking him a traitor. It may be hard to accept and trust, but Byryn was not what he had been led to believe. Although he may soon find the truth in what he’d been taught once he gave himself over to his brother. There were very little options in this if he hoped to protect Narysia. He would not risk her to save himself.

  “How do we do this? She won’t see the Healer if I am not present, and considering the nature of the examination needed, I’m assuming this has to be in place first,” his rage surged as he thought about what had been done to her and Byryn grimaced catching his meaning.

  Kyle stepped up behind him, gripping his shoulders. His hands on his skin, the essence flowing between them, calmed him in some way. “Relax, Wytheryn. We won’t allow this to pass. Repeat after me, we’ll walk you through this so you can see to her.”

  The male gently rubbed his shoulders, offering him comfort in the only way he was capable of accepting it and it eased some of the tension from him. Wytheryn didn’t know what to make of his actions. It was as if he suddenly read him clearly, as if he knew all the reasons this was difficult for him. He forced himself to shake off those thoughts. It was something he couldn’t handle right now and he needed to focus on Narysia.

  When he nodded Kyle leaned close to his ear murmuring praise. “Good Wytheryn, now repeat as I say.” He caught the look of warning from Byryn, but it wasn’t directed at him so he ignored it. “I, Wytheryn a Trevyn, blooded brother of Byryn a Grifyn, Prince of the Night Throne of Balance…”

  His essence washed over him again, easing the tension in him and he relaxed into the hold so familiar, and yet not. He let go, surrendering instinctually as he focused only on repeating the words Kyle dictated.

  Once he finished Kyle continued, “Do formally request the rights to the awakening of the Lady Narysia, unawakened of unknown lineage…” He paused while he repeated the phrase. “As well as her bonded rights to be performed in ritual before the Divine upon her awakening.”

  Wytheryn finished to find he was breathing heavily. He hadn’t expected it to take so much from him, but he was in essence agreeing to bond himself to another. He was claiming her and consigning her to this life, to him. It shook him more than he cared to admit, but it wasn’t something he would undo…It also went against his binding and angered Alayne.

  Kyle squeezed his shoulders firmly, bringing him back as Byryn began to speak. “I, Byryn a Grifyn, Prince of Balance and acting Custyion of the Lady Narysia, unawakened of unknown lineage, grant the rights to her awakening and her Bonding, should she confirm her approval, to Wytheryn a Trevyn, brother of mine own blood,” he replied sounding regal and there was a finality to his words. Wytheryn could only hope he survived the decision.

  Chapter 5

  Byryn took in the interactions between Kyle and Wytheryn. He didn’t mean to feel possessive. He knew Kyle was his and Wytheryn was his brother, but it bothered him for some strange reason. On another level, the fact that Wytheryn was willing to claim Narysia so completely and was paying them any amount of respect was a good sign.

  “Relax, gemyn. I’m just trying to make this easier for him,” Kyle whispered through his mind with a knowing smirk as he introduced Wytheryn to Sanytia. “This is the Royal Healer. She’s Gray, so if you need to hold Narysia while she attends to her the essence won’t harm you.” Kyle hesitated measuring Byryn a moment, “I’m not sure if we’ll be able to do more for her than the Healers, but if you want we’ll try.”

  He measured them both and then glanced to Cymeryn. “I…” He hesitated looking to the door. “If she has wounds that would scar a human…will they heal in her awakening? Or is there something we can do for her? Something that will remove them now?”

  “What kind of scars, Wytheryn?” Cymeryn demanded. “I know you have probably given her your confidence, but Sanytia will see the wounds in her exam and we need to know in order to answer correctly.”

  He grimaced but nodded. “They carved…words…into her stomach. The cuts are deep in the skin, but not piercing, and have dried, hence not requiring stitching,” he explained. “In truth, I believe she has already healed them some beyond what the average unawakened would manage.”

  Realization rolled through him and he had to force himself to remain there instead of misting to the dungeon to tear those bastards apart. There hadn’t been any blood on her gown which meant the wounds were sealed before it was put on her. They had been there far longer than he’d been aware.

  Cymeryn breathed heavily, obviously coming to the same conclusion. “I promise you, Wytheryn, if you grant the concession I ask I will allow you your vengeance. The only punishment I can render that is appropriate would be to deny them assistance in their awakening, but I will allow you to decide if that is enough penance or what you deem fitting.”

  He slid to his knees in front of him again. “Thank you…Grandsire. I will grant…” He hesitated but Kyle squeezed his shoulder, seeming to calm him again. “…anything you ask of me,” he conceded.

  Cymeryn turned to look to the Healer, motioning across the hall. “Sanytia, will you wait in the Princes’ study a few moments please?” He rested his hand on his head, following the example Kyle had set. “Wytheryn, you honor me, but I would wait to hear my judgment before you so readily agree. It may be more than you are willing to allow, but it is my condition.” He studied him a moment. “I need this concession of you before I can believe this transition of yours.”

  Wytheryn glanced over his shoulder at Kyle and back up to Byryn before facing him again. His resolve hardened, but he dropped his head low either in submission…or as if he was bracing for something. “Grandsire, you and your twin will give birth to the means of Alayne’s demise, though not…in the way you would assume. The only thing that can prevent it is if he…can ascend. To do so…he needs to absorb the full…lifeblood of his...created bride, the Princess…Staryana a Marcus…once Lazurys has…fully cemented her true power. She has the ability to…match the Dark Lord’s…strength
...perhaps even surpass it…Her sacrifice will give Alayne…strength beyond measure.”

  The three of them stumbled back in shock. Cymeryn watched him closely, as if searching for some lie. but it was the first time he’d ever seen his Grandsire truly speechless. None of them had been prepared for the truth of what Wytheryn claimed that son of a bitch Priest intended for his baby girl.

  “There’s more,” Wytheryn conceded, shaking his against the head the floor as if continuing was painful. “I will…tell you everything...I can give you what…you need to…reclaim some that you believe…lost. There are things…you believe but…they are lies. There are lies…and myths…that hold truth. Rituals that…have taken place. I…I can’t…” He gritted, shaking his head, panting as if he couldn’t breathe. “…can’t…”

  Kyle went to one knee beside him, resting his hand on his shoulder being careful not to touch his back. Byryn sensed there was some purpose that he wasn’t fully understanding, but judging by the deep scars that littered his skin he could probably guess. “He’s bound you?” His gemyn asked.

  Wytheryn nodded slowly. “He is…my Master.”

  Kyle hissed audibly as he let his essence flow freely through him. “I’m sorry. I was starting to suspect, but I didn’t know.”

  He nodded again but said nothing. Byryn blinked in shock. Alayne had bound Wytheryn? Was he reading that right? The images that ran through Kyle’s head sickened him. Is that what his brother had endured?

  “Wytheryn, I know how you’ll feel about this, but there are a very limited number of ways to free you from Alayne’s hold,” Kyle spoke softly, leaning close to his ear as he held his shoulders. “If you allow someone to Claim you of their blood it’ll loosen the hold, but the only way is to also bind yourself to another, to complete the ritual. You know the penance you’ll suffer otherwise.”


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