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Esther's Seduction

Page 3

by Lily Weidner

  Not wanting to part with him, Esther lay there beside Haman in the grass. To her surprise, he was actually capable of an immense amount of love. The way he pulled her to him, refusing to release her, told her all she needed to know. “You’re mine, Highness.” Turning to face him, Esther smiled warmly, forgetting the cultural restraints that had once bound her. “I am completely yours.” Laughing, Haman rolled over onto his back, looking up at the night sky. “Your husband by the way, says to tell you that you’re welcome and he sends his love.” Sitting up, Esther only stared at Haman wanting him to finish his statement. This made Haman only laugh more seeing the look on Esther’s face.


  “What do you mean?” Esther’s hesitancy was obvious, and Haman could only pull her closer. “Relax, just relax, all is alright.” Trying to trust his intended statement, as a means of calm, Esther lay back down taking in his words and actions carefully “Alright, will you tell me what you meant?” Haman brushed a few strands of Esther’s hair back, only to put off answering her for a teasing second longer. “Your husband sends his love.” Laughing, Esther lay there shaking her head. “So he knows of your desire for me? To have me for yourself?” Nodding, Haman took in her reaction carefully. “Yes, why do you think he requests a banquet between all of us?”

  The odd occurrence of the next few days events hadn’t hit Esther yet, as she had been so focused on the moment. “So you are in his inner circle… trusted by him… more than anyone.” Laughing, Haman shook his head affirming her words. “Yes, otherwise I would not have dared to mark you so openly.” With his words, Haman traced the sensitive area on her neck, a mark having well formed. Esther hadn’t even considered the danger of such a mark, and now she blushed from her stupidity. “You would have denied my wants?” Smiling, Haman looked toward the palace, shaking his head. “I told you I would not have marked you. I did not say I wouldn’t have taken you.”

  Letting his words set in, Haman enjoyed the silence of the gardens. The smell of roses came back to him, and if could, he would have given one to her. In her tiredness, Esther was, at last, starting to grasp the situation. “My husband wants you to enjoy me?” Shrugging his shoulders, Haman could do little to affirm that statement. The King’s wishes were strange even to him, though the outcome of them couldn’t be denied. “I had not expected you to be so willing so quickly. You will please the King greatly in your eagerness to obey.” Laughing, Haman thought better of his statement, and continued the statement. “…We won’t tell him of your willingness without his consent…”

  The statement hung in the air, and Haman looked over to see Esther falling asleep beside him. At first, he was caught off guard by it, and then he simply enjoyed it. She looked so peaceful, and had apparently been more spent than he anticipated. Taking up her gown from the ground, Haman draped it over her, at least a little bit of shelter from the cold. Slowly, he tried to dress her once again, only instead waking her in the process. “Come on… let’s get you dressed.” Nodding in her tired state, Esther simply held out her arms. The gesture was enough for Haman to drape the gown’s sleeves over her, somewhat managing to dress her.

  “We need to head back anyway.” To Esther’s surprise, Haman took the time to gently refasten her gown. Even more surprising, was how she seemed to look just as put together as she did before. In her tired state, this went beyond her notice. For Haman, it was important however, despite knowing that the guards wouldn’t ask any questions. “Are you cold? You’re shivering… here stay close to me.” Walking back to the palace with Esther close by his side, huddled together for warmth, was almost enough to make Haman smile again. When they got to the palace, the guards simply looked the other way at them. Seeing it, Esther rested her head on his shoulder, walking down the halls.

  When they got to her room, Armanthia opened the door at once, having discovered her mistress had gone out. Seeing Haman with Esther in front of her was a startling sight. Saying nothing though, Armanthia simply took Esther’s arm, and was soon preparing her bed for her. Laying her there, Armanthia pulled up the blankets. Happy for the warmth Esther was soon fast asleep. Haman nodded Armanthia away, and then climbed onto the bed. Deciding it would be alright, he lay there falling asleep, waiting to see what morning would bring. Deep down, was the understanding that soon, all would be well for the kingdom, and Esther’s people.


  Author’s Note

  I’m an author with an interest for all things taboo. Combining both personal interests, and sexual experience, I enjoy writing stories that explore human nature. Always eager to learn more, I often spend my day seeking out my next experience or learning new opinions. Exploring the depths of my sexual slavery and submission, my ebooks are often filled with boundary pushing reads.

  Touching on sensitive taboo topics of incest, which explores the family dynamics, the barely legal, dealing with the awakening of sexual urges in young adult girls, and bdsm touching of the depths of submission and interactions between men and women, my writing just might excite the mind, as well as sparking a flame of desire with readers.

  For me, writing the erotic has never been better. Did you enjoy this latest story? Want to leave a comment? Feel free to leave a message at:


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  Look for more of my incestuously hot and erotic eBooks, available now at, publisher of Family Exotica.

  Family Exotica

  If you enjoyed ‘Esther’s Seduction’ and missed reading Lily Weidner’s second Sinfully Sexual Tale in this series, titled ‘Sexual Ambrosia’, it’s available now at Lot’s Cave, your family exotica eBook source. The story begins with Eve’s daughter, Evette who found the first bite of forbidden fruit tasted sweet, and she savored the sweetness with all her being…!”

  Lily Weidner’s SEXUAL AMBROSIA

  Available from Lot’s Cave


  Legend holds another woman existed besides Eve who was filled with sexual lust for Adam. Created impure, God left her forever to wander Eden in wait. The day came for Lilith to take revenge on Adam, and teach his beloved daughter a lesson in sex. But Lilith doesn’t expect Adam’s daughter to surpass her own desire as Evette explores a sexual depravity that comes quite naturally.


  The first bite of forbidden fruit tasted sweet, and Evette savored the sweetness with all her being. To describe what ambrosia tastes like would be impossible. For Evette however, it filled her with warmth, a feeling that had never flooded her body so. She collapsed, as though in a sort of ecstasy, her breathing however continued its quickening. Under the Tree of Life, her body began to flood with a fire, one that seemed to run through her very blood. Her mind spun, her breathing grew shallow, and yet she gripped strands of grass through her fingers. The intensity of this heat, this ecstasy, caused Evette to dig up dirt as she gripped the ground.

  For Evette, the ecstasy finally came to a standstill. Her body neither increased in pleasure, nor decreased in it, she was, suddenly trapped in her stage of high arousal. The fact Evette had never known a man, plagued heavily on her mind. Had she ever known one, the pleasure she felt could be abetted, or at the very least, she’d have known what she needed. Now though, without knowing one, especially in her tender age, her desire was locked into place. She had no choice but to lay in the cool grass, the sun warming her skin, and no one to cool the heat having risen in her body. Poor Evette lay there for hours, hoping the heat in her body would diminish.

  In the solitude of her mind, there had always existed certain thoughts that plagued her. She could look around the garden, and know her fate quite clearly. There were few of them in Eden, despite God’s command. For now, Evette would have no choice of mate, no man to warm her blood further. If she tru
ly desired this, Adam would have to be her choice. How could she do such a thing though? Her mind had never allowed her to answer this question, though there was plenty of ways to do so. No, for Evette, the principle had always mattered more than curiosity. Things were different now, with her sudden profound taste of ambrosia.

  For once in Evette’s young life, she was experiencing the pains of lust. The thoughts she had of Adam filled her mind, growing in intensity. Her delicate fingers found their way down her body, though she tried to will them to stop. Unsuccessful at making her fingers stop, she lay there in the grass trying to discover her own body’s taste. There was a strange moment for Evette, when her mind finally let go of all the worry. In this moment, there was only her desire, her need, and her need was rising to the surface quite quickly. Evette’s fingers had found their way down her smooth skin, teasing her body with the idea of further touching.

  With her eyes shut tight, Evette allowed her fingers to delve further down her body. She found herself wet, the sticky nature of her wetness intriguing her. Gathering some on her fingers, she took in the aroma of her arousal. The scent of it drove her to part her lips, as she hesitantly ran the wetness across her lips. With a slow, nervous flick of her tongue, she tasted for herself, the first moments of a woman’s arousal. The taste filled her with a sudden lust, as the taste seemed to echo that of ambrosia. In her heat, her touch suddenly became more distinct, less hesitant. Taking her time, Evette began to explore the depths of her wetness. To her surprise, there was an amazing way to which her body seemed to increase in its wetness.

  The Bible appears to be an anthology of incest. Does the Holy Bible justify incest…? Read ‘Sexual Ambrosia’, available now at Lot’s Cave.

  Incest Erotica

  If you enjoyed ‘Esther’s Seduction’, and like incest themed erotica, then you will certainly want to read another book by Lily Weidner, ‘A Family Confessed Tradition’, available now at Lot’s Cave, your family exotica eBook source. The story features Jasmine who felt her mom’s hand running up her thigh. “Mom, have you ever…?” Her mom smiled, and then nodded. “Yes I have, would you like to find out what it’s like…?”


  Available from Lot’s Cave


  Jasmine grows up in a strict family with one major rule. She must never enter one particular room in the house. Mother has watched her little girl grow up and long planned for the day her daughter turns eighteen. Now that her daughter is a young woman, she must follow in her mother’s footsteps by entering the forbidden room. Since Mother has always had a close relationship with her daughter, now it’s time for the Mother to teach her daughter all about the ways of sex. Little does Mother realize her daughter is a natural submissive, and that she will rise quickly within the ranks of her family. When her father gives her to an uncle she’s never met, Jasmine gets a taste of the kinky lifestyle her parents grew up in - a tradition that will now continue through Jasmine’s submissiveness.


  Slowly, Kelly’s hand worked its way up my inner thigh. I could only sit there hesitant, nervous of what was happening. My mom seemed to sense this, as she gently kissed my cheek. Kelly had often kissed my cheek, but this time it felt different. Her lips lingered on my cheek, and there seemed to be almost an intimacy to it. My hand gently slid down to rest beside hers, and then my eyes looked at her. Strands of hair had gotten in her face, and I gently tucked them behind her ear. My fingers lingered for a moment, and then hesitantly worked their way through her long hair.

  I could feel my body move closer to hers, and then she slowly began to move towards me. She moved to kiss me, and I felt my body tense. Still I couldn’t pull away from her advances, and soon her lips met mine. I’d never kissed anyone before, and her lips felt moist and warm. My body seemed to respond for me, as soon my hand gripping her hair pulled her closer. My tongue worked its way past her lips, and playfully ran on the inside of her cheek. Her lips gently sucked at my tongue, and I found myself straddling her lap in my excitement.

  My legs lay spread across her lap, and the cloth of her skirt ran across my bare skin. I never wanted the kiss to break; it was so sweet, so loving. Eventually my mother pulled away, and I could only hesitantly look into her eyes. She seemed so filled with longing, that I instantly knew that the line we’d just cross was okay to her. My hands worked their way down to her shirt, and I lifted it off without a second thought. With my other hand, I pushed up her skirt revealing her panties. Even as a married woman, Kelly still wore lingerie. Her lace panties and bra were the sexiest thing I could imagine on her.

  If your awesomely beautiful mom began running her hand up your inner thigh, do you think…? Read ‘A Family Confessed Tradition’, available now at Lot’s Cave.

  Lily Weidner Novels at Lot’s Cave


  A Family Confessed Tradition Click Here

  A Father’s Dominance Click Here

  Esther’s Seduction Click Here

  Forbidden Promise Click Here

  Locker Room Confession Click Here

  Mistress of the Master Click Here

  Prison Slut Click Here

  Seduction of a Niece Click Here

  Sexual Ambrosia Click Here

  Southern Superstition Click Here

  Submission by Seduction Click Here

  Submissive Zombie Slut Click Here

  Vampire Kiss Click Here

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  A Controlling Interest Click Here

  More Than Her Mother Click Here

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  Mars In My Venus Click Here

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  Punishing Sarah Jane Click Here

  Sarah Jane’s Revenge Click Here

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  My Sister’s Thighs Click Here

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