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To Make You Feel My Love

Page 5

by Tina Rose

  Alana was the result of a one night stand. Rick and Sarah Parsons had met while Sarah was a cashier at a convenience store in Paradise Beach. They were young, right out of high school. She was beautiful, and looked a lot like Alana. He was a sexy tourist, traveling through town. Their immediate attraction was hot, hard and mutual. He offered to drive her home after work. They spent one night together, and Sarah had gotten pregnant. She eventually found Rick and informed him of the pregnancy. They married soon after, ignoring everyone that opposed their marriage.

  They tried to make the marriage work, but Rick started cheating while Sarah was still pregnant. When years of affairs became too much for Sarah, she turned to the arms of another man. Eventually she broke down and confessed her one night stand. They had a physical altercation, she fell and hit her head. Rick left without checking on her. When Rick returned home the next morning, the police arrested him and charged him with involuntary manslaughter. Alana was returning home from a sleep over at a friend’s house when she saw her father being arrested and her mother’s body being carried away. Rick cut off all contact with her once he was imprisoned. She lost both her parents due to their recklessness. A mistake she swore she would never make, not even with Logan Montgomery.

  A loud knock at the door woke her from her daze. Logan? Flinging the door open she saw Uncle James standing there, jaws clenched. Shit. Had he seen her with Logan?

  “May I come in Alana?” he asked gruffly.

  “Sure…” she opened the door and held out her arm to invite him in.

  “Is everything alright with you?”

  “Everything is fine,” she took a deep breath, “why do you ask?”

  “I saw your gentleman caller leave. He seemed very upset. Isn’t he the same young man that needed towels?” he cocked up his eyebrow waiting for her answer.

  “Yes, Uncle James, but I can explain.”

  “Go ahead…”

  “Well, you see…” She let out another deep breath. “No, no I can’t explain,” she plopped down on the couch in her tiny living room and began to cry.


  “I know Uncle James,” she interrupted him. “I know we aren’t supposed to fraternize with the guests. And I didn’t mean too. I actually met him while I was out with Becky and then found out he was a guest here. I told him tonight that I couldn’t see him anymore.”

  “I see. And you really like this man?” he asked gently.

  “What difference does it make? He’s a guest here, and he’ll be gone in a few days anyway,” she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  Uncle James came and sat by her side on the couch. “Alana,” he moved to put his arm around her shoulders, “do you know why we made the rule against fraternizing with guests?”

  “To keep from getting sued for sexual harassment?” she chuckled.

  “No, sweetheart,” he chuckled softly, “If we didn’t we would’ve never been able to keep all the young men from beating down your door.” Alana looked at him in surprise.

  “Sweetie, you are a smart, beautiful young woman. I have no doubt that you would never do anything to jeopardize our business or your reputation,” he squeezed her shoulders. “Now, about this young man.”

  “It doesn’t matter Uncle James. Like I said, he’ll be gone in a few days. He’s military on top of that, so it’s not like we could even have a long distance relationship,” she rolled her eyes, “Not that he even wants one. I don’t know him well enough to know anything about him,” she sounded exasperated. “And, besides, you know how I feel about rash decisions. I won’t fall into my parent’s footsteps.”

  “I know you have concerns regarding your parent’s mistakes, and I can’t say that I blame you, but Alana, you are not them. You are a good person. I’d like to think your aunt and I had something to do with that” He smiled at her. ”Well, I’m no Dr. Phil, but the young man who left your door tonight looked hurt and broken. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get to know him a little better before you just cut him out of your life. I know quick decisions can end up hurting you in the end, but isn’t turning this young man away without getting to know him just as much a rash decision?”

  Patting her shoulder and kissing her on the head, he moved toward the door. “Just sleep on it Alana. Your aunt and I are here if you need us.” Pausing briefly, he added, “I know everyone, including you, thinks that I have no emotions and that all I care about is this business, but you’re the only daughter I have, and although I never say it, I love you.”

  Alana felt as if she would burst with emotion. She knew her uncle loved her, but she never heard him say it. She hadn’t really thought about it, but he was her dad in every sense of the word. “I love you too Uncle James,” she murmured.

  * * * * * * * *

  Logan was devastated and hurt. Explaining to Alana he wasn’t out for a good time hadn’t helped. Whatever. He was done. He was going home. He’d had enough of this. Maybe she was right, he didn’t know where he was going to be in a month. He would call the lieutenant in the morning and ask for an assignment far away from any beaches or anything that would remind him of this weekend. Why start something he couldn’t finish anyway?

  Problem was, it had already started. Desire grew down deep in his soul, a longing for the touch of this amazing woman. There wasn’t anything or anyone he wanted more. All the fears he had developed after watching his parent’s relationship was gone. He wanted nothing more than to be with Alana right now, showing her that it was more than sex to him. He wanted to see her over and over again. Wanted to feel her skin, and breathe in the aroma of her body. He knew they just met, but that didn’t matter to him.

  “Ah, to hell with it!” he muttered.


  It was going to be a long day. Alana barely slept, tossing and turning all night. She was overwhelmed by emotion from her conversation with Uncle James, and the unsettled feelings about Logan. Uncle James considered her his daughter. She had always known he loved her, but to hear him say it was monumental to her. Maybe he was right about Logan too.

  The man had stirred a desire in her that she had never felt. She didn’t believe in magical interludes, and prince charming. Hell, she barely even knew him, but there was something in his eyes that made her feel as if they had known each other a lifetime. He made her feel safe and alive, and for the first time in her life she thought about something other than work and a five year plan. She wanted to live for today, with Logan, and see where it would take her.

  Maybe almost losing Sheila Gentry had something to do with her sudden change of courage, knowing that life could be here today and gone tomorrow. Not that it even mattered now. She pushed Logan away, wounded him, just like Uncle James said, she had broken him. He probably never wanted to set eyes on her again.

  Pushing herself to get ready for work, she gave serious thought to calling off. She had never called off before, even when she pulled a muscle in her back while taking care of a four hundred pound patient. She managed to put a smile on her face, and get through the twelve hour shift.

  Nope, she thought, she needed to go to work. It was only one day, and then she had the rest of the week off. She would call Becky on her lunch break and with any luck, fish for some information about Logan. Maybe, if she was lucky, she could get one more chance with the handsome man who already turned her world upside down.

  The steam from the hot shower infiltrated the small bathroom. The hot water running over her body reminded her of the time she had shared with Logan in the cabana. Closing her eyes, she could feel the touch of his warm mouth roaming her body, causing a heated rush all over. She soaped her breasts and caressed her nipples. She had to stop this. Had to stop thinking about his contagious smile, those broad muscled shoulders, those beautiful hazel eyes…STOP!

  She turned the water on cold and put her head under the icy running wate
r, trying to get him out of her head, yelping as the cold water hit her. Shaking her head to try to get him out of it, she climbed out of the shower and wrapped herself in a soft towel. That didn’t help, it just reminded her of how his arms had felt wrapped around her, and how she felt his warmth radiate through her. This was just ridiculous. She spent less than forty-eight hours with this man, and he turned her into some daydreaming, fantasy believing, giggling high school girl. She needed to put the brakes on, but didn’t know if she really wanted to. She already knew she didn’t want to, that was the problem.

  After she managed to put on her navy blue scrubs, find her socks, shoes and keys, she headed out the door for her car. It was a brisk morning, and a light fog blanketed the air. The smell of the ocean surrounded her. It was good that it was a short walk, since she had forgotten her jacket. She saw her compact Honda Accord and clicked the remote to disarm the security system. Reaching to open the door, she stilled in her tracks, feeling his presence before she ever heard his voice.

  “Alana,” she heard Logan’s low husky voice.

  She quickly turned to face him. He was so close she could smell the clean spicy scent of him, and it made her stomach do a somersault.

  “Logan? What are you doing out here this early? You scared the shit out of me.” Her pulse was racing and heart pounded. She was pretty sure it wasn’t due to being scared.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he dropped his eyes looking at the ground. Uncle James had been right, he looked sad and broken.

  “I know, I had a rough night myself.” They both looked in separate directions, a moment of awkward silence.

  Finally, Logan spoke, “Look, I know we just met, but I think we have a connection. I’m not sure why out of all the people we’ve met throughout our lives that it happened to us, but it has. I feel it. I didn’t come here looking for a hook up with some random woman.” Lifting her chin up so she had to look at him, he continued. “Hell, I’m in the army, women throw themselves at us like we’re movie stars. I came here to relax and enjoy the week with some old friends while my lieutenant decides what to do with me since my accident. But,” he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “without looking, I found you.”

  Heat moved up her neck, and her cheeks blushed, as heat pooled in her lower regions.

  He continued, “And every minute we waste asking ourselves why or what if or what next, we lose time we could be finding out. So,” he paused searching her eyes, “I’m asking you to not think about tomorrow, just think about right here, right now. Have dinner with me tonight?”

  “Logan…” she said in a muffled voice. He stepped closer, taking her hands in his.

  “Alana,” he said more sternly this time, “have dinner with me tonight? One night, that’s all I’m asking. No funny business, I swear.”

  She giggled, “But what if I want funny business, Sergeant Montgomery?” she asked teasingly, a playful look on her face.

  Logan looked surprised, a wide grin spread across his face.

  “Oh, I think we can handle that too,” pulling her hands to his mouth, he kissed the backside of her fingers. “So, I can take that as a yes then?”

  “Yes,” she said, “dinner tonight. I get off at seven. You want to meet me at my place?”

  “Sounds perfect,” he stepped closer, brushing his lips softly against hers, taking her breath away. “Now maybe I can get a nap, just in case you want more than just dinner.”

  “That’s not fair! You can’t sleep until I get to.” She puckered her bottom lip like a three-year-old, smacking him across his arm.

  “We might be in trouble then,” he chuckled.

  Pulling her into his arms and hugging her tight, he kissed her gently. He deepened the kiss, pulling her hips in closer to him. She felt his excitement pressed against her stomach. Suddenly breaking the kiss, he groaned and kissed the top of her head.

  “I better let you go while I still have the willpower to do it.” He felt so warm she didn’t want to leave his embrace.

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” She cleared her throat. “My willpower is running on low too.”

  Brushing his lips across hers one more time, he opened her car door for her, and helped her in. “I’ll see you later tonight?” he asked more than said.

  “Yes, tonight.” She started her car and pulled away, watching him getting smaller in her rearview mirror.

  Alana felt so good in his arms he hadn’t wanted to let her go. He was going to make sure she didn’t ever want him to let her go after tonight. Everything was going to be perfect. He was going to make her see that he wanted more than a fling, as she loved to say. Funny, he had spent his whole life running from relationships for fear he couldn’t show any affection. Now, all he wanted to do was show Alana she meant something to him. He didn’t know what he could offer after this week was over, but the thought of leaving her sickened him already. Shaking off the thought, he started planning his night.

  * * * * * * * *

  Logan returned to the hotel room looking like the cat that ate the canary. Alana said yes. Bursting into the room, he walked to the sliding glass doors and jerked the drapes back allowing the bright sunshine into the room.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” Dusty grumbled, “What the hell man!”

  “Logan…” Becky yelled, ducking her head under the covers to block the sun from her eyes.

  Dusty and Becky had spent almost every minute together since they met. Could his best friend be turning over a new leaf? Logan hoped so. Never seeing his friend so lovestruck with a woman, ever, it was a welcomed change. He was glad there hadn’t been a parade of half naked women running in and out all hours of the night.

  “You two are wasting a beautiful morning,” he grinned.

  “Beautiful morning my ass!” Dusty rolled to put his back to the sun. “What’s got you all rainbows and sunshine and shit? Last night you were packing up and heading home, said this place sucked.”

  “Whatever. It was a bad night. Today will be better,” he smiled looking out at the emerald water that reminded him of Alana’s eyes.

  “Oh god, let me guess,” Becky rolled over on her elbow propping her head up, “you got to talk to her?”

  “Sure did,” he grinned. “She agreed to have dinner with me.” Logan gave Becky an inquisitive stare. “Where’s her favorite place to eat?”

  “Beats the hell out of me,” she yawned, moving to the edge of the bed. “The sheer fact she told you yes is mind boggling to me. The word fun is not in the girl’s vocabulary. All she does is work, like she’s got something to prove to the world.”

  “Well, tonight has to be perfect. I’ve got one chance at this.’

  “She’s a simple girl. She doesn’t like fancy and she doesn’t like crowds. I know that’s not much, but I hope it helps.” Becky disappeared into the bathroom.

  “Yeah, me too,” he shook his head and turned back to the scenic view. It somehow soothed him.

  Thinking about what Becky said, Logan felt the same way. He’d just as well spend the night in his house, cooking dinner for her. They could be alone and get to know one another better. If he had a way of getting into her apartment, he’d surprise her. Since her Uncle James wasn’t the easiest person to approach, and Alana had said she could get in trouble for consorting with the guests, he thought better of that idea.

  “I don’t know why you’re trying so hard anyway. It’s not like you can’t get a piece of ass anywhere you go. Damn, women slip you their number everywhere you go.” Dusty sat up on the edge of the bed. “Those dog tags are a damn aphrodisiac.”

  The tension built in Logan’s chest and stomach as he glared at Dusty for a moment.

  “Don’t talk like that about her man. It’s not like that. She’s different. Maybe the fact she’s not slipping me her num
ber is why she’s so different. What if someone talked about Shelby Lynn like that?” Shelby Lynn was Dusty’s baby sister, hot as hell, and just about as wild as Dusty. And nobody said or touched his little sister without going through him first. Logan cleverly grinned and tilted his head toward the bathroom Becky was in. “Besides, you’re one to talk about chasing tail. I haven’t seen you sending anyone packing lately.”

  Dusty chuckled, holding his forefinger up to his lips “Maybe I’m getting old, man. Too old for the chase. Those younger girls are wearing me down.”

  “Or maybe you found someone just as ornery as you, someone who’s not going to take your shit.”

  Snorting, Dusty said, “She damn sure don’t. But, hell, it’s just for the week, right?”

  “I don’t know buddy, is it just for the week?” Logan raised his eyebrows.

  Becky opened the bathroom door walking into the room before Dusty had the chance to answer the question. Logan speculated that his friend might be more involved than he was letting on. It would be nice to see Dusty settle down after all these years, and Becky seemed like just the woman to tame his wild friend.

  “So, what’s the plan for today boys?” Becky quirkily asked.

  “I thought I’d tie you to the bedpost and use you as my sex slave all day,” Dusty pulled her down on his lap as she walked by.

  “Maybe I’ll tie you up,” she snickered.

  “Okay, okay, I get the hint, I’m out of here,” Logan said holding his hands up to shield his eyes. “Catch you two later. Much later.”

  They both laughed, paying little attention to Logan leaving the room.

  He did some research on romantic restaurants in Paradise Beach, and made some calls. Nothing seemed to hold up to the expectations he had. He decided he didn’t want to share Alana with the world tonight. He wanted her all to himself, her beautiful blue eyes only for him to see.

  Despite his reservations, he decided he would inquire at the hotel office for some ideas that only locals knew about. The small office he entered had large glass pane windows that faced all the hotel rooms. Knowing what he did about the owner, Logan figured those large glass windows were designed to watch the guests. He just hoped Alana’s uncle hadn’t been watching them.


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