Page 6
As if on cue, Silviu strode up to the group with Georgeanne in tow. Ileana could see the frustration in Georgie’s eyes and the slight tension between her and Silviu, but doubted that Daniel could. Georgie was nothing but gracious as Silviu bent his head to press a fleeting kiss to Ileana’s temple, a loving gesture all for show from her normally reserved brother.
“Daniel!” Silviu shook the other man’s hand. “I see you’ve met my sister. And you know my betrothed.”
“Georgeanne, lovely to see you again.” Daniel raised his eyebrows. “Has Madeleine’s decision been announced yet?”
Georgeanne let her lips curve and shook her head. “Not yet, no.”
Silviu tilted his head mockingly. “You don’t really think Madeleine will leave her power to Christiana?”
“But there is a third option, isn’t there?” A calculating light entered Daniel’s eyes as he studied the two witches. Georgeanne relaxed against Silviu’s side, playing her role to the hilt.
It was if she’d been given a script to their little play. “The third doesn’t stand a chance. And even if Madeleine chooses Christiana as her heir, I would still hold the Council Seat. I’ve had more experience with the position, while Christiana has had more experience tending to Family matters.”
“You would split the duties?”
Georgeanne smiled. “Well of course, Daniel. One person simply can’t do it all, when the Family is as large as the Davenolds. Or the Levys, for that matter, so please don’t tell me you’re going to try. It makes so much more sense to delegate, doesn’t it?”
“That’s how my grandfather did it.” He nodded vaguely. “But only if you delegate to those you trust, I suppose.”
“Or those you wish to keep loyal.” Georgie opened her eyes wide, but managed to only convey her desire to prove her point, rather than blatant manipulation. “It’s the only way to manage a Family. For example, say you gave Eliasz the Council Seat. That would free you up to focus on all the little issues that crop up in a large and widespread Family, while Eliasz would deal with the forming of your Family’s alliances. He’s naturally charming and intelligent, a great combination for the position, which is mostly that of a diplomat. An ambassador, if you will.”
Silviu nodded sagely. “The position requires a people-person. Someone others like and respect. A congenial nature.”
“It certainly does.” Georgie smiled up at Silviu.
With Eliasz, Ileana, Silviu and Georgeanne all ranged in front of him, Daniel couldn’t miss the unsubtle message. The four of them were relaxed in each other’s company, united through marriage and blood, or about to be. A tempting lure for the busy witch. The Levys could potentially have alliances on both sides of the Schism.
A novel approach to divisive politics.
Daniel’s eyes narrowed and returned to Eliasz. “Hmm, yes, I do see your point. Where is your father?”
Eliasz shook his head. “I haven’t seen him, sir.”
Georgeanne rose to her toes, leaning heavily against Silviu as she peered into the crowd. “He was with Vasile by the patio doors. They were in deep discussion, the last time I came across them.”
“Hmm.” Daniel nodded to each of them in turn. “If you will excuse me then, I believe I’ll have a word with him.”
“Of course.”
The moment the man melted into the crowd, Eliasz’s hand captured Ileana’s and squeezed her fingers. “Thank you. And well done, ladies. Now, Ileana and I must also part with your company.”
* * * *
Eliasz threw open a door and pushed Ileana over the threshold. The soft snick of the lock echoed in her ears. She could practically feel his intent and her body responded to it. She shifted, ready to turn and face him, but he stopped her.
“Don’t move.”
His tone gave her pause. Deep and smooth, it rumbled across the room like a physical caress, coasting over her nerves. Her muscles flickered as he stepped closer, his heat reaching for her in spite of the distance he maintained.
She dragged in a breath and looked around, senses stretching. Moonlight poured in through a wide window, illuminating a sturdy desk. There were no chairs before it—the room wasn’t big enough to hold them. The wall to her left was completely filled with bookshelves, heavy tomes crammed together from floor to ceiling.
Awareness washed against her back, magic snapping into full life. Hers rose to meet his, twining together in silver cords and wrapping around her tightly, making it difficult to breathe. Ileana had never felt anything like it, a directed flow of magic used in such a way.
She felt a tug at her waist, and knew it was his fingers on the bow of her dress, tied at her back. The garment loosened as he pulled the tie, swinging wide, falling open. A slow tremor of lust worked down her exposed body as the cool air flowed over her skin. Behind her, Eliasz’s breathing turned rough.
It was time to step up to the plate.
She turned her head slightly, throwing softly spoken words over her shoulder. “Politics turns you on?”
“Getting what I want turns me on.”
He wrenched her dress down her arms. Just when she thought it would drop to the floor, he gathered it close with a jerk that took her by surprise. He wrapped the ties around her wrists, binding them until her shoulders were pulled back and her spine arched, lifting her breasts.
Nervousness fluttered through her, but also curiosity. Her breasts swelled inside the lacy cups of her bra. She was at his mercy—a powerful, dominant witch used to getting his way, exercising his power. She’d never been with a witch before, it was too close to letting her Family use her to get what they wanted, and the experience was erotically novel.
Her blood pumped thick and hot through her veins, weighing her down, sharpening her focus. His every movement teased her concentration, drew her nerves taut. She had no idea what he was doing behind her, out of sight, and there was no noise to give her a clue.
Then he stepped close, molding his chest to her back, surrounding her with heat as one arm came around her, his other hand finding her waist. The way the dress draped from her elbows muted the burn of his hand at her hip, but her chest blazed under his palm.
He pressed against her breastbone and, without giving her a chance to acclimate to his touch, swept his hand down the center of her body. Nerves exploded into writhing life, magic scorching a path along her belly. His descent was steady and controlled, not stopping until he’d pushed his fingers under her panties and forged through her folds.
Bold and dominant.
Her breath left her, her muscles locked. She was forced to lean against him for balance as her legs began trembling. She tilted her head back, desperately sucking in air, surprise and desire spinning her thoughts right out of her head.
“Waxed?” Appreciation filled his tone. “You’re already wet for me.”
His growl did interesting things to her core. Deep muscles flexed and quivered, flooding her with warmth and moisture. She shifted against the bulge pressed to her ass, blunted by the gathered fabric of her dress and his pants, tempting him and inciting his dominance with a small rebellion. He wanted her docile but she couldn’t afford that just yet.
His fingers slid against her, the tips catching against the soft tissue at her entrance, his palm rubbing against her clit. She bit her lip to hold back a moan and fought to hold onto her wits.
Surrender wasn’t the way to capture a dominant witch. Getting what he wanted might turn him on, but earning what he needed would go much further. For her.
She stilled for a moment, letting his fingers stroke her, letting heated desire fill the base of her spine. She gathered herself even as she angled her head for his lips to trail over her neck. His fingers slipped higher to circle her swollen clit and she saw her chance.
She surged forward, spinning from his hold to face him. The moon was at her back, illuminating his face. Hard angles and sharp edges pulled his features tight. Even in the dark, his eyes glowed with lust, sending a similar emotion
spiking through her. Magic ran in silver rivulets of power over his shoulders, outlining his body, shimmering with strength.
“Not even a kiss, Eliasz?”
His eyes ran over her, but she knew he couldn’t see her clearly with the moon at her back. Frustration battled the lust in his eyes, but then smoothed out, leaving only calculation behind. Ileana’s stomach contracted violently, nervousness and curiosity suffusing her interest with new tension.
She wondered how far she could push him.
“A kiss?” His lips curved, he took a prowling step forward, forcing her back, trapping her against the edge of the desk. “I’ll give you a kiss.”
He dropped to his knees. Pressing between her legs, he made a space for himself and immediately opened his mouth on her. There was no teasing, no preparation for the heat of him, for the sharp edge of his teeth. He took what he wanted and demanded that she give way.
He bit her lightly, with his mouth fully open, his teeth hitting exquisitely sensitive places. His tongue flicked out in a hard, quick stroke over her lace panties and fire erupted between her legs. Caught off guard, she couldn’t hold back the small sound of surprise as the fabric rasped against her flesh.
His tongue rubbed with sublime pressure until the fabric was saturated and slid smoothly against her. Unwittingly, she widened her stance further, arching lightly into his mouth. His hands caught her ankles and followed the curves, flowing up the length of her legs.
Heat reached up the inner surfaces of her thighs as his fingers drifted higher, pressing against her muscles. His big hands kneaded provocatively, sparking pleasure in nerves she hadn’t known were starved for attention.
One hand kept sliding higher, over the smooth curve of her ass, one finger tracing the narrow strip of fabric caught between the cheeks. That finger burrowed beneath the strip, hooking around it. He pulled hard and the sound of the material ripping mixed with a quick pain at her hips, adding a new dimension to the thrill of his possession.
He was staking his claim, here and now. His mouth worked on her, pressing pleasure deep into her core, tightening her belly. He paused, just long enough to pull the wet panties from her body, his breath rushing over her. Then he was back, hot mouth to bare skin, velvet tongue sliding between silken folds.
Still Ileana couldn’t surrender. She knew with utter certainty that women fell at Eliasz’s feet and she’d never set herself apart if she did the same. If she didn’t make a stand against him, she might be his wife, but she’d never be valued.
She was tired of being worthless.
Decision made, she lifted her leg and threw it over his shoulder, forcing him to catch her weight as she pressed her bottom against the edge of the desk for leverage. Not willing to be a passive participant, she rolled her hips, pressing her pussy close to his mouth.
He groaned and his tongue surged forward, driving against her. His fingers tightened on her thigh, telling her just how much he liked it. She set out to challenge him, tease him, tempt him—and capture his full attention.
She rocked against him, rode his face. When he pressed close, she shimmied back, forcing him to clutch at her leg and reach for her. When he drew back she arched forward, brushing her wet heat against his lips. Countless minutes flew by, stretching out as she took his frustration to a new level, letting it grow, forcing it to bend to her will.
And sensation swelled to new heights. She’d never been so invested in the moment, never been so set on getting what she wanted. The men she’d been with had meant nothing, not a part of her insular world, unable to understand anything about witching ways. She’d never had her whole future resting on her ability to make a man want her, never had her Family’s future resting on her ability to pleasure a man.
It was a cold thought in the midst of blazing heat. Ileana was selling her body for greater gain, something she had sworn she’d never do. Pushing the thought aside, clinging to the knowledge that what she did was as much for her own future as Silviu’s, she threw herself back into the game.
Lava pooled between her legs, her clit vibrating with happiness under Eliasz’s tongue. Flares of need rocketed out over her hips and down her thighs as urgency reared its impatient head. She swiveled against Eliasz’s mouth and moaned when his tongue rolled over her.
His fingers were brutal where they dug into her thigh and she knew she’d have bruises. She didn’t care. He dragged her closer, to the very edge of the desk where she had no leverage. Then he consumed her. Burned her up until nothing was left but ash. Sensation pulled every thought from her head and she finally gave him what he wanted.
He took quick advantage, sucking her lips between his, adding to the pressure building deep inside her. Muscles flexed and hummed, her lungs laboring for air. Electric awareness zipped over her folds, adding to the thick sheets of magic he laid against her.
He sucked on her, stroked, licked. His teeth scraped vulnerable flesh but his tongue soothed the ache. The heat of his mouth burned as he tasted her fully. Pleasure built upon pleasure as her urgency increased.
He plunged his tongue into the contracting depths of her pussy. The soft invasion floored her, ripping her climax from her before she was ready. He licked her, again and again, inside and out as tremors took her and she lifted to his lips, arching tight to his mouth as convulsions rippled delicate muscles around his tongue, pulling on him as he slid into her. Magic rose and spun, sinking sharp claws into her skull, pouring ecstasy over the bliss and lighting it all on fire.
Finding the strength to crack open her lids, she looked down at Eliasz, on his knees before her, his tongue still working softly in her body. His eyes were lifted to hers, a narrow beam of moonlight catching in their depths, making them glow with lust and power.
He’d loved that she’d played along and made him work for it.
A new roll of need crashed over her. Eliasz let her leg slide off his shoulder, the smooth silk of his shirt gliding along her flushed skin. He sat back on his heels and licked his lips as a tight grin spread over his mouth, his chest swelling with breath.
“My turn.”
Chapter Six
“Where were you?”
Silviu grinned down into Georgie’s irritated face. “Schmoozing.”
“Schmoozing?” She sniffed. “I didn’t know you knew that word.”
“Michael Levy just taught me the meaning. Did you miss me?”
He was thankful that he blocked the room’s view of her face when her lips pulled taut. If the Levy Family could see her now, they’d question how strong their eventual marriage would be.
“Your grandfather is an evil old man.”
“I know.” He lifted a hand to cup her jaw, not trusting the unreadable expression in her eyes. “What did he say to you?”
She shook his hand away. “Barely a word, since he can’t stand me. I’m apparently too dominant a female for him to speak civilly to. Although, that might not just be me. He’s not being civil to anyone but Costel.”
“As usual.” Silviu sighed. “What happened?”
She ticked her points off on her fingers. “None of the Levys want to even nod a greeting to him. There’s a ring around his chair as if he’s got the plague, a no-man’s zone. He growled at Eliasz’s mother. A very sweet woman, I might add, who can get along with rabid ogres, if the need arises and, he flat-out told Jeremy Levy, head of the secondary branch in Israel, that his wife was uglier than a dead Romanian wolf after a long, hot summer’s rot. Verbatim!”
“God.” Silviu closed his eyes and fought back his amusement. The situation was not even remotely funny and yet his lips twitched, serving only to piss Georgie off further.
“Silviu! I’ve been running around this room all night putting out the fires, smoothing things over while your father plots and plans in peace with Fredrik, and you were nowhere to be found!”
“Keep your voice down.”
Silviu grabbed her arm, drawing her close to his side as his eyes skimmed over th
e knee-length dress floating around her petite body. He wouldn’t have pegged his betrothed as a woman who would wear pink, but it made her skin shimmer like a pearl and gave her an air of softness that would appease the men of the patriarchal Family surrounding them.
She was a wolf in a sheep stole—not quite predatory tonight, but not quite docile either.
The moment he shifted, Georgie fell into her role, letting her features soften as she leaned against his arm, letting him lead her through the crowd. All part of the act, but he enjoyed it. Wondered how many of these events he could arrange to invite her to, just to have her almost tame by his side.
With a few nods in the direction of those he knew, he steered her toward the garden doors, thrown open to the early autumn night. The breeze was crisp but the temperature was still mild, helping to decrease the heat of the overcrowded reception room.
Slipping through the doors onto the flagstaff patio stretching the entire side of the house, he moved toward the lawn and gardens. Georgie stuck to his side, quivering in mute rage at his silence. He waited until they were far from the lights of the party before he spoke.
“I was in Fredrik’s office, looking through his stuff.”
She spun on him, jerking her arm from his hold. “You what?”
“Hush, they’ll hear.” He tugged her around the corner of the building, deeper into the shadows. “Don’t you want to know what I learned?”
Curiosity battled outrage on her face. He wasn’t at all surprised when the former won out. “Tell me, then.”
He quirked his eyebrows and leaned closer, ignoring the allure of her subtle perfume. “Fredrik has extensive notes on every Levy, including the women both married and born into the Family, as well as their husbands.”
Georgie’s mouth dropped. “You must be joking. The Levy Family is huge! There are well over six thousand that I know of, and more than that if you count the women married off to other covens.”
“Mmm-hmm. I found Eliasz’s file.”