Book Read Free

To Make You Feel My Love

Page 10

by Tina Rose


  “My phone’s going dead dammit,” Alana said, slipping it back into her jean’s pocket.

  “You’ll survive,” Becky laughed.

  The drive to the hospital was short. They parked in the nurses parking area, and ran to the family waiting area on the surgery floor. It was a large room, with teal and mauve colored couches and recliners set up to face a flat screen television hanging on the wall. A coffee maker with cups, creamer and sugar were on a cabinet at the back of the room. That’s where they found Matt huddled with an older couple.

  “Hey Matt,” Alana called.

  “Hey!” he said, striding toward her. He pulled her in for an embrace, and kissed her cheek. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  “I’m so glad you called. This is so exciting!” she said.

  “Come and meet my grandparents,” he guided her toward the older couple. “Grandma, Grandpa, this is Alana Hatfield, she’s Mom’s favorite nurse,” he smiled proudly. “Alana, these are my grandparents, Bud and Mary Gentry.” They were a sweet looking couple. Mary had grey hair and beautiful green eyes. She looked very sophisticated. Bud was an impressive looking man himself, tall, with dark skin and grey hair. He wore gold framed reading glasses that emphasized his blue eyes. It was easy to see where Matt had gotten his looks from. Although Bud was using oxygen to help him breathe, he didn’t look like he was in bad health.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Alana said, shaking both their hands.

  “Oh dear, Matt has spoken so highly of you and the care you’ve taken of our sweet Sheila.” She squeezed Alana’s hand.

  “Sheila is very dear to me as well. We’ve grown quite close while she’s been here.” Alana stepped back, and Matt put his arm around her shoulder. Feeling awkward, she stepped away from him to introduce Becky. “This is my close friend Becky Harris.”

  They all stood around shaking hands and retelling stories of Sheila. Every now and then someone would come and give an update on her status.

  The room was quiet. Becky had left to get something to snack on and chat with some of the night nurses on the ICU floor. Alana was sitting on one of the couches alone after Mary went to check on Bud, when Matt came and sit down next to her.

  “Hey,” he said quietly, “you holding up okay? I know it’s late and you’re probably tired. You can lay your head on my shoulder if you’d like.”

  Alana yawned. “Aw, that’s nice of you Matt, but,” she yawned again.

  “Come on, Alana, I’m not going to bite you. I thought maybe you’d like to grab a bite to eat or some coffee, but I see you’re exhausted.” He leaned back into the couch. “Maybe tomorrow?”

  “I’m not sure, Matt. I have plans for the next few days. I’m going to shut my eyes for just a minute though.” She leaned in the opposite direction of Matt, and dozed off. “Wake me if you hear any news,” she mumbled.

  “Alana! Alana!” She heard Becky’s voice and felt her shaking her.

  “What, what’s wrong?” she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and realized she was lying in Matt’s arms. He must’ve pulled her over to him and wrapped his arms around her while she slept.

  “Logan just called me looking for you. He’ll be here any second.”

  “Logan’s already here.” The deep sound of his voice vibrated through her. She looked up and saw his eyes pinned on Matt, who had a very pleased smile on his face as he stretched and tried pulling her closer to him.

  “Matt, stop,” she said, pulling away from him and rising to her feet.

  “Logan, what are you doing here?” she asked, confused.

  “I’m not sure. I thought I was coming to see if you needed anything after I spoke to Becky and found out what was going on. You didn’t answer my calls or texts. I got worried.” He took a deep breath, “Now I see why you didn’t answer. I’ll see you later.” He turned to walk away, but Alana caught him by the elbow.

  “What exactly is it that you think you see, Logan?”

  “You, lying in another man’s arms.”

  “Well, she wasn’t exactly lying, dude, more like snuggling.” Matt’s smug voice rolled over Logan’s skin.

  “I’ll wipe that arrogant smile right off your fucking face little boy.” Logan lunged toward Matt. Alana jumped in front of him pushing on his massive chest to stop him. “If I ever see you touch her again, I’ll beat that punk ass of yours!”

  “Matt!” she snapped. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What?” he shrugged innocently.

  “Tell your grandparents and your mom I’ll check in on her tomorrow.”

  “You’re not going to stay and tell her yourself?”

  “Hell no she’s not!” Logan ground out.

  “I’ve got this, Logan,” she spat.

  “Yeah, it looked like it.” He spun around, shoved the doors open and stomped out of the room.

  “Matt, I don’t know what your plan was here, but this,” she pointed between herself and him, “isn’t going to happen.”

  “I’m sorry, Alana. I thought over the last couple of weeks you and I had some chemistry. Was I wrong?”

  “I don’t know, Matt, but right now, I have to leave.” She turned to Becky who had been watching the show from the back of the room. “You ready?”

  “I didn’t even have time to grab popcorn,” Becky chuckled.

  “Shut up!” Alana pushed her through the doors.

  Logan was fuming, and he wanted to punch something, or someone, like that smug ass frat boy who had his fucking hands on Alana. He had to get away before he hurt someone. His mind flashed with thoughts of beating the guy’s head against the floor. What was he thinking? He didn’t know Alana at all. Amazing sex or not, he wasn’t going to be made a fool of.

  “Logan!” Alana called.

  He stopped to allow her to catch up. He should’ve kept on walking, but something drew him to her by some magnetic force he couldn’t seem to break free of.

  “I know that looked bad, but it’s not what it seemed.”

  He ran his hand through his light brown hair. “I told you, Alana, when you’re with me, it’s only me. I’m not going to share you. If frat boy is who you want, then,” Alana cut him off.

  “He’s not who I want! But I don’t want someone who doesn’t trust me either.”

  “Alana, I don’t know what will happen once I’m gone, but while I’m here, you’re mine. Do you understand and accept that?” His possessiveness should have scared her, but instead it sent tingles coursing through her body, right to that spot between her thighs. She nodded her head. “That’s twice that little prick has put his hands on you. I won’t be held accountable for my actions if he does it again.”

  “You won’t have to worry, Logan. It won’t happen again. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

  “Well, I know what he was thinking, and that’s why he better keep his fucking hands off you.” Logan put his arms around her waist and pulled her to him for a kiss.

  “Well, now that that’s settled, can we get the hell outta here?” Becky said, sauntering by them.

  Logan tucked Alana in under his arm, kissed the top of her head and led her out the door. He had never let a woman get to him so hard, so fast. He knew he was in over his head, but he didn’t have the will to leave her.

  Alana felt confused. Her mind kept telling her to run, while her heart told her feet to stay put. She didn’t want to think about when he left, she knew her heart would be broken. She could only hope that she would be able to put the pieces of her shattered heart back together some day. And she knew that’s exactly where it was headed.

  * * * * * * * *

  “How’d you get here
?” Alana asked once they were in the parking lot.

  “Dusty’s truck.”

  “Oh,” she wondered if he would want her to ride with him after everything that had taken place. “Well, I need to head home and take a shower.”

  “That’s fine,” he said, turning to Becky, “you want to meet us back at the hotel or ride with us?”

  “Nah, I can’t leave my baby here,” she winked, “I’ll meet up with you guys there. How about we just chill out and relax today? My cousin is having a bonfire at his house later tonight out in the country, by his lake. I’m going to see if Dusty wants to go.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that,” Logan said.

  Becky looked puzzled, “what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I think his pride was hurt last night, between the cowboy scene and Alana having to drag you away.” He looked between the two women, “I’ve known him a long time, but I’ve never seen him this torn up over a woman.”

  “Oh hell, stubborn, confusing ass, damn man,” she muttered as she climbed in the car.

  Logan walked Alana to the passenger side of Dusty’s mud truck, and kissed her head before lifting her up into the seat. Walking around, he climbed into the driver’s side. She was relieved that he wanted her to ride with him. The tension was lifting, but still hung in the air.

  Logan sighed a long breath before turning to her. “Come over here,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer.

  She slid to the seat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

  “Don’t be. I know that wasn’t your fault. I told you he had feelings for you. He saw his chance and took it.” He traced her cheeks with his finger. “I can’t blame the guy. You’re a beautiful angel.”

  She blushed, “I keep telling you, I’m no angel.”

  “You’re my angel,” he said, leaning in to kiss her lips. He covered her mouth with his, soft and gentle, slipping his tongue between her lips as he caressed her face with both his hands. She responded with tiny little moans that went straight to his groin. He deepened the kiss, moving his hands to her long hair, pulling her close to him. He suddenly pulled back from her sucking in a deep breath.

  “God is going to punish me for the sinful things I want to do to you.”

  She giggled, rubbing his jaw line feeling the stubble growing on his face. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “No, I spent hours listening to Dusty moan and groan, and then when I couldn’t reach you, I sure as hell couldn’t go to sleep.”

  “Are we okay?” she asked softly. “I don’t want to spend what little time we have together fighting Logan.”

  “I think we’re fine. Let’s get you home.” Kissing the tip of her nose and tapping it, he turned to start the truck and left the parking lot to head back to the hotel.

  Laying her head on his shoulder, Alana wrapped her hands around his strong arm and snuggled close. The sun was starting to come up, the orange and yellow colors were spectacular. She felt happy and content for the first time that she could remember. That was the last thing she thought of before she dozed off on the drive to the hotel.

  “Hey, angel, wake up,” Logan gently kissed Alana’s forehead. “We’re home sleepy head.”

  “Mmmm,” she stretched her arms over her head. “That was fast,” she smiled. Something in her stirred at hearing him say ‘home’. If only they could share that one day.

  He unhooked her seatbelt, slid her out of the truck, and helped her down. He let her body slide down the front of his before her feet hit the ground. Wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly before he let her go, he whispered “God, you feel good in my arms.”

  She leaned into his body and let him support her as they walked to her tiny apartment. Always the strong one, never needing anyone to lean on, she thought this felt nice for a change. Surrounded by his warm embrace, she felt safe. Should she trust in a false sense of security? He was leaving after all, and as much as she didn’t want this to be a quick fling, she was certain that’s what it would be.

  “Let me run in my room and grab some fresh clothes,” he said, steering them in the direction of his and Dusty’s room. “I’ll just be a second, besides, I need to check on dumbass and make sure he hasn’t done anything stupid.”

  “Like what?” she creased her brow.

  “You never know with Dusty,” he chuckled.


  As they entered the hotel room, Alana heard an unfamiliar woman’s voice. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Becky was on her way, and she didn’t want her friend to be hurt seeing Dusty in the arms of another woman.

  Dusty and a beautiful blonde in blue jean cut-offs were standing on the balcony. She had platinum blonde hair, tanned skin, and a voluptuous body. Dusty had his arms around her shoulders hugging her, with his eyes closed and laughing at something she had apparently said. Alana gasped and stopped dead in her tracks causing Logan to bump in to her.

  “Well he worked fast, didn’t he?” she said through clenched teeth.

  It took Logan a few minutes to realize what she was talking about. Seeing the same picture she did through the open sliding glass doors, he laughed out loud.

  “What the hell is so funny?” she glared, jerking her hand out of his. “Becky is going to beat his and her ass if she sees this.”

  “Honey, that’s Dusty’s younger sister, Shelby Lynn. He called her last night after you and Becky left. They’re really close. I guess she felt he needed her.”

  “Dusty has a sister?” she asked, shocked.


  “I don’t know why that surprises me,” she said shaking her head, “She’s beautiful.”

  “She works hard to look that way, trust me.” He reached back for her hand and squeezed it. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  “Oh. My. God. Logan Montgomery, you sexy beast,” she said with the thickest southern drawl Alana had ever heard as they walked out on the balcony. “Come here you sexy thang,” she eyed Logan up and down before approaching him and wrapping her arms around his waist, completing ignoring Alana.

  “Damn, boy, but what the army’s done for you. Woo-wee, you always look like sex on a stick.”

  Logan removed her arms from around his waist and took a step back. “Shelby Lynn, good to see you too. I’d like you to meet Alana Hatfield.” That’s all he said as to an introduction, no details about who she was. Suddenly hurt by the omission, she reached to shake Shelby Lynn’s hand, thinking back to yesterday when she introduced Logan as a friend to Matt.

  “Nice to meet’cha hon’,” she said cheerfully, never taking her eyes off Logan. “Logan, I’ll never forget the night before you left for boot camp” she asked, holding her hand over her mouth while she tried to control her laugh.

  He cleared his throat, and shook his head, “Shelby Lynn, that was a long time ago.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but it’s a night I’ll never forget,” she winked.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to be heading home,” Alana said, turning around to leave. “It was nice to meet you Shelby.” She called over her shoulder, avoiding eye contact with Logan.

  “Hey, where’s that friend of yours?” Dusty called.

  “She’s on her way here,” she waved as she exited through the glass doors.

  She heard Dusty asking why Becky was coming to see him as she quickly made her way to the front doors. She could feel Logan on her heels.

  “Hey, wait a minute,” he grabbed her elbow. “I still have to get my clothes.”

  She turned around to meet his eyes, jerking loose from his hold.

  “What is wrong with you?” he asked incredulously.

  “Nothing!” she groun
d out.

  “Doesn’t sound like nothing to me,” he said, running his hand through his hair. “What did I do?”

  “Absolutely nothing.” She drew out each syllable.

  Logan rubbed his hands quickly up and down his face. “Alana, I can’t read your mind. If you don’t tell me what I did, how will I know not to do it again?”

  “You do whatever you want to do. It’s not like any of this will matter in a week any way.” She regretted the words as soon as she saw the hurt in Logan’s eyes.

  “Wow,” he said, stepping back from her. It would have hurt less if she had slapped him across the face.

  “Dammit, Logan, don’t you see how volatile this is between us? We have a bi-polar relationship,” she threw her arms up in the air, and then slapped her hips.

  He took two steps closer to her, grabbing her by the nape of the neck, and pulling her ear in close to the heat of his mouth.

  “It’s called communication, Alana, you should try it sometime.” His breath became ragged, his chest heaving powerfully as he breathed onto her skin. Suddenly he couldn’t control himself, he grabbed her long hair back quickly, exposing her mouth for him to assault. She tried pushing him away, striking his chest and trying to remove his hands. He didn’t stop until she relinquished herself to him. Through her eyelashes, she looked up to meet his scorching eyes.

  Someone cleared their throat, and they both turned to see Dusty standing in the doorway of the sliding glass door.

  “Y’all about done?”

  “Not by a long shot, bud,” Logan grabbed Alana’s hand, jerked a drawer open grabbing a clean pair of boxer briefs and jeans, and jerked a shirt off a hanger on the way out the door.

  “We’ll finish this at your place,” he said, dragging her down the walkway.

  “I am finished,” she said stubbornly.

  “Oh, not hardly,” he said, not breaking stride until they reached her door. “Give me the key,” he held out his hand.


  “Alana, give me the damn key,” he said very sternly.

  “Just move, I’ll open the door.” She shoved past him.


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