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Do Elephants Jump?

Page 27

by David Feldman

  Ray Ehrlich, American Plastics Council; EPS Molders Association; J. Richard Ethridge, Backyard Barbeques; Mark Evanier; Mark Evans, Purdue University.

  Richard Fabry, American Window Cleaner Magazine; Fred Feldman; Phil Feldman; Arther Ferrill; Robert Fitts; Eddie Fizdale, Peak Produce; Scott Forman, New York Medical College, Westchester Medical Center.

  Louis Galicia, Great Western Forum; Stan Garber, Selmer Company; Maura Gatensby; Burle Gengenbach, University of Minnesota; Nat Gertler; Autumn Gill, University of Notre Dame; Jim Grady, Tri-State Window Cleaning; Janis Grant, North Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators; David Gray, California State University; Robert D. Greenberg, FCC; Neil Grey, International Bridge, Tunnel and Turn-pike Association; Mark Grunwald, Philadelphia Zoo; Gund, Inc.; Harmeet Guraya, USDA.

  Jeffrey Hahn, University of Minnesota; Tom Hailand; Christopher Halleron; Richard Hanneman, Salt Institute; Ed Hansen, American Association of Zoo Keepers; M. N. Hartman, Vita Needle Company; Neil Harvey; R. C. Harvey; Gary Heinrichs, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Frank Heppner, University of Rhode Island; Roger Herr, South’s Bar; Billy Higgins, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; Lauren Hiltner, Babe Farm; Keith Holmes; Celwyn Hopkins, Independent Battery Manufacturers Association; J. Benjamin Horvay; Michel Huet, International Hydrographic Bureau.

  Sid Jacobson; Scott Jackson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Ben H. Jenkins; James Jester; Caleb Johnson; Carl Johnson; Lenworth Johnson, University of Missouri; Richard Allen Jones, Japan Information Center.

  R. Kamins; Elizabeth Karmel, Girls at the Grill; Jane Kerber, Advanced Storage Technology; Arif Khan; Mindy Kinsey, Teddy Bear and Friends; Phil Klein; Dan Kniffen, National Cattlemen’s Association; Mark Kohut, St. Martin’s Press; Ken Koury; Bill Kretzschmar, University of Georgia; Jim Kunkel, C&W Co.

  Delila Lacevic; Ella Lacey, Southern Illinois University School; Joseph Landau; Richard Landesman, University of Vermont; Susan L’Ecoyer, NARM; Dave Lewis, Corby Industries; John Lewis, Billiards Congress of America; Anthony Lojo, Swingline Staplers; Raoul Lopez, Culver City Ice Arena; Tom Lubbsmeyer, Boeing Co.; Lundberg Family Farms; Theodore Lustig, West Virginia University.

  Soheila Maleki, USDA; Steven Marks, Wayne State University; Don Markstein, Toonpedia; Anthony Martin, National Flag Foundation; Garry Mauer, Window Cleaning Network; Mary Anne Mayeski, Loyola Marymount University; Geoff Mayfield, Billboard; Linda McCall; Kevin McCray, National Ground Water Association; Jim McDade, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Melissa McGann, Charles D. Schulz Museum and Research Center; Rima McKinzey; Arnold Merkitch; Larry Meyers, MagTek, Inc.; Theresa Michael, General Crushed Stone Company; Don Monroe, Morton Salt; Robert Montgomerie, Queen’s University; Stewart Montgomery, MagTek, Inc.; Michael Moore, Steinway & Sons; Dan Morrison; Arthur J. Mullkoff, American Concrete Institute; Sean F. Mullan, University of Chicago; Donna Myers, DHM Group.

  Blake Newton, University of Kentucky; Masahiko Noro, Japan Foundation; Richard O’Brien; Bob O’Dell, Becton-Dickinson and Company.

  Bill Palmer, Travel Centers of America; Jim Parham, Jive Records; Jim Patton, Smurfit Newsprint; Enid Pearsons; Doug Peters, Frank J. Zamboni and Company; Gin Petty; David Pickering; Janet Pope, Louisiana Tech University; Harrison Powley, Brigham Young University; Judy Provo, Purdue University; Rebecca Pyles, East Tennessee State University.

  Quaker Foods and Beverages.

  Real Foods; Recording Industry Association of America; Gary Regan; Rhino Records; Errol Rhodes, American Bible Society; Edward Richards, Louisiana State University; Charles Richman, EBM Industries, Inc.; Sara Risch, Science By Design; Andrew Ritter; Lloyd Rooney, Texas A&M University; Alan Rooscroft, San Diego Wild Animal Park; Steven N. Rosenberg; Jo Rothery, Teddy Bear Times; Tom Rugg; Russ Berrie and Company; Denis Ryan, Mine Safety Appliances Company.

  Dan Scheeler, Sasakawa Peace Foundation; Tom Schott, Purdue University; Mike Schroeder, Amateur Hockey Association of the United States; Heidi Schwartz, Today’s Facility Manager; Norman Scott, National Biological Service; Samuel Selden; Sherwood Medical Company; Carole Shulman, Professional Skaters’ Guild of America; Brian Sietsema; Nina Simone; Skippy Peanut Butter; Dorothy Skrotzki, Wildfur, Inc.; Whitney Smith, Flag Research Center; Louis Sorkin, American Museum of Natural History; Will Sousa, Babe Farm; Mike Starling, National Public Radio; Steiff North America, Inc.; Irwin Steinberg, Tortilla Industry Association; Dick Stilwill, National Appliance Parts Suppliers Association; Mike Stooke, Snookergames; Dennis Stout, E. D. Bullard Company.

  Timothy N. Taft, University of North Carolina; Surnie Takagi; Alice Taylor, National Public Radio; Carol Thomas, University of Washington; Don Thompson, Comair Rotron; Nathan Tift; Carolyn Freeman Travers; Ritomo Tsunashima.

  Father Kevin Vaillancourt, Society of Traditional Roman Catholics; Willy Voelzke, Rieger Printing Ink Company, Ltd.

  Joe Walt, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ralph Waniska Texas A&M; Bobvin Ward, Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America; Janet Ward, Just Born; Robert L. Ward, Ahrens-Fox Fire Buffs Club; Lee Weaver; Weber-Stephen Products Co.; Marc Weinberg, Ballsy Bear; Brent Weingard, Expert Window Cleaner; Allison Wells, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Lorraine Wettlaufer, Just Born; JoAnne C. Williams, Michigan Loon Preservation Society; Jon Williamson, North American Interfraternity Conference; Melanie Wong; Jim Wright, New York State Department of Transportation; Michael Wurtz, Sharlot Hall Museum.

  Richard Zamboni, Frank J. Zamboni and Co.; and Mike Zulak, San Francisco Zoo.

  And to the experts who preferred to remain anonymous but provided valuable research, a grateful tip of the hat.

  Searchable Terms

  “86,” origins of term

  Alphabet soup, foreign countries and

  Apples in roasted pigs’ mouths


  swiping of credit cards

  swiping versus dipping of credit cards

  Automobiles, batteries and concrete floors



  hair color

  Baby corn, supermarkets and

  Baby pigeons, elusiveness of

  Baby Ruth, origins of candy

  Barbecue grills, shape of


  mirrors in

  sawdust on floor of

  television sound and

  Baseball, Japanese uniforms

  Bathrooms, ice in urinals of


  concrete floors and

  drainage of, in cassette players

  “Bead,” “Draw a,” origins of term

  Beaks versus bills, birds and

  Beans, green, “French” style

  Beavers, dam building and

  Bills versus beaks, birds and


  bills versus beaks in

  loons versus lunatics

  worms and

  Boeing 707, origins of

  Boeing 717, origins of

  Boots on ranchers’ fence posts

  Boxers, sniffing and

  Buckles, pilgrim hats and

  Buffets, new plates at

  Bull nose rings, purpose of

  Burping and babies

  Casper the ghost, identity of

  Cassette players, battery drainage in

  Cavities, dogs and

  CDs, Tuesday release of

  Ceiling fans, dust and

  Channel 1 on television

  Channel locations of television

  Chariots, Roman, flimsiness of

  Cheese, cheddar, orange color of

  Chewing gum, water consumption and hardening of

  Chirping of crickets, at night

  Christmas lights, purple

  Clef, treble, dots on

  Coolers, Styrofoam, blue specks on


  baby, supermarkets and

  chips, black specks on

  tortillas, size of, versus flour

  Cows, nose rings and

  Cravings, food, pre
gnant women and

  Credit cards

  dipping versus swiping and

  quick swiping of

  Crickets, chirping at night of

  Cue balls, dots on, in pool

  Dams, beavers and

  Dictionaries, pronunciation and

  DNA, identical twins and

  Dogs, cavities and

  Donkey Kong, origins of

  Dots on cue balls, in pool


  “Draw a Bead,” origins of term

  Drinking glasses, “sweating” of

  Dryers, hand, in bathrooms

  Ducks, lakes and ponds and

  Dust, ceiling fans and

  Earrings, pirates and

  “86,” origins of term


  jumping ability of

  rocking in zoos

  Eyes, rubbing of, when tired

  Fainting and women, lessening of

  Fan speeds, order of

  Fence posts, ranchers’ boots on

  Fighting Irish, Notre Dame and

  Fire helmets, shape of

  Fire hydrants, freezing and


  biting in rain

  in dried up lakes and ponds



  Japanese, red beams on

  Flashlights, police and grips of

  Flour tortillas, size of, versus corn

  FM radio, odd frequency numbers of

  Food cravings in pregnant women


  sideline population in

  two-minute warning

  Fraternities, Greek names of


  ice trays

  lights in

  “French” style green beans

  Frogs, warts and

  Glasses, drinking, “sweating” of

  Glitter, sidewalks and

  “Good Friday,” origins of term

  Greek names of fraternities and sororities

  Green beans, “French” style

  Gretzky, Wayne, hockey shirts of

  Guitar strings, dangling

  Gulls, sea, parking lots and

  Gum, chewing, water consumption and hardening of

  Hair color, darkening of, in babies

  Half-mast, flags

  Hand dryers in bathrooms

  Head injuries, “seeing stars” and

  Head lice, kids and


  in needles and syringes

  in thimbles

  Humming of power lines

  Hydrants, fire, freezing and


  in urinals

  rinks, temperature of resurfacing water

  trays in freezers


  Head lice and children

  Mosquitoes, biting preferences of


  baseball uniforms in

  red beams in flag and

  Jimmies, origins of

  Keys, piano, number of

  Lakes, fish returning to dried

  Left-handed string players, in orchestras

  “Legitimate” theater, origins of term

  Lice, head, kids and

  License placement, trucks and

  License plates, prisoners and

  Lights in freezers

  Lone Ranger, origins of

  Loons, lunatics and

  Lunatics, loons and

  Martial arts, sniffing and

  Maximum occupancy in public rooms

  Milk containers, plastic, dimples in

  Mirrors in bars

  Monopoly, playing tokens in

  Mosquitoes, biting preferences of

  Needles, holes in, of syringes

  Newspapers, window cleaning and

  North Pole

  directions at

  telling time at

  Nose rings and bulls

  Noses, runny, in cold weather

  Notches on bottom of shampoo bottles

  Notre Dame fighting Irish

  NPR radio stations, low frequency numbers of

  Occupancy, maximum, in public rooms

  Oceans, boundaries between

  Orange juice and toothpaste, taste of

  Ovens, thermometers in

  Parking lots, sea gulls at

  Peanut butter, stickiness of

  Peanuts, origins of comic’s name

  Photographs, stars in space and

  Piano keys, number of

  Pigeons, baby, elusiveness of

  Pigs, roasted, apples in mouths of

  Pilgrims, buckled hats of


  earrings on

  walking the plank and


  directions at

  telling time at North and South

  Police, flashlight grips of

  Ponds, fish returning to dried

  Pool balls, dots on


  name change of

  white skullcap of

  white vestments of

  Power lines, humming of

  Pregnant women, food cravings of

  Priests, black vestments of

  Pronunciation, dictionaries and

  “P.U.,” origins of term

  Public radio, low frequency numbers of

  Purple Christmas lights


  FM, odd frequency numbers of

  public, low frequency numbers of

  Radios, battery drainage in

  Rain, fish biting in

  Refrigerators, thermometers in

  Rice cakes, structural integrity of

  Rings, nose, bulls and

  Rinks, ice, temperature of resurfacing water

  Rocking in zoo animals

  Roman chariots, flimsiness of

  Runny noses in cold weather

  Rust, dental fillings and


  round containers and

  storage bins on highway and

  Sand, storage bins on highway and

  Sandbags, disposal of

  Sawdust on floor of bars

  Sea gulls, parking lots and

  “Seeing stars,” head injuries and

  Shampoo bottles, notches on bottom of

  Sidewalks, glitter and

  Silos, round shape of

  Silver fillings, rusting of

  Skunks, smell of


  forked tongues of

  tongue darting of

  Sniffing, boxers and

  Snoring, age differences and

  Sororities, Greek names of

  Soup, alphabet, foreign countries and

  South Pole

  directions at

  telling time at

  Sprinkles, jimmies and


  fitting of staples into

  outward setting of


  clumping of

  fitting into staplers of

  Stars in space, photos of

  Stickiness of peanut butter

  Streets, glitter and

  String players, left handed, in orchestras

  Styrofoam coolers, blue specks on

  Sweating, swimmers and

  Swimming, sweating and

  Swiping of credit cards

  Syringes, hole in needle of

  Teddy bears, frowns of

  Teeth, silver fillings and


  channel 1 on

  channel locations of

  sound of, in bars

  Theater, “legitimate,” origins of term

  Thermometers in ovens and refrigerators

  Thimbles, holes in

  Ticklishness of different parts of body

  Tiredness and eye-rubbing

  Toads, warts and

  Toothpaste and orange juice, taste of

  Tortilla chips, black specks on


  black specks on

  size of flour, versus corn
  Treble clefs, dots on

  Trucks, license placement on

  Tuesday release of CDs

  Twins, identical, DNA and

  Two-minute warning, football and

  Urinals, ice in


  color of Catholic priests’

  color of popes’

  Walking the plank, pirates and

  Warts, frogs and toads and

  Wells, roundness of

  Whiplash, delayed reaction of

  Wigwams near highways

  Window cleaning, newspapers and

  Women, fainting and

  Worms, birds and

  Zoo animals, rocking in

  Master Index of Imponderability

  Following is a complete index of all ten Imponderables® books and Who Put the Butter in Butterfly? The bold number before the colon indicates the book title (see the Title Key below); the numbers that follow the colon are the page numbers. Simple as that.

  Title Key

  1=Why Don’t Cats Like to Swim? (formerly published as Imponderables)

  2=Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?

  3=When Do Fish Sleep?

  4=Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

  5=Do Penguins Have Knees?

  6=Are Lobsters Ambidextrous? (formerly published as When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?)

  7=How Does Aspirin Find a Headache?

  8=What Are Hyenas Laughing At, Anyway?

  9=How Do Astronauts Scratch an Itch?

  10=Do Elephants Jump?

  11=Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?

  “½,” meaning of, in street addresses

  1040 form, numbering scheme of

  20-20 vision, origins of

  24-second clock in NBA basketball

  3-D glasses and movies

  501, Levi jeans, origin of name

  7-11 stores, lack of locks on

  7UP, origins of name

  “86,” origins of term

  9 as number to get outside line on telephones

  911 as emergency telephone number

  98.6 degrees Fahrenheit as comfortable ambient temperature

  Absorbine Jr., origins of

  Absorbine Sr., identity of

  AC, and DC

  Accents, American, of foreign singers


  Acre, origins of

  Acrylic, virgin

  Actors, speed of speech of

  Address labels on magazines

  Addresses and ZIP codes, on envelopes

  Addresses, street, half-numbers on

  Advertising sales in TV programming, overrun live programming and

  Aerosol cans, shaking of


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