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Viktor, Her Russian Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Susan Westwood

  “You are a sexy woman,” Viktor said, his voice low and gravelly.

  A bedroom voice for sure. The sound of it sent thrills through her body. Was she falling in love with him? No. This was all sexual. She was under stress and Viktor was good at relieving it. Very good.

  He could relieve her stress any day. “You aren’t so bad yourself, Viktor.”

  He chuckled, his mouth right by her ear. “Go to sleep, Alia. I’m right here.”


  She couldn’t help herself. She was warm and sated. Her eyed drifted closed.


  Viktor didn’t sleep. Instead, he enjoyed the feel of Alia’s body against his. She snuggled closer to him as she slept. Unfortunately, her butt rubbed up against his dick and it came to life again.

  He wasn’t going to disturb her. Instead, he thought about everything but the beautiful woman in his arms. He would have to get up eventually and get to the club, but that could wait.

  For a moment, he wondered if Alia had to get to work tonight. She snored softly. Even her snore was sexy. Damn. He had it bad for her. He’d never been so attracted to a woman in his life. Just the mere thought of her made him hard.

  He found himself thinking about her at random times during the day. In a way, that scared him. Alia would eventually leave. She was a young woman. She’d go to college. Meet someone more her age.

  He’d be sad, but it was the circle of life. She’d keep in touch. He’d be left with memories. Hopefully, he could convince her to stick around. He had to tell her what he’d heard. That had been forgotten in their lovemaking.

  Viktor heard a phone buzzing. He knew it wasn’t his. He kept his ringer on all of the time. Must be Alia’s. She didn’t stir, so he didn’t bother to wake her. The person would call back.

  Viktor’s arm was asleep. Still, he didn’t want to disturb her. She must need the sleep. Besides, if she slept now, she might be awake later when he arrived home. They could make love again.

  Would he ever get enough of her? As soon as he was done making love, he wanted to do it again. No one had sparked this much of an appetite in him since Olga, but part of that might have been his age.

  Shouldn’t his sexual appetite be waning a little? He was well into his thirties. He didn’t have quite the stamina he had, but he was still keeping up with this young woman. That made him proud.

  Alia began to stir. Thankfully, as Viktor’s hand was completely asleep. He’d get feeling back some point tonight. He didn’t have to do payroll, so no computer work tonight.

  She slid around to look at him. “Hi.”

  Her eyes still held sleep and he wanted to hug her closer. Keep her safe. Make sure everything would be okay. And it would. He’d make it so. Because he could.


  “I’m sorry. I fell asleep.”

  “It’s okay.” He brushed some hair out of her eyes. “I’m glad I made you that tired.”

  She laughed. “Of course, as a guy, you would be proud of that.”

  “What can I say? I am proud I am a good lover.”

  She kissed him. Then her eyes grew wide. “What time is it?”

  “Not sure.”

  He hadn’t been paying attention. He ran his own business. If something important had come up and they couldn’t get a hold of him, they’d knock on his door. He made his own hours.

  She hopped out of bed and dug in to her pants pocket for her phone. “Shit.”

  He sat up. “What?”

  “I’m late for work. As in, I should have been there a half an hour ago.”

  She began to pull her clothes on.

  “I’ll walk you over.”

  He slid out of bed and also got dressed.

  “Damn. My boss called.”

  “Call him back.”

  She did and the look on her face said it all. She plopped her butt onto the bed as she disconnected the call. She dropped the phone on the nightstand. “He fired me.”

  “Fired you?”

  “He can’t fire you without cause.”

  Being an employer, Viktor knew the rules. There had to be written warnings before an actual termination.

  “Well, he did.”

  “You can fight it,” Viktor said, sitting next to her.

  She frowned. “Not sure it’s worth the money, Viktor.”

  “I have an idea.”

  “What? I can’t ask you to do anything else for me,” Alia said.

  “Of course you can and I will. I used to have a singer on Saturday nights. She left weeks ago, but I haven’t replaced her. I’ve heard you sing. Come sing at my club.”

  “I couldn’t. I’ve only ever sung in church.”

  “Think of this as a fun church.”

  She laughed. He willed her to agree. It would save him from auditioning anyone. He could hire Alia and keep her close.

  “Are you sure? I’ll audition if you want.”

  “I’ve heard you sing in the shower. You have a beautiful voice. You’re hired. You might just have to learn a few Russian songs.”

  “I can do that.”

  He held out his hand. “Deal?”

  “What are you paying me?”

  He laughed. “Good to be shrewd.”

  He gave her a number. As much as he was paying the other singer. From the look on her face, it was a generous amount. She took his hand and shook it. “Deal.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble. “Let’s get you some dinner and then I need to go to work. Think about what you want to sing and I’ll get the sheet music for it.”

  “Okay. You’re so generous, Viktor.”

  He kissed her nose. “I have an ulterior motive.”


  “I keep you close and keep you safe and you keep me warm in my bed.”

  “That’s a deal.”

  He took her hand. “Let’s find some food.”

  “I’m starved.”

  “So am I. I feel as if I worked out this afternoon,” he said leading her to the kitchen.

  He perused the refrigerator. There were some leftovers, so he heated those up.

  “Come down later in the night if you want. We can do the paperwork,” Viktor said. “Make this all official.”

  “Wow. This is surreal. I never really thought about singing for a living.”

  “It’s not a stable career, so you should still go to college.”

  He realized he still hadn’t told Alia what he knew about the killing. At this point, it would have to wait another day.


  Alia was nervous for her first day of rehearsal. She’d have a person playing the piano for her. She had to meet that person. She trekked down the steps to the nightclub. Someone had turned the lights on for her.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest. She was excited, too. Viktor had so much faith in her. No one had ever had so much faith in her. In her entire life. Her mother had been too busy. Her brother, too. Of course, he was younger and only just now becoming a man.

  What if she let Viktor down? Would he forgive her? She’d just have to work hard and not let him down. She entered the club, but no one was there. She waited at the bar, which was cleaner than any bar she’d ever seen.

  It was also beautiful. Dark-stained wood and polished brass. All looked to have been scrubbed within an inch of their lives. The floor also didn’t hold a speck of dirt. There were scratches most likely from high heels, but that was it. She’d never cleaned a bar this well and she did a good job.

  Guess Viktor’s employees took pride in their work. He must inspire it in them. What a good man, but she knew that. The more she found out about him, the more she liked him. She bet women threw themselves at him. He was a catch.

  She didn’t know his plans, but why would he settle for an inner city black girl? A tendril of insecurity crossed her heart. How long would she last here? She couldn’t imagine that he’d kick her out of his protection. Would he kick her out of his life when he was done with her?

That didn’t sound like Viktor, but who knew. He seemed to take care of Olga.

  She heard footsteps and spun around to see Sacha enter the bar. She hadn’t had much chance to talk to him, but she got the impression that he didn’t like her. At all. She wondered if he liked any of Viktor’s girlfriends, or if it was just her. Was it because she was black?

  Who knew? She smiled at him. “Hello, Sacha.”

  “Your pianist called. He’s running late.”

  “Thanks for the message.”

  Sacha strolled behind the bar. He put a glass on the counter then poured himself some vodka. He drank half of it down. He motioned the glass at Alia. “You want?”

  “No thanks. We have to rehearse.”

  “Right. Viktor hired you.”

  He sneered at her. Guess her instincts had been right. He didn’t like her. Oh well. This was Viktor’s place. She would just be sure to avoid Sacha. As much as she could. Didn’t he have a job? Or did he just work for Viktor?

  As it wasn’t her place to ask, she kept quiet.

  He drank more of his vodka, his gaze not leaving her. “You’re not Russian.”

  “No, I’m not. I think that’s obvious.”

  “You have smart mouth.”

  She chose to remain quiet again.

  “You are not good girlfriend for Viktor,” Sacha said.

  Was she even his girlfriend? She didn’t know. They hadn’t discussed it.

  “Why not?”

  “You shouldn’t be working in his club. You should be home, keeping house. Good Russian women keep house for their men.”

  “We’re not in Russia and I’m not Russian. I make my own money.”

  Why was she explaining herself to him? Viktor knew all about her and he was happy she was here.

  “You only here for sex. You won’t be who Viktor marries. That would make his mother have a heart attack. He’ll marry Russian girl when the time comes.”

  That may be, but she was here now. “I don’t know about Viktor getting married.”

  “I do and he’ll marry Russian girl to keep our mother happy.”

  “Seems like Viktor is a grown man. He’ll do what makes him happy.”

  Sacha pointed at her. “Don’t get too comfortable. He will not marry you.”

  “Who says I want to marry him?”

  Sacha laughed. “Black girl marries rich man to get out of poverty. Not a strange story.”

  “I can get my own way out of poverty.”

  Now he was just pissing her off.

  “Viktor isn’t your gravy train.”

  “I don’t expect him to be. It isn’t as if I’m not earning my keep here. I will be singing on Saturdays.”

  Sacha snorted, finished his drink then strode out. What an odd man. More old-fashioned than his brother, who was older.

  A few minutes later, the pianist entered the room, a little flustered. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “No problem. I don’t have anywhere to be.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Alia.”

  “I’m Kent. Nice to meet you. Do you have a play list?”

  “I do.”

  Kent had nice brown eyes, but he didn’t look at her with any sort of attraction. He was all business and that made Alia feel better. He probably knew what he was doing and he would help her through this.

  “I have a confession,” Alia said. “I’ve never done any public singing other than church.”

  “That’s fine. That’s why we practice ahead of time. You don’t go on until nine, and the crowd might be a little tipsy by then, so any minor mistakes you make will go unnoticed. Mr. Kozlov might notice.”

  Yes, he might. “That doesn’t make me nervous at all.”

  Kent laughed. “No worries. We’ll get you in shape.”

  “We only have a week.”

  “I’m that good, Alia. Trust me.”

  She wanted to. He had that presence about him. It reassured Alia that she was in good hands. She even forgot about what Sacha had said about Viktor. Marriage wasn’t in her future. Certainly not her near future. Once they caught the bad guys, she had to testify.

  She hoped Viktor would be by her side, but that was as far in the future she was planning.

  Well, that and college. Now she could begin her online classes any time.

  “Ready?” Kent asked.



  Viktor didn’t often take meetings outside his club. He tended to stay within his comfort zone. That usually put him in a position of power. He liked that. Kept people honest.

  So when Oleg insisted that they meet, but not at Viktor’s office, he was suspicious, but agreed. They met at Oleg’s office, which was in a nicer part of town and a nicer high-rise building.

  The carpet was new and plush. The desk were high quality and the office had views on three sides. Oleg’s own office sat in the corner of the floor. Guess importing alcohol was lucrative.

  Oleg sat behind a massive black lacquer desk. This was the first time Viktor had been here. He’d expected the office to be in a warehouse, not in a stylish high rise. This office was nowhere near the docks.

  Oleg was on his computer, but looked up and closed it when he saw Viktor.

  “Dobriy vecher,” Oleg said as he rose from his desk. “Drink?”

  Since it would be rude to turn down a drink, Viktor nodded. Oleg poured him some vodka that even Viktor hadn’t heard of. He wasn’t surprised that Oleg kept the best stuff for himself.

  Oleg poured himself some, then held the glass in the air. “To Mother Russia. Ura.”

  “Yes, cheers.”

  The vodka was warm and burned his throat the way he liked it. Oleg motioned for him to sit.

  “You have more news?” Viktor said.

  He would have liked to play the games of his countrymen, but he was short on time. He had to get back to the club.

  “You’re American is showing. Getting right to the point.”

  Oleg had only been in the country for ten years. He often complained that Americans were always in a hurry. They didn’t engage in enough small talk. Viktor found it refreshing not to have to play games. He could conduct business with an American much quicker and without the bullshit.

  Viktor settled back in his chair to wait. Oleg would reveal the news when he was ready. He had no doubt that whatever he had to say was useful. He didn’t cater just to above-board clubs. He had some Russian Mafia customers also.

  Not that Oleg would admit to them. That would be bad for business, but Viktor had heard things. Enough things from the right people to know there must be some substance to the rumors.

  “I told you last time, that the hit was done by the Russian Mafia. They are still laying low, but they are pissed that someone saw it. And that someone has been harboring that person.”

  “Do they know who is harboring her?”

  “No. Not yet, but they know who she is.”

  Not surprising. They had as good a database and investigators as any police department in the world. They kept tabs on many people, including terrorists. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  Which one someone was could change in a day.


  Alia would be safe in his club. He didn’t let the Mafia in. He had no use for them.

  “They have a contract out on her.”

  That was bad. He would have to tell her. This time. She had to understand that they would stop at nothing to get to her. She was in serious danger. The Russian Mafia was ruthless. They wouldn’t make her death easy. They draw it out and find out what she knew. Who she told.

  Not tonight. Her debut at the club was tonight and she was nervous enough.

  “How much?” Viktor asked.

  Oleg told him the amount. Viktor whistled. “They are serious. Who was the guy they killed?”

  “He was a mole in the organization. A cop.”

  “So the cops will be gunning for the guys who did it, and the Mafia will be gunning for Alia and whoe
ver she came in contact with on the police force. Der'mo.”

  What a mess, but there was no way he was letting Alia loose. She was going to stay under his protection. That’s how he was raised.

  “You are not in a pretty situation, my friend.”

  Viktor nodded. Oleg would understand his need to protect Alia. That’s how they’d been raised. They cherished their mothers and protected any other woman they met. It was a code of honor and the part of being a Russian man that he took very seriously.

  “I am, but there is no choice.”

  “We have to protect our women. But is she your woman?”

  That was the question. “Close enough.”

  Oleg laughed. “You have slept with her, you dog. You have a dog in this race.”

  Viktor shrugged. Even if he hadn’t slept with Alia, he would be protecting her, but there was no use arguing that with Oleg. He wasn’t married either, for a reason.

  Viktor stood. “I must go. Alia is singing at the club tonight.” He stuck out his hand. “Thank you for meeting me on a Saturday.”

  “No problem, my friend. I will let you know if I hear anything else.”

  He left Oleg in his office. Viktor took the elevator down. The building was empty except for Oleg and a security guard in the lobby. He nodded at the man who nodded back.

  His driver had waited for him outside. He climbed in and pondered the situation with Alia. Was there a safer place for her? His club was a fortress. His apartment was one also. Hard to get into unless you had the key. He had other doors he could close and barricade himself upstairs with her.

  He’d bought the place from a drug dealer. Well, not actually the drug dealer. It had been part of a police auction. He’d paid a fair price and then made a donation to the Police Benevolent Society.

  Everyone had been happy with the arrangements made. In all of his years in the apartment, he’d never had to close those doors. They acted as fire doors also, but he hoped he wouldn’t have to use them.

  He had an escape route off the roof, but he hadn’t been down that way in a while. He might want to check it to see if it was still safe.

  Chapter 10

  Alia’s nerves were humming. She’d tried to take a nap, but she couldn’t sleep. A combination of nervousness and excitement stopped her. Viktor wasn’t home either. He’d had some meeting that he needed to take.


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