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Renegade Lady

Page 15

by Dawn Martens

  He shakes his head. “Not gonna happen. Kidd claimed you, and now you’re his. You need to get used to the idea, and you need to get used to it quick. Just to put your mind to rest, you’ve always been the only woman he ever wanted.”

  I scoff at his words and blow out a frustrated breath, then look into his eyes. “Yeah? That’s funny. I thought he wanted Sarah. The real woman that could make his dick hard.”

  “Jenna, enough!” He shouts then runs a hand through his hair. “I helped you out. Shit, me and Mindy did everything we could to give you a real home. You know I love you more than anything, and she did too. How do you think Mindy would feel about the way you’ve turned out?” he says, shouting at me.

  How dare he say that! No one, and I mean no one, throws Mindy in my face. Before I can fully think my shit through, my fist is raised, and I clock him right in the jaw and split his lip. “Fuck you! Never bring her up to me again. I loved her more than life itself!” I scream into his face, then get into my car and speed away.

  Only one thought crosses my mind as I head down the road; I wonder what my punishment is going to be when I get home.

  CHAPTER Sixteen


  I take a swig of my whiskey and stare at the financial reports littering my desk. Something’s not lining up. There’s money missing, but I can’t figure out where it went. It’s only a few thousand, not enough to make me think someone is skimming, but it’s enough to make me take notice, enough to make me realize that I am not a fucking accountant. I’m a biker, damn it. I try to run the numbers again, but finally toss the papers onto my desk. I need to hire someone to do this shit. If not, I’m going to go crazy.

  I’m about to head out when my office door crashes open. I look up to see Chipper walking in, sporting a split lip. He also has a small bruise on his jaw. No doubt he’s been fighting again. Not that him fighting is unusual, but him getting marked is. Usually, my brothers’ are the one leaving with the bruises. My eyes narrow as I take it in.

  “Who the fuck did that to you?”

  “Jenna,” he grumbles as he walks towards my desk and grabs my bottle of Jack.

  I chuckle as I ask, “What’d you say to piss her off this time?”

  “I brought up Mindy. Asked her how Mindy would feel about the way she’s been living her life.” He sits on the couch and sighs. “Dick move. I shouldn’t have done that shit.”

  I flinch as soon as his words sink in. Jenna loved Mindy in a way that was so pure, so true, that even someone that didn’t know them would be able to see the way she felt about the woman. Even though Jenna only knew her for a little over a year, she still considered Mindy her mom. Some people might have thought it was strange, but I thought it was fuckin’ beautiful.

  Chipper throwing her up in Jenna’s face the way he did would tear her to pieces. Most women would cry over it, but not Jenna, at least not the Ice Queen that Jenna’s became. When she gets hurt, she fights back. She’ll fight twice as hard when it comes to Mindy. Anytime someone in the club brought her up, she would turn almost homicidal. Hell, she even shot one of the brothers, Brakes, in the leg, about a year after Mindy’s death.

  I had just taken up the gavel when it happened. I was sweating bullets when the boys brought Jenna to me. I knew it was my place as president to punish her, and there’s only one punishment for using a weapon on a member. She would have to die, and I would have to be the one pulling the trigger, but when she explained what Brakes did, there was no fucking way I was going to make her pay. In fact, I wanted to put another bullet in him myself.

  The douche was trying to get her to fuck him, but club girl or not, Jenna’s selective. She knew Brakes was a piece of shit and wasn’t about to spread for him. When he realized he didn’t have a chance, he told her that her pussy probably would have sucked anyway. He said that he had a taste of Mindy back in the day, and she was a dead fuck. Considering Mindy helped raise Jenna, he figured she would be too.

  Needless to say, Jenna flipped her wig. Not only was Mindy dead, and half the club was still mourning her, but every member knows that you don’t talk shit about a brother’s old lady. Yeah, Mindy was a whore before she wore Chippers brand, but whore or not, when a woman is claimed, she’s treated with same respect that you give her old man.

  I shake the memory away, and then smile towards Chipper. “So, what are you gonna do about it? I know you better than to think you’d let her get away with that shit.”

  A month or two after Mindy died, Jenna decided she had had enough of Chipper’s drinking every fuckin’ day and decided to do something about it. She waited until he left the house one night and called a lock smith. When Chipper came home, he couldn’t get into the house. Needless to say, he didn’t like it one fuckin’ bit. He ended up breaking a window and crawling in.

  The next morning, Chipper went off on Jenna, but she played it off like she didn’t know what he was talking about. She even told him that he was so drunk, he couldn’t figure out how to use a key. When he got up to show her the keys didn’t work, the door opened. The sneaky bitch had changed his keys while he was passed out.

  This happened three more times before Chipper decided he needed to straighten his ass up. A year later, she finally told him what she’d done. He was pissed at first, but when she told him that she was tired of watching her dad kill himself, he got over his anger really damn quick. He still had to pay her back, and he did that by having her car painted cotton candy pink. My baby girl doesn’t do pink, so she was pissed as hell. It took her nearly three months to earn enough money to have it repainted back to its original color. A few weeks back, she ended up getting her new car, and I thought Chipper was gonna blow.

  “This was my own fault. I shouldn’t have said that anything about Mindy to her. You can deal with Jenna anyway you want. You can just pretend that she never laid her hands on me, or you can remind her of the rules.” He grins at me. “If I was you, I’d punish her, and I’d be creative about it when I did it.”

  At that thought, my dick begins to swell. “Fuckin’ hell, bro!” I yell and try to think of something else, anything but being creative with Jenna; the financial forms, baseball, cats. No, not cats. Not shit that reminds me of the The Kitty Kat and Jenna’s fine ass shaking across the stage. Now my hardening dick is rock solid. I hear Chipper laughing and open my eyes, mumbling a short, “Fucker,” at him.

  He stops laughing and looks at me seriously. “Just watch over my girl for me. I know she’s grown now, but she will always be that scared little kid to me. I’m worried about her. I know shit is bothering her. It’s more than just shooting Cary, even though that alone would fuck most people up. There are still things she keeps from me, shit she just won’t talk about. I watch her walking that edge and I feel like she could step over to the dark side at any moment.”

  I nod, trying my best to ignore the pain swelling up in my chest. “We need to talk to Reese and see if there’s something he knows that we don’t.”

  Chipper shakes his head. “She may be best friends with him, but he doesn’t even know half the shit that she has buried deep inside of her. I don’t think anyone does. As close as she was to Mindy, she never even opened up to her.”

  I get up and walk to Chipper. I grab the bottle of Jack from him and take a long pull then look towards my brother. “I’ll do my best to take care of her,” I say, hoping like hell she will let me.

  He nods. “I know you will.”


  Within minutes of getting to the apartment complex, I’m fuming. How could these bitches be so stupid? Half the damn stable are showing signs of drug use. I’ve been around this shit long enough to know the difference between a hangover and coming down from a drug high. I look around at all the ashen faces and decide it’s time to scare these bitches straight. “Who brought drugs into the club?”

  Everyone stays quiet, so I decide that fear is the way to go. “Do you know what happens to club girls that break the rules?”

  I look ar
ound and watch a few heads shake. Seems like I need to give my girls a refresher course on club rules.

  “Of course, it depends on what the girl did. If it’s something small, you’ll be punished, but you’ll also be allowed to stick around. If it’s something big, I’ll kick your ass to the curb and you’re eighty sixed from The Kitty Kat and the Club for life. No club member will even acknowledge you.” I make sure to meet each girl’s gaze before going on. “Now, if it’s something huge, that’s a whole new ballgame. The bitch that fucked up will be lucky if she leaves Big Clifty breathing.”

  I hear a few gasps and smile. I may be bluffing a bit, but that’s the only way to get things done with these chicks. “We all know that bringing drugs into the club is huge offense, and since none of you will tell me who did it, I guess I’ll have to assume that all of you played a part in this.”

  A chorus of ‘nos’ echo through the room. “Well, someone better be telling me which one of you brought the shit in The Kitty Kat then.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I hone in on Cheyanne. She’s looking around, doing her best to intimidate the rest of the women into keeping their mouths shut, but that bitch isn’t as strong as she thinks she is. She’s been Kidd’s go to girl for a while, so she thinks she’s got a little power, but that shit’s fixing to change. Not only will she not be visiting Kidd anymore, she’ll also be getting an attitude adjustment.

  I know she tries to play Head Bitch when I’m not around. Guess it’s time to show her who the true leader is. Without a moment’s hesitation, I walk up and grab Cheyanne by the back of her hair. I pull her across the room and push her into the wall. “You like to play mama to my girls, so I figure you know who brought the shit in. You better start talking now, or I’m gonna assume it was you.”

  A look of pure contempt crosses her face before she responds. “I don’t know shit, and you can’t treat me like this! I’ll tell Kidd.”

  “Oh, you mean my old man?” I ask, almost choking on my own words.


  I smile at her. “Yeah, he claimed me this morning. I don’t figure he’ll care what I do to the bitch that used to suck his dick.”

  Her face loses all of its color before she responds. “I don’t know anything about the drugs.”

  I let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, really. Then why the hell do you have black circles under your eyes and dried blood caked on your nose.”

  The last part isn’t true, but I know that I’m on the right track as soon as she wipes her hand under her nose. “Still want to tell me you don’t know anything?”

  She starts to shake her head, cringing when it causes me to pull her hair. “I didn’t bring it in. I just did a few lines.”

  “You gonna tell me which one these bitches broke the golden rule?”

  She looks towards the girls then back towards me. She answers, her voice full of contempt, “Kandy.”

  Hearing her name is a shock. Kandy’s a bitch, but I thought she was loyal to me. She’s one of the girls I brought into the club after I found her eating out of a garbage can in Kansas City, nearly a year ago. She was just a kid, barely eighteen, and as soon as I saw her, I knew I had to help her. She’s one of the few girls that don’t work at the club house, but she does dance at The Kitty Kat. She might not make as much money as some of the other girls that get paid for pussy do, but she is making enough to avoid the need to sell drugs.

  I toss Cheyanne to the floor and head straight for Kandy. “What the fuck?”

  Her eyes grow as big as saucers as she watches me stalk over to her. “It wasn’t that big of a deal.”

  A cruel smile crosses my face as I send my fist flying into Kandy’s face. “You knew the rules.”

  “I’m sorry, Ice,” she says, doing her best to cover her face.

  I turn to the rest of my girls and look until I find the newest addition to our stable. “What’s the rule about drugs, Tonya?”

  Her eyes grow large when she realizes I’ve singled her out. “Nothing but weed, Ice. I swear I didn’t do anything. You can test me. You won’t find that shit in my system.”

  I look back to Kandy. “See there? Even Tonya knows the rules and she’s only been here for three weeks. How is it that your ass didn’t know, when you’ve been here for almost a year?”

  “It was just a little blow. I didn’t think you would mind.”

  “No, you didn’t think at all.” I send my fist flying back into her face, which sprawls her skank ass on the floor. “No, that isn’t true. You were thinking about the extra money the blow would make you.”

  She starts to shake her head in denial. “No, no, no,” she chants.

  “Now, you’re going to tell me who supplied you the coke, or shit is about to get worse for you.” Her body starts to shake in fear, and I know that she’s more afraid of her supplier than she is of me. Guess it’s time to put the fear of God in her. I grab my purse, dig out my Smith and Wesson 380, and point it right between her eyes. “You’re going to tell me, one way or another.”

  “I can’t tell you. If I do, he’ll kill me. Please, don’t make me tell you his name,” she begs, tears streaming down her face.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” I say with a nod. “But, I can guarantee you that I’ll kill you if you don’t tell me who he is right now.”

  “Please, Ice. Please don’t make me tell you.”

  I don’t respond. I just cock my gun and shove it against the center of her forehead. There’s no damn way I would ever pull the trigger, but she doesn’t know that. The reality of her situation finally hits and her head drops to her chest. “Timmons,” she says in a voice so low that I have to strain to hear what she said.

  It takes a second for the name to register, but when it does, I feel my body go solid. No. Without thinking, I slam the butt of my gun into the side of her head. “Take care of the bitch,” I say without looking at anyone in particular. I rush out to the car and head back to the club as fast as I can.

  I make the fifteen minute drive in less than ten, and as soon as I pull into the parking lot, I rush inside the club. I can’t believe he’s finally come for me.

  CHAPTER Seventeen


  I’m sitting at the bar, nursing a Jack on ice, when the door flies open and Jenna comes running through it. As soon as I see her face, my body tenses. There’s something wrong, and whatever it is has got her spooked. She’s looking around the room with wild eyes, searching for something. Her eyes lock onto Chipper and she rushes towards him. Hell no! She is my old lady now. She needs to learn that she brings shit to me first.

  I jump from the bar stool and head towards them. I’m about a foot away when I hear Chipper shout, “What the fuck are they doing here?”

  “Who?” I ask, joining them.

  “Looks like the boys from Mateland have come for a visit,” Chipper growls out.

  Oh shit! That is definitely something I didn’t want to hear today. The Mateland chapter of the Renegade Sons have been a thorn in my side for years. If it was up to me alone, they would have lost their charter years ago, but my Pop made me promise not to cut them out before he died. As fucked up as they are, I can’t break that promise. Things are tight now that Brew is holding the power. I thought that they finally got their shit together, and I could depend on them to do what their told, but I still hear shit I don’t like. Word on the street is the Mateland Renegades take what they want, even if it’s not willingly given. Rape is not something I want the Renegade Sons known for.

  Chipper draws me away from my thoughts. “We need to call church tonight.”

  I shake my head. “I need to know what’s going on first. Why they came to Big Clifty without giving us a heads up? Let me talk to Brew before we call the boys in.”

  I hear Jenna’s indrawn breath and look down to her. She has tears in her eyes. I’ve known her for nearly ten years, and the only times I’ve ever seen her cry were at Mindy’s funeral, when she shot that bitch, and… the night that I broke her hear
t to pieces. “There’s more to this than just the Mateland boys coming for a visit, isn’t there?”

  “There sure in the fuck is!” Chipper shouts, and then look towards Jenna. “I gotta tell him.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to be here when you do,” she says with a nod, then looks up to Chipper. “Before you start sharing all my deep dark secrets, you need to remember the promise you made Gun. He’s dead, but the promise still stands.”

  With those words, she walks away. I watch her head towards her room and I have a feeling this conversation is going somewhere that I won’t like at all. “What the fuck is going on, man? What the hell is she talking about?”

  Chipper motions towards my office and walks that way. I follow him, barely getting into the room before he slams the door shut. “I didn’t tell you everything that happened when I found Jenna.”

  I lift my chin for him to go on while I walk to the fridge and grab a beer. “Well, tell me now.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t. Jenna’s right. I made a promise to the old man. I plan to keep it.”

  “That shit ain’t right, brother. Not only am I the president of this fucking club, but Ice is my old lady now. I need to know it all. If not, how the hell can I protect her? How the fuck can I protect the club if trouble is coming and I don’t know what the hell it is?”

  “Talk to Jenna,” is his only response.

  “She ain’t going to tell me shit, and you know it, so you’ve got to give me something.”

  “You’re right, and you’re also right that you need to know what’s coming,” he continues with a nod. “but I can’t break my word to Pop.”

  I run a hand over my face, trying to control my temper. “Fine, but you gotta give me a heads up.”

  He nods. “Keep an eye out for Timmons. Don’t let that fucker anywhere near my girl. Hell, don’t let him near any of the girls.”


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