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Sub Rosa

Page 20

by Emma York

  "He didn't say that, did he?"

  "As God is my witness, Alice, those were his exact words."

  "He said he was done with me?"

  "Yep, so what do you say? Fancy going into the auction again? Stick it to him where it hurts?"

  "Yes, fine, whatever."

  I wasn't really listening. I just said whatever I thought would shut him up. I was still reeling from finding out what Ethan had said. I couldn't believe it.

  "Don't get too down," Jason was saying from far away. "It's what he does with all the girls here. No doubt he did the 'you're so special, I don't want anyone else' routine? They all fall for it, that's why he does it. Works every time."

  I nodded slowly. I'd been taken for a ride. I had fallen for it. I had believed him. How had I been so stupid?

  "You know how you can get back at him?"

  I shook my head slowly, listening to him as if he was on the other side of the country. I had to concentrate to hear the words, my brain screaming at me to start crying, to hit something, to run off and find Ethan and kick him as hard as I could. I couldn't believe it but the truth was right there in front of me. Where was he? He'd clearly just turned up to mock me and then left me dangling. Damn him.

  "You should fuck whoever wins the auction, show him you aren't even bothered. There's nothing that would annoy him more, trust me, I should know."

  "You should know?"

  "He stole my wife. That's why he hates me. He stole my wife and slept with her, just because he wanted to see if he could, if she would fall for his routine. Then when I found out, he acted like it was no big deal, said he didn't see why it should affect the marriage. He knew about the auction, he knew it was my first attempt to try and speak to another woman since the divorce and what did he do? Outbid me just to rub salt into the wound."

  "He stole your wife? I can't believe he'd do that."

  I managed not to cry. It wasn't easy, my heart feeling like it was breaking in two. I had no right to be this upset really, I'd only known the guy for a couple of days. But I felt as if I'd been betrayed by someone I trusted, someone I had truly believed in.

  Jason helped. He sat at the bar in the run up to the auction, keeping me company, making small talk. I barely listened, too lost in my own thoughts.

  The auction master came over for his drink just before the name calling. "She's in tonight," Jason said, nodding in my direction.

  "Is that true?" Tony asked, frowning at me. "Do you wish to participate?"

  "I do," I said, although I instantly regretted saying it. Sure, spending the evening with someone else would prove to Ethan that I didn't care about what he'd done, that he hadn't hurt me as much as he wanted. But was that what I wanted to prove? If he wasn't even here to see it, what was the point?

  The minutes ticked by and I regretted it more and more. This was stupid. This wasn't the way to get my own back. I should just stay behind the bar where I belonged. The world on the other side wasn't for me. That had been proven beyond doubt.

  I looked for the auction master. I wanted to back out but it was too late. He was already on stage, calling my name out before anyone else. I felt a deep sinking feeling inside me, like I'd swallowed a load of lead weights. All I wanted was to turn and walk away but it was too late.

  I had a horrible sense of deja vu. It was do this or lose my job. I had to climb up onto the stage and be auctioned off again. Was it so I could get my heart broken again?

  I got onto the stage and stood next to the auction master. There was Jason sitting right at the front. What if he won? He wanted the evening with me but I couldn't sleep with him, not even to spite Ethan.

  But Ethan had stolen his wife. That was such a cruel thing to do. I was so conflicted, I had no idea what to do.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," Tony said. "This is a very unusual auction, the second in two days, done at the special request of one of our members. We begin as we ended last night, with Alice Lawson in front of you. I am happy to announce that the bid tokens have been received and the winner decided. With a bid of one hundred thousand, Jason Fry, please step forwards.

  I looked down. Jason was stood at the foot of the stage. He was smiling. I was not.

  "Come on," he said, helping me down. "Let's both get revenge on Ethan."

  I was in a daze. I let him lead me out to the car park and it was only in the cold night air that I came to myself. "This is wrong," I said, snatching my hand away from his.

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "This, all of this. I'm sorry, Jason. I can't do this."

  "The hell you can't. I won you. You're mine. You can't just walk away."

  "I can."

  He grabbed me by the wrist. "No, you can't."

  "Let go of me."

  "I paid a hundred thousand for your company for this evening. If you think you get away with just walking me to my car, you're very much mistaken."

  "Ow, you're hurting me." I tried to twist my arm free but he was gripping it too tightly. "Let go."

  "Just get in the car and we'll talk about it."

  "No, I'm not going anyway with you. I've changed my mind."

  "Why? Because of him? You think he cares about you? Where is he if he cares so much?"


  I jumped at the sound and so did Jason. From the darkness in the corner of the car park, Ethan stepped forwards. "Let go of her hand, Jason."

  "You know the rules, Ethan. I won her fair and square. She spends the evening with me. You can't stop me taking her."

  Ethan didn't reply. His arm swung through the air so fast I only realised what had happened when Jason was moaning on the floor, holding his bleeding nose in his hand. "You broke it," he cried. "You broke my nose."

  "I'll break a lot more if you touch her again."

  I turned to look at Ethan. "But you left me."

  "Is that what he told you? What other lies have you told her, Jason?"

  "I told her the truth. Call me an ambulance, I'm going to bleed to death."

  "Oh, stop whining. It's only a broken nose." Ethan turned to me. "What did he tell you?"

  "That I was just a one night stand. That you stole his wife."

  Ethan turned to look down at Jason who was still holding his nose. "I ought to sock you again for that."

  "Go ahead, I'll see you in court. I'm going to take you for everything you've got."

  "Come on," Ethan said, taking my hand. "We need to talk."

  "Was it true? What he said?"

  "About the wife stealing? It was true."

  "How could you?"

  "Hold on. It was true but it was the other way around. He stole my wife."


  A long silence passed, punctuated only by Jason moaning on the floor, acting as if he was dying.

  "So was I just a one night stand?"

  "I'm about to take you back to my house. Does that answer your question?"

  "So I'm a two night stand?"

  "I'm going to regret this."

  "A three night stand?"

  He held open his car door. "Get in before I change my mind."

  "Four night stand? Five?"



  "Where did you go?" she asked as I started the engine.

  It was a simple enough question but I couldn't tell her the truth. I went to the car park because I had my membership revoked but I didn't get any further because I couldn't bear being away from her. No, I thought as I set off from the club. I had to tell her. The worst thing would be to let the lie continue.

  "I have to tell you something," I said.


  "I put your name into the auction."


  "I'm sorry. I had to do it. I should have asked you but I was afraid you'd say no and I'm sorry."

  "Is that what they wanted to talk to you about? In the club?"

  I nodded. "I had my membership taken off me. They wouldn't even let me say goodbye to you. I thought maybe if I waited in the c
ar park I might get to see you when you finished your shift, try and explain."

  "But then Jason brought me out early."

  "I'm glad he did. Gave me a chance to give him something he's needed for a long time."

  She didn't answer. I was about to ask why when she suddenly said, "I'm glad you put my name in the auction."

  "You are?" I was surprised. That wasn't what I expected her to say.

  "I never would have been brave enough to do it. Sometimes I need a nudge to get anything done. I've always been like that. I'd never have done it on my own, not in a million years. But I'm glad it happened. I'm glad you did it."


  "That doesn't mean you're forgiven."

  "Of course not."

  "But if you spank me when we get in, maybe I'll think about it."

  "I think that's definitely a possibility. After all, you've been bad too."

  "I have?"

  "You nearly went off with Jason Fry for the night."

  "Urgh, don't even mention it. I don't know what I was thinking." Her face wrinkled in disgust.

  "I don't think you were thinking at all. He's got a way with words, of making lies seem true. It worked on Elora."

  "How long were you married for?"

  "Two years."

  "And he persuaded her to sleep with him?"

  "He can't take all the blame. I wasn't a good husband. I was too busy with work."

  "That's no excuse for having an affair."

  "Isn't it?"

  She shoved me in the arm. "No, it isn't. When I'm a world famous artist off on a commission for months on end, that isn't a get out of jail free card for you to get some floozy out of the club to take my place."

  "Did you just say floozy?"

  "I think I did. Let's gloss over that."

  "No, let's talk about that lots. How was the Blitz for you?"

  "Very funny. I'm allowed to say floozy if I want to. It doesn't make me old."

  "Of course not. Now we're here. Are you up for a bit of hanky panky? Think your hip can take it?"

  "Not if you keep teasing me."

  "I plan to do a lot more than just tease you when we get inside."

  But I frowned as I brought the car to a stop. Behind me on the drive was a pair of blue flashing lights. A police car pulled up behind me, the lights switching off with the engine.

  "Mr Powers?" the officer said as he climbed out. "Mr Ethan Powers?"

  "Yes, that's me. What's this about?"

  "We've been called out as there's a suspicion you may have committed an offence. Do you know a Jason Fry?"

  We both sighed. Alice rolled her eyes at me. "Yes. Let me guess, he's accusing me of assault?"

  "Perhaps we could step inside out of the cold?"

  "Come on then," I said as I unlocked the door. "Let's get this over with."

  There were two of them, a man and a woman. The man sat on the sofa with his notepad in his hand. The woman stood by the door, not saying anything, just watching me closely. Alice sat next to me, looking nervous, as if she thought I might be arrested and taken away any moment.

  "I'm P.C Deadman. This is P.C O'Harrah. Sorry to have to trouble you so late but we had a call this evening that you had an altercation with Mr Fry in the car park of a private club. Is that right?"

  "You work pretty fast over a little scuffle. How much is he paying you?"

  "I've no idea what you're talking about. Why don't you tell us what happened in your own words. I'll take a few notes, if you don't mind."

  Jason had bunged someone a few notes of his own over this. There was no way a car would be despatched so quickly just to take a statement over a broken nose. He might have just been doing it to scare me but I still had to be careful.

  "I was leaving the club when I saw Mr Fry attempting to force Miss Lawson here into the back of his car."

  "Is that right, Miss?" Deadman asked, looking across at Alice.

  She nodded. "I didn't want to go with him. He was trying to force me."

  "I see."

  I took over. "So I told him to let her go. He refused. There was a scuffle and unfortunately he ended up with a broken nose."

  "I see. Well, I think we have all we need. Thank you very much for your time, Sir, Madam."

  He nodded to his colleague who headed out of the door. "Hold on," I said before turning to Alice. "Back in a second."

  I followed them to the front door, closing it behind me and standing outside with the two of them. "How are you, Adam?" I asked. "Pippa."

  "Good thanks, Ethan. He's been pretty whiny with the big guys about this, just a heads up."

  "No doubt. Listen, any chance I could borrow something from you? Just for tonight."

  "Sure, what do you need?"



  I couldn't believe Jason had called the police over it. I was terrified they might arrest Ethan. But if anything was going to happen over it, it wouldn't be tonight. He reappeared in the doorway a minute after they left, holding up a pair of handcuffs.

  "Where did you get those?" I asked, staring at them and feeling my body starting to heat up.

  "Might have borrowed them for the evening. Now stand up."

  I did as he asked. "You just asked and they just handed them over?"

  "Strip. Slowly. Like last time."

  He sank into an armchair, the handcuffs all too visible as I started slowly removing my clothes. I swayed in place, dancing to music only I could hear. I tried to do better than last time but I wasn't sure I managed it. My top got stuck on my head again, my muttered swearing drawing a quiet laugh from him when I finally got it free. I tossed my top aside, pouting and trying not to laugh with him.

  "This is supposed to be sexy, not funny," I said with a scowl.

  "I know," he replied, serious expression fixed to his face. "Continue."

  I slid my skirt down next, taking my time, twisting in place, gradually revealing my panties, watching his eyes widen as they came into view.

  It was as if I'd never been away, as if I was back where I belonged, where I should stay, putting on a show for him. Everything else that had happened since getting to work was filed away in a box marked, 'Deal with later.' For now, there was just me and him. There wasn't anything outside the room we were in. This was my entire universe, all that existed.

  I turned away from him and unhooked my bra, letting it fall away. My nipples were rock hard, my heart pounding as I pushed my panties down to the floor, knowing his eyes were fixed on me, knowing what effect I was having on him. I could tell from the way his breathing changed that he was having to work hard to control himself.

  I bent forwards, parting my legs just a little, letting my finger slide over myself to tease him further.

  "Come here," he said, his voice cold and commanding.

  I obeyed him at once, turning around and walking over, stopping in front of him.

  "On your knees."

  I sank down to the floor, feeling the thick carpet under me, staring up at him as he leaned forwards in his chair.

  "Hands out."

  I stuck my arms up and he grabbed my wrists, clicking the cold metal of the handcuffs over my left hand, then over the right. With the metal bands clicking tightly closed over my wrists, I felt trapped in the best possible way. I had to submit to him now. I had no choice.

  "Stand up."

  It was surprisingly difficult with my hands bound together but I managed it. He stared at my body as I waited for him to make a move. "Chin up," he said when I looked down at him.

  I stared at the wall, feeling him examining me, my body yearning for his touch. With my hands in front of me, the metal of the cuffs turned my stomach cold, the rest of me still burning hot, wanting him more than ever.

  "Bend over the table."

  There was a wooden gaming table in the corner, a backgammon board varnished into the top. I leaned down, my breasts chilled by the varnish as I heard him walking towards me.

  "Don't move
," he said.

  I jolted in place as from nowhere my phone started ringing. "Oh no," I muttered to myself. "Not now."

  He let out a laugh. "The best laid plans."

  I listened as he grabbed the phone from my skirt pocket and brought it over. "Your mother," he said, pressing the phone to my ear and hitting the answer button.

  "Hi, Mum," I said, trying not to let out a gasp as his hands started sliding up my legs.

  "Hello, Darling, I just wanted to check whether you were still coming to dinner tomorrow."

  "I think so," I said, my voice becoming a squeak as Ethan brushed his hand past my thigh, moving even higher.

  "Are you all right? You sound different. You are being good, aren't you dear?"

  "Of course I am. I'm absolutely fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Ethan took the phone from me, hanging up and setting it aside. "You lied to your mother."

  "No I didn't," I replied, looking back over my shoulder.

  "You said you were being good," he said, his hand smacking down firmly onto my ass a second later.

  The sting went straight to my soul. Every nerve ending in my body woke up as if they'd been asleep. It was a sensation I didn't think I'd ever get used to and at the same time, it was one I wanted to experience more than any other. "Ow!" I said, wincing as I let out a slow breath to keep from crying out.

  "You were a bad girl," he said, smacking me again. This time his hand lingered in place on my ass, sliding down towards my pussy which was throbbing with need.

  "On your knees," he said suddenly, grabbing me and shoving me down to the carpet. I was barely in place before he had his trousers undone, his rock hard cock pointing towards me. "Open your mouth."

  I wanted to wrap my hands around his shaft but the handcuffs made it difficult. I was at least able to feel his length with my fingers, marvelling at the fleshy warmth of it, the way it was firm but giving at the same time. My tongue ran over the tip. I stared up into his eyes, enjoying his reaction to the motion of my mouth as I filled my throat with his length.


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