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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 22

by Jaime Marks

  Narysia hesitated but a moment before she stood. Cymeryn reached for her but she held up her hands pulling away. “He’s my mate and the Prin….” She shook her head as she blushed. “Byryn, Kyle, Astryn, and Staryana have been my Custyions, cared for me, been my friends and confidants when there was no one else. I’m sorry, but…I’ve only just met you both really.” She joined Wytheryn and he pulled her close, comforting her through the strain of it.

  Cymeryn rose in frustration. “What are we doing here? Explain it to me, because this is exactly what you just said should not occur.”

  Byryn turned back to face him and shook his head. “I don’t know. I didn’t create this situation and I sure as hell don’t know how to fix it. You can sit there and tell me you trust us all you want, but your actions speak for themselves, Grandsire, and it’s not just you.”

  Mythos nodded. “He is right in this aspect, Cymeryn, especially if his brothers are taking note of it.”

  “And aside from Wytheryn, who we both know would make such a pledge by nature, how many have actually come to you? You are making more of this than need be, Byryn.”

  “Four out of five,” Kyle replied quickly, stepping in front of him. “He isn’t over reacting. Wycelion is the only one who hasn’t made such a statement, and I would guess that has more to do with Perl than his actual allegiance.”

  “They aren’t the only ones either,” Astryn sighed. “Six of the unawakened females have offered themselves to be bound to his brothers if Byryn and Kyle saw fit, provided we recognize their loyalty to the four of us. Of course we denied that request and assured them they are safe and we know where their loyalty lies, but it’s becoming a pattern.”

  Cymeryn took a step back in shock. “I…I had no idea this was occurring. Why have you not said something?”

  “Because it’s only been the last couple days and there hasn’t been time,” Kyle explained.

  Byryn nodded. “We didn’t see the reasons or understand what the hell was going on at first ourselves. It seemed like an anomaly. Maybe even the normal gratitude of those used to more subservient roles.” He shrugged. “But Astryn’s right, it’s becoming a pattern. Two days and ten unawakened and Redeemed have come to us. I don’t even know how to address them at this point because now I see clearly why they feel the need to do so, and I have to question if lying to them is something I really want to do. Lies and secrecy are the currency of the Shade.”

  Cymeryn seemed to deflate somewhat and nodded. “You are right. You should not lie to them, but we need to address this amongst us before this proceeds further. You are my family, Byryn. Kyle is my son. Staryana is my daughter and Astryn I love as if she were. If I have created this rift in some way, allow me to mend it.”

  “It’s not just you, Dad,” Kyle shook his head. “It’s half of this room. We don’t want the distance between us. We just don’t know what we’re supposed to do.”

  Grifyn stood and approached them. “Have I made you feel this way?”

  Byryn immediately went to his Dad embracing him. “No, Dad, no. You are always there for me and believe in me, even when I question myself. You and Mom may not always understand the way things are with the four of us, but you never alienate us over it, or make us feel like we’re anything less than your family, and we love you for it.”

  Grifyn pulled back to meet his eyes. “If you ever feel that’s changed, you will come to me. Do you understand? I give you the space you need so that you can find your own way, but that’s never me closing my door or pushing you away. Even with your Mother being pregnant you are still my son, Byryn, and that will never change.”

  He smiled, “I know Dad. I love you.”

  “We all do, sir,” Kyle responded respectfully from where he held the girls.

  Grifyn smiled. “I know and it’s returned, but this divide cannot continue.” He became serious and turned to the others. “I generally sit back and keep my thoughts to myself unless there’s something of import I feel the need to weigh in on. I figure the issues amongst you are something that in general need to be worked out in private in most cases, but…” He sighed. “Demytria, mine sister, I love you dearly. You are amazing, and I could not be prouder of the job you do as Head of the Securine; but you are part of the issue here. You must address your concerns and fears because they are obviously being noticed. You and Cymeryn have the most interaction with the unawakened and Redeemed, aside from Byryn and Kyle. This is especially true with Byryn’s brothers.”

  She breathed deeply and Kato squeezed her hand in support before she rose. “Fine, but if I do this here the four of you are not going to like me very much, so I suggest you decide if you would rather discuss this in private.”

  Byryn crossed his arms stepping in front of the others protectively. “Lies and secrets are the currency of the Shade.”

  Demytria nodded. “Remember you said that and then ask me why I have concerns. What is going on with the four of you? And no, I do not mean the intense bonds you share. Before you answer, consider carefully your own statements and what position I hold.”

  Cymeryn looked between them in confusion but remained silent.

  Byryn seemed to be debating something. “What happens between us in private is our concern.”

  “Not when it is indicative of the Shade.”

  This time it was Cymeryn who stepped protectively in front them. “Demytria, if you are going to delve into the privacy of their relationship, I am going to point out that yours is not entirely conventional either. You of all Fae should have understanding in this.”

  Her eyes popped in surprise but she quickly recovered. “That is not what I’m referring to, Cymeryn. I do understand that aspect of it, and you had best not dare go down that road with me. I am referring more to the actual interactions amongst the four of them, rather than the dynamics of them.”

  The rest of them looked between them in confusion, not really following what their meaning was, but her last words seemed to still Cymeryn. He rose a brow studying Byryn. “What is she talking about? Do you know?”

  Kyle stepped forward and the nervous tension radiating through him permeated the room. Mythos cocked his head watching them. They were hiding something. He had been sure they were, but it was never anything that had concerned him. All he saw between the four of them was love and Light. That was enough for him, despite the unconventional aspects of it. The Divine Being seemed to approve, and if that was the case then why question it. If he could accept the relations of his sister, then he could manage this.

  Kyle looked nervously between his Dad and Byryn before stopping on Byryn. “I don’t want to hide anymore.”

  Byryn sighed and nodded. “Then don’t, gemyn. I told you I don’t care what anyone thinks but the four of us. If there’s a backlash, I’ll always protect us. I’ve got you.”

  Kyle turned to Cymeryn, taking a step back when he moved to approach him. “I asked Byryn to hide certain things because I didn’t know what you would think, or if any of you could accept it.”

  “What in the world would you think you need to hide from me, son? I have seen the entirety of your past,” Cymeryn prompted.

  He nodded. “I know and you know where I’ve been and what I’ve lived through. The things I’ve endure. Before I came here, I’m not sure I even knew what love was.” He pulled Astryn close kissing her a moment. “It some very special Fae to show me there was even Light in my heart. I love my mea with all my heart, and she is so precious to me…” He looked back at his Dad. “…but I love Byryn, too.” Without another word he turned to Byryn and took him in a passionate embrace, kissing him deeply as if he were his mate.

  Mythos gaped in shock a moment, seeing the passion very clearly returned, but quickly recovered. He studied the girls closely and saw nothing but love and acceptance. The four of them were happy. They were in love. This was not their issue. It was everyfae else’s.

  Quickly he measured the room looking first to Devyn, but he seemed to be accepting of
the situation, though somewhat uncomfortable. Grifyn looked on in shock, but not judgment. Demytria watched them more critically as if waiting for more. Kato seemed uncomfortable as he studied the four of them, but also seeming as if he was waiting for something more. Marcus had risen to his feet and seemed distraught, but said nothing. Cymeryn had crossed his arms seeming to consider things carefully. Reyana looked confused, but not upset, thankfully. In her condition she did not need the added strain. Felycia smiled as she played with Bryce, seemingly unbothered by what occurred. How this proceeded would depend on how easily their family could accept this. He could only hope it helped to heal some of the rifts rather than push them further apart.

  He turned to Stephynia who was studying the four of them shrewdly, but seemed fine. Mythos wondered how true that would be if this continued on this course. He knew Staryana and Stephynia had shared a few intimate moments, though they had graciously never amounted to anything more. With the separation between the two of them though, he did not wish for her to feel hurt by Staryana. He knew she needed Byryn and his niece more than ever in this moment.

  Kyle pulled away to face the scrutiny of the room, but Byryn pulled him back against his chest resting his hands on his hips. He whispered something in his ear and Kyle nodded as he met each of their eyes. “Whether you accept this or not, I love him and that won’t change. I love Astryn and that won’t change. This is who we are.”

  Demytria nodded. “Are you going to continue or do I need to?”

  “Aunt Demytria…” Byryn warned.

  “No Byryn. You want my trust and you are the one who throws out such statements regarding secrets and lies. I know about you and Kyle but that’s not all I know.”

  Byryn’s eyes narrowed but he turned to the girls with an edge to his voice. “This is up to you. I don’t care about their suspicions. Revealing our personal relationships shouldn’t be necessary to gain their trust. As far as I’m concerned, if this is really what it’s come to they can go to hell, because you come first.”

  Mythos sighed stepping forward. “Byryn is right. Is this really necessary, Demytria? To pick their relationships apart in this way. We have all seen their coronation and their suite. All at the hands of the Divine Being. If something they were doing was really suspect he would not provide such support. It is no different than the situation with the twins and Reyana. It is difficult to understand, but that does not mean it is wrong.”

  Demytria hesitated but shook her head. “When they are pressuring the girls to be together, yes it is.”

  Everyone gaped in shock but Mythos did not miss the sheer fury that flowed over Byryn as he stalked towards her. “How fucking dare you even accuse such a thing or out them like that? You should be damned glad I’m not turning because I swear, Demytria, you just pushed me too damned far. I have never once pressured my mate to do anything. I support her. I provide her with specific things she needs because that is what she asks of me, but I would never, never once, force her or pressure her.”

  “Byryn, it’s ok, baby,” Staryana reassured him, gently pulling him back. “Let me handle this.”

  He turned wrapping her in his arms. “Neither of you should have to. This is wrong, Staryana. What we share is beautiful and amazing, and what she just did was wrong.”

  “I know.” She kissed him. “I love you and I know. Kyle?”

  “No, uh uh, we aren’t leaving you here to deal with the fallout of this shit alone, soryia. He’s not the only one pissed as hell at this point. It should be your choice how the two of you deal with this, not hers,” he replied clearly on edge himself.

  She sighed but acquiesced. “Fine. Baby, just, go to my fratyn for now. Please, let me deal with this.”

  He studied her a moment and kissed her head. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to deal with this shit today.”

  “Not your fault,” she breathed deeply but when she turned to face Demytria there was a fire in her eyes that he had not seen since Kylion was threatened. “Happy now? Did your little reveal hour succeed in what you thought it would?”

  “I’m trying to protect you,” Demytria levelled.

  “By what? Alienating my mate and family? Breeding distrust and questions among his brothers? You sure as hell weren’t trying to protect me, because you haven’t once come to me and voiced your concerns. I know you haven’t gone to any of the others because I can tell when they’re blocking me,” She groaned scrubbing her face before addressing the room. “Yes, Byryn and Kyle are lovers and yes, Astryn and I are as well. I consider both Astryn and Byryn to be my mates, and I know that Astryn feels the same in regards to her situation with me and Kyle. The four of us are intimately bound. If you have an issue or question I suggest you ask it now, because I’m about done with this shit. I’m not some fragile little doll like you all seem to think. I don’t need your damned protection.”

  Reyana studied her. “Star, come here please.”

  “No Mom, I’m fine right here for now. I know this is confusing to you, but this isn’t the first time I’ve had feelings like this, and it’s what I want.” She reached back pulling Astryn closer to her and the boys moved close to support them. Wytheryn stood to the side holding Narysia completely unfazed by any of this. “I love Astryn and Byryn. I treasure the bond with my brother. Whatever the hell the issue is with it I suggest you get over it, because I won’t let anyone come between us.”

  “Oh god, starshine, I would never come between you or judge you for this. I’m just trying to figure out after all the Divine Being has done to support you, why you would feel you need to hide this from me and your Fathers.” Reyana walked over to them. “I love all of you so much, and I would never judge you for loving one another.”

  “Your Mother is right. I am more upset that you all felt you had to hide this than anything. What did we do that made you think you could not trust us enough to reveal this? Our own relationship is far from conventional,” Cymeryn added.

  “That is my fault,” Marcus replied looking to his feet. “I know I’ve been overbearing and overprotective, however, I never meant for it to cause any of this. Can the four of you forgive me for making this harder for you?”

  They exchanged glances and Byryn spoke solemnly. “I’ve never faulted you for wanting to protect her, Marcus. How could I? I know what it means to love her. She’s amazing.” He kissed her head. “We just didn’t want to alienate you, and I think maybe in a respect, by keeping all this from you I caused more of a rift between the two of us. I’m sorry for that. There used to be no secrets between us and I’ve kind of kept that separation since we’ve been back.”

  “Again that was my fault. I reacted badly to what happen to you both and I took it out on you in some ways.” He sighed scrubbing his head. “It was wrong of me Byryn. You were every bit as much a victim in Lazurys’ game as Staryana was. I should’ve come to you long before now and aired out the issue that caused, but there never seemed to be a right time. I should know by now that I need to make the time.”

  Mythos sighed measuring the room, knowing everything needed to be aired before they could even attempt to address all this. “I am almost afraid to ask. Is there anything else?”

  Demytria hesitated looking away in shame. Kato went to her and took her in his arms. “Stop. You only acted on the information you had and you gave them the opportunity to first address this privately. You did what you felt was right, even if you made a mistake.” He turned to them. “She did not mean to hurt you, and even if she will not ask for fear of insulting you further, I will ask perhaps the most important question which was more of a concern in the first place. We have seen the intimacy between the four of you. What Byryn and Kyle share, and Staryana and Astryn share, accounts for some of it; but it is more than that. What of the relations between Byryn and Astryn and…” He paused glancing to Mythos before continuing. “Kyle and Staryana?”

  Byryn nodded with a sigh as if expecting it. “That I can understand you having issue with, and I won’t fau
lt you for asking, but your concern’s unwarranted. Yes, we share a very intimate connection between the four of us. I can see how some of our interactions can be viewed as questionable, but there is nothing going on between either of us and the other’s mates aside from an intense closeness. I don’t even desire Astryn in that way and I know Kyle and Staryana’s connection is the same because it’s extremely difficult, and admittedly painful, to keep secrets amongst us.”

  Kyle sighed with barely restrained irritation, “She’s my sister. I love her, I care for her, but I have no desire to cross that line with her or any other female for that matter. Astryn is my mate. I don’t even see other females like that, especially not my damned sister. She’s the entire reason I risked defection in the first place, to prevent her from having to deal with that kind of shit.”

  Byryn squeezed his shoulder and kissed his temple to soothe him. “We don’t understand how everything works, but it’s pretty clear to us that if there’s a boundary that shouldn’t be crossed it’s clearly identifiable. I won’t deny Astryn’s beautiful, but she’s not Staryana and she’s my gemyn’s mate. She is…eria.” He shrugged with a smirk.

  Astryn smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek. “You’re such a brat, Byryn.”

  He laughed. “What? Staryana is mine. You’re his.”

  Kyle snickered, “He’s right, mea.”

  She rolled her eyes and laid back against him. “I know and I wouldn’t change it.”

  Cymeryn nodded and turned to Kato. “Does this satisfy your concerns?”

  He measured his mate a moment but nodded. “If you are satisfied, I will defer to your judgment on it. I have no real way to investigate it further. We only mean to ensure they are safe and well. Astryn is still my ward.”

  Byryn scrubbed his face. “Why didn’t you just ask us? Why not confront us, Aunt Demytria? I work with you all the time. You’ve had ample opportunities.”

  She turned to face him with dried tears plain to see on her face but Kato did not release her. “It wasn’t just me, Byryn. Wyce was so concerned and I didn’t know how to deal with it. He’s not exactly stupid, and he’s one of your strongest supporters. We wanted to be sure before we pressed things, but then this situation with Wytheryn arose and you pushed all this. We were worried about you, all of you, because of all the rumors about Lazurys having some hold over you, but you seem to be in control and nothing you’ve done outside of your relations has been suspect.”


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