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Her World of Submission

Page 13

by Justine Elyot

  ‘Fancy a quickie?’

  ‘Go away. I’m working.’

  I was almost unbearably tempted to take him up on it though. Almost.

  He patted my hip, took his drink and stood grinning at me, his eyes bright with lust and teasing.

  ‘Just because you’re too sore, don’t think you’re getting away with anything, madam,’ he said. ‘I’m watching you.’

  And he went on watching me until we’d drained our glasses and were back in our positions for scene two.

  Trix and Dimitri both looked mouthwatering in sharp suits – Trix’s dove-grey with a pencil skirt and cream silk shirt; Dimitri in a black single-breasted number and a long skinny tie. He looked so unlike himself that I almost did a double-take. Rosie had styled his unruly hair with lots of gel and he looked quite menacing, all glittering eyes and sharp cheekbones. I couldn’t decide if evil Dimitri was more or less sexy than crazy boho Dimitri. I called it a draw.

  Then Rosie came in, avoiding all eye contact, hugging her middle, and my jaw dropped. God, that underwear set was more than rude. It was utterly, extravagantly filthy. She looked amazing.

  The little pearly silver clamps dropped prettily from perfectly defined nipples, peeking from the black wet-look bra. Her bottom had recovered from the flogging but still carried a faint pink tinge, blending gorgeously with the black strapping at the rear of her crotchless knickers. She was something to be gorged on, to be gawped at and gloated over.

  It was obvious that Dimitri felt the same, his hands constantly wandering to her, fingertips travelling lightly down her spine and brushing the curves of her bottom. What I was more interested in, though, was Jasper’s reaction.

  ‘Very, very nice,’ he purred. ‘Perfect.’

  He was impressed, but he didn’t sound as if he was about to collapse with lust. He gave me a quick glance and said, ‘Why haven’t you ever worn that?’

  ‘I don’t suppose I can, now,’ I said, feeling the disappointment in the words.

  ‘Rosie can keep that one. I’ll get you another set.’

  ‘It’s a deal.’

  I smiled at Rosie, my heart high in my ribcage. Jasper’s reaction to her appearance had been to imagine me in the same get-up. I had nothing to fear. Nothing at all.

  I took a deep breath, switched on my camera and prepared to enjoy the show.

  And there was a lot to enjoy, although the action was less seamless than in the previous scene. The energy between Rosie and Dimitri was such that we had to keep cutting because they were about to burst into either laughter or flames. Dimitri and Trixietots were as professional as you’d expect, but Rosie’s nerves got the better of her at times and she lapsed into embarrassed giggles when Dimitri played the ‘inspection of the goods’ scene.

  All the same, once she hit her stride, the scene was breathtakingly hot and sensual. There was sexual electricity between her and Dimitri that made their eyes spark and the air crackle. She offered herself willingly to him, and the sight of her surrendering herself, head thrown back, eyes shut, throat pale and vulnerable, would stay with me. Especially when he wrapped his hand, oh, so caressingly, around that exposed throat and made her open her eyes and look at him.

  I thought I might faint. Then I thought of Jasper, and whether people saw the same chemistry with us. When I looked at him, he was transfixed by what was happening between his players. I could see that he barely dared to breathe, too excited by the scenes unfolding before his lens.

  When Dimitri spanked Rosie, it was so obvious that they were lovers, delighting in each other, that Jasper had to stop filming and remind Dimitri that they were supposed to be meeting for the first time.

  He stiffened his demeanour, but all the same, by the time the spanking was over, they had extended the scene beyond its script into a passionate kiss and an orgasm for Rosie, no longer shy about performing. No longer shy about anything.

  Jasper applauded as Dimitri led Rosie off camera, after paying Trixietots a formal compliment on her excellent training of submissives.

  The break was necessarily a long one. Rosie and Dimitri went straight upstairs and didn’t come down for nearly an hour.

  ‘Jasper,’ I whispered, coming up to his shoulder, wary of Trix over in the corner by the mirror, smoothing down her suit skirt.

  ‘I’d love to,’ he said absently, fiddling with the camera, ‘but I need to get ready for this next scene.’

  ‘What? No, I wasn’t propositioning you. Well, not like that, anyway.’

  He turned his eyes to mine, amused.

  ‘No? Like what, then? I assumed that scene might have turned you on, since you aren’t made of stone.’

  I cleared my throat. ‘Yeah, it did,’ I admitted. ‘And it made me think.’

  ‘What thoughts did it make you think, my lovely one?’ Jasper’s attention was wandering again, this time to his appearance. He straightened his tie, looking over towards the nearest mirror, and ran a hand over his already perfectly arranged hair.

  ‘It made me think that perhaps I … wouldn’t mind … being in this film.’

  The preening came to an abrupt halt. He snapped right back into full attention mode.


  ‘Watching Rosie and Dimitri like that … well, it wasn’t nasty or sordid. It was really … quite beautiful.’

  He nodded, his eyes alight with possibilities.

  ‘Yes, it was, wasn’t it? I will definitely be sponsoring that young man’s career. And hers, if she wants to repeat the experience. Amazing presence. So … are you saying …?’

  ‘If you could write me in somehow …’

  He laughed.

  ‘Go and get something skimpy on. I’ll see you down here in ten minutes.’

  A sheepish Rosie and Dimitri were just emerging from their room when I hurried up the stairs to change, my heart thundering with the enormity of what I had just let myself in for.

  ‘You don’t wait for us?’ said Dimitri. ‘We are not in the next scene.’ He passed a hand through ravaged hair, his eyes now sleepy and dim.

  ‘No, but you’re going to be needed for the cameras,’ I told them.

  ‘Both of us?’ Rosie blinked, mid-yawn.

  ‘Er, yes. Sorry, can’t hang around. Got to get changed.’

  I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t make a decision. I stared unseeingly at the wealth of sexy frou-frou in the closet until my eyes alighted on the bodystocking Jasper had had me wear at our first dinner together.

  I snatched it from its hanger and let the length of elasticated lace pass from one hand to another, recalling that evening. I had walked straight into Jasper’s clutches, had hardly stopped to think that it might not be the right thing to do. The wearing of this bodystocking had implied a commitment from the start. It had told Jasper everything he needed to know about my willingness to be his.

  He knew. He already knew.

  And he knew that my procrastination about taking our relationship to a more secure level was just nerves.

  He knew I’d be his for ever. That was why he seemed so calm about all my fluster and bluster.

  I climbed slowly into the bodystocking, the realisation blooming bigger and brighter as I pulled it up my legs and over my hips.

  I was his, I wanted to be his, and I would always be his.

  Why deny it?

  In the mirror, I looked obscene, and also vulnerable. My exposed parts were supposed to make me look brazen, but I felt like a virgin, about to present myself on some kind of sacrificial altar. It was all up with me. Any alternative reality of leaving Jasper and tucking myself away in obscure museums was officially off the cards.

  Descending the grand staircase, looking as if my body had been painted in extravagant black curls by an artist who had forgotten to cover my breasts, bottom and sex, was like entering deep water. I was going down, covering my head, out of my depth.

  I was greeted by applause and a wolf-whistle from Dimitri.

  ‘Oh, my God, Sarah,’ cried Rosie,
now curled up with her lover on a chaise-longue, necking champagne. ‘You are incredible. I’m so proud of you, girl!’

  You’re so drunk, I thought, but I didn’t say it. I was far too nervous. I couldn’t lift my head or look anyone in the eye. All I could do was pick my path over to Jasper, who reached for me and pulled me into his arms, holding me safe from all those hungry eyes.

  ‘Oh, I remember this little thing,’ he said, tugging at the elastic above my bottom before resting his hand on my bared curves. ‘And I remember the little thing inside it too. So scared and unsure, but so brave too. Determined to prove herself to me. I don’t think that’s changed, has it?’

  I shook my head against his chest. He had put on his best suit and it smelled of power and authority. I felt the familiar swoon.

  ‘You’ve proved yourself to me,’ I said, keeping my voice soft and low. ‘It’s only fair.’

  ‘Have I? Proved myself to you?’

  ‘Over and over.’ I looked up at him. ‘I should never have doubted you. I want you to know that I don’t, not any more.’

  A flicker of joy lit his face. He knew what I meant.

  But he put his finger to my lips.

  ‘Hush, let’s talk about this later. First we have to do this scene.’

  I smiled and nodded.

  Rosie and Dimitri put aside their bottle and came to take over the cameras. I had a feeling our scene might be a little shaky, with a lot of random zooming and blurring, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t about the quality of the film. It was about the quality of us.

  ‘OK, Trix,’ said Jasper, as she took her centre-stage seat again, still clad in the dove-grey suit. ‘I’ve talked you through the script changes. I’m still pissed off with you for giving Rosie away over my head, but I’ve brought you a new little offering as well – our Sarah here. So it’ll be a double spanking finale, instead of just you and me.’

  ‘Message received and understood,’ she said with a gracious smile.

  ‘And Sarah,’ he said to me, ‘all you have to do is what you’re told. No words beyond the odd “yes, sir”, “no, sir”. Is that all right?’

  I nodded again, more nervous now.

  ‘OK. Cameras on. Let’s go.’

  Trix straightened her back and Jasper walked into shot, his hand on my shoulder, moving me along with him.

  ‘Oh, sir!’ fluttered Trix, jumping to her feet. ‘What an unexpected pleasure. I thought you were overseas. And you’ve brought me something lovely, I see.’

  ‘Sit down,’ he said sternly.

  Her face fell and she cowered back on to her chair.


  ‘Yes, I was overseas. I was brokering a deal with a very respected client. He had just signed on the dotted line.’

  ‘That’s marvellous news. Which girl did he decide on?’

  Jasper left the hint of a pause before saying, ‘Rosie.’

  Trix overacted a bit, her face registering pantomime horror.

  ‘Oh, lord! Oh, I’m so sorry, sir. So very sorry.’

  ‘You will be. How dare you go over my head like that?’

  ‘I thought you’d be pleased. It was a very good deal and the Russian gentleman was very … insistent.’

  ‘The Russian gentleman is not your master. I am. Now, first things first. Let me introduce you to Sarah, who will be joining our happy little haven of kink. I’m sure you’ll find her obedient. Won’t she, Sarah?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ I said, in answer to a little nudge.

  ‘As you can see, she is built to be used. Look at these.’

  He stood behind me, cupping my breasts, stroking the nipples with devilish fingertips until they buzzed with sensation.

  ‘They’ll take a clamp very well, sir.’

  ‘I’m sure they will. I’ll leave you to train her in that respect. Turn around, Sarah.’

  I shifted so that I faced Jasper.

  He grabbed my bottom so suddenly and so aggressively that I squeaked.

  ‘What was that, Sarah? Did you have something to say to us?’

  ‘No, sir.’

  ‘Good. I’m very interested, Trix, to hear your thoughts on this bottom.’

  ‘Marvellously spankable,’ she purred, leaning closer so I could feel her breath on my skin. ‘I can’t wait to see it reddened all over. In fact, I think I can see the traces of your expert work?’

  ‘Well spotted. Yes, she was switched this morning, and you’ll see her bottom reddened again very soon, I think. She’s a stubborn case. She’s going to need a lot of disciplinary attention from you.’

  ‘Oh, good. I love it when a sub needs plenty of correction. I’ll be polishing my paddles, girl, especially for you. What do you say to that?’

  What did I say to that?

  ‘Thank you, ma’am,’ I said.

  Jasper gave my bum a sharp smack.

  ‘Aren’t you going to thank me too?’

  ‘Oh. Thank you, sir.’

  ‘Better. Turn back round and show your new mistress what you’ve got between your legs. I’m sure she’ll be very interested to inspect you.’

  I stood, my face growing hotter and hotter, as Jasper and Trix discussed my smoothly shaved pubis, my plump lips and my quickness to lubricate. When Jasper put his fingertip on my clit and proposed to demonstrate how easily swollen it was, I tried to shut my thighs. I got another sharp slap upon each of their tender insides for my moment of panic.

  ‘Well, I think she’ll do very nicely,’ judged Trix. ‘She obviously enjoys being fingered, the little slut. I suppose you’ve fucked her?’

  ‘I suppose I have.’ He pushed his hardening crotch against my bum, a timely reminder. Yes, that was definitely true. ‘And she was a very good girl. Very eager.’

  ‘Oh, we do like an eager girl. She’ll fit right in around here.’

  ‘Yes, Trix. Because you’re all eager under this roof, aren’t you? In fact, some of you might be a little too eager. Especially when it comes to signing contracts without my knowledge.’

  ‘Oh. Er. Yes.’ Trix acted flustered, putting her hand to the pearls at her throat.

  ‘But don’t worry,’ continued Jasper briskly. ‘Every cloud, and all that. It means I get to perform a double spanking, which is always something to enjoy. You can watch me dispose of this girl, and then she can watch while I deal with you.’

  ‘Oh, sir, are you sure?’

  ‘Quite sure, thank you. Now, Sarah, let’s have you over the desk, please.’

  I shut my eyes for the whole thing – not that it was hideously painful. It was relatively light, for Jasper – he went to it with his hands at first, then a slappy little leather strap, just enough for it to sting and get me warm.

  Once I was in the zone and ready for more, he stopped.

  ‘Just a taster,’ he told me, stroking my bottom after putting the strap down by my nose. ‘Something to give you an idea of what’s to come. If you want to see what you can expect when your training’s complete, go and stand by the mantelpiece and watch carefully.’

  I had to watch, mutely and with my hands on my head, while he and Trix played a scene of much greater severity. She was treated to pretty much every tool in the Jasper box and she took them all with such alacrity I couldn’t believe she was quite real. A bit of puffing, some deepening of colour in her cheeks, that was all.

  I wondered what it would be like to have such tolerance. I wasn’t sure I would want it. When Jasper whipped me, I wanted it to be difficult, a challenge to my submission. Otherwise, I didn’t really see the point.

  I had thought it might be painful in a different way, to see Jasper do to another woman what he did so often to me, but it wasn’t. I saw it for what it was – a scene. A play. She trusted him because she knew he was experienced, not because she felt any kind of deeper connection. And he admired her for the same reason.

  Besides, it was hot. I got to see his face, his stance, his flick of the wrist, all the things I missed when he was doing it to me. We had film, but that
somehow wasn’t the same. The immediacy was missing.

  Finally, Trix’s knees bent in exhausted surrender. Jasper read the signal and put down the cane.

  ‘Perfect,’ he said softly, as Dimitri and Rosie switched off the cameras.

  I let him fuss over Trix for a few moments more, recognising her need for some aftercare, then she was handed to Dimitri and Rosie to be hugged and praised and poured champagne.

  ‘Sarah,’ said Jasper softly, holding out his hand towards me, still at the mantel in my original pose.

  ‘Oh,’ I said, laughing at my failure to take my hands off my head. ‘I didn’t think …’

  I put my hand in his.

  ‘You had something to say to me,’ he said gravely. ‘Shall we go on to the terrace?’

  ‘It’s freezing,’ I said, looking at the snow-flecked windows, then down at my state of semi-dress.

  ‘Put a coat over it.’

  He led me to the kitchen, grabbed my long wool coat from the pegs by the back door and took me out into the snow.

  It whirled and settled on my skin, melting on my face. We stood looking over the back gardens to the woodlands beyond, silently together for a long snowy time.

  ‘So?’ said Jasper at last, so quietly that he sounded like one of the snowflakes whispering around us. ‘What did you want to say?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, linking my arm with his and laying my head on his shoulder. ‘Just yes. To everything. For ever.’

  He tilted up my face and kissed it, driving the cold away with the warm force of his mouth and his energy.

  We were still kissing ten minutes later, when Rosie and the others spilled out of the back door, demanding to pour us champagne.

  ‘Do you know,’ said Jasper, with the smile I knew and loved so well. ‘I think a glass or two might be in order.’

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