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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 11

by Jaime Marks

  She nodded in understanding. “It would probably be taken badly if Fae knew he was your Master.”

  “I didn’t consider that. The Fae do not own slaves do they...” He weighed that out studying her with a frown, “Does it bother you? That I’m his slave?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t completely understand it, but I trust you and I know the Prince. The two of you will figure it out.”

  “Does it bother you that I’ve claimed you? That you have given yourself to me?” He asked gaging her reaction. “Because that is what I want, Narysia, to own you. To have you as mine and only mine.” The admission surprised him. Just last night he would have freely allowed his Master to use her. Byryn’s words had struck a chord with him, however. It was the first time he had ever wanted something for himself. He honestly didn’t want to share her.

  She blushed and shook her head shyly. “No, Wytheryn. I…I am yours. Only yours.”

  He lifted her chin again, caressing her cheek. “Will you bind yourself to me? Drink of my essence?”

  “I…” She hesitated in confusion. “I don’t understand what you mean, but if you show me I’ll do anything you ask.”

  “Good girl,” he breathed in relief and grabbed the dagger he’d found in the weapon’s chest. He had set it by the bed so he’d have something to defend her with in case Vilyn came. She flinched at the sight of it and he cupped her cheek, remembering the marks they’d healed from her stomach. “Shhh, this isn’t for you beautiful. I won’t mark you in that way unless you want me to.”

  “What…what are you going to do then?” She whispered.

  He sliced his wrist open and set the blade aside. “Just that. Come here, beautiful, drink of me and become mine.” He wouldn’t use the ritual, though he knew it by heart. Somehow he knew Byryn wouldn’t approve of that, but this would allow him to find her anywhere. If his brothers or one of Alayne’s slaves ever managed to take her he wanted to be able to find her. It would also create a bond between them.

  He guided her over until she straddled him and held his wrist to her lips. Her eyes locked on his as she opened her mouth and hesitantly took some of him in her mouth. So naive, so trusting of him, and he adored her for the faith she held in him. He felt a surge of pleasure as she swallowed and her desire washed over him. His. She was his and he would claim her as such.

  “I claim you, Narysia, as my own to care for and protect. From this moment on you are mine. I will expect you to obey, and I will mold you as I see fit, but I will always cherish you,” he murmured, caressing her cheek as she drank. When he felt the connection between them solidify, he kissed her head. “Enough, beautiful. That will do for now.”

  “That feels…amazing,” she breathed. She lowered her eyes and a soft blush colored her cheeks. “I…thank you.”

  He needed to taste her in some way. “Can I…kiss you, Narysia? Is that allowed before you are awakened?”

  She didn’t look up but the blush deepened as she nodded. He cupped her face and gently brought her to him, softly capturing her lips. If he pushed her too hard after the previous eve it would likely scare her, so he took his time, kept his movements slow and gentle. He slid his tongue over her lips and she opened for him so readily. He explored her slowly, holding back on his own hunger, only taking enough to soothe him despite the intense desires that flowed through him. Part of him wanted to touch her, to explore her beautiful body, kissing and caressing his way over her skin. but she was still so shaken.

  She moaned softly as his hand threaded her hair and he couldn’t fight the urge to hold her firmly, keeping them connected as he explored her. Her hands slid over his chest in a soft, delicate exploration and it drove him to his brink. He rolled her onto her back to regain some semblance of control, but it was an entirely new temptation.

  Looking down at her the gown she’d slept in irritated him. He couldn’t bear to see her in it after what those bastards had done to her. Wytheryn tore it from her beautiful body without thinking, leaving her fully exposed to his eyes. She gasped looking up at him, but it wasn’t fear he read there.

  She was such perfection. The gentle curves drew him in and he found himself tracing her hip with his hand. He followed the curve of her body, marveling in how soft and smooth she was. Her pear-shape breast felt heavy in his hand as he caressed it, and he watched her reactions with a kind of starved curiosity. She arched into his touch and he smiled knowingly at her. He might not know how to please her yet, but he knew what it looked like when another enjoyed his touch so deeply.

  “Does that feel good, my pet?” He murmured as she gasped turning pink, that beautiful flush returning to her skin. “Tell me, Narysia, do you like when I touch you here?”

  She nodded with a soft moan and he couldn’t fight his own desire to explore her. He traced the now pointed tip of her, watching her, gaging how sensitive the skin was to his touch. He pinched and tickled and gently caressed the taunt peak.

  “I wonder…” He whispered, holding her gaze as he lowered his mouth, tracing the sensitive nipple with his tongue before suckling it.

  Narysia moaned and writhed against him and he could feel the need growing inside of her. He grazed his teeth over her skin and her hands shot to his head, gripping his hair to hold him in place. He gripped her hands and moved them over her head, holding her down, and he saw the first signs of panic begin.

  Releasing her immediately he pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to scare you, Narysia.”

  Her breathed hitched, “It…it’s alright, Wytheryn. It’s not your fault. I…I…” She turned a bright red as she turned from him, but he forced her to turn back.

  “You what, beautiful?”

  “I like the way you…touch me,” she breathed, looking so fragile and nervous.

  He kissed her softly on the lips, enjoying their plumpness and texture. Her body, her entire being, was so different from what he was used to. It was a tantalizing temptation he was dying to explore, but all things in time. He glanced at the watch Kyle had given him and set her on the bed.

  “Where are you going?” She asked sounding panicked.

  He stopped, turning to her. “Kyle suggested a bath might soothe the ache left by your injuries. I’m going to draw one for you. You are mine to care for, Narysia, and while I may ask you to service me, there are times I need to just know I have provided for you. I will care for you this morn. Rest and I will come for you once all is ready,” he replied.

  Narysia laid there on the bed in confusion. She wasn’t sure what to make of him sometimes. There were things that he said that made it sound like he considered her his slave, and others that made her sound like the most precious thing in his world. She didn’t know how to reconcile it.

  Part of her felt like she should be offended by his Neanderthal behavior, but he’d been very clear last eve about what he was offering her. The truth was she liked this possessive, controlling side of him. It made her feel special and oddly safe.

  She’d shattered last night, fell apart in a thousand pieces. She couldn’t think, couldn’t function. Everything around her seemed like it was spinning out of control and she couldn’t figure out who she was supposed to trust or what was right and wrong…until he walked in. He came out of seemingly nowhere and took over. She didn’t have to try to think while everything was jumbled. He took care of it. She didn’t have to be afraid. He protected her. She didn’t have to hide. He wouldn’t let her and decided what secrets he would hold. If it wasn’t for him she’d probably still be curled in a ball on her bed, falling apart, because she sure wasn’t about to let either of the Princes touch her or see her shame. She looked down at her stomach, still marveling at the fact that it was completely healed. There wasn’t a single mark on it.

  Wytheryn had given her the ability to breathe again. This morning she woke up from a nightmare and he’d held her until she calmed down, just talking softly to her. He made it seem like it had all been just a horrible dream that he could wipe a

  He walked in and picked her up, pausing when she shrieked his name. “Are you alright?”

  “You don’t need to carry me,” she pleaded, hoping he’d put her down.

  He rolled his eyes before focusing on her with a pointed look. “Mine,” he reminded and carried her into the bathroom. Setting her on the edge of the large tub he gently removed the remnants of her clothing.

  When he went to remove her necklace she stopped him. “Please, I never take it off.”

  He examined it a moment. “What is it? It holds a trace of Light essence.”

  She looked at the oddly shaped gold pendant with the strange symbol carved into it. “It was my Father’s. He gave it to my Mom the day he died and asked that she make sure to put it on me the day I was born. He said I should never take it off and I never have.” She shrugged. “He died before I was born, but as long as I have this I always have a piece of him.”

  “Then I’ll never remove it.” He kissed her head and set her into the bath. “I would join you, but I don’t think I could control myself to sit there naked with you.” Her cheeks heated and she ducked her head as he chuckled. “Wash up, then just relax until I return for you. I need to get ready myself.”

  She watched him walk over to the shower stall and strip out of his clothes as if his nudity didn’t faze him in the least. She knew she was blushing, but she also couldn’t take her eyes off of him. It wasn’t just the way the muscles rippled over his body that caught her attention, but the faded scars she almost couldn’t see that lined his back. They did nothing to take away from his allure, but it made her wonder yet again what kind of hell he’d lived in before now.

  She’d been following him and watching him for a few days. When he was alone he sometimes knelt for hours as if he either didn’t know what to do with himself, or felt like he wasn’t allowed to do anything else. He covered it well when his brothers were around, but it was like he didn’t really know how to act in public, or what was expected of him in one on one interactions. Most Fae thought he was just arrogant and rude, but she wondered how much of that was because he didn’t know how to react to them.

  She watched him as he showered until he turned and caught her staring. Turning quickly she blushed and began washing herself. She’d never seen a man or male fully naked before, even last night they’d kept their robes on as they…she shook her head unable to shake the thoughts and images that assaulted her.

  The water shifted making her jump as strong arms wrapped around her and she was pulled tightly against Wytheryn’s chest. She knew it was him. His touch was different. It was something she couldn’t explain, but even in her nightmare when he woke her she knew the difference between his touch and theirs. He was safe, protected her, cared for her. She belonged to him in some way. It was the bonding. Something in her just recognized him.

  “Shh, I’ve got you. I’m sorry. Maybe I should have waited until you were done to shower.”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t that…just…thoughts…” She shook her head again unable to explain.

  “It’s alright.” He kissed her head as he gently stroked her back. After a while he turned her in his lap and slowly lowered her head to the water. She tensed but he smiled down at her. “Relax. Let me care for you.”

  Breathing deeply she closed her eyes, soaking up the sensations as he washed her hair and body. He kissed and nipped at her neck as his hands wandered over her for a while before he groaned and shifted her off of him. She didn’t want him to stop, but she wasn’t ready for things to go much further.

  “I will get dried off and get you a towel. My brother should be here soon,” he nearly growled and she could tell he was struggling for control.

  “I…I’m sorry,” she sighed wishing she could give him more.

  “Don’t be, Narysia. There will be a time when I will be far more demanding. Enjoy the reprieves I grant you.” He turned and went to the rack grabbing a towel.

  She didn’t understand everything he said but she knew he meant it. She rested her head back against the tub. Part of her wondered if she’d be able to handle everything he asked of her, but she trusted him and he cared about her enough to accept her. She knew he was her mate. Hopefully one day he’d even love her. Either way it was more than she’d had since the day her Mother died and she’d cherish it.

  Chapter 12

  Grifyn sighed as he sat in his study trying to reason out everything his son had explained to him. It was a lot for him to grasp. He wasn’t familiar with the world Wytheryn was raised in, and he wasn’t sure, knowing what they now knew, that he could help the boy. He wanted to. It had been his intention since his lineage was revealed to Claim him and he’d been fostering a relationship with him, but, was it fair to him?

  He ran a hand roughly through his hair as he considered it. He could teach him love, compassion, how to fight and protect himself and his mate, but any of them could teach him that really. The one thing about their family was they loved deeply and protected those they loved fiercely. Any of them could show Wytheryn those basic things, but not all of them could handle holding that level of control over him.

  Trina came over and sat on his lap. “What have you decided? I know you’re feeling torn.”

  “You know I meant to do this but…” He shook his head. “I am not what the boy needs. I will support Byryn and assist him and Wytheryn in any way I can, but I don’t think I can handle what he would need from me.”

  She smiled sadly. “I know. It’s terrible what he’s endured. Hopefully in time Byryn can bring him around. What do you think about Demytria and Kato wanting to claim him?”

  He scratched his chin. “I’m not sure. Demytria would understand the boy and know how to deal with his needs, I think, but I don’t know how Kato would feel about it or if Wytheryn would even allow Kato to get close to him. They’ve had very few interactions. In all honesty, I feel either Cymeryn, or even Kyle despite his age, would be the best bet. Both are closely linked to Byryn and he works well with them, in most cases. I believe either would be more than capable of understanding and relating to his situation, and both are far more adept at dealing with his unique circumstances than any of the rest of us.”

  “Then tell them that. I know she’s your sister and you feel obligated to support her choices after all she’s been through, but you must think of Wytheryn as well,” she reasoned with a sigh. “In all honesty I am a bit relieved you have chosen not to take this on. It is not that I would not have loved the boy as our own, but…” She hesitated but a playful smile curved her lips.

  “What is it, Trina?” He asked in confusion. She didn’t seem upset, but she was blocking him. He hated when she did that. A mate should know his female’s emotions and heart.

  “Well, we have Byryn and Felycia, both whom have their issues to overcome. Then there are our grandyoung, Kylion and Bryce whom we care for regularly. I love them all dearly. Our young and our grandyoung are precious gifts that I would never trade, but…” She seemed to be searching for words that didn’t come.

  “If something is wrong, Trina, I wish you would tell me already. We’ve never held back from one another,” he huffed. “Why are you blocking me?”

  She beamed, literally illuminated the room as she took his hand and laid it on her stomach. “Sense me for yourself, Grifyn.”

  He blinked, trying to imagine if it were even possible, but as he sent his essence through her body he felt it. Just the faintest of glimmers, so very new, but he felt it. He whooped as he jumped up, spinning her in his arms. “You’re with young? How long have you known? When?”

  She laughed. “I think just last eve to be honest. I wasn’t sure until this morn. I was about to tell you but then Byryn came to discuss Wytheryn’s situation. I did not want this to change your decision. That boy needs love and care and if it was what you thought best, I’d have supported you and gladly been there for him. I still will, but I think you’ve made the right decision.”

  He smiled at
her and glanced at his watch as he carried her back to bed. They didn’t say another word. They didn’t need to. He wanted to make love to his mate, the Mother of his young, to honor and cherish her as she deserved for granting him such a beautiful gift. They had two wonderful young that he had Claimed, and he would always cherish them, but he’d always wanted to continue his line; to have young of his own that he could hold in his arms as newborn babes and raise and cherish through every first moment as his Father had done.

  Star paced in the bathroom trying to figure out if she was right. She had a hell of a headache and wasn’t sure she’d be able to manage this all morning. It was only making it worse to know that if Byryn caught on to the fact that she was avoiding him then she’d really be in trouble. For one, she hated disappointing him and he’d probably punish her for blocking him, for putting herself through the pain of holding a block of this magnitude in place since she was actually blocking all of them. Kyle might even punish her too. On the other side of it he might think she was pissed off about Wytheryn, but the truth was she understood why he had to do what he did and trusted him completely.

  She sank down to sit on the edge of the tub. She should just talk to him and tell him what she felt. If she went to him they could figure this out together. It wasn’t like she was going to hide it from him once she figured it out for sure herself. Unfortunately, it had been one thing after another lately and Byryn had been under a hell of a lot of stress. She didn’t want to add to it and she wasn’t really sure how’d he’d react if she was right. There was just too much going on. This could push him over the edge.

  She jumped as Kyle formed in front of her with his arms crossed. It was only a matter of time before one of them came looking for her, of course, but she was hoping she’d at least have her head on straight before they did. Looked like time was up.

  “Why are you hiding out in the bathroom, soryia? If I can feel Byryn’s turmoil you should be able to…unless of course you’re blocking him as completely as you are me,” he accused and the aggravation rolled off him.


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