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Viking Age England

Page 19

by Julian D Richards

J. Insley Scandinavian personal names in Norfolk (Uppsala 1994)

  R.I. Page ‘How long did the Scandinavian language survive in England? The epigraphical evidence’, in P. Clemoes and K. Hughes (eds) England before the Conquest (Cambridge 1971), 165-81

  V. Smart ‘Scandinavians, Celts, and Germans in Anglo-Saxon England: the evidence of moneyers’ names’, in M.A.S. Blackburn (ed.), Anglo-Saxon monetary history: Essays in memory of Michael Dolley (Leciester1986) 171-84

  M. Townend ‘Viking Age England as a bilingual society’ in D. Hadley and J.D. Richards (eds.), 2000, 89-105

  Regional studies

  J.R. Baldwin and R.D. Whyte (eds.) The Scandinavians in Cumbria (Edinburgh 1985)

  P. Drewett, D. Rudling and M. Gardiner The South East to AD 1000 (London 1988)

  M. Gelling The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages (Leicester 1992)

  N.J. Higham The Northern Counties to AD 1000 (London 1986)

  C.D. Morris ‘Northumbria and the Viking settlement: the evidence for land-holding’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 5 ser, 5 (1977) 81-103

  C.D. Morris ‘Viking and native in northern England: A case-study’, Proc Eighth Viking Congress (Odense 1981) 223-44

  C.D. Morris ‘The Vikings in the British Isles: some aspects of their settlement and economy’, in R.T. Farrell (ed.) The Vikings (Chichester 1982), 70-94

  P.H. Sawyer Anglo-Saxon Lincolnshire (Lincoln 1998)

  P. Stafford The East Midlands in the Early Middle Ages (Leicester 1985)

  M. Todd The South-West to AD 1000 (London 1987)

  B. Yorke Wessex in the Early Middle Ages (Leicester 1995)

  Sites and settlements

  P.V. Addyman ‘Late Saxon settlements in the St Neots area: II. The Little Paxton settlement and enclosures’, Proc Cambridge Antiq Soc 62 (1969) 59-93

  P.V. Addyman ‘Late Saxon settlements in the St. Neots area: III. The village or township at St Neots’, Proc Cambridge Antiq Soc 64 (1972) 45-99

  R.A. Adkins and M.R. Petchey ‘Secklow Hundred Mound and other meeting place mounds in England’ Archaeol J 141 (1984) 243-51

  G. Beresford ‘Tresmorn. St Gennys’, Cornish Archaeology 10 (1971) 55-73

  G. Beresford ‘Three deserted medieval settlements on Dartmoor’, Medieval Archaeology 23 (1979) 98-158

  G. Beresford ‘Goltho: the development of an early medieval manor c.850-1150’, English Heritage Archaeol Report 4 (London 1987)

  M. Beresford and J.G. Hurst Wharram Percy: Deserted Medieval Village (London 1990)

  J. Blair ‘Palaces or minsters? Northampton and Cheddar reconsidered’ Anglo-Saxon England 25 (1996) 97-121

  R. Bruce-Mitford Mawgan ‘Porth: a settlement of the late Saxon period on the north Cornish coast’ English Heritage Archaeol Report 13 (London 1997)

  D.G. Buckley and J.D. Hedges ‘The Bronze Age and Saxon settlements at Springfield Lyons, Essex: An interim report’, Essex County Council Occ Paper 5 (Chelmsford 1987)

  G. Cadman and G. Foard ‘Raunds: manorial and village origins’, in M. Faull (ed.), 1984, 81-100

  D. Coggins, K.J. Fairless and C.E. Batey ‘Simy Folds: An early medieval settlement in Upper Teesdale, Co Durham’, Medieval Archaeology 27 (1983) 1-26

  B. Cunliffe ‘Excavations at Portchester Castle. Volume II: Saxon’ Soc Antiq Res Rep 33 (London 1976)

  B.K. Davison ‘Excavations at Sulgrave, Northamptonshire, 1968’, Archaeol J 125 (1968) 305-7

  S. Dickinson ‘Bryant’s Gill, Kentmere: Another “Viking-Period” Ribblehead?’, in J.R. Baldwin and I.D. Whyte (eds.), The Scandinavians in Cumbria (Edinburgh 1985) 83-8

  D. Dudley and E.M. Minter ‘Excavation of a medieval settlement at Treworld’, Cornish Archaeology 5 (1966) 34-58

  J.R. Fairbrother ‘Faccombe Netherton. Excavations of a Saxon and Medieval manorial complex’ British Museum Occ Paper 74 (London 1990)

  G. Foard and T. Pearson ‘The Raunds area project: first interim report’, Northamptonshire Archaeology 20 (1985) 3-21

  M. Gardiner ‘The excavation of a Late Anglo-Saxon settlement at Market Field, Steyning, 1988-89’ Sussex Archaeol Coll 131 (1993) 21-67

  M. Gardiner and C. Greatorex ‘Archaeological excavations in Steyning, 1992-95: further evidence for the evolution of a Late Saxon small town’ Sussex Archaeol Coll 135 (1997) 143-71

  J.G. Hurst ‘The Wharram Research Project: Results to 1983’, Medieval Archaeology 28 (1984) 77-111

  A. King ‘Gauber high pasture, Ribblehead — an interim report’, in R.A. Hall (ed.), Viking Age York and the North CBA Res Rep 27 (London 1978) 21-5

  S. Losco-Bradley and H.M. Wheeler ‘Anglo-Saxon Settlement in the Trent Valley: Some aspects’, in M. Faull (ed.), Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Settlement (Oxford 1984) 101-14

  D. O’Sullivan and R. Young Lindisfarne: Holy Island (London 1995)

  P. Rahtz The Saxon and Medieval Palaces at Cheddar Brit Archaeol Rep, (Brit Ser), 65 (Oxford 1979)

  A. Reynolds Later Anglo-Saxon England (Stroud 1999)

  J.D. Richards ‘Cottam: An Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds’ Archaeol J 156 (1999) 1-110

  P. Stamper and R. Croft ‘Wharram: A Study of Settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds VIII: The South Manor’ York University Archaeological Publications 10 (2000)

  P. Wade-Martins ‘Excavations in North Elmham Park 1967-1972’, East Anglian Archaeology 9 (1980)


  L. Alcock Cadbury Castle, Somerset. The Early Medieval Archaeology (Cardiff 1995)

  P. Andrews (ed.) Excavations at Hamwic: Volume 2: excavations at Six Dials (York 1997)

  M. Atkin ‘The Anglo-Saxon urban landscape in East Anglia’, Landscape Hist 7 (1985) 27-40

  T. Austin ‘Viking-period Chester. An alternative perspective’, J Chester Archaeol Soc 74 (1996-7) 63-87

  M. Biddle ‘Towns’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.), The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976), 99-150

  M. Biddle and D. Hill ‘Late Saxon planned towns’, Antiq J 51 (1971) 70-85

  J. Blair ‘Palaces or minsters? Northampton and Cheddar reconsidered’, Anglo-Saxon England 25 (1996) 97-121

  J.D. Bullock ‘The Celtic, Saxon and Scandinavian settlement at Meols, Wirral’, Trans Hist Soc Lancashire Cheshire 112 (1960) 1-28

  A. Carter ‘The Anglo-Saxon origins of Norwich: the problems and approaches’, Anglo-Saxon England 7 (1978) 175-204

  H. Clarke and B. Ambrosiani Towns in the Viking Age (Leicester 1991)

  C. Dallas ‘Excavations in Thetford by B.K. Davison between 1964 and 1970’ East Anglian Archaeology 62 (1992)

  S. Dunmore and R. Carr ‘The Late Saxon town of Thetford: an archaeological and historical survey’, East Anglian Archaeology 4 (1976)

  J. Gould ‘First report on excavations at Tamworth, Staffs., 1967: The Saxon defences’, Trans Lichfield S Staffordshire Archaeol Hist Soc 9 (1967) 17-29

  J. Gould ‘Third report on excavations at Tamworth, Staffs., 1968: The western entrance to the Saxon borough’, Trans Lichfield S Staffordshire Archaeol Hist Soc 10 (1968) 32-43

  A.R. Hall, H.K. Kenward, D. Williams, and J.R.A. Greig Environment and living conditions at two Anglo-Scandinavian sites AY14/4 (London 1983)

  R.A. Hall ‘The Pre-Conquest Burgh of Derby’, Derbyshire Archaeol J 94 (1974) 16-23

  R.A. Hall ‘York 700-1050’, in R. Hodges and B. Hobley (eds.) The Rebirth of Towns in the West AD 700-1050 CBA Res Rep 68 (London 1988), 125-32

  R.A. Hall ‘The Five Boroughs of the Danelaw: a review of present knowledge’, Anglo-Saxon England 18 (1989) 149-206

  J. Haslam ‘Market and fortress in England in the reign of Offa’, World Archaeology 19 (1987) 76-93

  J. Haslam (ed) Anglo-Saxon Towns in Southern England (Chichester 1984)

  C.M. Heighway ‘Anglo-Saxon Gloucester to AD 1000’, in M. Faull (ed.) Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Settlement (Oxford 1984) 35-53

  C.M. Heighway Anglo-Saxon Gloucestershire (Gloucester 1987)

  D.H. Hill ‘The origins of the Saxon towns’, in
P. Brandon (ed.) The South Saxons (Chichester 1978) 174-89

  C.M. Mahany ‘Excavations in Stamford, Lincolnshire 1963-1969’ Soc Medieval Archaeol Monograph Ser 9 (London 1982)

  C.M. Mahany and D. Roffe ‘Stamford: the development of an Anglo-Scandinavian borough’, Anglo-Norman Stud 5 (1983) 197-219

  G. Milne ‘Lundenwic to London town: from beach market to merchant port’, Arkeologiske Skrifter fra Historisk Museum, Universitetet i Bergen 5 (1989)160-5

  G. Milne and D. Goodburn ‘The early medieval port of London AD 700-1200’, Antiquity 64 (1990) 629-36

  A.D. Morton (ed.) ‘Excavations at Hamwic: Volume 1’ CBA Res Rep 84 (London 1992)

  J. Moulden and D. Tweddle Anglo-Scandinavian settlement south-west of the Ouse AY8/1 (London 1986)

  D. Perring Early Medieval occupation at Flaxengate, Lincoln ALIX-1 (London 1981)

  C.A.R. Radford ‘The later Pre-Conquest boroughs and their defences’, Medieval Archaeology 14 (1970) 83-103

  C.A.R. Radford ‘The Pre-Conquest boroughs of England, ninth to eleventh centuries’, Proc Brit Acad 64 (1978) 131-53

  J. Radley ‘Economic aspects of Anglo-Danish York’, Medieval Archaeology 15 (1971) 37-58

  P. Rahtz ‘The archaeology of West Mercian towns’, in A. Dornier (ed.) Mercian Studies (Leicester 1977), 107-29

  A. Rogerson and C. Dallas ‘Excavations at Thetford 1948-59 and 1973-80’, East Anglian Archaeology 22 (1984)

  C. Scull ‘Urban centres in pre-Viking England?’ in J. Hines (ed.) The Anglo-Saxons from the Migration Period to the Eighth Century (Woodbridge 1997), 269-310

  K. Steedman, T. Dyson and J. Schofield ‘Aspects of Saxo-Norman London: III. The bridgehead and Billingsgate to 1200’ London Middlesex Archaeol Soc Spec Paper 14 (1992)

  T. Tatton-Brown ‘The Anglo-Saxon Towns of Kent’, in D. Hooke (ed.), Anglo-Saxon settlements (Oxford 1988) 213-32

  A.G. Vince Saxon London: An archaeological investigation (London 1990)

  K. Wade ‘Ipswich’, in R. Hodges and B. Hobley (eds.) The rebirth of towns in the West AD 700-1050 CBA Res Rep 68 (London 1988), 93-100

  S. Ward Excavations at Chester: Saxon occupation within the Roman fortress (Chester 1994)

  J.H. Williams St Peter’s Street, Northampton, Excavations 1973-1976 (Northampton 1979)

  J.H. Williams ‘A review of some aspects of Late Saxon urban origins and development’, in M. Faull (ed.), Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon settlement (Oxford 1984) 25-34

  J.H. Williams ‘From ‘palace’ to ‘town’: Northampton and urban origins’, Anglo-Saxon England 13 (1984) 113-36


  C.E. Batey ‘Aspects of rural settlement in Northern Britain’, in D. Hooke and S. Burnell (eds.) Landscape and settlement in Britain AD400-1066 (Exeter 1995) 69-94

  G. Beresford ‘Three deserted medieval settlements on Dartmoor’, Medieval Archaeology 23 (1979) 98-158

  R. Bruce-Mitford Mawgan ‘Porth: a settlement of the late Saxon period on the north Cornish coast’ English Heritage Archaeol Report 13 (London 1997)

  M.O.H. Carver ‘Three Saxo-Norman tenements in Durham City’, Medieval Archaeology 23 (1979) 1-80

  D. Coggins, K.J. Fairless and C.E. Batey ‘Simy Folds: An early medieval settlement in Upper Teesdale, Co Durham’, Medieval Archaeology 27 (1983) 1-26

  R.A. Hall ‘Tenth century woodworking in Coppergate, York’, in S. McGrail (ed.) Woodworking techniques before AD 1500, Brit Archaeol Rep, (Int Ser), 129 (Oxford 1982) 231-44

  R.A. Hall ‘A late Pre-Conquest urban building tradition’, in P. Addyman and V. Black (eds.) Archaeological papers from York presented to M.W. Barley (York 1984) 71-7

  T. Hassall ‘Archaeology of Oxford City’, in G. Briggs, J. Cook and T. Rowley (eds.) The Archaeology of the Oxford Region (Oxford 1986) 115-34

  V. Horsman, C. Milne and G. Milne ‘Aspects of Saxo-Norman London: I. Building and street development London’ Middlesex Archaeol Soc Spec Paper 11 (1988)

  P.J. Huggins ‘The excavation of an eleventh-century Viking hall and fourteenth-century rooms at Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1969-71’, Medieval Archaeology 20 (1976) 75-133

  A. King ‘Gauber high pasture, Ribblehead – an interim report’, in R.A. Hall (ed.) Viking Age York and the North CBA Res Rep 27 (London 1978), 21-5

  D.J.P. Mason ‘Excavations at Chester: 26-42 Lower Bridge Street 1974-6: the Dark Age and Saxon Periods’ Grosvenor Museum Archaeological Excavation and Survey Reports 3 (Chester 1985)

  G. Milne ‘Timber building techniques in London c.900-1400’ London Middlesex Archaeol Soc Spec Paper 15 (1992)

  D. O’Sullivan and R. Young Lindisfarne: Holy Island (London 1995)

  P.A. Rahtz ‘Buildings and rural settlement’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976), 49-98

  J.D. Richards ‘Identifying Anglo-Scandinavian settlements’, in D. Hadley and J.D. Richards (eds.), 2000, 295-309


  J. Clutton-Brock ‘The animal resources’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976) 373-92

  P.J. Fowler ‘Agriculture and rural settlement’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976) 23-48

  P.J. Fowler ‘Farming in the Anglo-Saxon landscape’, Anglo-Saxon England 9 (1981) 263-80

  M. Gardiner ‘The exploitation of sea-mammals in medieval England: bones and their social context’, Archaeol J 154 (1997) 173-95

  T.P. O’Connor Animal Bones from Flaxengate, ALXVIII-1 (London 1982)

  T.P. O’Connor Bones from Anglo-Scandinavian Levels at 16-22 Coppergate, AY15/3 (London 1989)

  T.P. O’Connor ‘Eighth-eleventh century economy and environment in York’, in J. Rackham (ed.), Environment and Economy in Anglo-Saxon England, CBA Res Rep 89 (1994) 136-47

  P. Rahtz and R. Meeson An Anglo-Saxon watermill at Tamworth, CBA Res Rep 83 (London 1992)

  C. Salisbury ‘The Trent, the story of a river’, Current Archaeology 74 (1980) 88-91


  J. Bayley Non-ferrous metalworking from Coppergate AY17/7 (London 1992)

  L.A. Gilmour Early medieval pottery from Flaxengate, Lincoln ALXVII-2 (London 1988)

  R.A. Hall Viking Age York (London 1994)

  R. Hodges The Anglo-Saxon achievement (London 1989)

  J.R. Hunter and M.P. Heyworth The Hamwic glass, CBA Res Rep 116 (York 1998)

  J.G. Hurst ‘The pottery’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976) 283-348

  E.M. Jope ‘The Saxon building-stone industry in southern and midland England’, Medieval Archaeology 8 (1964) 91-118

  K. Kilmurry The pottery industry of Stamford, Lincolnshire, c.AD 850-1250, Brit Archaeol Rep (Brit Ser), 84 (Oxford 1980)

  G. McDonnell ‘Iron and its alloys in the fifth to eleventh centuries AD in England’, World Archaeology 20 (1989) 373-82

  A. MacGregor Anglo-Scandinavian finds from Lloyds Bank, Pavement and other sites AY17/3 (London 1982)

  A. MacGregor Bone, antler, ivory and horn (London 1985)

  A. MacGregor, A. Mainman, and N. Rogers Craft, industry and everyday life: Bone, antler, ivory and horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York AY17/12 (York 1999)

  A. Mainman Anglo-Scandinavian pottery from 16-22 Coppergate AY16/5 (London 1990)

  J.E. Mann Early medieval finds from Flaxengate I: Objects of antler, bone, stone, horn, ivory, amber, and jet ALXIV-1 (London 1982)

  S. Margeson The Vikings in Norfolk (Norwich 1997)

  M. Mellor ‘Late Saxon pottery from Oxfordshire: evidence and speculation’, Medieval Ceramics 4 (1980) 17-27

  G. Milne ‘Timber building techniques in London c.900-1400’, London Middlesex Archaeol Soc Spec Paper 15 (1992)

  C.A. Morris ‘A Late Saxon hoard of iron and copper-alloy artefacts from Nazeing, Essex’, Medieval Archaeology 27 (1983) 27-39

  P.J. Ottaway Anglo-Scandinavian ironwork from Coppergate AY17/6 (London 1992)

  F.A. Pr
itchard ‘Late Saxon textiles from the City of London’, Medieval Archaeology 28 (1984) 46-76

  G. Thomas ‘Scandinavian metalwork in the Danelaw: reconstructing social interaction and regional identities’ in D. Hadley and J.D. Richards (eds.), 2000, 237-55

  D. Tweddle Finds from Parliament Street and other sites in the city centre AY17/4 (London 1986)

  A.G. Vince ‘The Saxon and medieval pottery of London: a review’, Medieval Archaeology 29 (1985) 25-93

  A.G. Vince ‘Aspects of Saxo-Norman London: II. Finds and environmental evidence’, London Middlesex Archaeol Soc Spec Paper 12 (1991)

  P. Walton Textiles, cordage and raw fibre from 16-22 Coppergate, AY17/5 (London 1989)

  P. Walton Rogers Textile production at 16-22 Coppergate, AY17/11 (York 1997)

  D. Williams Late Saxon stirrup-strap mounts, CBA Res Rep 111 (York 1997)


  M.A.S. Blackburn ‘Coin finds and coin circulation in Lindsay, c.600-900, in A.G. Vince (ed.) Pre-Viking Lindsey, Lincoln Archaeological Studies 1 (Lincoln 1993) 80-90

  M. Dolley ‘The coins’, in D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1976) 349-72

  M. Dolley ‘The Anglo-Danish and Anglo-Norse coinages of York’, in R.A. Hall (ed.), Viking Age York and the North CBA Res Rep 27 (London 1978) 26-31

  V. Fenwick (ed.) ‘The Graveney Boat: a tenth-century find from Kent’, Brit Archaeol Re (Brit Ser) 53 (Oxford 1978)

  D.A. Hinton ‘Coins and commercial centres in Anglo-Saxon England’, in M.A.S. Blackburn (ed.) Anglo-Saxon monetary history: Essays in memory of Michael Dolley (Leicester 1986) 11-26

  D. Hurst (ed.) A multi-period salt production site at Droitwich: excavations at Upwich, CBA Res Rep 107 (York 1997)

  H.K. Kenward and A.R. Hall Biological evidence from 16-22 Coppergate, AY14/7 (York 1995)

  S. McGrail (ed) ‘Logboats of England and Wales’, Brit Archaeol Rep (Brit Ser) 51 (Oxford 1978)

  S. McGrail and R. Switsur ‘Medieval logboats of the River Mersey — a classificatory survey’, in S. McGrail (ed.) The archaeology of ships and harbours in Northern Europe, Brit Archaeol Rep (Int Ser) 66 (Oxford 1979) 93-115

  P. Marsden et al. ‘A late Saxon logboat from Clapton, London Borough of Hackney’, Int J Naut Archaeol Underwater Explor 18 (1989) 89-111


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