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Warlock's Fate: An Andrew Moore Novel 03

Page 6

by D. R. Rosier

  She tilted her head, and started to play with her hair, then stopped. Did she just subconsciously flirt? She was enjoying herself, perhaps a little too much. She was also trying to figure out if she was impressed or not, he hadn’t batted an eye at learning she’d been asked to kill him. Was it confidence, or stupidity? Or maybe he’d underestimated her due to her appearance, she did look like an attractive and helpless young woman. She liked that her enemies underestimated her most of the time, but she thought she’d be rather disappointed if he did.

  “That could probably be arranged, something like what you have with the mages perhaps?”

  He replied, “That would be good, yes.”

  She’d been around for thousands of years, it was amazing how much she could learn about a person in just a few minutes, especially when they made no effort to disguise their reactions. She was almost positive now he was no threat, but things changed over time, and she thought it would be a good idea to gauge his ambitions.

  “Does anything about Seattle bother you, I mean, if you could change one thing what would it be?”

  He laughed, “Why is it Annaliese, that I feel like I’m in an interview.”

  She winked, and her wide smile wasn’t polite this time, but genuine.

  He said, “That’s a loaded question. I suppose I’d like to see peace between the shifters and vampires, decades upon decades of war have taken a toll. If that happened, I think Seattle would be peaceful, myself and the mages don’t want conflict either. But that isn’t something I can change.”

  She was even more intrigued, “Why not?”

  He shrugged, “Because forcing peace would never work. Fear might make it stick for a little while, but a true peace would be up to the coven master, and the shifter alphas. All I could ever do would be to advocate it. If it did happen, we would all prosper.”

  She bit her lip, and really was impressed now. He was just twenty-one years old, and already understood the truth, control is an illusion. She also thought he was just a bit naïve.

  She smirked, “So… we all live happily ever after?”

  He laughed, “Not quite. There would always be rogues, and headaches for the various leaders to get together and handle. But when the heads of the races all agree on peace, the violence and number of incidents would drop to very small skirmishes, or even simple murders that need to be handled. Most would follow the lead of their leadership though.”

  Okay, not that naïve. She still thought it was probably impossible.

  She was curious, and turned to Gina, “What do you think about that idea?”

  Gina frowned, “I would welcome peace, and respect borders, but as long as Arthur rules the coven it will never happen. He… hates us. I also can’t say if the other packs would be on board.”

  She nodded slowly, she couldn’t dispute any of that, but she hoped Gina was wrong anyway.

  She also didn’t think Andrew was a threat at all. Not only did he have compassion that would temper his future ambition, he also had no illusions about control. Without those illusions, he wouldn’t seek to rule over the other races, only grow his power to protect those that he loved, and what was his.

  She could also see the four women loved him, and that would be a good influence as well. She… was still intrigued with the warlock, and didn’t want the conversation to end yet, but she pushed that down. It was rare to find someone like him, if he had been turned before associating with the demoness, he would have been one of the few that had what it took to make it to her age.

  “I think we’re done, and I’ll see about getting that peace you want, at least, between you and the coven.”

  She wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, she feared Arthur wouldn’t change, wouldn’t learn the lesson that this young man already intuitively understood.

  Andrew pulled out his cell phone and tossed it to her, “Number?”

  She smiled, and typed it in his phone, choosing not to examine exactly why she felt excited about keeping in touch with him. Perhaps, for all the reasons she’d just listed in her mind of why he wasn’t a threat, they also made him attractive to her, and his handsome face and well-built body didn’t hurt either. Although, she’d been immune to just looks alone for a long time, but the combination was intriguing.

  She texted herself, so she’d have his as well, and then tossed the phone back lightly.

  Now she had to go talk to her turn, and hoped that she could convince him to back off, for the right reasons…

  Chapter Eight

  Katia’s mind was stuck.

  Ever since she’d heard about Julia’s meltdown, her mind had gone in circles. There had to be some way for the beautiful cat shifter to get what she wanted, to have a child with Andrew. She loved Julia like… like a wife. That’s how she thought of the others, mates, wives, whatever, they were hers just as much as they were Andrew’s in her mind. She loved them all.

  There had to be a way.

  She’d already figured out a way around the vampire problem, that one was easy, if human science could do it, then she was sure magic could as well. The second part, different species, she wasn’t sure. She only had a vague idea about magic outside of knowing it was real, and could accomplish many things.

  She left her office and headed toward the kitchen, she needed advice. She walked over to the succubus, and hugged her.

  Lilith was making lunch, but she didn’t think her conversation would take that long.

  “Can we talk, privately?”

  She also knew Julia’s hearing was sharp enough to hear a pin drop from across their huge home, and through several walls. Okay, maybe not that sharp, but the point was no conversation was safe from Julia’s ears.

  Lilith took her hand and walked her back to her office, and closed the door. She knew the demoness was probably in her mind, but often she didn’t respond to anything but what is spoken aloud.

  Lilith smirked, “Sometimes a human has to think through something for a while, and it slowly transforms to conclusions. If I rushed in to help that process all the time, it would be exhausting, plus it would also annoy the shit out of all of you eventually.”

  She laughed, “Good point. So, are we private?”

  Lilith nodded, “I cast a privacy spell. No sound will leave this room.”

  She said, “Julia. I want to carry her baby for her, after mine is born of course. Then I’ll probably have my second one after that.”

  That was the easy part, surrogacy was a very mature science, and would get around the vampire body not being able to gestate a fetus just fine. Julia’s egg, Andrew’s sperm, and her womb. It was a big thing to offer, but she loved Julia very much and was quite sure about it.

  She said, “Of course, there’s the race thing, and I didn’t know if there’d be complications with a human carrying a cat shifter fetus. I wanted to ask in private, because I don’t want to get her hopes up for nothing. So… is it possible?”

  Lilith kissed her forehead, “You have a big heart. Yes, it’s possible, but we’re missing a critical piece of the puzzle. It will take nature magic to make them compatible, and make sure you can carry for her safely. I don’t think elemental or infernal magic can do it. Elemental magic will heal and restore nature, but it would be very risky to modify nature with it.”

  She asked, “So what does that mean?”

  Lilith bit her lip, “It means, we need to find a Fae willing to help. The fae are touchy and arrogant, not to mention amorally cruel at times, which makes that much easier said than done, but I’ll look into it. Once I have an answer, I’ll let you know if I can arrange it, so you can talk to Julia.”

  She smiled, “Thanks.”

  Lilith bit her lip, “Don’t thank me yet, the Fae are a pain in the ass, but… I might have one lead on someone that will be willing to do it.”

  She asked, “Need help with lunch?”

  Lilith grinned, “Sure,” and they headed back to the kitchen…

  Samantha was a confident
woman, except maybe when it came to relationships. Her magic, competence, and intelligence she had no problems with. She was good, knew she was good, though Annaliese had taken her by surprise last night, she hadn’t expected to be caught, and by a vampire no less.

  She’d already figured out how it happened though, it was because a vampire’s limited connection to magic was all infernal magic that their possessing animal demon had. Even a tiny bit of elemental magic couldn’t blend in when there was nothing for it to blend with. Still, she’d been impressed at the magic flare the vampire had done, not a true spell, just raw magic that tore her diaphanous spell to pieces. She had a theory that Julia should be able to do the same, but hadn’t had a chance to work with her yet. She bet the shifter was capable of more than just teleporting, and she had a sneaking suspicion that Annaliese could probably teleport as well. It was unheard of, but then vampires as old as Annaliese weren’t common.

  Point was, before her mind went off on a tangent, that she was ecstatic with Andrew, and the others, thrilled that she had finally found a place where she seemed to fit and be wanted, but she still had doubts at times. She didn’t doubt them, so much as doubt her ability to interpret the truth in them, if that made sense. She was also a bit shy, and blushed all the time when it came to flirting and sex. She’d been trying to figure out a way to broach the subject of having Andrew’s child, she hadn’t changed her mind about that at all, but they hadn’t even told each other they were in love yet. She could see it in his eyes, and she felt it in her heart, but she wondered why that last step was so very hard to take. She was moving in for goodness sake, of course she loved him, along with Lilith, Katia, and Julia.

  It was late morning, and they were about to finish up and go eat lunch, in just a half an hour. Another private window passing by, while she was too afraid to tell him how she felt, and what she wanted from him, for them.

  She’d missed the perfect time earlier, they’d been… exploring her submissive side. He had suggested it, and she’d blushingly told him yes, quite excited by the idea. He’d pinned her arms over her head, with her body bent over the desk, and her ass raised high. She blushed at the thought of what happened then, as she watched him study and memorize what she had him working on.

  He’d spanked her.

  It had hurt, at first, but then a soft moan had escaped her lips, and the radiating pain had turned into pure pleasure as her pussy grew moist. The radiating pleasure from her sex, was a hell of a counterpoint to her stinging ass cheek. He’d asked if she’d liked it… she had felt safe with him, and the feeling of being held down by him was delicious as usual, but the sharp spank had raised those feelings of helplessness, trust, lust, and safety up even higher.

  She’d been a bit embarrassed, as she told him she had liked it. What followed then were several more firm swats that had her crying out in a strange mixture of pleasure and pain that excited her greatly. The dirty pleasure, and sweet pain of it, had her soaked in between her legs, and extremely close to the edge. The feeling of his sweet and soft fingertip caresses on her red stinging ass cheeks made her moan in pleasure, she couldn’t hold it back.

  When he’d moved behind her, she’d exploded in an intense orgasm as soon as she felt his silken mushroom head against her soaked and ready pussy. He hadn’t even been inside yet, as he held her pinned with one hand, and gently rubbed her stinging red ass with the other, she’d trembled beneath him. She’d cum for him several more times, hard and often as he took her from behind with long firm strokes that made her lose her mind in pleasure and euphoric bliss. She once again thought about him knocking her up, giving her a baby, it drove her crazy, but she had to talk to him first, no matter how tempting it was to simply release the contraceptive spell.

  Afterward, he’d held her gently in his lap on the couch, where they’d shared soft loving kisses, and he’d caressed her body gently. Coming right after the rough way he’d taken her, it had made her feel very loved, safe, and complete. It was… a moment of deep connection between them, and it would have been the perfect time to tell him exactly how she felt and what she wanted.

  But as usual the words had been stuck on the tip of her tongue, left unsaid, and made her angry at herself.

  She startled as she was suddenly being kissed. Had she blanked out again? Lost in the delicious coupling from this morning, along with her cowardice?

  He broke the kiss and caressed her cheek, with a look of concern in his eyes.

  “Hi there beautiful. Everything okay? Was this morning too much? Because it’s only fun for me if it’s fun for…” he cut off as she kissed him hungrily.

  She sighed into his mouth in pleasure, and then broke the kiss.

  “No, this morning was amazing. Though I think that was probably the limit of my pain enjoyment, I’d like to try other things. I like to feel… under your control, just while we’re…” she trailed off with a blush.

  He nodded, “I understand, I think. I’m honored that you trust me with letting your guard down.”

  She smiled, and took a deep breath, like a Band-Aid right? She just… needed to get it out there, or she’d go mad with it.

  “Andrew… I love you, and I want us to have a child.”

  He kissed her softly, briefly, and said, “I love you too Samantha. I’d like that very much.”

  She said, “Naturally, no spell, might be an heir, or a little daughter?”

  He nodded, and grinned at her.

  She couldn’t help the bright smile that lit up her face, and hugged him tightly around his neck as he pulled her up into his arms. She kissed his neck and squirmed a little against his bulge.

  “Seems like you like that idea a lot,” she said, as she released the contraception spell from her mind.

  Taken with a sudden brave feeling, she whispered sultrily in his ear, “I dropped the contraceptive spell, if you took me now…” she trailed off meaningfully and then suckled and nipped his earlobe. She wasn’t sure where her new boldness had come from, maybe it was simply because she’d finally admitted how she felt, and he’d felt the same and said it back. Had it taken the rest of her doubts? Time would tell.

  She giggled, as he was suddenly naked. She imagined she would be too, if she wasn’t holding spells that protected her from magic. Besides, she was wearing a skirt, and her panties were on the floor from earlier, she’d rather feel him push up her skirt, or his hands completely remove her clothes, than use magic.

  And he did…

  Chapter Nine

  Samantha drove me insane with lust over the next few days, and we’d been fucking like rabbits, two or three times every single morning during study time. She’d changed since we’d told each other we were in love, and that we both wanted to have a child. She was braver about flirting, which translated to sexier, but she was still the same amazing woman underneath.

  When I knocked her up, that would be three out of my four ladies, all pregnant at once, though just the idea of knocking up Samantha filled me with lust and excitement.

  More than that though, every time we got together now, she would tease me as I held her down and took her, that this time might be the time I took her eager pussy and put a baby in her womb. She’d tell me how turned on she was, by being held down and helpless to resist, as I took her, claimed her, made her mine, and filled her with my baby batter. That she loved when I was possessive in bed, but treated her like a lady when we weren’t.

  Since we weren’t using a spell, we had no way to predict when it would take, and that fact played into her little game perfectly. It was also true, I loved her very much, all four of my women now.

  Every single time, she drove me wild, her sensual sexy and sultry voice, speaking those words to me, hit something very elemental, instinctive, and animalistic from deep inside my psyche. It had me taking her hard and fast, lost in the lust, pleasure, and excitement, every chance I got. It seemed to drive her crazy too, because she came fast, often, and hard on my cock every time. Her body was supple, limbe
r, and quite ready for me all the time.

  I’d asked her once if she were ovulating, and she giggled, then absolutely refused to tell me. She was having far too much fun inciting me to take her like some caveman claiming his woman, and that telling me would ruin it. After some thought, I realized she was right. Taking temperatures, checking for ovulating dates, and performing on command would take a lot of the heated emotions, and most of the fun out of it. I didn’t ask a second time.

  That wasn’t the only thing going on though for those few days. I also worried about Julia, she still loved me, and seemed happy most of the time, but I’d caught her more than once with a sad look in her eyes. Katia had hinted to me she was working on that, but she wouldn’t say what she was doing. I had no idea what Katia could do about it, but I had faith in my first love, and wouldn’t underestimate her.

  Katia had also pushed me toward creating a second heir pact. She was right of course, I had the heir with her, and a hidden one, but another hidden one would be a better safety net. It was just that I still felt a little guilty over the first one, even if she had gotten everything she wanted out of the deal.

  I casted the spell, and of course, felt even guiltier as the information I needed poured into my mind. Jessica Duffy was a nineteen-year-old orphan, who’d been rendered barren by an incompetent doctor. There was more to the story, orphan, money issues, lost her college money to a lawyer and a failed malpractice suit, but the point was the magic believed she’d be willing to have my heir, if it meant she could have kids again. She’d always dreamed of having her own child, and not abandoning it like her mother did her. Not to mention she needed some college money, some to raise his heir, and a place to stay that wasn’t a shithole.

  Luckily, it didn’t seem to be an urgent thing, because I wasn’t up to doing it just then.

  The last issue that was on my mind over those few days, was Annaliese. She was a sexy little thing, curvy petite body, C cups that looked more like Ds on her petite body. She had fair skin, bright blue eyes, and gorgeous long and straight very light blonde hair that glowed in direct light. She had a very attractive face as well, and although she looked eighteen, she still had that youthful innocence a very young adult face has, until they reach their early twenties. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been attracted to the pixie blonde vampire, but then with my libido the way it is, I seemed to be attracted to most beautiful women, unless they turn out to be ugly inside. As far as I could see, so far, Annaliese was far from ugly inside.


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