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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14

Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  symbiotically entwining fingers; flagrantly proclaiming them to the entire Universe; as intolerably tyrannical thorns of apocryphally decrepit manipulation; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  perennially humanitarian smile; lividly proclaiming it to the entire Universe; as a torturously incarcerating death; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  humbly irrefutable truthfulness; ballistically proclaiming it to the entire Universe; as the lecherously maiming mortuary of crime and politics; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  insuperably passionate blood; maliciously proclaiming it to the entire Universe; as the most unholy crucification of mystically iridescent life; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  ardently cavorting reflection; dogmatically proclaiming it to the entire Universe; as the most feckless disappearing caricature of grotesquely penalizing nothingness; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  timelessly burgeoning fantasies; sneeringly proclaiming them to the entire Universe; as the most dreadfully tarnished scorpions of frenetically withering communalism; instead,

  I won’t mind it the slightest if you forever choose to wholesomely forget my

  immortally bonding breath; ignominiously proclaiming it to the entire Universe; as the most cold-bloodedly lambasting curse of death; instead,

  And I really won’t mind anything even if you unsparingly decimated me and

  swept me like a horrific nightmare from the chapter of your celestially venerated life,

  But it is my humble plea to you O! Eternal Beloved; that atleast don’t forget the very first time when we proposed the expression of immortal love to each other; the very first time when we bonded our lips into the most perpetually fructifying kiss of life; the very first time when our destinies; eyes; heart and soul had unshakably bonded; the very first moment when we had heavenly met .



  Infinite times better than the diminutively diminishing flicker of the sleazily artificial bulb; was the Omnipotent blaze of the bountifully unassailable Sun,

  Infinite times better than the truncated fantasies in the manipulatively estranged mind; was the unfathomably untainted paradise of poignantly seductive clouds in the sky,

  Infinite times better than parsimoniously remorseful water incarcerated beneath the lavatory seat; was the thunderously untamed roar of the uninhibitedly vivacious and mischievously dancing ocean,

  Infinite times better than the bawdily threadbare stone; was the insuperably majestic and timelessly sheltering swirl of the celestially compassionate mountain,

  Infinite times better than the lecherously parasitic currency coin; was the river of pricelessly united and Omnipresently blessing humanity,

  Infinite times better than the gaudily cadaverous crayons disparagingly sprawled on the floor; was the eternally royal rainbow and resplendently eclectic rainbow; twinkling in the firmament of azure sky,

  Infinite times better than the abhorrently shattered glass; was the candidly perspicacious mirror of the impeccably unassailable and inimitably sacrosanct


  Infinite times better than the preposterously stuffed toys available in the manipulatively prejudiced market; was the indomitably peerless roar of the

  princely lion,

  Infinite times better than the emotionless chips of the raunchily scintillating computer; was the unfathomably brilliant and tirelessly discovering human brain,

  Infinite times better than the disgustingly miserly twig decaying in a bedraggled heap; was the unsurpassably pristine meadow of boisterously frolicking grass,

  Infinite times better than the uncontrollably shivering bottle of stingily corked wine; was the uninhibitedly royal forest of divinely endowing sensuousness,

  Infinite times better than the body of the forlornly decrepit air-conditioner; was the exuberantly mesmerizing kiss of the rhapsodically untamed storm,

  Infinite times better than the abjectly traded idols of gold and bombastically boorish silver; was the Omnipresent reflection of the perpetual Creator; in every single ingredient of the atmosphere and beyond,

  Infinite times better than the sparing shades of mechanical pencil on barren canvas; was the panoramically enamoring kaleidoscope of miraculously ameliorating nature,

  Infinite times better than the banefully blaring music of the pompous discotheque; was the fathomlessly enchanting carpet of marvelously iridescent and vibrantly twinkling stars,

  Infinite times better than the bizarrely squelched brick in the tyrannically rotting foundation; was the heaven of irrefutably venerated and eternally unshakable truth,

  Infinite times better than the ghoulishly devastating coffin of death; was the chapter of immortally sacred and perennially blossoming life,

  But ever since the first breath that the entire Universe took; and even centuries unprecedented after it vanishes into traces of amorphously beleaguered

  oblivion;  infinite times better than “ Immortal Love” was; is and shall forever be; once again only Love; Love and nothing else but the invincibly blessed fabric of “Immortal Love”




  Perhaps only those with eclectically passionate and tapering fingers; can be spell bindingly enamoring; artists,

  Perhaps only those with glamorously flamboyant personalities; can be vividly

  beautiful and magnetically crowd-pulling; filmstars,

  Perhaps only those with apocryphally manipulative demeanors; can be excellently domineering and abhorrently prejudiced; politicians,

  Perhaps only those with rapaciously indiscriminating hunger; can be cold-bloodedly massacring and hedonistically treacherous; parasites,

  Perhaps only those with mellifluously harmonious voices; can be euphorically everlasting and timelessly bestowing; singers,

  Perhaps only those with indefatigably discovering brains; can be astoundingly mesmerizing and effulgently burgeoning; scientists,

  Perhaps only those with wholeheartedly altruistic dispositions; can be majestically blissful and inexhaustibly bonding; humanitarian’s,

  Perhaps only those with ancestrally royal blood flowing through their veins; can be successful benefactors to the magnificently embellished and princely; throne,

  Perhaps only those with a cornucopia of bulging muscles protruding from within their shirt; can be insuperably unflinching and peerlessly fantastic; boxers,

  Perhaps only those with an uncontrollably ardent longing for the first cries of magically Omnipotent life; can be enigmatically uncanny and blessedly mischievous; children,

  Perhaps only those with eternally fructifying warmth; can be immaculately undefeated and Omnisciently symbiotic; mothers,

  Perhaps only those with unparalleled yearning for the unfathomably mystical;

  can be ubiquitously enthralling and enchantingly effulgent; snake-charmers,

  Perhaps only those with unbelievably arcane proclivity towards the unknown;

  can be handsomely aristocratic and timelessly tantalizing; adventurers,

  Perhaps only those with synergistically egalitarian attitude towards every

  living organism alive; can be celestially conserving and fervently dedicated; environmentalists,

  Perhaps only those with abominably croaking and livid voices; can be boisterously gawking and hideously slimy; frogs,

  Perhaps only those with supremely unassailable confidence in the religion of

  truth; can be unconquerably towering and impenetrably galloping; lions,

  Perhaps only those with a preposterously ungainly dislike for priceless water; can be aridly torching and truculently lambasting; deserts,

  Perhaps only those with an irrevocably overpowering mania for decimating

  ebullient life; can be the coffins of egregiously asphyxiating and cannibalistically excoriating; death,

  But blatantly paradoxical to all of the above and an infinite more “Perhaps”; every entity blessed with a puff of Godly air within its lungs; every entity evolved on this fathomless Universe by the Omnipresent Lord Almighty; every entity irrespective of spurious caste; creed; religion or unceremonious tribe; has; is

  and definitely shall forever be; a born lover .




  Her royally emollient eyelashes were the ones which timelessly flirted me; eternally drowning me into an unfathomable sea of seductively untamed mischief,

  Her lusciously untainted lips were the ones which perennially kissed me; making me unassailably romanticize in the aisles of unparalleled desire; for infinite more births of mine,

  Her fantastically rubicund cheeks were the ones which tantalizingly caressed me; triggering rapaciously uninhibited fireballs of rhapsodic delight in every

  conceivable of my vein,

  Her iridescently twinkling eyeballs were the ones which wonderfully mesmerized me; drifting me into a festoon of fathomlessly bewitching fantasy,

  Her bountifully eclectic fingers were the ones which made me unflinching believe in myself; triumphantly guiding me towards the heavens of boundlessly enthralling enchantment,

  Her impeccably victorious skin was the one which cast a spell of unbreakable magnetism upon my agonizingly beleaguered senses; making me exult in the glory of sensuously endowing paradise till times beyond infinite infinity,

  Her regally shimmering nape was the one which conquered even the most infinitesimal ingredient of my imagination; inundating every haplessly disastrous dream of mine; with effulgent unceasing charisma and charm,

  Her effervescently bubbling stride was the one which ignited sparks of unprecedented ecstasy in my every staggering night; making me wholesomely

  oblivious to every other monotonous activity on this Universe,

  Her mystically blessing voice was the one which miraculously pacified my

  every torturously asphyxiating desire; overwhelming my murderously decrepit

  persona with unlimited happiness,

  Her stupendously ravishing hair were the ones which timelessly enthralled

  every horrifically dying pore of my flesh; rekindling my vanquished to beautifully lead life,

  Her mellifluously tinkling feet were the ones which taught me how to endlessly mysticize; optimistically pave the path of irrefutably peerless truth; even through the most amorphously castigated of blackness,

  Her inimitably golden innocence was the one which Omnipotently blessed me;

  eternally enshrouded every cranny of my grotesquely beleaguered existence with the fragrance of invincible humanity,

  Her ingratiatingly burgeoning freshness was the one which poignantly proliferate me; limitlessly engendering me to take a countless new births; as every

  reinvigorating minute melodiously unraveled,

  Her Omnisciently velvety shadow was the one which artistically painted my

  gruesomely stuttering soul; righteously decimated even the most inconspicuous trace of prejudice from my banefully vexed countenance,

  Her unsurpassably intriguing brain was the one which endlessly transpired me to see the world in an enlightening spirit; to unrelentingly discover through the forests

  of ubiquitously princely newness,

  Her benevolently impregnable spirit was the one which made me believe in

  splendidly egalitarian humanity; uninhibitedly embrace every living being irrespective of size; shape or spurious color,

  Her ravenously inebriating silhouette was the one which made me the craziest

  man on this globe; but only for the winds of ebulliently panoramic and bestowing beauty,

  Her perpetually sacrosanct breath was the one which instilled indomitable life in my cadaverously wastrel veins; forever transpiring me to blend with the spirit of vividly ecstatic life,

  And her immortally venerated heart was the one which had completely captured

  every beat of my past; present and future life; even before I could emit my very first cry; even before I could commence my very first birth .


  The very first time in my life when I tried to catapult to the ultimate precipice of the perilously gigantic mountain; my soul uncontrollably trembled; and almost every speck of soil under my feet gave way to a coffin of amorphous nothingness,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to plunge headon into the precariously undulating and untamed sea; the hair on my skin nictitated in uncanny fear; although mentally I could very well perceive that the laws of buoyancy would keep me blissfully afloat,

  The very first time in my life when I attempted to walk on ground; daggerheads of inexplicably unsolicited fear penetrated me from all sides; although by the grace of God the age was now consummate enough for me to wonderfully stand,

  The very first time in my life when I left my house; indescribably sordid graveyards of uncertainty unsparingly pierced my nimble spirit; although the atmosphere outside was enlightened with nothing else but celestially unending peace,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to speak; the stub of tongue in my mouth felt unfathomably circumspect about the quality of sound that was about to diffuse; although the thunderous roar of natural instincts in my body; unrelentingly urged me to unfurl my mouth,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to eat; the consortium of disheveled intestines in my stomach uneasily fretted and wrenched; although pangs of inevitably crucifying hunger reverberated endlessly throughout my body,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to sip; the chords in my throats unceremoniously tightened their grip; although the uncouthly sweltering heat of the afternoon Sun; rendered them grasping for more and more,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to defecate; the bowels in my stomach dogmatically refrained to contract and expand; although the call of nature was too heavy upon them to bear,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to smile; the contours of my diminutive lips remained haplessly frozen; although the winds of unparalleled happiness indefatigably triggered them to blossom till the aisles of exhilarating eternity,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to sleep; the dormitories of my

  tirelessly discovering brain miserably quavered at the thought of dastardly unconsciousness; although the lids over my eyeball rolled down like a helplessly beleaguered sycophant,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to hold; the humble knots on my fingers broke into disparagingly cold sweat; although the mantras of symbiotic existence timelessly coaxed me to bond them with my fellow brethren and kin,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to adventure; the framework of synergistic bones in my countenance horribly diminished into mortuaries of dastardly nothingness; although the uninhibitedly effulgent fantasies in my brain inexhaustibly dictated me to flirtatiously philander,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to earn my livelihood; every ingredient of my molecular persona repugnantly repelled the proposition as abhorrently bizarre; although I very well knew that every organism alive quintessentially needed to pay his rent for his destined time,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to write poetry; the pen in my hands felt like an hedonistically massacring knife; although I inherently knew that it was perfectly allright even if the bountifully resplendent verse would rhyme or not rhyme,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to flirt; the intrepidly emollient tenacity in my demeanor crumbled towards the corpses of feckless meaninglessness; although the urge to submerge every cranny of my flesh with innocuous mischief was more unconquerable than the limitless skies,

nbsp; The very first time in my life when I tried to learn; the intricately sensitive machinery of my mind treacherously betrayed me; in the fear of being unnecessarily inundated; although the desire of philanthropically imbibe radiated regally from the innermost space of my conscience,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to preach; my neck felt as if it was going to be hung on the gallows of the truculently marauding devil; although I perfectly knew that was insurmountably adequate room for harmless human error,

  The very first time in my life when I tried to breathe; my lungs felt fish slithering lividly without the most capricious droplet of water; although I knew that inhaling a few puffs of air from them was my cardinal birthright for harmonious survival,


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