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One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1)

Page 4

by C. M. Chidgey

  “No idea, we can decide that when you get here, now hurry your arse up girl. We’ll meet you outside your building.”

  “Ok, just give me half an hour.” I said before hanging up and forcing myself towards the bathroom.

  I winced with every movement I made and by the time I was dressed I felt ready to just go back to bed and stay there forever. My jeans were too tight against my side and I couldn’t bear to wear them so I pulled on some jogging bottoms instead along with a too big t-shirt. I looked terrible, but at that moment I didn’t care what I looked like at all. Just as I was heading for my bedroom I noticed the bruises on my wrists, so I headed back and changed my t-shirt for a long sleeved one before opening my bedroom door and leaving the apartment hoping I didn’t bump into my Uncle. I was very thankful for the elevator at that point, I didn’t think I’d even have been able to make it down seven flights of stairs. As the elevator descended I held my side and took deep breaths as if to expel the pain, but unsurprisingly it didn’t work and when the doors opened I tried to pull myself together and headed for the front of the building.

  The moment I stepped through the doors Andrew pulled me into a hug and I was sure I was going to die, but luckily he let me go.

  “Damn girl, you look extremely pale considering you slept most of the day away.”

  I forced a tight smile. “Yeah, I guess sleeping in isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

  Dom’s eyebrows drew together into a frown along with Matt’s, I always felt like they could tell when something was up and it was really making me uncomfortable.

  Andrew grabbed my arm to pull me after him and I flinched pulling my arm away from him, which pulled everyone’s gazes towards me.

  “What was that about?” Andrew asked suspiciously.

  I put my hand over my wrist. “Nothing, a cat just bit me there and it bruised, it’s still kind of sore.” I quickly made up the lie.

  Matt smirked. “You have a cat?”

  “Well no, but one has been following me home from school, it’s a black one and really cute, but it bit me.”

  “It did huh? Well that was mean of the cat.” Matt said and for some reason he looked amused.

  “It was extremely mean of the cat, strange why he would suddenly bite you.” Dom said staring at me as if he knew I was lying.

  “You just never can tell with strays.” Matt added.

  “Nope.” Dom said.

  Andrew and I were both looking at their amused faces in confusion, we really had no idea what we were missing here.

  “So, can we see the bite?” Dom asked suddenly and my eyes widened.

  Well I certainly hadn’t been planning on that, instead I shook my head. “No, it’s all bruised and horrible.”

  He frowned and before anyone could say anything else Andrew said. “Ok then, what are we going to do?”

  “How about going into the forest and climbing trees?” Matt asked suddenly and for some reason Dom glared at him just as I tensed up.

  “That sounds awesome!” Andrew exclaimed. “Is that ok with everyone?”

  I nodded slowly dreading what I was in for, I would have been able to hold back the tears of the memories, but climbing trees with my ribs in so much pain would be more of a challenge.

  “Ok then, let’s go.” Andrew said completely oblivious to the agony racking my body as we walked towards the forest.

  I bit my lip trying to prevent the whimpers from escaping my throat as we entered through the outer trees.

  “Where are we going?” I gasped hoping they would decide my panting was due to all the walking we were doing. “There are trees here.”

  “There’s this clearing with a lake further in.” Matt called over his shoulder.

  I held back the groan knowing it would be the clearing we had, had picnics in, was this guy trying to destroy me?

  “Are you sure you’re ok? Andrew was right, you really do look pale today.” Dom said making me jump.

  I forced a smile in his direction. “I’m fine, maybe I’m just coming down with something.”

  He still didn’t look convinced, but luckily he didn’t push the issue.

  When we entered the clearing I almost cried, but for once it was of happy memories instead of images of the accident.

  “You look really sad Cayla, what’s going on?” Andrew asked.

  “Nothing, I’m fine.” I mumbled looking away from their penetrating stares and staring out across the lake before I zoned out.

  After a few minutes I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks and to my dismay all three of them couldn’t miss it. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I told them, not the whole truth of course, but just part of it. The part that wouldn’t make them hate me.

  I sighed and closed my eyes before I said in a quiet voice. “I used to come here with my parents and three year old cousin, Toby.” Once I started I knew I couldn’t stop or I would just back out and refuse to talk about it. “My Uncle worked all the time and Toby was with us a lot of the time, he was like my little brother instead of my cousin. We would come here for picnics and stay here for hours. Everything was going fine, but we went on vacation to Florida a month ago and there was a car accident.” A sob escaped my throat and I managed to gasp out. “Toby and my parents died, but I survived with nothing more than a tiny cut.”

  My legs gave out and I fell to my knees before the despair broke out and the dam broke free from my eyes. Almost immediately I was wrapped in Dominic’s arms, I knew it was him because he was the only thing that made me feel warm when he touched me. Andrew knelt down on my other side and pushed the hair away from my eyes.

  “I’m so sorry Cayla.”

  I nodded and closed my eyes as I realised it had been a mistake to start crying because now I couldn’t stop and my ribs were preventing me from taking deep breaths.

  “Woah, Cayla calm down sweetheart.” Dominic said as I started gasping for air and I couldn’t get enough. “Just breathe.”

  “I don’t think she can.” Matt stated and he was right my vision was blurring.

  “Cayla, please breathe.” Andrew begged me.

  I tried to do what he said taking deep slow breathes, but the moment I tried I winced as agony sliced down my side.

  “Why does she look like she’s in pain?” Andrew asked.

  “Because she can’t breathe!” Matt almost yelled at him.

  “Shut up, you’re not helping!” Dom shouted at them. “We need to get her to the hospital.”

  I was with it enough to shake my head and gasp out. “No hospital.”

  “I don’t know what else to do Cayla!” He exclaimed.

  “Be fine.” I gasped knowing I had to force myself to breathe.

  I hadn’t been able to save my cousin and parents, but I wasn’t going to lose my Uncle too. I fought through the pain of my ribs and forced reluctant and slow breaths out of my body and then back in. It felt like I was a woman in labour attempting to breathe properly and I kept that example in my mind as I slowed down my breathing and pushed the pain to the back of my mind.

  “See, I’m fine.” I gasped.

  Three pairs of eyes stared at me as if they didn’t believe a word I was saying so I shrugged and added.

  “I can’t breathe sometimes when I think about it.”

  Dom raised his eyebrows. “The so called panic attack?”

  I nodded, but instead he smirked.

  “Well, I saw one of those and it was not that bad.”

  “Some can be worse than others.” I protested.

  He raised his eyebrows and Andrew said. “Wait a minute, when did you see this panic attack.”

  “Her first day, in History.” Dom said without looking away from me.

  “Oh, I wondered why you both left the room.” Matt said and I sighed.

  I really had thought I’d managed to get out of the room without any notice, but apparently not.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway, I’m fine.” I objected before getting to
my feet.

  It wasn’t until I straightened out that I flinched and unintentionally grabbed my side. Letting go I tried to smile at them as they stared at me before saying.

  “Sorry, cramp.”

  Andrew rose an eyebrow. “You only get a cramp in your side when you’re running or walking.”

  “Exactly my thoughts.” Dom said.

  “Well, maybe I’m just a little different.” I said forcing a slight laugh.

  “Of course you are.” Matt said.

  I really wished I could act better, but apparently all three of them could see right through me and they hadn’t even known me that long. Backing away from them I was sure that if I got a certain distance away they wouldn’t be able to tell that I was lying.

  “You do know that we’ll find out what you’re hiding at some point right?” Matt asked.

  “I’m not hiding anything.” I insisted.

  Andrew frowned. “You shouldn’t keep lying Cayla, you’re not very good at it.”

  I sighed. “I can’t tell you the truth anyway so please just stop asking me.”

  “You can’t or you won’t?” Dominic asked.

  I sighed and looked at the floor. “I won’t, but not because I don’t want to.”

  “Then why?”

  I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head. “Because he’s all I’ve got left.”

  He ground his teeth together and for a moment his eyes looked yellow in the sunlight before he growled out.

  “Dammit Cayla, just because he’s your Uncle it doesn’t give him the right to treat you like shit!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled looking away from him.

  Andrew sighed. “Real smooth Dom. We aren’t as stupid as we might look Cayla and your acting skills really need improvement.”

  “How?” I whispered.

  “Since your black eye.” Matt confessed.

  I automatically lifted my hand up to touch it knowing it was pretty much gone by now.

  “We all saw Maddy kick you, it wasn’t even close to your eye.” Andrew said. “Not only that, but your Uncle is known to be a violent drunk around here.”

  I sighed.

  “We didn’t know for sure until you came out earlier and tried to say a cat bit you. For starters cats tend to scratch instead of bite and you didn’t hide your pain very well.” Dom said before asking. “What else has he done to you?”

  I sighed before sitting down on the ground. “It doesn’t matter I’m not going to the hospital, I can’t lose my Uncle too and they will ask questions.”

  Matt groaned. “Can’t we just kick his ass Dom.”

  “No!” I objected. “He’s fine when he’s sober, it’s just when he gets drunk.”

  Dom sighed. “We still need to get you looked at, I can take you to my Dad.”

  I stared at him for a minute expecting him to say he was joking, but he stayed silent. “Your Dad is a teacher.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Thank you, I didn’t know.”

  I glared at him before asking. “How is a teacher going to help me?”

  He smirked. “He’s also a qualified Doctor.” He grabbed the top of my arm careful not to touch my wrist. “Now come on, we need to get you looked at.”

  “Wait.” I stood still and looked at the three of them. “You promise this won’t go any further?”

  They all nodded before Dom added. “Well, my parents already know, but apart from that no one knows.”

  I groaned. “Dammit, why did you tell them?”

  He sighed. “I told them of my suspicions.”

  “Ok, I guess it can’t be helped now.”

  Chapter 4

  Dominic’s house was within walking distance, but by the time we reached it my ribs were like torture. He lived in a log cabin type building surrounded by trees and under normal circumstances I would have admired it, but right now I was struggling just to keep my feet moving.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to carry you?” Dominic asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

  I sighed. “I’m fine Dom.”

  “You do remember when we told you, you were a bad liar right?” Andrew asked.

  “I remember.” I mumbled.

  We walked in silence for the last few minutes before Dominic opened the front door to his house and shouted for his Dad. Andrew, Matt and I followed him in before he closed the door. The first person we found was who I assumed was his Mum, she had the same black hair of her husband and son with a pleasant looking face. Everything about her radiated kindness and I couldn’t help, but return her smile that she directed at all of us before talking to her son.

  “I thought you were staying out today Dominic.”

  “I was, but then you know that thing I told you about? Well, it’s true.”

  I snorted and muttered. “I can hear you, you know.”

  His Mum’s eyes widened. “Oh, oh dear. You poor child.”

  I frowned. I really didn’t deserve any kindness from anyone especially from someone who seemed so caring.

  “Mum, where’s Dad?” Dominic asked drawing her gaze away from me.

  “Oh, he’s outside honey, why?”

  At that moment pain shot through my ribs and I grabbed Andrew’s arm that was closest to me to prevent any sound escaping my mouth.

  “Ow.” Andrew yelped in surprise when he looked at me and I dug my nails in.

  “Sorry.” I breathed forcing myself to let go.

  Dom took one glance at me before telling us to wait here and running off outside.

  “You ok?” Matt asked.

  “Uh huh.” I gasped out in a squeaky voice.

  “Would you like to sit?” Dom’s Mum asked, leading us into the lounge before we could even reply.

  Before I could even attempt to protest and say that I was fine Matt and Andrew each grabbed an arm before pulling me down to sit between them. It wasn’t much later that Dom walked in followed by his Dad and it felt really weird to be at a teacher’s house. I wondered if it was weird for Dom living with his teacher who was his Dad.

  “Three students visiting me at once, this is a first.” He said upon entering the room.

  Everyone chuckled and I tried to laugh, but it was just not happening so instead I plastered a fake smile on my face.

  “Dom has informed me that you need my help Cayla.”

  I glared at Dom. “Oh really, how nice of Dom to do that.”

  Dom just gave me a big grin and side by side I could really see how much alike the father and son looked, it was kind of creepy.

  “So, what do you need my help with?”

  I shrugged. “It’s nothing really just a few bumps and bruises.”

  Andrew pinched my arm. “Ow! What was that for?”

  He shrugged. “Lying.”

  I glared at him. “I’m not, I do have a few bumps and bruises!”

  “But that’s not all you have.” He insisted.

  “It might be.”

  Matt groaned. “Do you two always have to bicker?”

  I snorted before wincing.

  Dom sighed. “Come on Cayla, please just tell my Dad what’s wrong.”

  I bit my lip and kept quiet as I looked at the floor.

  “Shit Cayla, come on you’re acting like you want to stay hurt!” Andrew suddenly exploded.

  I jumped before looking away so he wouldn’t read my expression, but Matt was in that direction and he asked.

  “What the hell is that face for, do you think you deserve this?” He asked.

  Sighing I put my face in my hands to stop my detective like friends from reading anything else from my face.

  “Oh honey, why on earth would you think you deserve it?” Dom’s Mum asked me suddenly.

  She was being way too nice to me, it wasn’t right that I was being treated like this. It wasn’t right that any of them were treating me like this; I didn’t deserve to have any of them.

  “Because I killed Toby.” I whispered.
  I didn’t lift my head up to see anyone’s expressions.

  “You told us he died in a car accident.” Andrew said sounding confused.

  I nodded. “He did, but it was my fault. He wasn’t meant to be sitting there, he should have lived. I should be the one that’s dead.”

  “Cayla, I’m sorry but we are lost here, you’re going to have to explain.”

  I sighed and took a shallow breath. “Toby usually sat behind my Mum, but that day he decided he wanted to sit behind Dad. He wanted to see Disneyland when we drove past and I let him sit there. I should have told him no and sat behind my Dad like I usually did. It was my fault for putting him there, my Uncle knows this, and he knew where we sat.” I shook my head. “He blames me for what happened and he should, he’s right it is my fault. I’m responsible for killing his son and he usually hides it, but when he’s drunk he’s not so good at hiding things.” I shrugged and stood up. “I deserve everything I get.”

  Surprisingly talking about it had made me feel better, it didn’t feel like it was suffocating me quite as much, which just made me feel angry at myself.

  “Cayla, it’s not your fault, you didn’t know it was going to happen.” Dominic said softly.

  “That’s a pathetic excuse.” I muttered.

  “Do you really believe that?” He asked and I nodded before he had even finished the sentence. “Before or after your Uncle blamed you?”

  I looked away from him remembering the first time my Uncle had come to my parents house after it had happened blaming me for killing his son.

  “That’s what I thought.” He murmured.

  I snapped then as the anger at myself burst forth. “Shut up Dominic! You don’t even know what you’re talking about, you barely know me! You shouldn’t even know me, I shouldn’t even be here!”

  I let out a slow breath running fingers through my hair.

  “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

  “It’s ok.” He assured me and I saw how much he really did mean it as I looked into his eyes.

  I shook my head and sighed before walking towards the door. “I should get home.”

  Dom stepped into the doorway and crossed his arms.

  I groaned. “Please move Dom.”

  “Just let my Dad help you, and then you can go home.”


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