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Viktor, Her Russian Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Susan Westwood

  “Uh, okay.”

  Detective Lewis came out and led Alia and Sacha back to a room. Viktor waited in the lobby. He hadn’t ever been in a police station in America. Nor in Russia. He’d avoided the cops in Moscow.

  A whole other slice of life paraded through this building and that included the cops. He hoped he didn’t ever have to come back here. All of them provided entertainment while he waited.

  Scantily clad women walked past him. Prostitutes? When he first opened his club, they’d tried to enter his club, but he’d barred them. That’s when he got the idea to make it private.

  A half of an hour went by before Alia and Sacha emerged. Alia looked a little stunned by it all. Guess she wasn’t used to being in a police station either. Viktor stood.

  “It was routine,” Sacha said.

  “Can I drop you somewhere?” Viktor offered.

  He shook his head. “No, I have my car here.”

  He left.

  “You don’t have to drive me home,” Alia said.

  “I insist.”

  He motioned for her to go ahead of him out the door. She did. His driver pulled up a moment later. They climbed in and Alia gave the driver her address.

  Viktor wasn’t familiar with the Bronx. This would be his first visit. He wondered if it would live up to its scary reputation.

  Chapter Three

  Viktor’s car was comfortable with plush leather seats. Alia was rarely in a car that wasn’t a cab. This vehicle was beyond belief. She wanted to run her hands over the leather. Or rub her face in it, but that didn’t seem like the thing to do.

  Viktor stared out the window, glancing at her every once in a while. She didn’t know what to say. No one had ever been this kind. A large part of her expected him to demand something in return. Where she grew up, no one did anything for nothing. Payment was expected in kind.

  That’s why she never relied on anyone. She didn’t want to owe them. She certainly didn’t want to owe this man. He came across as powerful and clearly rich beyond her wildest dreams. She had to admit, she found him sexy. She wasn’t into white boys, but this one was different.

  He didn’t seem to want anything, but she didn’t trust that completely. If he truly didn’t want anything, then he was one of the nicest men she’d ever met.

  Didn’t really matter since he would drop her off and he’d be on his way. She couldn’t imagine he’d linger in her neighborhood with his fancy car and driver. She’d probably barely have time to get out of the car.

  She lived in a dingy place. Scary, even, but it was the only place she could afford. To her it was home. Also, to her brother, who was away at college. Staying here gave him some stability in a world where he’d had so little. She couldn’t move them now.

  She tried to see the places through Viktor’s eyes, but she knew so little about him. Suddenly she didn’t want him to see where she lived. She didn’t know why. She wasn’t going to see him again.

  It didn’t matter what he thought, but suddenly it did. He’d come from nothing and she hadn’t been able to get herself out of the ghetto.

  “Just drop me off here,” she said. “You don’t want to hang around in your fancy car.”

  Before the car stopped, two people ran across in front of it. One chased the other brandishing a knife. Alia wanted to die. Great representation of her neighborhood.

  “I’m not letting you get out now,” Viktor said.

  He watched the two men disappear down an alley.

  “It’s not usually this bad.”

  “But it is sometimes. That’s enough reason for you to stay in the car. Let me think about this.”

  “What is there to think about, Viktor? I live here. It’s my reality. You can go back to your nice apartment. I’ll be fine.”

  She’d crossed her arms even though she didn’t want to be defensive. She was. She’d never felt so much like a failure until now. If she could have jumped out of the moving vehicle to get away, she would.

  She didn’t have a death wish.

  “Alia, it’s not your fault, but I can’t leave you here. I want you to come live with me.”

  “Live with you? Be your mistress? No way. I get by on my own. Not by using my body.”

  He blinked. “I’m no asking for that arrangement. I can get my own booty without paying for it. I just want to help you.”

  “Why? You don’t know me. I could be thief and clean out your house.”

  “I’m willing to take that chance. Someone gave me a chance when I first came here. This is me, paying it forward,” Viktor said.

  Her instincts didn’t tell her he was lying, but he could be good. He could be a con artist, not that she had any reason to think that. She sighed.

  “How exactly are you going to help me?”

  “Would you like to go to school?”

  School? She hadn’t thought about it. Her brother Deion was in college. She mulled that over in her mind. “I don’t know. I don’t have the money for school.”

  “But I do.”

  “Why would you give me money for school?”

  “I’m investing in your future.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what I’d study.”

  “Think about it. Meanwhile, we’re going home,” Viktor said.

  His tone rankled her. He was used to people doing his bidding. She wasn’t one of his minions. “I’m not your employee. Nor am I beholden to you. I want to go to my house.”

  “Alia, please. I think you are in danger. Why not at least take my protection? No strings attached.”

  “Because I don’t believe there are no strings.”

  “I understand your mistrust, but I’m asking you to believe someone for once. Now let’s go home and talk about it. If you feel that strongly after that, I’ll have my driver bring you back.”

  “Even if I decide to stay with you, I’ll have to come back for my clothes.”

  He waved a hand at that. “I’ll buy you new ones. No reason to go back to that place. I’m right by your work anyway.”

  He did make a compelling argument. Life would be nicer and easier if she lived closer to work. That would save money on subway fare. She was torn.

  She bit her lip. “Okay, let’s talk. I’m not saying that I’m moving in. I’m saying that I’ll talk about it. That’s it.”

  Viktor’s smile lit up the whole car. He instructed the driver to take them home. Alia sat back in her seat, watching her neighborhood recede. Was she making a mistake? She wished she could talk to Jess, but her phone was on the fritz.

  She took it out and tried to dial, but nothing happened.

  “First order of business, we get you a new phone,” Viktor said.

  “I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”

  “Alia? Really? You can’t even use that. We’ll stop on the way home. I’m not taking no for answer.”

  She sighed. Viktor could truly be force of nature and right now she was a little tired of her life anyway. “Fine.”


  Viktor bought Alia a new phone, with her old phone number. She went into her bedroom to make some calls. She returned a few minutes later.

  “Here I am with a new phone and can’t reach anyone,” she said.

  Viktor laughed. “Shopping for some clothes?”

  She bit her lip. He knew she was an independent woman, but he wanted to take care of her. Someone had given him a hand up and he was doing it for her.

  “Uh. I guess I need some things. I do have to go to work tonight so we don’t have much time.”

  “I have my designer on her way,” he said. “I didn’t know what size you were so she’s going to measure you.”


  “I don’t shop. I hate it. So I have someone who knows my sizes and buys me clothes that she knows I like. In the beginning it was odd, but I don’t have time to shop.”

  She plopped down on the couch as if in disbelief. “So, someone is bringing clothing to me?”


  She clearly had never heard of the concept, but she leaped into the experience when the woman arrived.

  Lulu, Viktor’s designer and personal shopper, brought a truckload of garments in various sizes. Alia’s eyes were wide and her smile large the whole time. He received as much joy from doing this for her as she clearly got from receiving it.

  Lulu left, promising to deliver clothes the next day. Alia dropped onto the couch. “Wow. That was exhausting.”

  Viktor realized that they’d never had a discussion, but Alia seemed to be embracing his gift.

  “I have to go to work,” she said. “I need a shower then I’ll be off.”

  “I can walk you there. I want to make sure you are safe.”

  “When does your club open? Why not have one of your bouncers do that. Surely you delegate most things?”

  She had a good point. He was a large man, but his fighting skills were rusty. One of his bouncers would be better suited.

  “I’ll call Arkady in early and he can walk you.”

  “I’m not sure it’s necessary.”

  “I think it is. I’m not arguing on this point,’ he said.

  “Okay. We don’t’ know if those guys are lurking out there.”

  “They won’t be, but their associates might and you don’t know what they look like.”

  She frowned. “True. If I’d gotten out of work earlier or later I wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

  “Then I wouldn’t have met you and I’m beginning to enjoy your company,” Viktor said.

  She pushed off the couch and headed to the shower.

  Viktor had a date that night so when Alia left for work with Arkady, he readied himself. This would be an early date for him. The woman was in town only for a short time.

  So, he’d worked the date around her schedule. He’d be back in time for the nightclub crowd to be in full swing. His associates could take care of things then.

  Initially he’d been looking forward to seeing Carina, but now he wasn’t so sure it was a waste of time. He wasn’t going to bring her back here or go to her place. Sex was off the table for tonight. He wasn’t in the mood, which was rare.

  He had a mocha-skinned beauty on his mind. He shouldn’t. She was too young for him and she was too skittish. She didn’t have any interest in him, he was sure, but he’d taken care of her anyway. Good karma.

  He arrived at Carina’s hotel on time. She was waiting in the lobby. When she climbed into the car, she smiled her devilish smile.

  “Privacy screen?”

  “Not tonight, Carina. I just want a lovely meal with you.”

  She pouted. “Something wrong?”


  She eyed him as the car began to move. “You have fallen in love?”

  “No, Carina, I’m just pressed for time and don’t want to muss my suit.”

  She shook her head. “No, love, you have found someone. I don’t mind, Viktor. I’m happy for you.”

  He smiled. She was a good woman, just not his woman. “You are very understanding.”

  “You want to go to eat?”

  “Yes, I do, but I’ll bring you back here, afterward,” Viktor said.

  She nodded, but didn’t seem put out by his lack of passion for her. The meal went quickly. Viktor dropped her back to her hotel then checked in on his club. The crowd was good tonight. Dancing and drinking.

  He checked his watch. Alia would be getting out of work soon so he walked to her bar.

  He waited in the alley, but saw no one suspicious. She walked out of the bar and her mouth dropped open. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I wanted to walk you home.”

  “Don’t you have an empire to run?”

  He laughed. “It can wait for half an hour.”


  She fell into step beside him. “How did your date go?”

  He shrugged. “Okay.”

  “Shouldn’t you still be with her? It’s only midnight.”

  Viktor chuckled. “She was really an old friend. Not the love of my life or anything.”

  “Oh. I see. Is that good?”

  “It’s good for me because she understood it also. She will stay a friend. That is always good. To have friends.”

  She nodded. “I have one good friend, Jess. She called me five times last night wondering what happened. I told her what happened. She wants to check you out.”

  “She doesn’t trust me?”

  “No, I guess not. She’s coming over for lunch tomorrow. I hope that’s okay?”

  “That is fine. You can have her check me out. You’ll feel safer,” Viktor said.

  He wanted to laugh, but was happy that Alia had a good enough friend to be worried about her. He thought she was alone in the world. That would be sad, but now he wasn’t sad.

  She had a friend that he was going to meet.

  Chapter Four

  Alia wiped down the kitchen counter as Viktor’s chef finished making lunch. Viktor watched them from a stool on the island. What he must think about her and her friend invading his space. Not that it wasn’t huge. It was and they could probably rattle around in here for days without seeing each other.

  Still, it was his home and she’d invaded it. He’d insisted on it, but she still felt odd living here. Maybe she would get used to it. He hadn’t asked her about college since their talk the day before.

  Not knowing what she was good at hindered her ability to choose a major.

  “Have you thought about going to school, Alia?” Viktor asked as if he’d read her thoughts.

  “I have, but I have no idea what I want to study.”

  “What did you dream doing as a kid?”

  “The usual. Actress, dancer. Things like that.”

  “What about more recently?”

  She put the cloth she was using in the sink, then turned to face him. “I’ve been taking care of my younger brother for years. Whatever dreams I might have had, are gone. I knew they’d never happen, so I gave them up.”

  Would he understand that?

  Viktor eyed her. “Then find them again. You have a chance. I’m offering you a chance.”

  “I still don’t understand why,” Alia said.

  The chef, Martin, chimed in. “Because Mr. Kozlov is about giving back. He’s so grateful to be in this country and successful, that he wants everyone to be successful.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I once picked his pocket. He caught me and offered to pay for my schooling. It’s how I’m a chef. He even gave me my first job. Which I’ve never left,” Martin said.

  Alia blinked, but tried to digest his story. “In my world, people hold you down. No one tries to help.”

  “The whole world isn’t like that,” Martin said. He turned to Viktor. “You need me to serve, too?”

  “No. You have another job?”

  “I’m testing recipes. I’m thinking about writing a cookbook,” Martin said.

  Viktor smiled like a proud father. “That sounds great. No get out of here. We can handle the rest.”

  Martin left and Alia mused over what the chef had said. Was it that simple that Viktor just wanted the best for her? At that moment, she found him even more attractive. What would he do if she seduced him?

  “Now do you believe me?”

  “I’m getting there.”

  Someone knocked on the door. Alia opened it for Jess. She wore slacks and a flowered blouse. Alia hugged her friend.

  “So glad to see you.”

  “This place is pretty neat. You have some large men at your disposal,” Jess said.

  Viktor laughed. “I like to feel safe.”

  Jess stuck out her hand. “You must be Viktor. I’m Jess.”

  He shook her hand, clasping it with both of his. His smile radiated warmth and Alia thought she could look at that smile all day. Yes, she was going to seduce him.

  They ate and chatted, then Viktor left them alone.

  “Holy ho
t Russian, Alia. Have you tapped that?” Jess said when they were alone.

  “Not yet. I’m thinking about it.”

  “Please do and tell me all the details,” Jess aid.

  Alia laughed. “I’m not sure he’s interested, but I’m going to test the waters. Maybe tonight.”

  “I want one of those guards downstairs.”

  “I’d introduce you, but I don’t know most of them.”

  “This one had those steely blue eyes.”

  “Oh, that’s Arkady. He walked me to work the other day. I could have him walk me again.”

  “Please do and I’ll happen to be outside, looking sexy.”

  Alia laughed. They’d both been single for a while. Alia knew she’d love to get laid soon.

  “What do you think of Viktor besides how he looks?”

  “Well, I think you’re wrong about him not being interested. He rarely took his eyes off you.”


  Alia hadn’t noticed. Maybe there was some interest in her. Her heart leaped but she tamped down her excitement. This would just be sex. She didn’t have time for love.

  “Yes, really. He put his hand on the back of your chair. That’s marking his territory for sure.”

  She hadn’t noticed that, either. Usually she saw these things. “I guess witnessing a murder had me off my game.”

  “For sure. How are you doing? Have they caught the men?”

  “No, but Viktor seemed to think it was a casual killing. Maybe related to the Mafia, either Russian or Italian. He has put feelers out, but he doesn’t want to draw anyone to me.”

  “He wants you safe. That’s so sweet. It’s like you’re in a fairy tale.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “Oh, Alia. Enjoy it while you can. Not everyone has a billionaire after them. Could lift you out of poverty.”

  “He wants to pay for me to go to school,” Alia said.

  “What would you study?”

  “That’s the problem. I have no idea.”

  “You’re good with numbers. Study accounting.”

  Her idea did have some merit. “I’ll think about it.”

  “You want a tour of the club?” Alia said.


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