No Ordinary Sin [Sin Hospital 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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No Ordinary Sin [Sin Hospital 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Tara Rose

  How could a preacher admonish two people over forgiveness, and then turn around and lie about the death of his own wife? What the hell was wrong with that man? Better yet, what did he have on Mark that he was willing to perjure himself for Bobby?

  When they were finished, Davis glanced at her. “You said you had something to tell me.”

  She’d hadn’t forgotten about that, but what Davis had to tell them about Mark had seemed more pressing at the time. But now, Davis deserved her full attention. “I wish we were in more romantic surroundings for this, but I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  He gave her a curious look. “What is it, baby?”

  She scooted her chair closer to his and took his hands. “It just came out this morning. After you called me and told us what you’d seen at the church.” She cut her gaze toward Bo for a second. “Bo told me he loved me, and I told him I loved him, too. I told him that I love you both. I have for so long now. And I wanted you to know before any more time went by. I love you, Davis.”

  Davis opened his mouth but nothing came out. Then he pulled her to her feet and lifted her off the ground, twirling her around until she laughed and became dizzy. He kissed her roughly, shoving his tongue into her mouth. “Oh, Miranda. I love you, too. So damn much!”

  The joy on his face and in his voice was all the reassurance she needed that no matter what Rhea and Mark sat in court and lied about, neither one could hurt her, Davis, or Bo ever again. She loved her men and they loved her. Nothing else on this earth mattered to Miranda.

  * * * *

  Monday morning, four weeks to the day that Bo had first come in for his CT scan, he visited Dr. Sinclair and was cleared to proceed without the brace. He also was cleared to drive and to have sex, but Dr. Sinclair cautioned him to take it slowly. “Internally, the leg needs about two more weeks to completely heal, so don’t go insane. The dressing is off and the sutures are out, but that doesn’t mean you don’t still need to be cautious.”

  “I’ll be careful, Doc. Promise.” Who was he kidding? He was ready to jump out of his skin.

  “I want to see you in two weeks, and don’t let me hear you’re back in the ER before then.”

  Bo smiled as he walked out to the waiting room, where Travis waited to carry him home. “Where’s your brace?”

  Bo held it up. “I’m done with it.”

  Travis smiled, but then his smile faded. “Does that mean I have to move out?”

  Bo laughed. “You practically have the place to yourself now. I’m staying with Miranda and so is Davis. Nothing will change that. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about putting the house in your name. What do you say?”

  “Really? You’d just give me your house?”

  “Sure. Why not? It’s not like I’m losing money by doing so. It was already paid off when I took it over after Aunt Betty passed. All you’d have to do is take care of it and pay the utilities and taxes. Your salary should cover that.”

  “My parents will freak.”

  “Travis, for heaven’s sake. You’re thirty years old.”

  “I know. But you know how they are.”

  “They’ll survive. You’ll be less than five minutes away from them, and you have your own car so you can drive over there anytime you want. Hell, you’re close enough to walk.” Bo held out his hand. “And speaking of cars, give me the keys to mine. I can finally drive it!”

  As soon as he drove Travis back to the house, Bo called Davis and told him the happy news. Davis couldn’t talk for long, so Bo said he’d call Miranda and then catch up with him later. When he called Miranda, she said she’d get out of taking call the next night, and see if Davis could as well, so the three could celebrate Bo being able to have sex properly.

  When Bo heard back from Davis half an hour later, it was to tell him he, too, had the next night off. Bo was so excited he could hardly stand it. This was finally going to happen!

  “Have you heard anything about the trial?” asked Davis.

  “No. Not a word.”

  “That’s all anyone is talking about today.”

  “Miranda said the same thing.”

  “They didn’t get around to any witnesses yet, from what we both heard, but Rhea and Mark were right there in court, sitting behind the defense table. Savannah, Ethan, and Noah were there, too, and they said it was sickening the way Rhea kept dabbing her eyes.”

  “Oh, please…”

  “I know. This has turned into a circus.”

  “It won’t matter. The jury will see through the bullshit.”

  He and Davis talked about other things until Davis had to return to work, and then Bo took a walk around the home he’d lived in for ten years. His great aunt Betty had passed and left the home in her will the way she’d left everything, to be divided among her nieces, nephews, and all her great nieces and nephews. There had been so many items that Bo’s parents, the executors of the will, had to consult an attorney simply to figure out how to legally divide the mess in a fair way.

  In the end, no one else had wanted the home because it had already been one hundred and ten years old at the time and needed a shitload of work. Bo had enlisted everyone he knew in the entire county, and they’d restored it for pennies on the dollar. But to him, it still had only been a place to live. He had no emotional connection to it.

  He and Rhea had never lived here. After he left her, he’d moved into this home, and he’d spent the next ten years in it, lonely and depressed. It was fitting that someone else have it now. A new chapter in his life had begun. A chapter in which he had finally found true love, and a home to live in where he felt comfortable and truly happy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tuesday afternoon, Miranda arrived home before Davis did, but Bo was waiting. The house smelled incredible, and he greeted her at the door with a vase full of wildflowers. “Picked them myself from your backyard. I hope that was all right.”

  She laughed and took the vase from his outstretched hands, and then kissed him. “Of course it is. That’s why they’re there. And it’s your backyard now, too. What are you fixin’? It smells incredible.”

  “My secret fried chicken recipe. Very top secret. I’ll have to kill you if I give it to you.”

  “Oh, well then I won’t ask for it.”

  They made their way into the kitchen where Bo returned to his frying pan, and Miranda put the flowers on the counter. “I’ll be down in a minute. Just want to freshen up bit.”

  “All right. Davis called and said he’ll be along around five.”

  Miranda took a quick shower, put on the sexy new underwear she’d bought last week in Nashville, and then donned a pair of shorts and a tank top. She placed a box of condoms on the nightstand, along with the lube, and noted that Bo had brought up candles and a lighter. How romantic!

  Downstairs, she asked Bo if he’d heard any new gossip about the trial.

  “I know they were starting the day with calling witnesses from the town, so I’m sure that burst a few balloons at the defense table.”

  “Poor Jimmie. To have to relive that all over again in front of strangers. Did he testify yet?”

  “He was first this morning from what I heard, and did a phenomenal job. Savannah, Noah, and Ethan were in court today with him.”

  Miranda nodded. “I heard about that in passing. Several of the docs said Ethan had texted them, indicating that several jurors had looked like they might cry when Jimmie described what he remembered from that night. And then the ADA took Jimmie through his tractor accident and addiction to pain killers. They laid it all out for them so there were no secrets.”

  “Did he really ask him about his relationship with Savannah, Noah, and Ethan, too? I heard he planned to.”

  “Oh, he absolutely did. I heard that from Preston, who heard it directly from Ethan. Jimmie looked right at the jury and explained their relationship. He told them he loved Savannah with his whole heart and soul, and that Noah and Ethan were his best friends.”

ow. Good for him.”

  Davis came home then, and Miranda and Bo caught him up on what they’d heard about the trial that day. Davis showed them several text messages Ethan had sent to him, in a group with several doctors earlier that day. “Jimmie had one lady in tears when he talked about how Ethan, Noah, and Savannah had accepted him for who he was, despite his rocky past.”

  “Well,” said Miranda. “See that? Bo was right. The jury won’t buy the defense attorney’s bullshit story. Jimmie is so down to earth. One look into his face and you know he’s telling the truth.”

  “They loaded the jury with more liberals than conservatives,” said Davis. “The ADA knew if he had too many staunch churchgoers on it he’d have a huge hurdle to overcome.”

  “I don’t know about that,” said Miranda. “Even churchgoing Christians know hypocrisy when they see it, and they don’t like it when others use their religious beliefs for their own agenda. You can’t preach the Gospel out one side of your mouth, and then turn around and use the other side to lie inside a courtroom.”

  “Okay, y’all,” said Bo. “Supper is ready. Let’s talk about something else so you both can enjoy my chicken.”

  They sat out on the back deck and ate fried chicken, salad, and cheesy potatoes that Miranda had made the day before, and which Bo had warmed up earlier. “Where did you learn to make chicken this good?” asked Miranda.

  “Are you kidding? Rosa may be a pain the ass, but that girl can fry anything and make it taste like manna in the desert.”

  “Remind me to thank her.”

  After dinner, they watched the sun begin to set and talked about how green everything was this summer. They debated whether it was the heavy rain they’d had all spring, or the wicked winter. When Miranda couldn’t wait any longer, she rose and began to clear the dishes. Bo and Davis helped her, but no one said a word about what was waiting for them upstairs. They were treating this event almost as if it were reverent, and as if speaking about it might break the spell or cast a pall over the evening’s plans.

  They’d waited a month for this, and so much had happened in that time that Miranda could scarcely believe it. She felt like a new person. Alive, happy, and with something to look forward to each night when she returned to her large, rambling house besides mindless TV or a book.

  Bo lit the candles while Davis pulled her into his arms and kissed her, melting away her worries. When he released her, he handed Bo his phone and asked for hers. She gave it to him, and then Bo took them both, plus his own phone, and carried them out of the room.

  “Where is he taking those?”

  Davis stroked her hair. “Someplace where you and I won’t think about work for the rest of this night, and where Travis won’t call him, asking him what was that noise he just heard in the house.”

  She laughed. “It’s an old house. It’s probably haunted.”

  “Travis is haunted.” Davis kissed her again, and she forgot about Travis and the rest of Bo’s cousins. She put the trial, plus Mark and Rhea out of her mind. She let go of everything and gave herself over to this man she now loved with her entire heart and soul.

  Bo came back into the room, and Davis released the kiss once more so Bo could have his turn. It felt so wonderful to hold him in her arms and know he wasn’t going to hurt himself. She was so happy that he’d recovered this well, and that he’d still been able to enjoy her so much during this time. He brushed his hands down her back and over her ass, and she shivered at his touch.

  “I can’t wait to be inside you, but this is heavenly. Right now. Just holding you and touching you.”

  Miranda moaned at the tone in his voice, so soft and sexy. “I feel the same way. The anticipation is killing me, but I want to savor this.”

  Davis took her hand and led her to the bed. “It’s killing me that you’re still dressed.”

  She laughed and removed her clothes as she walked, letting them drop to the floor and stay there. Bo was naked almost as fast as she was, and then Davis took off his clothes. Miranda lay back on the bed, her hands overhead, and stretched. “I feel like this is our first time.”

  Bo crawled next to her and propped himself up on one elbow. “It is in a way. And I intend to take my time with every single thing we do.”

  “You two are making me crazy.” Davis brushed his hands up and down Miranda’s thighs, and then he picked up the condoms she’d placed on the nightstand earlier. “We might use this entire box tonight.”

  “Don’t worry. I have another one.”

  He chuckled. “Our girl thinks of everything, Bo.”

  “Yes, she does.” He leaned over and licked her nipples, lazily and without real purpose, but the effect was still the same. She arched her back and grasped his hair, tangling her fingers in it. The man knew how to use his tongue, and tonight it felt better than ever.

  Between her legs, Davis put on a condom and then caressed her pussy lips and her clit. “You’re so damn ready all the time.”

  “It’s you two. I can’t help it. I’ve never been this horny in my life.”

  “Bo, it doesn’t seem right if I go first. Do you want to?”

  Miranda smiled at him. “That’s so sweet of you.”

  Bo lifted his head. “Go on. I’m fine right where I am.”

  Davis pumped his fist in the air and then he pushed two fingers into her pussy. Miranda cried out, every nerve ending on fire. She was so ready for this. When he teased the opening with his dick, she gazed into his dark eyes. Her heart was filled with so much love for this incredible man. She wanted to give him everything, and fill all of his needs for the rest of her life.

  Bo stopped playing with her nipples to watch Davis slide his dick into her, and then rose and knelt next to her. Miranda simply tried to keep breathing. She moaned softly but Davis groaned out loud, thrusting slowly at first and then pumping away like he could only do this one time.

  Miranda cried out as the climax overtook her. It felt so damn good to have him inside her that she came, just like that. She’d never been fucked like this. Not once. The toys, their mouths, and their fingers had been fun and had felt wonderful, but this was all man. This was her man, fucking her pussy with a cock she’d grown to love already. She never wanted this end.

  When he pulled out, she watched Bo put on a condom and then take his place. The look on his handsome face was full of trepidation, and she knew she had to say something.

  “It’s all right,” she said. “You won’t hurt yourself.”

  “I know. It’s just that I’ve imagined this every day for so long now, and especially the past month. I don’t want it to be anti-climactic.”

  She stroked his arms. “There is no way this will be anti-climactic.” She cut her gaze toward Davis, whose dick looked ready to burst. He was covered in sweat already and his eyes blazed with lust. “Does it look like it was for Davis?”

  Bo chuckled. “No.”

  “Dude, just do it. She feels so fucking incredible I want to fucking die here.”

  Bo grinned, and then he played with her clit until another climax began to build. Davis watched, rolling Miranda’s nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He alternated that with kneading her breasts in his strong hands, and each touch sent tiny jolts of electricity to her groin until she was ready to explode.

  When Bo finally slipped his dick into her, she cried out as the impending orgasm intensified. Davis’s hands on her breasts and Bo’s fingers on her clit pushed her over the edge, and she arched her back as the contractions started. Bo fucked her like a runaway freight train, crying out loudly the entire time. The veins stood out on his neck, and fine droplets of sweat from him landed on her torso.

  She’d never seen anything so damn sexy in her life, and it felt so good she couldn’t even stand it. He came, grunting loudly, and then Davis began to moan as he watched what it was doing to her. Bo barely pulled out when Davis was inside her again, fucking her deep and rough now. She loved it. She clung to him as he pistoned in and out, an
d when his thrusts grew jerky and fast, he came, crying out loudly.

  She gathered her men in her arms, taking turns stroking them and kissing them. They in turn kissed her, and caressed her hair, back, and ass. No one spoke except to whisper a name. Words weren’t necessary. She knew what that had done for them, and they knew how happy they’d just made her.

  * * * *

  Miranda woke with a start. The room was dim and both Davis and Bo were asleep, on either side of her. The candles had burned down to almost nothing, and the sun had set outside.

  She crawled out of bed and used the bathroom, and then went downstairs and retrieved bottles of water for each of them. When she returned to the room she drank two, and then she lit a small lamp on the other side of the room. It bathed them in soft light, and she smiled as she watched her men sleep.

  But Miranda didn’t want to sleep again. She was ready for Bo and Davis to make love to her once more. They’d awoken a beast inside her, and nothing but sex would soothe it now. Miranda crawled on the bed and began to lick their bodies. She started at their necks, working her way down their torsos, gently nipping at their skin. She brushed her hands over their legs, taking care around Bo’s still-healing wound.

  When they were fully awake, she licked their balls and their dicks, enjoying the funky, musky taste and scent, but she wanted more. “I want you two to fuck me at the same time. One in my mouth and one in my pussy.”

  Davis groaned and Bo swore under his breath.

  “And then I want one in my ass and one my mouth. And then one in my ass and one in my pussy.”

  “Oh, baby,” said Davis. “We might need to use the toys again. We’re only human.”

  She licked Davis harder. “No you’re not. You’re amazing. Both of you. And I’ll keep you hard, sugar. I promise.”


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