Book Read Free

Renegade Lady

Page 24

by Dawn Martens

  I kick the bed again, and he still doesn’t move, so I reel back and send the bottom of my boot into his ass. Finally, Preach rolls over, landing on the floor.

  “Fuckin’ floor,” he mutters, trying to push himself up onto his knees.

  I feel my eyebrows go up. Did he seriously just curse the damn floor?

  “Get the fuck up!” I shout again.

  He pulls himself up and leans against the wall. He then starts to walk back to bed, but stops when he sees me. For few seconds, he just stands there and stares at me, in shock that I’m in his room. He tries to take a step towards me but stumbles and lands against the wall.

  “Yo Pres, what’s up?” he slurs.

  I say nothing, just take my fist and crush it into his jaw. I don’t let up on the beating until he’s on the floor not moving. When I’m done, I rip off my t-shirt and wipe his blood off me, then walk to the door of his room and yell for a prospect. A minute later, Rum comes strolling down the hall.

  When he sees Preach in a heap on the floor, he lets out a low whistle. “What the fuck happened to him?”

  I ignore his question. “Call Doc and get his ass over here. Tell him to fix Preach up, but he’s not allowed to give him a fuckin’ thing for pain.”

  I start to walk down the hallway, but stop when I notice Rum just standing there, staring into Preach’s room. “Hurry the fuck up. He’s bleeding like a stuck pig. I just want him to hurt, not die.”

  A few minutes later, I’m sliding back into bed with Jenna. I barely get under the covers before she says, “You didn’t kill him did you?”

  I chuckle as I throw my arm around her. “Nah, just taught him a lesson.”

  “I don’t think he knows about the baby, so I don’t know if the lesson was needed just yet.”

  I give her a gentle squeeze. “Yeah, baby it was. When a man hurts a good woman, he pays for it.”

  I feel her body tighten, and I know where her thoughts have gone. “Yeah, I took an ass whooping for what I did to you. Actually, I took two.”


  I tuck her head under my chin. “Chipper, but quite a few of other brothers let me know if I hadn’t been there VP at the time, they would have kicked my ass too.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  I feel her wiggle into me, trying to meld her body to mine. “I’m not sorry you had your ass kicked. You deserved that, but I am sorry I wouldn’t talk to you after that night. If I would’ve just listened to you, instead of being such a bitch, we wouldn’t have lost the last six years. Those six years are what I’m sorry about.”

  I close my eyes, trying to block out the pain. No matter what she says, this shit is my fault. Not only did I break her heart six years ago, I also flaunted my shit around the club. Knowing my girl, she was probably pissed as hell when she saw me with the club girls. “You didn’t do it. I did, and I don’t want to ever hear you say you’re sorry again.”

  “I’ll say whatever in the hell I want.”

  I blow out a frustrated breath, causing her hair to tickle my chin. “If you try to fight with me over this, I will tan your ass.”

  “Sounds fun, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow night. I’m too sleepy to play right now.”

  “Night, baby girl,” I say with a chuckle.

  She giggles then yawns as her body starts to go slack. “Love you, Kidd.”

  “Love you too.”



  I pull on my cut and look towards the bed. “What do you got planned for the day?”

  Jenna sits up, stretching her arms over her head. “I asked Skittles to see if she could find any girls to come in for interviews. She texted me last night while we were at Ink Kings. She’s got three coming in. I’ll still need more, but it’s a start.”

  “Where are you gonna do these interviews at?”

  She crawls from the bed as she answers. “The Kitty Kat. I’ve done a few at the apartments, but some of the ones I hired bailed their first night. These girls need to know where they’ll be working. They got to understand, it’s not Hooters. It’s a strip club.”

  For some reason, the thought of her leaving the club house doesn’t sit right with me today. I haven’t let her go anywhere on her own since I found out about Timmons, but today I don’t want her outside of the club. “Can you do the interviews here?”

  “These boys have been pussy deprived for a day, so I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Shit! I should have known she’d argue about this. “Damn it, Jenna. Can you please just do the fuckin’ interviews here?”

  A puzzled expression crosses her face “I can, but why?”

  I walk over to her and pull her into my arms. “I don’t know, but I need you here today.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just don’t want you leaving clubhouse right now.”

  She goes onto her toes and wraps her arms around my neck. “Are you sure nothing happened?”

  I lean my head down, placing my forehead against hers. “No, baby girl. I just have to visit the Lords’ clubhouse today, so I’m gonna be out of town. I need to know that you’re okay. If you’re here, I will.”

  She pulls back then brushes her lips across mine. “I’ll do them here, Kidd.”

  Thank Fuck!


  I look over to Daisy and roll my eyes. She hides her laugh with a cough and looks back to the brunette sitting in front of us. “So, you took ballet classes when you were in Junior High and you want to strip to your old routine?”

  The chick nods her head, making her look like one of those stupid Taco Bell dogs that people put on their dashboards. “Yes, it would be soooo cool. It will bring a level of sophistication to the club. Who knows? It might even get you some new customers. Doctors and lawyers love the ballet.”

  I shake my head at her stupidity. “You do know The Kitty Kat is owned by an MC, right?”

  “What’s an MC?”

  I barely hold in my sigh. “Motorcycle Club. You know, like the one you’re sitting in.”

  She scrunches her nose and says, “I’m sure those kind of guys would like it too.”

  I’ve finally had enough, so I call over my shoulder. “Hey, Rum, come here.”

  A few seconds later, he’s at my side. “Whatcha’ need, Ice?”

  “When you come to The Kitty Kat, what do you come to see?”

  He snorts, thinking my question is idiotic. Which it is. “Tits and ass.”

  “Would you come to see ballet?”

  “I guess, as long as the bitch doing it shows her tits and ass,” he says with a shrug. “Oh, don’t forget her pussy. Gotta have the pussy shot.”

  I smile at him and look back to the brunette. “Does you’re routine include showing your tits and ass?”

  “And her pussy!” Rum shouts as he walks away.

  Daisy chuckles, “Yes, we can’t forget the pussy.”

  The brunette’s eyes keep darting between Rum and me, and she stutters, “I, I, I….”

  I finally decide to take pity on her. “Just go.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, she’s out of her chair and running towards the door. When the door shuts behind her, Daisy and I burst out laughing. Shit! That was fucking hilarious; a tinker bell stripper.

  When our laughter finally dies down, I look over to Daisy. “Well, that’s two for two.”

  “But we still have one more. Maybe she’ll be a winner?”

  “Maybe, but right now, I gotta piss too bad to give a shit,” I say as I stand up and start walking to the hall.

  I barely make it a foot into the hallway when a hand wraps around my waist and pulls me into one of the storage rooms. Before I can even open my mouth, something hard hits me on the side of the head.



  “I don’t care if your boys bring him in dead or alive. Either way, you get the mone
y,” I say to Miller, the Lords’ president.

  “I understand. Man fucked with my woman, I’d want him dead too,” he says, sticking his hand out.

  I reach for it and grab his forearm. “Thank you, brother.”

  A minute later, Chipper and I are climbing on our bikes. “I want you to stop by the warehouse on your way home. I don’t know how much of a mess the boys made when they handled that shit with the girls. Take a look and see if we need to call in clean up.”

  “Yeah, I heard one of the bitches put up a fight.”

  I nod to him. “Yeah, she didn’t want to give Timmons up. Stupid bitch didn’t realize we already knew about him.”

  “It was more than that,” Chipper says.


  He shrugs. “It was Leah, the one Preach has been fuckin’. Guess she thought sucking his dick meant she would earn a get out of jail free card. When that didn’t happen, she got nasty and threatened Daisy. Told Preach that Timmons had a thing for little girls. She figured as small as Daisy is, that he’d probably like a piece of her. Then said, when she left, she’d make sure Timmons’ knew where to find Daisy.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  He nods. “Yeah, guess Preach blew her brains out right there in front of everyone.”

  Fuck! Wish I would’ve known that shit before I took my fist to him. Killing’s never easy, but killing a woman… Shit, I don’t even want to think about that. “I need to get to the clubhouse. Just let me know if I need to get some boys over to do clean up.”

  He lifts his chin to me then pulls away, me following close behind him.

  Thirty minutes later, I pull into the club house parking lot. I’m surprised to see so many of the boys’ bikes on the lot. Guess everyone decided to pull Jenna duty today. Just as I’m walking towards the door, I hear Reese shout. “Get everyone on lockdown, right now. Ice is fuckin’ gone.”

  It takes a second for the words to make their way into my brain. When they do, I double over and shout out, “Fuck!”

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. Timber is looking down to me. “Get your shit together, man. We got to get Jenna home.”

  I slowly straighten up and walk into the clubhouse, doing my best to hide my fear. All my brothers freeze up as soon as they see me, each wondering what I’m going to do. I can’t let them see that I have no fuckin’ idea. “When’s the last time anyone seen her?”

  Daisy pulls away from a group of old ladies that have converged in the corner; each one with tears streaming down their face. “She told me she had to go to the bathroom. That was about twenty minutes ago.”

  I look towards Rum. “Bring me Krista.”

  For some reason, I just know she’s the key to all this. She can tell me what I need to know. I just need to get information from her.

  His face goes pale before he responds. “She’s not here, Pres.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, she’s not here? I put you in charge of her ass.”

  He nods, “I know Kidd. I was watching her, I swear. I just came down to get her lunch, and Ice called me over to ask a question. I wasn’t away from her door more than ten minutes. I made sure the lock was secure before I left her. She must’ve climbed out the fuckin’ window.”

  That stupid bitch! She probably did this, and I put Jenna right in her hands by making her stay at the clubhouse today. I’m gonna put a bullet in the bitch’s fuckin’ head, and not even blink an eye afterwards. No one fucks with my girl.


  I wake up with pain pounding through my head. Shit! I slowly open my eyes and look around. My vision is fuzzy, but I think I’m at the club’s warehouse. What the hell am I doing here? The question barely passes through my mind when Timmons walks up and crouches down in front of me. “Finally awake, Jenna. That’s good. I wouldn’t want you to miss any of the fun.”

  I have to stop myself from shrinking away from him. “What do you want?” I whisper out, causing my head to pound even more.

  An evil smile crosses his face. “I want my old lady back.”

  I close my eyes to hide the fear I’m feeling from him. I can’t let him see that I’m afraid. Even as a kid, it didn’t take me long to figure out that he got off on my fear. “Well then, you better go look for her, ‘cause I’m Kidd’s old lady.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, he sends his fist flying into my face. The pain is so severe, I can’t stop myself from crying out.

  I hear him chuckle before he places his hand on my leg and starts running it up and down my thigh. “I missed you, sweet thing. It’s gonna be so much fun having you back.”

  The feel of him touching my body makes me angry, so fuckin’ angry. He has no right to lay a hand on me. I’m Kidd’s woman, but even if I wasn’t, Timmons should never touch me again. “Get the fuck away from me.”

  His chuckle turns to a laugh. “Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun.”

  “Why?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “I told you, I wanted my old lady back.”

  I start to shake my head, but stop when the pain starts again. “No, you stupid fucker. Why the hell are you here now? If you wanted me so fuckin’ bad, why did you wait so long?”

  He straightens up and starts to pace across the floor. “The old man, he wouldn’t let me come. Didn’t want problems with Big Clifty crew. My own fuckin’ father let them take my woman away and didn’t do shit about it, but that shit’s changed now. Dear old Dad’s got Alzheimer’s, barely even knows his own name. Since your Dad is running the show now, I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

  I close my eyes again. This time to hide my pain. He did it to me again. My father gave me to a monster again. “As soon as they figure out I’m gone, Kidd will know you took me. There will not be a rock big enough for you to hide under.”

  He stops pacing and looks to me, another evil grin crosses his face. “But that’s the beauty of my plan. See, right now, my ass is sitting in Mateland, at least that’s what Brew’s going to tell Kidd.”

  “Kidd already knows you’re here.”

  He shrugs. “I was here, but I got home early this morning. I came down here to get my other bitch back, but when I couldn’t find her, I left. Even if Kidd doesn’t believe Brew, there’ll be nothing he can do. The stupid fucker’s still letting his dad lead him around by the balls, even though the bastard’s dead. I know his dad told him to keep the peace with my father, so he won’t lay a finger on me.”

  My God! Is this dick that stupid, or is he losing his damn mind? There’s no way he can think Kidd would let someone take his old lady. “Kidd will kill you. I don’t give a shit who your dad is.”

  “Bullshit. Kidd and Chipper have more loyalty to Killer than you. Why do you think no one came after me before?” Timmons says, sounding cocky. I don’t believe a word he says. The guy’s an ass.

  “Mostly because Kidd never knew, but the minute he found out, he wanted you dead. Also, why the fuck is Kidd cutting the Mateland crew? Huh?” I say smirking.

  His face pales. Guess he hadn’t heard that bit of news before. Kidd hasn’t actually told me that he’s doing it, but I’ve heard enough mumbling around the club in the last two days to know that it’s true.

  “Between you, the drugs going missing, and all the money that your charter has lost the club, your charter is useless to the MC.” I pause a second to let the words sink in before I shift into Ice mode. “When Kidd gets here, it will be buh-bye, loser.”

  “You fuckin’ cunt! You did this shit! You fucked everything up!” he yells, reaching down to land another punch.

  This time I’m ready though. I scoot back and scramble to my feet. “My fault? How in the hell do you think it’s my fault? I’m not the fuckin’ pedophile rapist sicko! You are. I’ve never done shit to you. It was you who took something from me when I was only sixteen; something that should have been Kidd’s!”

  He shrugs off my words as if they’re nothing. “Old enough to bleed; old enough to breed.”


  “What about when I was eleven? Huh? I wasn’t bleeding then. You remember that, don’t you? When you crawled into my bed and made me put your cock in my mouth the first time!” I scream.

  “Who gives a shit? You were fuckin’ hot even back then, and blowing me didn’t hurt you. Hell, by the time I claimed you, you were taking dick like a pro,” he says with a laugh. His anger is fading, but his disgustingness is coming out even more.

  I can’t take this anymore. I can’t take listening to him talk about me like I was some whore he was training. If he’s gonna kill me, I wish he’d just get it over with. “So what the hell are you going to do with me? With Kidd on your ass, you can’t keep me for your old lady, so I’m not gonna do you much good.”

  “You’re gonna die, but first we’re going to have a little fun.”

  I sneer at him, letting him see every ounce of my anger. “You bring that little worm you call a dick anywhere near me, and I promise you that I’ll bite the damn thing off.”

  “You can’t bite shit when it’s between your legs.”

  I smile, flashing him my teeth. “Try me.”

  He takes a small step back and stares at me, as if he’s never saw me before. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “I grew the fuck up. Back then, you were dealing with a kid. This time, you got a woman on your hands,” I shout. “Either kill me, or let me go. I want to get back to my man.”

  “No!” He yells, sounding almost manic. “Chipper took you from me years ago. He should’ve never done that. Then Kidd tried to claim you as his old lady. Since they took you from me, I’m taking you from them.”

  “I wasn’t yours!” I scream. “I was just a little girl!”

  Timmons fires off a shot, hitting the wall a few feet above my head. “Shut the hell up.”

  I start to run, hoping to avoid the next shot, but freeze when I notice something from the corner of my eye. I start to thank God that Kidd has made it in time, but instead of seeing him, I see Krista slowly making her way into the room. What the fuck?


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