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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

Page 13

by Woods, Lindsey

  Kyle invited him and Jason to go see something he had built for the restaurant when he was in high school. The three men left the table. Adrian and Char were gossiping about something Jason had said earlier. I felt extremely happy and blessed. I had all of my friends here and together and we were all having a great time. I was lucky that Adrian and Charlotte were so accepting of Cole. He could be a little different and intense sometimes, but they didn’t seem to think anything of it.

  My attention turned to the buzzing next to me. Cole had left his phone on the table and the buzzing signaled he had just received a message. The message was from a Shelia.

  ‘Final offer is going to be 425k with the art thrown in. House as-is. She said she will not pay a penny more. Is this good?’

  The screen went black and I quickly pulled my attention away from it. I saw the guys round the corner and I tried to play it cool.

  I waited for Cole to check his phone, but he did not touch it for most of lunch. Finally, he reached into his back pocket for his wallet and pulled out a credit card.

  “Please, allow me. Consider it an early wedding gift,” he said to Kyle and Char, “but not to you, don’t get any ideas,” he said, his attention directed at Jason and Adrian, both of whom laughed.

  He set his wallet down next to his phone while he waited for the waiter to return with his card. I watched his every move as he picked up his phone and read the message. His face stayed straight as he replied apparently to the same message I had read. He put both his wallet and his phone into his pocket as we stood up to leave.

  We spent the next couple hours walking around downtown as we showed both Cole and Jason, who had never been some of the highlights. I don’t know why but the message plagued me. I thought it weird that it seemed this Shelia was talking about his house. I could be reading into this, way into it but I couldn’t shake it. Cole noticed something was wrong almost immediately.

  “Are you feeling well?” He asked.

  “Yes, why?” I replied. He held my hand and looked down at me.

  “You have been exceptionally quiet since lunch, are you tired?” I shook my head. This wasn’t exactly something I could ask him. I felt like I had invaded his privacy by reading the message even though I hadn’t actually done anything to read it.

  “Maybe I am tired. Just not feeling particularly talkative I guess.”

  “You? Something must be wrong if you are not talking and being a force to be reckoned with.” He smiled, but I returned it with a weak one.

  “Hey, snap out of it. I don’t like to see you this way,” his voice was low and soft.

  “I just, am confused,” I said. His face instantly fell.

  “Confused? Did I do something?”

  “No, not really. It’s just, do you promise not to get mad?” I asked.

  “If you have to ask me that then I am going to say no, but I promise not to get visibly mad while we are in the company of others. What is it Olivia?” He looked anxious.

  “When you got up your phone went off. I just glanced over to see what it was and there was a message on it. I didn’t mean to read it, but I couldn’t help it. It just popped up.” He didn’t speak for a moment while we continued to trail the rest of the group.

  “Ok, I am waiting for your confusion to become apparent.” His face showed that he had lost some of his earlier vigor.

  “It sounded like you were selling your house. Are you?” He sighed and walked awhile before answering.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Why? You raved to me about how much you loved it and how it was your baby. It sounded beautiful.”

  “Because it was a necessity that I got rid of it.” His tone was even. His face gave nothing away.


  “Because it was. What are you a damn child? There are some things I had to take care of back home and I am doing just that. It is not a big deal.” His face was lined with anger.

  “Does it have to do with me?” I asked.

  “Not directly. I made some choices in the past that I now regret and that is something I had to deal with as a result of my feelings for you.”

  “Shelia is?” Dare I ask him that? He gave me a look of disbelief.

  “She is my real estate agent Olivia. Unless you took that as some kind of metaphor for our affair we’re having which is why I didn’t get here on time.”

  “That wasn’t fair,” I said in a soft voice.

  “This whole conversation isn’t fair. You’ve already insulted my integrity by insinuating many things about my absence, now I have to justify a text I got from my sixty year old real estate agent. I do not take well to accusations Olivia.” He spoke without looking at me. Just following behind the others.

  “I’m sorry,” I said like a child who had just been scolded.

  “You should be. I am here with you rather than back at home working and dealing with this real estate issue. I am surprised by your distrust in me Olivia. I didn’t take you for a jealous woman.”

  “I’m not, it’s just,” I let my sentence trail off. I knew I was being stupid, but I also knew that there were things going on that I had no clue about.

  “It’s just what Olivia. Enlighten me.” His tone was turning sarcastic.

  “It’s just you’re so damn secretive. You’re hiding things and I don’t think they’re all bad. And you’re you.”

  “Yes, I am me. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Because you’re gorgeous and successful and damn near perfect. The chances of you running into someone who catches your eye is better than the chance that you want to be with me.” I tried to keep my voice down, but I was getting upset. I heard him groan which only contributed to my uneasiness.

  “You have no earthly clue what I have given up for you Olivia. I have damn near given up heaven and earth for you. I have done so to be here, with you. I’ve pissed many people off, for you. I’ve spent a lot of money to pay for mistakes, for you. If you knew what I’ve done to be with you then you wouldn’t be spewing this nonsense. Do you need a title Olivia, is that what this is about?” His eyes were a blazing bright blue.

  “No, not at all. It’s just, am I worth it?”

  “Right now you are giving me a headache. I’m here for you, please accept that. You are more beautiful and intelligent and sexy than you know. You are worth every single ounce of frustration and every dollar I’ve had to spend. But that is what I need to deal with when I go home, I don’t want to deal with it here too. I’m here to see you and to be away from that madness. Let me enjoy it.” He was rubbing his hands over his face. We had fallen far behind the group.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Please stop saying that. Or on second thought, stop being so ridiculous that you have to say it. I’m here, for you only.” He stroked my face with his hand and leaned in to kiss me.

  “Wait until you get home, Romeo,” Adrian called out from way ahead of us.

  Cole laughed and waved to her.

  “We’re getting a hotel room tonight,” He said as we tried to catch up to the rest of the group.

  Chapter 15

  I awoke the next morning, slightly disoriented. The sun was streaming in a very large window. I could feel the air from a ceiling fan above me. I however was brought back to where I was, noticing I was covered in only a sheet. The bed next to me was empty. I looked at the clock and was shocked to see it was already after nine in the morning. I scoured the floor for any semblance of clothing but turned up empty. I wrapped the sheet around me as best as I could and walked out into the living room. Cole was sitting at the kitchen table with a laptop in front of him. He looked up and smiled.

  “Well good morning Sleeping Beauty, how are you this morning,” his smile was soft and genuine.

  “Very good. How long have you been up?” I took an apple from the basket in the middle of the table and took a bite.

  “Since about seven. You looked peaceful so I snuck out as quietly as I could. Were you not quite ready to
leave the bed and took some with you?” He asked, nodding toward the sheet.

  I felt my cheeks get hot. “Umm, I couldn’t find my clothes.” Cole gave a hearty laugh.

  “It seems the living room got quite the sneak peak last night,” he said. I turned to look and sure enough the floor next to the couch was strewn with clothes. I shrugged and continued to eat my apple.

  He typed for a few minutes before shutting his computer. He took my half eaten apple and threw it in the trash.

  “I can’t believe how completely wrapped up you have me. I want to spend every moment possible as close to you as possible.” He walked toward me, and I stood to kiss him. He didn’t hesitate and immediately applied more pressure against my lips. His hands went to my waist and gave me a small boost so I sat on the table. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to pull him closer. It amazed me how quickly things had changed. One moment I had no boyfriend, no prospects, less than no sex life and here I was now, quite enjoying an abundant amount of man and sex. I wasn’t complaining.

  I had ended up nearly laying flat on the table as Cole had himself braced half on the chair and half on the table. He was kissing me as furiously as he could as his hands were messing with the sheet, trying to unwrap it from around me.

  “Difficult as always Olivia,” he smirked as he finally pulled it free. His head was coming down on my neck and throat as there was a knock on the door.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, this is literally some kind of joke,” I couldn’t help but giggle as he continued to curse as he got back on the floor.

  “I swear, what is the damn problem with you and I? Anytime I try to start anything. God damn assholes…” His curse words trailed off as he walked toward the door. I pulled the sheet back around myself and sat up on the table.

  “What?” He snapped as he opened the door.

  “Uh hey, sorry, bad time?” I heard Kyle’s voice and was surprised.

  “No, no, sorry. Umm, come in.” Cole was clearly uncomfortable inviting him in, but his manners over rode the fact that I was sitting naked on the table save for a sheet. I knew I was beet red, but gave a shy wave as I hopped off the table.

  “Oh gosh, I am so sorry,” Kyle said as he turned his back to me and covered his eyes with his hand. I saw Cole shrug and give a shy smile as he presumably made eye contact with Kyle. I took my sheet and half walked and half ran to the bedroom. Twice in two days. This was a habit that I did not enjoy. I was about to get in the shower when I remembered I had no clothes. Of course the clothes I did have were strewn all over the living room floor for Kyle to see. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I exhaled loudly and walked back down the hallway.

  “Sorry, um, excuse me,” I said completely mortified. Both men were still standing in the middle of the big dining/living room. I picked up every article of clothing and flew like a bat out of hell down the hallway. I took my time and showered, putting my clothes back on. I wondered briefly why Kyle was here. I knew that they had hit it off but I didn’t understand why he would be here. I brushed my hair out and came back out to the living room. Cole was handing Kyle some papers and they were standing near the door.

  “Thanks again and I’ll be in touch once I do some research. I’ll let you know. Umm, nice to see you again Olivia. Sorry,” Kyle said in an apologetic. I waved him off.

  “It seems to be a recurring mortifying experience. Don’t worry,” I smiled even though I was blushing.

  He waved at me, shook Cole’s hand and walked out of the hotel room.

  “I don’t know whether to be relieved that his last sight was of you fully clothed or disappointed that you are.” His face was serious, but I could hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “Well, I suppose one for three isn’t bad,” I rolled my eyes at our luck.

  “We could at least try for one half,” he said as he walked over to me and ran his hands from my shoulders, down my back and over my butt.

  I laughed and pushed him away. “I’m starving. I was denied the other half of my apple among other things.” He smiled at me and I could have died and gone to heaven, he was perfect.

  I searched the fridge for something to eat and pulled out leftovers from lunch yesterday.

  “What was Kyle doing here? How did he know where we were?” I asked, putting the leftovers in a dish and then into the microwave.

  “I wanted him to take a look at some documents for me. I’m thinking of hiring him to take care of a few things. I told him we’d be here this morning and to stop by so I could give them to him. I however hadn’t anticipated our bad luck,” he said as he sat and started to concentrate on his computer.

  ���Am I allowed to ask what he is working on?��� I asked as I took a bite of my pasta.

  ���No, but I���m sure you���re going to do so anyway.��� His voice was slightly annoyed as he concentrated on the screen.

  ���You���re keeping things from me. I���m not saying we���re at a place where I need to know everything, but you���ve told one of my friend���s fiancee.���

  ���He doesn���t know anything other than the documents that I have handed him. I���ve asked him to do some research involving some real estate laws.���

  ���It seemed like you had a buyer, I mean from the text I guess I wasn���t supposed to read.��� I felt sheepish. I hated to bring up the fact that I had snooped.

  He stopped staring at his computer and looked at me over the top of the laptop. I could tell he was not happy.

  ���That text said that my buyer was willing to pay a certain amount of money. I know for a fact that the given amount is a mere percentage of what the home and the land is worth. The problem is my buyer is trying to rip me off in more ways than one. I am seeking legal council because I want to know all of my options. Kyle is extremely intelligent and well versed in California state laws and I am willing to pay him a significant amount of money to do research that I don���t have time to do.��� He spoke matter-of-factly, using an even, almost too calm voice.

  ���What do you mean in more ways than one?��� I asked. Cole leaned back in the chair, stretching his arms behind his head and his legs far under the table. He took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

  ���You are treading on thin ice Olivia. It is not your job to investigate me and my personal business. When or if I choose to tell you something, I will. Right now I would like my privacy to get my affairs in order. Is that ok with you?��� His tone was patronizing. I thought for a moment and felt my blood pressure slowly rise.

  ���It���s not really ok with me if I���m being honest with you. I know nothing about you, literally nothing. The only things I do know are these little half things. Hints of documents here and a hint of affairs there. You talk about how much you���ve given up for me, but I don���t know a damn thing. You say you���re selling your house because of me, that doesn���t make me feel good. It makes me feel like I���m causing you problems. If I���m causing so many interruptions into your busy life, why are you here?��� That was it, I had crossed the line. I saw it in his body language and I saw it in his face. He slammed his laptop screen down and got up. He walked toward me, which made me kind of nervous.

  ���I will say this once, so do listen up. My entire world has been changed because of you. I have decided to change it…because of you. You have created an enormous obstacle in my life that I have to deal with. You don���t have to deal with that fact everyday. You are giving up nothing to be with me. You want to complain that you don���t know jack shit about my life? That���s because it���s too god damned complicated for me to lay it on the line right now. You know what really sucks? What if this is all for nothing? What if I do what I need to to be with you, and you say too bad? Then who���s screwed? It���s me Olivia. You have nothing riding on this except a few broken feelings. I ha
ve a significant portion of my life uprooted right now. You walk away Scott-free while I try to piece it all back together because I was falling for you.��� He was nearly talking right in my face. He was breathing heavy. He turned and rubbed his head.

  ���Another thing, if you don���t want me here, say it. I will be out of here in the next ten minutes. Don���t pin it on me. I don���t have a soul to talk to about what���s going on because I am absolutely terrified of the implications. My life until recently has been about business. I have alienated all of my friends because they think I am absolutely foolish for what I am doing. I think I���m a complete idiot for doing what I���m doing, but I���m doing it for you. My friends disagree with my decisions regarding you and you know what I said? I feel so strongly for you that I don���t have a choice. I am completely blinded by you. You are all I see and my life is not in a place where I can let you in. I���m so sorry about that, but it���s mine. Right now all hell is breaking loose because I fell in love with this fucking woman while I was on vacation. Right now I can���t bear to go back there because I have so many battles to fight that I can���t even see straight. So please, please Olivia, ask me one more fucking time why I���m here with you.��� He had sat down and put his head in his hands.

  All I could do was stand there and silently cry. All of those guys who were centered around him seemed to have disappeared. Jason really did resent me and what I was doing in Cole���s life. I still didn���t know what those changes he was making were, but he was right. I was living my life, just with him in it. My brain was swirling with the information I did receive. Whatever he was doing seemed big, and it seemed like he was in a sticky situation with the fall out from that. Suddenly my brain could focus on only one thing. Did he say he loved me? I wasn���t going to go there right now. He was upset, I was upset, I wasn���t going to push it another step.


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