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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

Page 24

by Woods, Lindsey

  “You knew about this?” I asked Cole. He nodded.

  “Don’t be mad at him, he’s doing his old friend a favor. It’ll only work if you can help me,” Jason said. I shrugged and agreed.

  “Thanks, I’ll see you tonight,” Jason said as he ran down the hall to take a quick shower.

  “Thank you,” Cole said seriously across the table. His intense stare was back, and I was helpless under his gaze. I nodded and got up to grab my things. I had to prepare my story in order to get the girls out of the condo. Cole sat on the couch as he watched me throw my things in my bag. I pulled out the bathing suit.

  “I guess I won’t need this, so you win,” I said with a smile.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t wear it. In fact I think it’ll look much better worn for just me.” His smile was sly.

  “I’ll see you later,” I said, hesitating. I nearly bent over to kiss him, but decided against it. I had tried to keep myself physically distant from him. That was not a road I wanted to go down, yet.

  I let myself in the door of our room. Thankfully Adrian and Charlotte were sitting in the kitchen. My fear had been that they were already at the beach or pool, and I would never get them out. I sat down next to Adrian. She gave me a bright smile.

  “Well, that was interesting last night,” she said.

  “Ugh, don’t talk about it. I don’t even want to think of her,” I said, putting my head down on the table.

  “She was nice until you showed up. It seemed she didn’t like you much,” Adrian said, trying to hold in her laughter. I couldn’t help but smile at that.

  “So what’s the latest?” Charlotte said. Her tone was odd.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Another night spent with the man who broke your heart,” she said. I sighed. I couldn’t take much more of this.

  “I know you don’t care for him since everything happened, but you don’t know him. He has been trying so hard to show me how he feels. He does everything he can possibly can to make it up to me. There is not a doubt in my mind that he is sorry, and he wouldn’t have done it unless he felt he had no other option. I am completely in love with him, and I have forgiven him. So please, just be my friend and trust that I know what I’m doing.”

  “You’ve told him this?” She asked.

  “No, I guess I haven’t. I didn’t really even know it until right now. I love him Char, more than anything.” I felt like crying at my revelation. I knew it, I knew how I felt about him, but I never felt like I was ready to forgive him and move on, but apparently that’s exactly what I intended on doing.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlotte said. “I didn’t know that’s how you felt. I’m happy for you, if he’s what you want.” I nodded.

  “I think we need a girl’s day out,” I said. It was time to move this party away from tonight’s party. Adrian immediately got excited.

  “Let’s go into town. We’ll get our nails done, we can all buy a dress. Let’s get dressed up and go out to dinner, just the three of us,” I suggested. Adrian was bouncing up and down and it was her who convinced Charlotte to go. They both went to get ready, and then we were off. Cole’s Jeep was gone when we entered the parking lot, so I figured we were safe.

  Chapter 30

  We got back to the condo shortly after five. I had talked Adrian into a beautiful white flowy knee length dress. She had fought tooth and nail for a bright pink one, but I was able to convince her white was the way to go. Thankfully she got it, and was now getting ready. Charlotte had gone for a pale green dress that fell at her knees as well. It suited her skin color beautifully. While the two girls got dressed I slipped into the dress I had bought previously with Cole. I was pleased with how it fit. I decided to leave my hair down, and spent much of time making sure it was straight and behaving. I slid on a pair of black heels, and met the girls in the living room. We marveled at the others for a few minutes. I saw that it was six, and knew we had to leave. I hurried the girls out, saying I had made reservations for six.

  I told the girls I wanted to get a picture of us on the beach before we went to dinner. When we got out past the building I saw lights, and could hear soft music.

  “A party. Let’s crash it,” Adrian said jokingly. I smiled at the irony of the whole thing.

  “Let’s just go closer, see what’s going on,” I said, leading the the way. As we got closer my chest got tighter. My eyes were stinging, and I was fighting the tears. At the edge of the lights I recognized Jason. He was dressed in a light gray suit, with a button up shirt underneath. I could see his smile light up his face as we got closer. He looked handsome and proud, and I could hardly stand it.

  “He looks just like Jason,” Charlotte said, squinting ahead in the distance.

  “Jason?” Adrian said out loud. It took her a few moments, but she realized her eyes were not playing tricks on her. She took off at a sprint and didn’t stop until she plowed right into him.

  “That’s him? Why?” Charlotte asked. I couldn’t look at her. My eyes trying to hold back the tears. We came up on Jason and Adrian, and I took a deep breath as I watched both of them hug. I watch Jason wipe a tear onto the sleeve of his jacket. I gave him a smile and he nodded. I saw Kyle standing over to the side of the decorated tent. It was a see through cover with white lights draped over the top and hanging down underneath. Charlotte was oblivious. She was still trying to figure everything out. I helped her out by pointing to a smiling Kyle. I reached the edge of the tent and watched them hug. Not nearly as emotional, but still happy to see each other. There was a small four piece orchestra sitting in the far corner playing soft music. I watched them as I took a deep breath. I wasn’t sure why, but I was overcome with emotion. I tried to regain my composure.

  “I sure hope that I am the first to say that you look absolutely stunning this evening,” I heard his voice in my ear. I turned and was overjoyed to see him. He looked amazingly handsome in his gray suit.

  “The first and only,” I said.

  “I doubt that very highly. You look extraordinary,” he said grabbing both of my hands.


  “So, how did we do?” He asked.

  “It’s beautiful, and I can’t believe how many people you got here. You did amazingly.” I looked around. So many familiar faces were there, chattering quietly amongst themselves. I caught sight again of Adrian and Jason. Still looking at each other, talking excitedly. Her cheeks were wet, I couldn’t help but smile.

  “He loves her you know. Just about a terrible amount,” Cole said. I smiled and nodded.

  “I argue that it’s not nearly as much as I care for you.” I looked at him. He gave me a small smile. “You are honestly the most beautiful creature on the planet. I’m devastatingly lucky that you’re here, hopefully for me.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Of course for you. You’ve lost your mind if you think any differently.”

  “I was hoping for something like that.” He pulled me close to him and kissed my head. People began taking their seats, and I assumed that meant that things were going to get underway. Cole brought me to a seat.

  “Sit here. Don’t move a muscle. I’ll see you in a short while.” He kissed my hand and walked up to take his spot by the priest. Jason joined him and they shook hands. I watched Adrian’s sister come forward. Charlotte took the seat next to me and gave me a genuine smile. I felt better, I knew she was ok with what was going on.

  The ceremony was simple and short. I didn’t think I had ever seen Adrian cry so much. They kissed and the tent went wild. Everyone was cheering and shouting and clapping. Family was surrounding them when I reached the edge of the tent. I knew I would have my time to speak to them so I stood back and watched. They were glowing, and I was about as happy as could be. I really liked Jason, and Adrian was crazy about him. I watched them blush and smile with everyone they spoke to.

  As I was looking around I spotted Cole and Charlotte having a seemingly intense conversation. I felt my stomach get ki
nd of tight. I thought she was ok, but she seemed to be giving him a piece of her mind. I was almost scared for him. He shook her hand and kissed her cheek. His eyes immediately found mine and he smiled. I watched him walk across the sand. I took every second of it in. He was handsome and he looked so good in his suit. The lights from the tent were casting a glow onto his face, and I felt weak. He was perfect.

  “You survived,” I said. He smiled and stood next to me.

  “I had to make amends. You have very protective friends. People who love you an enormous amount.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m not sure I passed her test, but I think things will be ok. Let’s go grab a seat.” He took my hand and led me toward the other side of the tent. There was an empty frame around a bunch of neatly set dinner tables and a dance floor. They had really gone all out. White lights hung from the metal frame.

  Cole pulled a chair for me, and sat next to me, never letting go of my hand. We watched and clapped as Adrian and Jason were introduced and took their seats. Dinner was spectacular, though I expected nothing less. Cole excused myself after dinner and told me not to move.

  Moments later he was introduced by the DJ and took a microphone.

  “I am beyond pleased to be able to toast to my best friend. Jason and I have known each other forever it seems. We’ve been through every situation imaginable, and even some that you can’t begin to think up. In all of my years knowing him, I’ve never seen anything like the way he is around Adrian. He is an amazing guy all on his own, but to see him head over heels about an amazing girl, is truly a sight. I’ve never seen anything make him so happy, and it has been a true privilege to watch them grow together. I’m extremely lucky to have known Adrian, and she has created a place in my heart for her. There is nothing I could say to the two of you that would convey the joy and best wishes I have for the both of you. I just hope that I can continue to be a part of your lives and see you two grow even closer. Cheers.” He held his glass up and tok it in one sip. Adrian came and hugged him tight, tearing up again. He whispered in her ear and she lit up. She kissed his cheek. Jason looked on the verge of tears himself. They shook hands before they hugged. I had to blink back tears. Looking around the room I saw several people wiping tears. I was pleased to know he had that effect on others, not just me.

  He came back and took his seat as Adrian and Jason started their first dance.

  “That was very sweet,” I said.

  “I’m glad. I was nervous as hell,” he said taking a sip of champagne.

  “You were nervous? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”

  “I’m nervous around you all of the time.” He smiled. I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Come on, dance with me.” He pulled me up out of my chair, and towards the dance floor. Adrian and Jason’s song had ended, and many people were coming to the dance floor. He wrapped one of his hands around my waist and grabbed my other hand in his. He pulled me close to him, and I laid my head on his chest.

  “I can’t say this enough, you look incredible. I’m extremely lucky to be this close to you,” Cole said.

  “I feel the same.”

  “I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you. I haven’t treated you the way that you deserve all of the time I’ve known you. I’m so sorry.”

  “I forgive you,” I said. Cole pulled away and looked at me. His face was etched with shock.

  “You do?” He asked. I nodded. “Why? How?”

  “Because, even at my angriest I still loved you. It hasn’t gone away. I missed you when you were gone and every day I fought to not contact you. It’s not going to go away, and I don’t want it to. I feel the best when I’m with you. I love you.” He hugged me tighter to him.

  “I have thought so much about hearing you say those words again. I was so scared that I wouldn’t hear it again.”

  “Excuse me, I’d like to cut in,” I heard a voice from next to us. I looked up and couldn’t contain my smile when I saw Jason standing there.

  “I’ll be watching you,” Cole said in a amused yet warning voice.

  “You look great Olivia. Thank you for tonight. I couldn’t have done it without you.” He said.

  “It was nothing really. I’m glad to do it. I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. She’s incredible.”

  “It shows Jason.”

  “I hope you’re not planning on letting him go,” he said. I looked up at him and shook my head.

  “I’d be stupid to,” I said.

  “He loves you Olivia. I mean, I’ve seen him at his best and at his worst. You’re his best. I’ll kill him myself if he ever does anything stupid. I mean it. You’re like my little sister I need to protect. I’ll tell him he’s being stupid, but I’ll fight if he hurts you.” I smiled wide and hugged him.

  “I’m not the least bit worried about you hurting her. There’s no doubt that you’re crazy for her. Now she will be stupid, but you just have to let her be her.” He laughed.

  “Thank you Olivia, I really sincerely thank you for being all you have to the two most important people in my life. He looks at you like you’re the end of his earth. I have no doubt that you control his happiness. He’s coming to collect you, thank you again,” Jason said as he handed me back to Cole.

  “Let’s take a walk. I want you to myself for awhile,” he said, walking with me toward the water. We reached the beach where the lights no longer touched. He sat in the sand, and pulled me next to him.

  “You’re fond of him,” Cole said. I nodded.

  “He’s a good guy. He loves my best friend, and he loves you too. I couldn’t ask for better,” I said.

  “He always knew you were special. He told me from the moment I met you that he knew I was crazy for you. He knew you’d mean something to me. He was right, but he couldn’t imagine how much. I am who I am right now because of you Olivia. You’ve made me the man I am today because of what you do to me. I was frightened when you left me. Not because you weren’t there, and not just because I was hurt. I was so scared that I wasn’t ever going to feel the same way I do when you’re around. I wondered what I’d do if I had to walk around without that feeling. There isn’t one cell of my being that doesn’t light up when you’re around. It’s almost like an addiction. I need you so much it’s scary. I have never depended on anything or anyone the way I feel like I need you. I was so stupid, and it was all my fault. I know that. Just the fact that you’re sitting here today, right next to me seems impossible. I feel like I have spent the past, nearly thirty years, searching for just you. When you walked away it was that moment, right when you hold your breath too long, that the only thing you want is to gasp for air, but you know you can’t. I spent ten months of my life like that. I don’t plan on ever doing it again. Like I’ve told you, you are enough to drive a man to his knees.” Cole shifted, and before I knew it he was right in front of me, holding my hands, kneeling in front of me. “Olivia, my soul lives for you, my lungs breathe for you, and my heart beats for you. I don’t care when, or where, or how, I just pray that you will promise to be mine forever. So I only have one question for you. You have to answer, you have to pick one of the choices given. Marry me or spend the rest of your life with me?” He pulled out a small box and handed it to me. I opened it, and was shocked at the beautiful ring.

  “I’m going to break the rules and do both,” I said. He hugged me tight and slid the ring on my finger.

  “I love you Olivia.”

  “I love you too Cole.”

  “There was only one thing between me and asking you. I needed permission, and reluctantly Charlotte agreed to it.” My mind was taken back to when I watched them talking. I couldn’t help but smile at his sweetness.

  “Now, let’s go back so I can rub it in everyone’s faces that I am in love with the most amazing woman ever.” He helped me up, and we walked back to the party to celebrate.

  sp; Woods, Lindsey, The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)




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