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Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2)

Page 16

by Stone, Dee J.

  Noises sound from my bedroom destroying the trance we’re in. Mom’s shifting on the bed. It always creaks, especially when I’m tossing and turning. Sebastian had never complained about my disturbing him from his rest. He never really complained about anything. How am I going to live on without him?

  But I don’t have a choice.

  “I think it’s time,” I say reluctantly, my voice low. Tears gather in my eyes and I let them fall down my cheeks. This is it. This is goodbye.


  Closing my eyes, I say, “I wish…” No, I can’t do it. I bury my face deeper into Sebastian’s chest. I’ve got to. “I wish to completely cure my mother’s illness.”

  Sebastian steps back, causing my arms to fall from around him. He spins and swings his arms. “Your wish is my command.”

  Winds blow at me. They’re so strong that I can barely see anything, only Sebastian’s eyes boring into mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I’m trying to keep my eyes on Sebastian, but it’s hard to fight the winds. Slowly, they lessen as they whoosh toward my bedroom, to Mom. When they’re completely gone, I see someone standing there, his eyes on mine. Golden skin, black hair.

  “Sebastian!” I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He spins us around, pressing kisses to every single spot on my face. I crush my lips to his, running my fingers through his hair and kissing him like I’m in a desert and he’s the water I desperately need.

  “How…?” I ask between kisses. “How are you still here?” Dread enters my heart. “It didn’t work?”

  He shakes his head. “No, it did.” He looks down at himself, his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m still gold. Still a genie.”

  “Maybe I have more than three wishes.”

  He massages his forehead. “This has never happened to me. I don’t understand.”

  I squeeze him close to me. “I don’t care. Just as long as you’re here.” I kiss him again, hard and strong.

  Someone clears her throat. Sebastian and I look to our left. Mom is standing there, gaping at me as though I lost my mind. I quickly untangle myself from my genie, embarrassed to be caught making out so passionately. But then it dawns on me that my mother doesn’t see Sebastian. From her point of view, it must have looked like I had my arms and legs wrapped around nothing.

  “Mom…I can explain…”

  Other than the freaked-out look on her face, she appears well and healthy. Sebastian told me the wish worked, and I can see now that he’s right. Mom looks like she’s been zapped with energy. But why is Sebastian still here? Is this some sort of trick? Is he going to suddenly leave me?

  I shake my head. Now’s not the right time to question it. Mom is still staring at me like I fell from another planet. I have two choices: lie or tell her the truth. Considering that she’s going to question how her cancer was suddenly cured, I’m going to have to go with option number two.

  Glancing at Sebastian, I ask him with my eyes if it’s okay I tell her. He nods.

  I take in a deep breath. “Mom, you might want to sit down for this.”

  She gives me a funny look before sitting down on the couch. I lower myself next to her and Sebastian stands beside me with his hand on my shoulder. He must know how difficult and awkward this is going to be. Telling Macy about my genie was hard, but she’s my best friend and is more accepting. Mom, well, she’s not one to believe in the paranormal, and she constantly worries about me. There’s a high chance she won’t take the news well.

  Clasping my hands in my lap, I say, “I don’t know how to say it, so I’m just going to blurt it out. But please let me finish and don’t jump to conclusions and don’t judge. Please.”

  “Lily, what on Earth are you talking about?”

  I take another deep breath, then let it out. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine. What is it you want to tell me?”

  There’s no point in pushing off the inevitable. A part of me is relieved to not have to keep secrets anymore, but the other part is terrified of her reaction. What if she thinks I’m crazy? We’ve just started rekindling our relationship. I don’t want to lose that.

  The third part of me reassures me that she’s my mom and she loves me and she’d never think I’m crazy. I’m still worried, though.

  “What did you see when you walked into the room?” I ask her.

  Her eyebrows furrow. “I’m not exactly sure. It look liked you were….levitating.”

  “Levitating with my arms and legs wrapped around someone, right?”

  Her eyebrows furrow even more as she nods.

  I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. “Well, I was hugging someone. Someone you can’t see. Only I can see him.”

  “What?” Again, she’s gaping at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “A few weeks ago, as I was throwing out the garbage at Inferno, I found something in the dumpster. It was a magic lamp. When I came home and gave it a rub, a genie came out, promising to grant me three wishes.”

  She starts to shake her head, but I put my hand on hers. “Please let me finish.”

  She nods.

  “His name is Sebastian.”

  “Sebastian? You mean your…?”

  I nod, my lips pressed together. “We got friendly and…I fell in love with him.”

  “With a genie?”

  I nod, avoiding her eyes. “I know it sounds crazy, but he’s real to me.” I tell her about Sebastian coming from another world, about how I made a wish to absolve him of his crime. “He came back to Earth,” I continue. “As a human. He just had some powers. I thought we could finally have a future. When you saw him, he was real and human…sort of anyway. Then all of the sudden, he was a genie again.” My gaze meets hers. “I love him, Mom. I know it’s crazy, but that’s how I feel.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just sits there with her mouth slightly open, her eyes pasted on the wall in front of us.

  “Mom…I used my last wish to cure your cancer.”

  She slowly turns her head to me. I rest my hand on hers. “You’re going to live a full, healthy life.”

  Again, she’s quiet, her mind seeming to be anywhere but here. Tears fill her eyes and drip down her cheeks. Her mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.

  “Mom.” I wrap my arms around her. “Say something. Please.”

  More tears fill her eyes, so many it’s as though she has an ocean behind them. She blinks, causing them to run down her cheeks. “Lily,” she whispers. Her eyes search my face. “You would do that for me?”

  I hug her closer. “Of course. It wasn’t even a question. I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, too, honey. Thank you so much. I don’t…I don’t know what to say…Is such a thing even possible?” She laughs lightly. “If my cancer is really cured, like you claim, then my doctor is going to have the shock of his life when I see him next week.” She kisses my cheek, then squishes me in her arms like she did many times when I was a kid. Then she pulls back, her forehead wrinkled. “You said you used your last wish?”

  I nod. “Normally, a master has three wishes. Nothing’s been making sense since Sebastian came back. I was his master already, so technically I shouldn’t have been his master again. And since I used up my last wish, he should be gone and I should forget all about him. But he’s still here.”

  She looks around the room like she expects to see him. “Where is he?”

  I rub his arm that’s resting on my shoulder. “Standing right next to me. I’m sorry I lied, Mom. I just didn’t see a need in telling you he was a genie when he was human. And after that…I figured he’d leave me and I’d forget him anyway. So it would be useless telling you. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay. As much as I’d like to know every detail about your life, I understand that you need your secrets.”

  “Thanks. Uh…” I look at Sebastian. “Is it okay if she sees you?” I ask him. “I would like to involve her more in my life. If that’s okay.”

watches curiously as I converse with my genie, her eyes filled with intrigue.

  Sebastian nods.

  “Thanks. It’ll only be for a few seconds,” I tell Mom. “Only his master can see him, but he can reveal himself to someone for a bit.”

  “This is very strange...”

  “I know. I thought the same thing when I first saw him. He’s the same guy, Mom. He just happens to be a genie”

  Sebastian walks around the couch stopping in front of her. A few seconds later, Mom’s eyes widen. “Oh my.” Her eyes take in his golden, naked chest, his pants, his bare toes.

  “Hi,” Sebastian says, nervously pushing some hair out of his eyes.

  “H…hi,” Mom sputters. He must have disappeared because he returns to my side and Mom turns to me. “Is that why the two of you have been living together?”

  “Yeah. He has nowhere to live and…we…you know…right before he turned back into a genie…”

  “You slept together?”

  I internally wince. “He was human back then, Mom.”

  She massages her temples. “Oh, Lily.” She pulls me into her arms. “I’m so, so sorry. I know how much you wanted your first time to be with a guy you could have a future with.”

  I pull out of her arms. “I’m going to have a future with Sebastian.” Assuming he doesn’t leave me. I shove that thought away.

  “You can’t be serious,” Mom says.

  “Did you not hear what I said? I love Sebastian. I want to be with him forever.”

  “You can’t have a future with someone who is invisible, Lily.”

  Mom has never really scolded me. I suppose it’s because I’ve never done anything…crazy. I know she means well, but I’ve been through so much pain and heartache. Why can’t I be with Sebastian forever? Because I’ll age while he won’t? Because no one can see him? It doesn’t matter. He’s real to me. That’s what’s important.

  Mom wraps her arm around my shoulders. “I know you love him, sweetie. But you’re eighteen and too young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Why settle down with someone you can’t have a future with? What if you want kids? Sebastian can’t give you kids.”

  Sebastian’s hand that’s resting on my shoulder drops. He steps to the side and stares out the window.

  “Stop,” I tell Mom. “You’re hurting his feelings.”

  “I’m sorry. That’s not my intention. I just care about you so much, Lily. I want you to have a happy life.”

  Tears pool in my eyes. “He makes me happy.”


  “I told you not to judge.” I get to my feet. “Dad left you when I was a baby. You pretend like it doesn’t bother you, but I know it does. Sebastian loves me and I love him. We want to be together. I don’t care of it’s crazy or not healthy or whatever. This is what we want.”

  “No,” Sebastian says from the window.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Your mother is right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What’s he saying?” Mom asks.

  Ignoring her, I head to Sebastian and run my hand down his cheek. “What do you mean, Sebastian?”

  He turns his head, causing my hand to drop. His eyes are filled with pain. “She’s right. I’m going to hold you back. You won’t have a family, or a normal life.” He takes my hands. “Use up more wishes, enough to send me to another master.”

  I shake my head. “No. I won’t let you leave.”

  He fingers my bottom lip. “Lily…”

  “I love you. I don’t need kids or a family or a regular human life. I just want you. Your love surpasses all. You make me happy. Nothing or no one else could.” I turn to Mom. “I know it’s hard to accept. You might not have any grandkids from me, but I can’t bear the thought of not being with him. Please accept this, Mom.”

  Her eyes move from me to the window, where she must assume Sebastian is. “This is hard, Lily. I just want what’s best for you.”

  “What’s best for me is Sebastian.”


  “Mom, I love him. It hurts me too much when we’re apart, like I’m being sawed in half. Don’t you see how much he means to me? Sure we won’t live a normal life, but at least I’ll be living one. Assuming he stays forever, that is.” I didn’t mean to say the last bit. Mom’s eyes fill with curiosity.

  “You’re saying he could leave?”

  I shrug. “Maybe. I don’t know. It’s possible.”

  She’s about to say something, but I hold up my hands. “I know what you’re going to say, but you need to trust me to do what I feel is best for me. Right now, that is Sebastian, my genie, the guy who has my heart.”

  Mom just stares at me. A few seconds later, she hugs me. “I don’t like this, but I see I don’t have a say. You’re right that it’s your life, and I want you to live it the way you see fit. I just worry.”

  “Thanks for worrying about me, but I’ll be okay.”

  She sighs as she runs her hand down her face. “As long as you’re happy, sweetie.”

  I wrap my arms around Sebastian’s waist and bury my face in his chest. “I am, Mom. I really am.”

  Chapter Thirty

  To say things are a bit awkward between Mom and me during dinner would be an understatement. I recreated a new pasta dish they serve at Inferno, tweaking it a little to not make it spicy, since Mom can’t tolerate spicy foods. We talk a bit here and there, but the dinner table is mostly quiet. Sebastian’s watching his game shows in the living room. Mom still can’t get over the fact that there’s an invisible person living here. She says it’s like a ghost is roaming the house. I can’t say I know how she feels because I can see Sebastian. To me, he’s as human and as real as she is, you know, except for the golden skin.

  I understand her concern. If I had a daughter who told me she was dating a ghost, who’s to say I wouldn’t try to talk her out of it? But I wish she’d understand my point of view. How much Sebastian means to me, how I wouldn’t be able to move on without him. Maybe that’s a little extreme, but it’s how I feel. It’s as though Sebastian has become a vital part of my body. Losing him would be like losing a limb.

  Mom and I talk about little things, like work and George. I tell her about the set of pots and pans I saw in the window of a store near the restaurant. I’d really love to buy it, but it’s too expensive. Mom nods like she’s hardly listening to me. Her thoughts must revolve around my genie.

  When she’s done eating, Mom asks if she can help clean up. I tell her it’s okay. Sebastian enters the kitchen and waves his hands around. A second later, everything is all tidied up. Mom gapes at me.

  “Perks of having a genie boyfriend,” I joke.

  Her smile is strained.

  “I was thinking of watching a movie,” I say. “You want to join me and Sebastian?”

  “Where is he?”

  I point to the doorway. She stares at it, twisting her mouth. “Am I able to touch him?”

  I shake my head. “You’d go right through. He can push you, though. Not with his hands, but with his magic.”


  “But he’d never do that,” I quickly say. “He really likes you.”

  “I liked him, too.”

  Liked. In the past tense. As in she liked human Sebastian, not genie Sebastian.

  “I’m a little tired,” Mom says. “I think I’ll skip the movie and go to bed.”

  Alarm bells go off all over my body. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She touches my arm. “I promise.”

  “Okay.” I think I’m always going to worry about her.

  She kisses me good night, then freezes as she faces the doorway. “Good night Sebastian.” She looks at me. “Is he there?”

  I nod.

  She heads over to him, stopping only a few inches away from his face. “I know you’re good to my daughter and as much as I don’t like the idea of her dating someone invisible, I just want to tell you that I trust you to make he
r happy. That’s all I can say.”

  “He thanks you, Mom.”

  She stretches her hand as though she wants to touch him. Her hand goes right through him, dropping to her side. “Good night, kids.”

  Once she’s gone, Sebastian takes me in his arms, resting his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  “What for?”

  His sad eyes search mine. “For ruining your life.”

  “Sebastian, we’ve talked about this. You haven’t ruined my life. You’ve made it better. A lot better. I was such a sad and lost person before I met you.”

  He nods slowly.

  “Listen.” I play with his hair. “The decisions I make, I make for myself. I’m choosing to be with you. I know we can’t live like a normal couple, but all I want is you. I want to wake up with you beside me each morning.”

  “Lily, we don’t even know how long I’m going to be here. Why should you invest your heart in me when I might leave…?” He groans and clutches his stomach. Breathing heavily, he drops to the floor, rolling around like he’s on fire.

  “Sebastian!” I fall to his side. “What’s wrong?”

  His eyes flutter. “I don’t…I don’t feel well.”

  “Lily?” Mom’s at my side. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Sebastian. He collapsed to the floor. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

  Sweat shines on his forehead and his chest. His breathing is growing heavier by the second.

  “Sebastian? Oh God.”

  I rush to the couch, grab a cushion, and place it under his head. His head lolls to the right and left as soft moans escape his mouth. “What do I do?” I nearly shout. He hasn’t eaten anything, so I know he’s not sick from human food.

  Wishes. He needs them to survive.

  His eyes flutter a bit before they shut. “No!” I lightly slap his face. “Don’t you dare pass out on me.”

  “Lily,” he whispers, reaching for my hand. I take it.

  “Is he okay?” Mom’s voice is alarmed.

  I shake my head. “He lives off wishes. I need to wish or else he’ll die.”

  “Lily…no. I might….leave…”


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