No Ordinary Sin [Sin Hospital 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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No Ordinary Sin [Sin Hospital 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Tara Rose

  Davis positioned himself behind her while Bo put lube on the dildo, and Miranda tried to keep breathing. Davis inserted his fingers into her again, but they were lubed up this time and slipped in as easily as a knife goes through butter. “How does that feel?”

  “Fantastic,” she whispered.

  When he pushed the fake cock in, she moaned loudly until he filled her completely. It was larger than his real one, but she didn’t mind. She wanted all of it. Over and over again. He fucked her slowly at first, caressing her ass cheeks as he did, and she clutched handfuls of the comforter as another climax drew near.

  He pulled out and Bo took his place, groaning softly as he pushed the dildo into her pussy. “This will be the real thing next week,” he said tenderly. “Oh, Miranda. You should see how fucking sexy you look right now.”

  She couldn’t answer him. All she could do was moan and whimper as they took turns, fucking her pussy mercilessly with the toys. They caressed her ass, her hair, and her back. They reached underneath and played with her clit, and her orgasm became one long, continuous one that didn’t show any signs of letting up. Her pussy and clit were sore now, but she didn’t care. She never wanted them to stop.

  When Davis slid a lubed finger into her ass, she exhaled loudly. “Are you putting those things inside there next?”

  Bo swore under his breath.

  “Do you want us to?” asked Davis.

  “Yes. Slowly, please.”

  “Your wish is our command, dear lady.”

  She smiled widely and would have clapped her hands if they weren’t cuffed together. Davis pushed the strap-on back inside her pussy, and then Bo covered the dildo with more lube and eased it gently into her asshole.

  “Oh, my fucking word…That is so fucking incredible. Please don’t stop.”

  Everything was sore and tender now but she didn’t care. She’d never experienced anything so raw and decadent. When Bo was able to do this for real, she wanted one dick in her ass and the other in her pussy.

  When she couldn’t take anymore, she asked them to stop, and they eased the toys out of her. They took off the cuffs and pulled her into their arms, taking turns kissing her. Both were covered with a fine sheen of sweat, as was she, and it was so damn difficult to stop herself from begging them each to fuck her with their real cocks. Instead, she scooted to the edge of the bed and asked them to put the cuffs back on.

  Davis and Bo exchanged a glance filled with awe and disbelief. “Why?” asked Bo, tentatively.

  She laughed. “Why do you think, silly? I want to give you blow jobs with my hands cuffed. I want to be completely at your mercy.”

  “Oh, lord,” said Davis. His hands trembled as he fitted the cuffs back on her, and then he stepped in front of her and guided his cock into her mouth. Bo held her head still, and Miranda moaned loudly in the back of her throat as shivers ran up and down her spine.

  Knowing she could get out of the cuffs anytime she wanted to only added to the excitement, because this was her choice. To be dominated by them in this way. Davis pulled out as he started to come and splashed his jizz all over her breasts, which she found so damn sexy she nearly came again.

  Bo took his turn next, and she hoped this wasn’t hurting his leg. If he could stand and fuck her in the mouth like this, why couldn’t he do it in her pussy or ass? But he wasn’t in there very long before he, too, splashed his cum on her body. Most of it ended up on her face which didn’t bother her at all.

  “That was so damn sexy,” she said. “Thank you.”

  Bo removed her cuffs, and then once she’d cleaned herself up, they each took turns kissing her again and holding her in their arms. She drifted off to sleep, sore but sated, dreaming of the next time. They’d be able to fuck her with their real dicks then, and she knew it would feel even better.

  She was so in love with each of them, and she knew that, too. Miranda smiled, letting that thought take her down into a deep, peaceful sleep.

  * * * *

  Davis did a double take as he drove to work Saturday morning. Not wanting to believe who he swore he just saw walking toward First Baptist Church, he turned his car around and cruised past, slower this time. Then he slammed on his brakes and stared at Rhea and Mark Taylor, holding hands, standing on the front steps of the church with Denny Mann, the deacon and current acting pastor of the church.

  He didn’t even care that the three turned their gaze on him and watched him. What the fuck were those two doing in town? He knew they’d both belonged to the church when they still lived in Sin, but hadn’t realized they’d kept in touch with anyone there. It was no secret, after all, what they’d done to Bo and Miranda.

  Bobby James had been in the habit of condemning the citizens of Sin publicly from his pulpit each Sunday morning, and often his tirades had been based on rumors and second-hand information. More often than not, they’d been downright lies that he’d never bothered to verify before proselytizing about them in front of his congregation.

  But his die-hard followers had always defended him, quoting Bible verses as they did, of course. When the truth about Mark and Rhea had come out, Davis remembered a lot of people in Sin remarking at the time that although both had been members of First Baptist Church during their affair, and even though Bobby knew what they’d done, he never publicly condemned them.

  The rumors as to why ranged from the absurd to the fact that both had families who could trace their roots back to the original members of the First Baptist Church. Davis knew Miranda had stopped attending when the truth about Mark came out, and so had Bo. The hypocrisy had been too much for both to handle. Obviously no one at the church condemned either Mark or Rhea now, if the cozy picture on the front steps was any indication.

  And then a thought came to him out of nowhere. Were they here for Bobby’s trial? But why? They hadn’t lived in Sin for almost ten years.

  But they had both been living here when Loretta James was pushed to her death.


  Yes. The thought had taken root and now it wouldn’t let him go.

  Davis turned his car around and drove to work, but his mind was on that night, seventeen years ago. He was a few years older than Jimmie, so had already been away at college when Jimmie’s mother died, but he remembered hearing about it. The entire town had grieved over that incident. And then they had done so again when Jimmie finally recalled the events of that night, and Bobby had been arrested for his wife’s death.

  But he did not recall ever hearing that Rhea Wade or Mark Taylor had been at the James’s home that night, or that they knew who else night have been. Mark and Rhea were the same age as him, Bo, and Miranda. They hadn’t been friends with Jimmie in school. Noah Kirkland and Jimmie had been friends, but Noah had kept to himself almost as much as Jimmie did back then. As far as Davis knew, no one else had spent any appreciable amount of time with Jimmie when he’d been fifteen.

  If Mark or Rhea had told Bobby’s attorney they were there that night, or knew someone else who had been, they’d lied about it.

  Just like they’d lied to their spouses for five years.

  When Bo and Miranda found out about this they would freak. He had to tell them before someone else did.

  He made his way to the ER, barely conscious of his surroundings. Every second of last night played over in his mind as he walked. He was so in love with Miranda it was ridiculous. If he were being honest, he’d been half in love with her most of his life. But now, this was the real deal. He knew it as surely as he knew his own name. And he’d been planning on discussing it with Bo as soon as possible so they could tell her. Because he knew Bo was, too, without even asking.

  But all that would have to wait now. This had to be dealt with immediately.

  He ducked into the doctor’s lounge near the OR and called Miranda. He knew she was awake because she was on call all day. “Are you sitting down, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. What’s wrong?”

  “Is Bo awake?”

No. Davis, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

  “Wake him up, please.”

  She did, and then he heard her put the phone on speaker.

  “I didn’t want you two to hear this first from anyone but me. I just spotted Rhea and Mark on the front steps of First Baptist Church, speaking with Denny Mann like they do it all the time.”

  “Why are they in town?” asked Bo.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Do you think this has anything to do with Bobby’s trial?” asked Miranda. He heard the tremor in her voice.

  “I don’t know that, either. I didn’t stop to ask them, although the compulsion to do so was strong.”

  “Well, I’m sure we’ll both hear about it today at work.”

  “Are you two all right?”

  “Of course,” she said.

  “Sure,” said Bo.

  He didn’t believe it for a second. Their answers were too quick and automatic. But he didn’t have time to talk right now. He had to get to the ER. “Okay. I’ll talk to you both later.”

  They thanked him for letting them know, and then he disconnected the call. This was going to be a long day. Davis felt it in his bones.

  Chapter Twelve

  Miranda stared at Bo after Davis disconnected the call. “What do you want to do about this?”

  “Nothing. Fuck them.”

  She touched his face. “You don’t have to be brave for me, Bo.”

  “Yes I do. I’m a man.”

  She kissed his mouth gently. “You’re my man, and I don’t need my men to be so brave that they don’t take care of their own spirits as well.”

  He took her hands and squeezed them hard. The look in his eyes was full of tenderness and love, and her breath caught in her throat. “I have something to tell you. I know I should wait for Davis to be here, too. He doesn’t even know this, but I have to say it now or I won’t. And considering what we just found out, you need to know.”

  “What is it?” she whispered, knowing full well what he was about to say. Her pulse raced so fast she was almost dizzy.

  “I love you, Miranda. I think I always have, if you want the truth. But this is different. This is grown up and real.”

  She swallowed hard and tried to hold off the tears, but they spilled over her lashes and trickled down her cheeks. “I love you, too, Bo. I love you both. You’ve been in my dreams for years. How could I help but fall in love with you both now?”

  The triumphant smile on his face took her breath away. “Oh, baby… Does Davis know?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then I’m honored. But we need to tell him. No secrets. We promised that.”

  “I agree. Come with me to work today. We can tell him when we see him.”

  He pulled her close and held her for long, lovely moments. “I love you so much. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” When he released her, he cupped her face. “And don’t you worry about Rhea and Mark. We won’t let them get to us, you hear?”

  “All right.” She wanted to believe that with her entire heart and soul. Looking into Bo’s beautiful blue eyes almost made her certain she could.

  * * * *

  The day was so busy that Miranda didn’t have time to think about Rhea and Mark, or about hers and Bo’s confessions to each other that morning. She didn’t see Davis until two in the afternoon, and he looked exhausted. “I’m working until seven,” he said. “Are you on call tonight?”


  “Then I’ll run out and get you and Bo some supper and come back.”

  “Okay. There’s something I want to tell you when you do.”

  He frowned. “Please tell me it’s not bad news. Did everyone in this town get stupid last night? I’ve never seen so damn many foolhardy things in my life.”

  “I know, right? It’s been a horrible day. But no. It’s nothing bad.” She gave him a quick kiss and then returned to work.

  Bo had spent the day roaming the hospital, exercising his leg and visiting with everyone he knew. His mission was more focused on gathering information than the excuse he gave them that Dr. Sinclair had given him the okay to walk more now. By the time he came down to radiology again, he told Miranda he had a ton of news for her and Davis.

  She told him that Davis was off at seven and would return with food, so Bo sat in a chair and propped up his leg on another one to wait. When Davis arrived, the day’s craziness had finally died down. He’d bought them take-out from Pedro’s Pizza, her favorite place to eat in Sin, and she didn’t hesitate to dig in.

  “I had an ulterior motive for going there,” he said. “It’s across from the church, and I was hoping someone saw or heard something. And Luke Henderson’s cousin works there.”

  Miranda put down her slice of pizza. “And?”

  His eyes grew darker than usual. “And I was right about my hunch this morning when I saw Rhea and Mark talking to Denny. Mark Taylor claims he was in the house that night with Jimmie. He said the reason Jimmie doesn’t remember it is because of his past drug addiction.”

  “That’s bullshit,” said Miranda. “That man has a better memory than I do.”

  “I know, but don’t you see what Bobby’s attorney is trying to do? All he has to do is plant a seed of doubt in the jury’s mind and they can’t convict Bobby of the felony. Then he can plead him out to a lesser count.”

  “But who else does Mark claim was in the house? Who is the mystery man who actually pushed Jimmie’s mother?”

  Davis shook his head. “You’ll love this one. We’ve all heard this the wrong way for weeks. They’re not claiming there was a fourth man. They’re putting the blame squarely on Cletus.”

  “What?” asked Miranda. “But they already know Jeremy pushed her, not Cletus.”

  Davis shook his head. “Bobby has recanted his story and swears it was Cletus, not Jeremy who pushed his wife. He says his son was young, and the trauma of seeing his mother die confused his thoughts. Cletus pushed Loretta, and Bobby and Jeremy tried to revive her, but she was already dead.”

  “Oh, my Lord,” said Bo. “Talk about bullshit. But what excuse does he give for what Jimmie heard? That they conspired to tell the police it was an accident?”

  “That’s where Mark comes in,” said Davis. “He will swear they never had that conversation, and that whatever Jimmie claims he heard was just more confusion on his part. He intends to place his hand on a Bible in court and swear that he heard Jeremy Harrell and Bobby James talk about how Cletus had pushed her and then she fell. And then when Bobby was arrested last month, that’s why Cletus left town. He was afraid they’d arrest him, too.”

  “Well, they are looking for him,” said Miranda. “He was there that night. But wait a minute. Don’t they have the original police statements? They surely don’t back up Mark’s bullshit story.”

  Davis shook his head again. “They do but Bobby now claims he was mixed up with grief and didn’t know what he was saying to the cops. And Mark is ready to back him up on that.”

  “Why? Why on earth would he and Rhea do this for him?”

  Davis’s face took on a pained look, and goose bumps broke out along her arms. “Sweetheart, don’t you remember when they were caught cheating? Bobby never condemned them. He stood by them and said they’d made a mistake, and were entitled to forgiveness.”

  She pushed her plate away. Her appetite was gone. “Of course I remember. I was the one who caught them. I stood in front of Bobby James inside that church and screamed at him.” She took a couple of deep breaths as the horrible memories came back fast and furious now. She’d worked so damn hard to push them away!

  “I called him a hypocrite, right to his damn face, and told him that if he couldn’t see what Mark and Rhea had done was wrong, according to the Bible he preached from twice a week, then I had no clue what the hell he was doing as pastor of that church.”

  Davis stroked her arm. “What did he say?”

  She snorted. “The same thing I’m
guessing he told Bo. That I should forgive my husband.”

  Bo nodded, a sick look on his face. “Oh, yeah. He sure did. He told me that Rhea had made a mistake. That’s what he called it. A mistake. When I told him I’d filed for divorce already, he quoted me verses on divorce being an abomination.”

  “This is payback then,” said Davis. “The church stood behind them, and now they’re coming home to save their precious pastor.”

  “That is so fucking sick and twisted,” said Bo. “Talk about hypocrisy. But the jury won’t buy it. The people in this county aren’t stupid. The ADA will call everyone in this town as witnesses if he has to.”

  “They practically have,” said Davis. “Jimmie, Noah, and Savannah have to appear, along with most of their former classmates. The idea is to completely discredit Mark’s testimony that he and Jimmie hung out together.”

  “Well that won’t be hard to do,” said Bo.

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Miranda. “Davis is right. All Bobby’s attorney has to do is plant doubt and they won’t convict him of voluntary manslaughter.”

  She glanced toward Bo. “You said you had news for us. Is there something else you heard today?”

  “No, that was pretty much it. Everyone is talking about the same thing.”

  The men resumed eating, but Miranda still felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t eat another bite tonight. As if Jimmie hadn’t already been through enough. To see his father trying to squirm out of this must be killing him. He had finally made peace with his mother’s passing, and thought he’d see justice done for it. But he was likely thinking now it would never happen.

  And the idea that Mark and Rhea had no shame whatsoever about lying made her want to punch a hole in something. After everything those two had put her and Bo through, and then to have the pastor of the church that she and Mark had attended tell them each to forgive those two, had been bad enough. But this…this was unconscionable.


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