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Blindsided - A Stepbrother Romance Novel

Page 18

by Kylie Walker

  He’d never said that before and although she’d felt it for some time, neither had she. It was a perfect moment for it. It was what she needed today. He somehow always knew. “I love you too.” The tears they’d both held back for so long finally spilled over. They held each other until they’d exhausted them and then they wiped their faces and straightened their backs and went into the room to say good-bye to one of the best men either of them would ever be blessed to know.


  The California sun shone brilliantly as they stepped out of the church and onto the sidewalk where they’d accept the condolences of the hundreds of people that had come to pay their respects to Luke. Samantha clutched Conrad’s hand on one side and Aaron’s on the other and while they waited she looked up at the light blue sky. The preacher had spoken about heaven and Luke’s soul being there. Sam wasn’t sure if she believed in any of that, but she knew that she felt his presence. She knew that somehow he’d managed to leave a part of himself with them all and it helped her deal with her grief. It helped to slowly restore the peace that had settled in her mind and her heart before she’d lost him, and she was thankful for that. As the mourners approached them one by one, Sam smiled and thanked them for coming and let her mind drift back to the services. They were supposed to last for an hour. Three hours later the preacher finally had to say there was no time left for anyone else to speak. Sam had learned a great deal about her father in that three hours’ time. It seemed that everyone had a story to tell about Luke. His employees respected him and appreciated his generosity and kindness. The members of his board of directors went on about how brilliant he was and how lucky they all were to have been a part of what he’d created. His friends told funny stories about growing up with him, racing cars and chasing girls. She got a glimpse of the man her mother must have fallen in love with and it made her understand just a little more just how broken Lacey’s heart must have been when he cheated on her. When all of those people finished talking she watched Conrad walk up and take the podium. He didn’t even try to hold back the tears that flowed down his cheeks as he talked about the way Luke welcomed him into his family with open arms. He talked about how Luke was the one that started him on the path to healing after losing his mother and when he closed his eulogy, he closed it by saying that if the only dream he achieved from this day forward was to become half the man his step-father was, he would be a happy man.

  She thought they were finished then until she felt her brother slip his hand out of hers and stand up. She looked at him with wide eyes. Talking in front of people was not Aaron’s strong suit but he looked determined. He stood behind the podium and looked out at the packed church before clearing his throat and leaning into the microphone. “Please bear with me; I’m going to try hard to get through this without blubbering.” Sam squeezed Conrad’s hand and felt another hot tear roll down her cheek. Just the fact that Aaron was up there was a testament to Luke. He adjusted the microphone and as if he were talking to Luke then he said, “Man am I going to miss you. I’ve heard people say that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone, but I never realized how true that was until now. I won’t bore you with the details of my life to the point of meeting you, but you know it was bad. The only good thing I ever really knew was my sister and I took her for granted for too long. Before you died you asked me to remember how lucky I am to have her even if she gets on my nerves or nags me, or whatever. I promise I will do that because I know that you’re right. She will always be that bright spot in my life no matter what and I thank you for making me realize that. I also thank you for making me realize that there’s a big difference between being a “man” and being a “real” man. You sir were a real man and like Conrad said, if I can only be half the man you were, I’ll be doing better than I ever would have been if I’d never met you. When we first came here I was resistant to the idea of letting you teach me anything. I went along with things because I was scared and I was tired of fighting. But in a short time I realized with your guidance and example that fighting wasn’t a normal part of other people’s lives and that getting out your frustrations and anger can be done in so many different ways than fighting. My sister and Conrad do it with racing. You did it with engines. I’m still trying to find what it is for me, but the important thing is that I know it’s not violence or drugs or alcohol because you taught me that. I know that I am not my father because you didn’t let who he was color your opinions of me. I believe that I am the man that I make of myself because you told me so and you never lied to me. I will always have you in my heart, Luke. I will always be thankful that even for a short time, I got to know you. I will always be thankful to my sister for letting me share you. I love you, Luke. Rest easy man.”

  If there were a dry eye in the church before Aaron’s speech, there wasn’t after. Samantha had never felt so proud of her little brother. She could see the man he was becoming now and that five year old boy she’d always seen when she looked at him was taking a place in her memories. As they climbed into the back of the limousine that would take them to Luke’s final resting place she realized that the tides had changed slightly without her even noticing. She was holding onto her brother’s hand for support instead of the other way around. She looked at Conrad and back at Aaron and she closed her eyes and thanked Luke for bringing them all together and giving them a future that none of them would have ever thought to reach for without him.


  The reading of the will was not something Sam was looking forward to. The attorney’s asked that they all be in attendance and once again she found herself sitting between her brother and the man she loved. Conrad was talking about getting married and he’d actually mentioned babies again. Samantha knew they’d have to have a lot of long, serious discussions about that one. She wanted to marry him someday and she wanted to have babies with him. But that was all in the future. For now she wanted to get to know him better and get to know herself better. She wanted to race and she wanted to be a part of a professional crew the way he was someday. She was working one her patience and she was thinking about enrolling in a drag racing school she’d been hearing good things about in Santa Monica. She figured more knowledge could never hurt and she thought maybe going back to school would set a good example for Aaron.

  “Okay, now that we’re all here let’s get started,” the lawyer told them. He took out a file, perched his glasses on the end of his nose and began to read, “I…Luke Glass…being of sound mind and ailing body…” He read through all of the legal mumbo jumbo and then he said, “I’m leaving all I have to my children. To Samantha and Aaron I’m leaving the house and property. Conrad I know you’ll have your father’s someday and I also know you and Sam will be together. I’m also leaving Glass Engines to Samantha Glass to run as she sees fit. You’re a smart, capable girl who knows more about engines than most men I know. You’ll take it far and make it an even bigger success someday I’m sure. To Aaron and Conrad I’d like to divide up the Performance parts stores. Aaron, yours will be held in trust and ran by my appointees until you’re twenty-five. During that time I hope you learn all you can about the business and it’s also my wish that you finish high school and go on to get a business degree in college. Stop making that face…you’re rich.” Aaron laughed out loud but he had tears streaming down his face. Samantha squeezed his hand and the lawyer went on. “I’d like to say one more time to my beautiful daughter how sorry I am that I missed so much of your life and how proud that I am of the woman you’ve become. I’d like to remind Conrad one more time that the bad things that happened to his family were not his fault and I am so proud of the way he dealt with it and the man he became. I’d like to remind Aaron that you’re not destined to be what is in your DNA. You have the choice to be a good man or a bad one. I see the good in you and so does your sister. If you forget, look at the image of yourself in her eyes and she’ll help you make the right choice. I love you all so much and I know that when I go it will be with an easy mind k
nowing how capable you all are. Be happy, love each other and do well.”

  Samantha, Conrad and Aaron left the attorney’s office literally billions of dollars richer. As they climbed into the old Buick Conrad had been working on fixing up in his spare time, they were all thinking about how rich they were…but not a single one of them were thinking about money.

  More By Kylie Walker

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