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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 36

by Jaime Marks

  Really most of their punishments were just games. They all enjoyed them. Neither of the girls ever did anything too serious. They gave them firm reminders with just enough edge to make them pay attention, but there was always pleasure at the end and they both knew they’d never hurt them. He knew sometimes they acted out just to provoke them. There was no real harm in it and it kept them on their toes. If their behavior ever really warranted a punishment it would be a different story, and his soryia had definitely skirted the line in the past, but for the most part it was just about them needing time together.

  Cymeryn came over and sat beside them with Reyana in his arms and Marcus sat on the other side. “We thought we would join you if that is acceptable? There has been far too much separation between us of late.”

  Byryn nodded. “You’re always welcome. I was going to suggest it, actually. Wytheryn and Narysia should be joining us soon.”

  “How is she?” Marcus asked.

  Byryn’s lips twisted slightly as he tried to figure out how to explain that.

  Alarm ran through his uncle. “Is she alright?”

  “She’s fine,” Kyle reassured them. “She just maybe needs a little practice with her new abilities.” She’d been fine with just the three of them last night, but apparently there had been a few issues this morning.

  Byryn nodded. “She uh, tends to lose control of it when she’s nervous. It’s not bad. Just a…little shocking,” he sighed in exasperation.

  Cymeryn chuckled, “We will need to find her a Fae of Storms she can train with. All Elementals typically train with a Master as an alymn. Until she is trained it may be a bit difficult.”

  “You have no idea,” Byryn mumbled. “Wytheryn can manage it though.”

  “Did she shock you, Byryn?” Reyana requested curiously.

  “No, well yes, but I absorbed it easily enough. I think it’s because of the bond as her sire. The seamstress, on the other hand, is another story.” He grimaced as the images of their encounter this morning ran through his head. “It wasn’t bad enough that she needed a healer but uh, I have to replace her stock in materials and pay for what was ruined.”

  Cymeryn’s brow rose. “Really? She is that gifted?”

  Kyle shrugged. “She’s Sacred Borne. It was expected, but this hit her fast and she didn’t get a chance to really learn how to manage it. That would be like mea suddenly having my ability to wield flame. She has no context or experience with it. She’s never even seen it wielded. I might be new to the ability, but I at least have a fundamental understanding of how it works and how to control it.”

  She winced. “Yeah, I think I’m happier with my defensive and mental capabilities thanks. It would scare me if I thought I could hurt someone.”

  Kyle kissed her head. “Which is why we need to be there for Narysia right now. Our poor sunshine’s scared to death.”

  Cymeryn cut a harsh glance his way. “Narysia is your Aunt.”

  He sighed and nodded. “I know that, Dad, but it’s complicated. She’s over a year younger than me and my progeny. Neither of us are really comfortable with that moniker, but I’ll be sure we use the proper formality in public if necessary.”

  His Dad seemed to soften as he nodded. “I can understand that, I suppose.” He sighed, “Really at this point it is whatever makes Narysia comfortable.”

  They looked up as she and Wytheryn entered. Her eyes settled on his Dad and Marcus and you could see the electricity roll over her skin. She shook her head and turned to leave but Wytheryn caught her by the arms, absorbing the effects.

  Kyle and Byryn misted to her side and she looked between them in defeat. “You’re not going to let me leave. Are you?”

  Byryn rested his hands on her shoulders, gently rubbing them despite the shock that rolled through him. “No Narysia, because if we let you, you’ll lock yourself in your suite and stay there. Your brothers need to see that you’re alright and this is your family. We’re here to help you.”

  “But what if I hurt someone?” The fear in her voice was so evident that Kyle almost wanted to wrap her in his arms and hide her away.

  “Hey, sunshine.” He gently turned her to face him. “We aren’t gonna let that happen. The three of us will take care of you and help you manage until we can get someone here who can teach you how to control it,” he promised.

  “Everything is going to be alright, Rysa,” Wytheryn reassured her with a smile. “I told you, our sires will help you manage and I’m right here with you, always.”

  She nodded reluctantly and Wytheryn turned her to face the others while keeping hold of her hands so that he could absorb any energy that might surge. He walked backwards as he guided her with Byryn and Kyle beside her. They communicated mentally with the girls to shift over so they could place her in the middle of them in case there was an issue. It would give them a buffer to contain her lightning if it lashed out.

  Wytheryn sat and turned her, carefully keeping both her hands in one of his as he guided her into his lap. Byryn and Kyle sat on either side of them keeping tabs on her. She breathed deeply but the tension remained. She was so stiff Kyle almost wanted to tickle her and make her relax, but he knew better. His Dad would definitely have a fit and it might set off her ability if he startled her.

  “See, no issues, sunshine,” Byryn pointed out. “Now that we know it’s an issue we can manage it. We just didn’t realize that it would be this morning.”

  Cymeryn leaned forward. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” He kept his voice calm and quiet and almost managed not to look intimidating.

  They all watched as the essence and electricity roll over her skin. Kato approached slowly and knelt in front of them. He’d been monitoring the situation from across the room.

  “Narysia. Look at me,” he commanded waiting for her to comply. She jumped at his tone and the electricity surged. Kyle went to reach for her arm but Kato caught his eye and shook his head. “Now, breathe deeply and allow the energy to flow over you. It is a part of you, a current that flows through you. Focus on the feel of it and hold it, as you would your essence,” he instructed holding her gaze. The Light dimmed slowly. “Good. You must listen. Elemental energy needs to be released, but you cannot simply allow it to flow freely, you must learn to direct it. Most can either be released in the air or the ground. With the power of the Storm you can do both, but you must control it. You must ground when you are not utilizing it, and when you fight you must direct it.”

  “Fight?” She gasped as it surged brightly once more.

  “Breathe,” he commanded and gave her a moment to rein it back in, nodding once she did. “Yes fight, because none will ever be able to get close enough to harm you now, Narysia. The power you wield? Few would dare try.”

  His words seemed to calm her and she expelled a slow breath. “But, how can I send it to the ground if I’m inside?”

  Kato breathed deeply. “That is a bit tricky to learn at first and there are other methods of grounding, though I am honestly not aware of most and unsure how to teach them. Right now you must simply learn to hold and control. You will need to make periodical trips outdoors for now I am afraid. I wish I could train you in this, but the essence of the Forest and the lightning of Storm work quite differently.” He looked up scanning their group. “She is quite talented. Nycholi a Savion is the only Fae in realm who may be able to manage her as a pupil, but I do not believe he will her true Master.”

  Marcus rubbed his brow. “Who do you believe would be best suited overall? You generally have a decent read on these things, Kato.”

  He sighed eyeing Cymeryn cautiously as he rose. “In truth there is only one Master suited for each alymn. We can try Nycholi, and he will be able to grant her a temporary reprieve perhaps, but if they are not suited he will not be able to train her in most abilities. My guess is her Master is one of the Fulmyions themselves.”

  Kyle watched as his Dad covered her face with his hands. “Are you certain that is necessary?” He mumbled o
bviously distressed.

  Kato measured Narysia again and they could feel his essence flowing over her. “Either Fulmyion or Ignyia a Fulmyion. They are really the best suited, only Nycholi comes close and he is Ignyia’s Master. She is of the strongest Fae of Storms that I have ever seen. I doubt any others would have the ability to help her reach her full potential and it is likely her lightning will accept none other. Her Master will have felt her awakening and be waiting for their alymn to seek them out. You will need an audience with King Fulmyion and Princess Ignyia to be sure.”

  Cymeryn nodded. “Thank you, Kato.”

  Kyle waited until Kato was out of ear range. “Is there an issue?”

  His Dad shook his head. “Not specifically.”

  “Ignyian was Fulmyion’s mate,” Marcus offered quietly. “Ignyia is her daughter.”

  “Wait.” Kyle’s head dropped forward realizing now why the name Ignyia triggered some memory. “As in the Ignyian?” Byryn groaned shaking his head.

  “Who is Ignyian?” Star asked curiously. “I haven’t read or heard anything about her.”

  Byryn turned towards her. “She was the first female Fae of Storms and is now the most ruthless female Shade to walk the Realms. Her power is…different but still deadly.”

  She glanced at Cymeryn who was avoiding everyone’s gaze. “Oh.”

  Byryn nodded confirming her suspicious that their Dad had turned her. She was actually one of his first favored, but when they out grew each other he released her rather than attempt to keep her chained and deal with her jealousy.

  “I’ll talk to him,” Marcus stated plainly. “He was a supporter of our Father’s work. He may not be as much of an issue as you believe.”

  “Perhaps,” Dad sighed.

  Mythos and Stephynia walked in and her laughter preceded them. Kyle looked up in relief but instantly sensed something was off. When she looked at him confusion rolled over her.

  Mythos’ essence instantly surrounded her and her smile returned. He picked her up into his arms and kissed her softly as he carried her over, but when he met Marcus and Cymeryn’s gaze his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Kyle studied the four of them shrewdly.

  Her essence felt off. It was weird, subdued somehow, and it was like she didn’t recognize him. There was something familiar about the distance in her eyes, the way she felt…

  “Stephynia has decided she would like us to be bound at once. We need to begin the Sequester,” He smiled widely, though Kyle couldn’t help but think it seemed forced.

  Marcus stood and turned to Narysia. “We’ll be gone most of the day, but I want you to know how proud we are of you. I will speak to Fulmyion and see about finding a Master appropriate to train you in the art of the Storm,” he promised, leaning down to kiss her forehead. Her lightning surged as he spoke, but she reined it back in this time. If she’d shocked him he ignored it.

  He went back to Reyana and kissed her as Cymeryn released her to join them. He smiled at his sister. “You are amazingly precious, Narysia. Do not fear this. It is a gift, though I can imagine how frightening it must be right now,” he cupped her cheek and his skin crackled as her power shocked him but he didn’t even acknowledge it. “I will see you this eve. Marcus will likely return with somefae to work with you this noon but, I will need to remain with the Queen.”

  Kyle rose a brow meeting his Dad’s eyes but he only smiled as he turned to him. “I know we have much to work though, Kyle, but you are mine son. I am trusting you and Byryn to see to things in our stead. Can you manage court?”

  He nodded slowly piecing it all together. He knew what this was. “If Pravyous…or any other Shade shows up, will you call us?”

  “Of course.” He leaned down and embraced him briefly. “I am sorry.”

  “Me too Dad,” he replied trying to sound sincere.

  Right in that moment he was anything but. He was fuming but they couldn’t address it yet. If he said the wrong thing it would send Steph into a tailspin and he wasn’t really sure what the damage would be. How much did they fucking take away? Could she even really make the choice to bond with her mind restricted like that?

  Byryn stood and Cymeryn embraced him before he turned offering Steph his hand and misting from the realm. Kyle was tempted to follow after them. Turning to his Uncle he met his eyes in accusation.

  Mythos paused and it was the only confirmation he needed. He looked down a moment but met his gaze. “It is what needed to be done, Kyle.”

  “I hope for your sake this doesn’t blow up in your face.” He shook his head. “This is no better than the games he plays.”

  Marcus stepped up beside him. “It was the only way to protect her.”

  Kyle breathed deeply knowing at least five other ways that would have worked if they’d bothered to come to him first. He had no idea this was going on or he would’ve intervened. Steph would view this at the ultimate betrayal. “We’ll discuss this later, but don’t think this is over. Are you sure you don’t want us there?”

  Marcus shook his head. “It’ll be fine. We’ll need you here to see to things and then at our side tonight.”

  They misted and Kyle and Byryn exchanged concerned glances. His Dad and Uncle had just pulled the most dangerous stunt they could have. Not only were they exposing themselves to the Brood but when those blocks lifted, Steph was gonna go ballistic, and if John was there? He knew exactly how to use it to his advantage. They’d be lucky if she even forgave them for it afterwards.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t bother to even ask me,” he cursed. “I could have blocked his influence without manipulating her mind like that. I know my power bothers them, but I’m a damned Priest. I know how to counter John.”

  Byryn sighed. “He lied right to my face, Kyle. He sat there and told me there was nothing he was hiding from me. I thought maybe he just didn’t realize what was bothering him, but he didn’t tell me about this.”

  He nodded. “They know we can’t leave Narysia like this and that we’ll stay to see to the girls, Felycia, and Bryce. They’ve tied our hands until we can sort things out here.”

  “Enough,” Reyana interrupted them. “They’re doing what they feel is necessary to protect Steph. A lot like you did what you thought was right last eve. I understand your concerns, just as I understood theirs. They know what they’re doing. Trust them to do it as you want them to trust you.”

  Kyle frowned but went to his bonded-Mother wrapping her in his arms. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset you. I know you’re worried about him too. We’ll figure it out Mom.” He froze, as did practically everyone within ear range.

  Her arms wrapped around him. “It’s alright Kyle. Everything’s alright. Either way.”

  She pulled his head to her shoulder and he allowed it to hide the unshed tears that glistened in his eyes. She did remind him of his Mom and he missed her so damned much every day. She just stood there holding him a moment but it was too much.

  He regained his composure and pulled away, nodding his gratitude to her and doing what he knew his Father would want. “For now though, you need to eat and then back to bed. You’re on restriction again if I heard right earlier.”

  She groaned. “Really? You’re not serious.”

  Byryn nodded. “If he’s not I am, and your daughter and Astryn can keep you company.”

  “What!” They both exclaimed.

  “You heard me. You’re both exhausted. At least until you see Sanytia I’m sending you both to take it easy,” he replied firmly. “It looks like we might have a Bonding to attend tonight.”

  “Byryn, I have reports to review, Fae to meet with, and texts I need to study,” Star complained.

  “And I was supposed to be meeting with Demytria today,” Astryn huffed.

  “Actually,” Demytria interrupted. “I was going to talk to you yesterday but I thought it best to allow things to settle. You can’t train in the Academy in your condition. I’m sorry, Astryn. I will gladly help with your training under a
Healer’s supervision otherwise, but you won’t be able to enroll.”

  Her lip pouted out slightly and Kyle knelt in front of her. “Hey, relax mea. We’ll adapt it to your needs, but she’s right. Training at the Academy means sparring with other Fae who won’t know how to manage your condition. Besides, you train with us anyway. I’ve already told you that you don’t need to do this. If you still want to enroll after the baby’s born I’ll gladly support you, but first you need to take care of yourself and our little one.”

  “Fine,” she groaned laying back.

  Kyle sized them up than turned to meet Devyn’s gaze. He’d overheard part of their conversation and didn’t appear too thrilled either. They needed to tend to the girls and get everyone set so they could get to Steph before this turned into a disaster. He wasn’t stupid. With the hold John had on her he had to know what was blocking him and why. There’s no way he’d let an opportunity like this slip through his hands.

  Chapter 34

  Ravyshyn sat up immediately. A slow smile spread across his lips. He knew they would need to move quickly but even he’d been shocked at their actions. Perhaps the Fae had some Darkness to him after all.

  In the last twenty-four hours Steph had drank form two different sources. One was minor, despite the potency of his blood she’d barely had enough to lull her, but the other was enough to hold sway over her thoughts. Her prim and proper King had all but bound her to facilitate the Bonding Ritual.

  They may have blocked his influence but, they couldn’t break their bond. He’d been keeping an eye on her so he could be there when they screwed up. She was in Sequester in the Realm of Light now, but she wasn’t alone.

  “Is everything ready?” He asked turning to look down at Vilyn.

  He nodded. “Everything we need is in place. Is it time?”

  “She’s in the Realm of Light under Sequester. I believe Cymeryn’s with her.”

  Vilyn’s eyes narrowed. “That might be an issue but if he presents much of a problem I will summon Pravyous to deal with him directly. I would rather him not be aware of her if we can prevent it, but we will see how this play out. For now, let us move and wait for an opportunity to present itself.”


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