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Macy's Awakening

Page 4

by Pepper Anthony

  When they got to his house she opened her own car door and walked beside him toward the gate.

  “I’m pretty tired,” she told him. “I think I’ll just go up to bed.”

  “All right. Good night.” He really should leave well enough alone, but her somber expression moved him. He still felt responsible for what had gone wrong that evening. “Macy—”

  She turned on the stairs and looked down at him. She appeared so small and vulnerable, clutching her little purse. From behind, her porch light made a gold halo around her soft curls.


  “Sweet dreams.” It was the last thing he had always said to Allie at night.

  A hint of a smile curved Macy’s lips. “Thanks. Same to you.”

  * * * *

  Macy turned on her side and stared at the LED readout of her bedside clock. It was after 2:00. She’d been lying there awake since she’d crawled into the bed at eleven. Every time she’d begin to drift off, she’d remember the way Jerrod’s mouth had felt on her breasts. The tug of his lips, the scrape of his teeth had created the sweetest little pain she could imagine, nothing at all like the awkward way Perry White had touched her last year when they made out after the football game.

  She reached up under the sheets and covered her breasts with her hands, rubbing her nipples roughly, tweaking them the way Jerrod had. It wasn’t the same at all. His lips had been searing, demanding, yet gentle. His fingers has known exactly how hard to pinch to send thrills of pleasure from her nipples to her—

  To her pussy.

  There. She’d said that word again to herself. A little coil of tension tightened inside her. She licked her lips and dared to whisper it out loud into the dark empty room.

  “My pussy.”

  Hearing her own voice say the word made the coil get even tighter. Her breath hitched. She let her hand stray down over her tummy. She opened her legs and touched the damp, cotton crotch of her panties.

  A shudder went through her as she rubbed there.

  “Touch my pussy,” she whispered, imagining Jerrod Preston lying beside her, his thick finger pushing against the cotton, his mouth moving on her breast. A hot rush of excitement furled through her whole body. She’d never fantasized about someone she actually knew. It seemed wrong somehow. She jerked her hand away and sat up.

  He’d made it very clear that he wasn’t interested in making love to her. She didn’t for a minute believe it had anything to do with him being friends with her dad. No doubt he was just turned off by her inexperience and probably the small size of her breasts. Maybe her nipples had tasted funny to him. She wasn’t sure what nipples should even taste like. Were hers okay?

  Sighing, she threw the covers back and got up, wandering across to one of the windows overlooking the yard. Down below, the full moon wobbled on the surface of the quiet hot tub. Maybe a long, warm soak would ease her restless body and still her wayward thoughts. She slipped her panties off, wrapped herself up in an oversized bath towel, and went down to the tub.

  Like last night, the night air was smooth and soft against her skin as she slipped into the water. Again the scent of honeysuckle came to her on a little breeze. She laid back and closed her eyes, letting her thoughts drift.

  A small sound behind her caught her attention. She whipped her head around. In the moonlight, Peter-the-cat was strolling toward her, his tail pointing upward in greeting. She laughed softly.

  “Hello, kitty.”

  He came closer and jumped up onto the redwood decking that edged the tub. He seemed content to watch the way the moon disintegrated into shiny chips as Macy broke the surface of the water with her hand.

  “What are you doing out here at this time of night?” she asked him, holding one knuckle up for him to rub against.

  “What are you doing out here?” Jerrod’s deep voice split the silence like a machete.

  She let out a gasp of alarm. He stood on the pathway a few feet away, a towel draped loosely around his hips. The way the moon fell on him, his face and shoulders and pecs were accentuated, the rest of him darker. His bare upper body was just as broad and masculine and sexy as she had imagined.

  “I—I couldn’t sleep.” Suddenly she realized that he could probably see her nakedness from where he was standing. She curled close up against the side of the tub, facing him, and folded her arms on the decking.

  He stared down at her, silent, his jaw working.

  “Me neither,” he finally said. But he made no move either toward her or back to the house.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” He sighed and ran a hand back through his hair. She couldn’t keep her eyes from the play of muscle across his chest. Even in the dark she could see he had some hair there, which intrigued her. She wondered how it would feel to run her hand over the hard muscle and the mat of springy curls.

  “I should go on up to bed. You can have the tub.” She reached for her towel. “Turn around please while I get out.”

  “You don’t need to get out. I can just go grab a quick shower.”

  * * * *

  But she was already reaching for her towel and standing up. Jerrod spun around, hearing the quiet splashing noises of Macy climbing out of the tub. In a minute she cleared her throat.

  “Okay. I’m out.”

  Slowly he turned back around, almost afraid of what he might see. She was standing on the path, her whole body safely swaddled by the towel. Only one arm, her slender brown legs and her dainty feet were visible. For a moment, neither of them spoke, but the night thrummed with a nameless energy.

  She took a step forward.

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Will you promise to tell me the truth?”

  Uh-oh. This had all the earmarks of the kind of conversation he used to have with Arlene when things were beginning to go wrong.

  “That depends.”

  “It’s important for me to hear the truth from you. I trust you.” She took another step. Only five feet or so separated them now. From here he could see the goose bumps on her arm where the water clung in sparkling drops.

  “I’ll be as honest as I can be.”

  She nodded. “Thank you.” Then she took a deep breath and pulled her shoulders back. “What is it, exactly, that you don’t find attractive about me?”

  Stunned, he imagined he had heard her wrong.


  “I mean, I get that you’re not attracted to me. If you could tell me what’s wrong, I could maybe try to do something different. Maybe if I put on a few pounds in the right places?”

  She looked so sincere he had to believe she honestly didn’t know, had no idea that at this very moment his cock was as hard as hickory under the cover of his towel.

  “No. There’s nothing you can change.” He tried to make his voice disinterested, but it didn’t work. Surely she could hear the strain as he struggled to keep his wits.

  “Oh.” Her face crumpled. “I see.”

  She turned around and began to trudge toward the stairs, her shoulders hunched.

  “Macy!” In two long strides he was behind her, his hand reaching out to touch her shoulder, knowing as he did so that his fate was sealed. “Macy, wait.”

  She stopped but didn’t turn. He spoke softly to her bowed back.

  “There’s nothing to change, Macy, because you’re absolutely perfect as you are.”

  She raised her head and glanced back at him over her shoulder.


  “You’re already perfect. Gorgeous. Sexy.” He shrugged. “Perfect.”

  “You mean that?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Then why don’t you want me?”

  By now she was turning back to face him, and the towel had slipped from her shoulder, exposing one small breast. Her nipple pointed at him accusingly. He swallowed.

  “I told you. It’s not right. I’m old enough to be—”

  And then
she let the towel drop away.

  Chapter 5

  Jerrod let out a low groan as Macy stood there before him in the moonlight. Each lovely curve was kissed with silver, each smooth dip and valley were darkly alluring, full of mystery and promise. He bent and grabbed the towel, wrapping it awkwardly around her shoulders, careful not to touch her in the process.

  “You really need to keep this on.”

  “So you don’t want me after all?” Her chin quivered.

  His hands stilled on her shoulders.

  “Oh God, Macy.”

  “I really don’t understand, Jerrod.”

  The way she said his name made everything worse, the way her breath caressed the word, making it sound like a sexy endearment. She clutched at his arm. He stood stock still, staring down at her as her hand stroked upwards on his arm, then moved to his chest. Small fingers played through the hair there, sending tiny thrills over his skin. She pinched his nipple gently. More thrills of intense sensation gripped him.

  “Does that feel good?”

  She really didn’t know?

  “Yes.” His voice sounded harsh, raw.

  He couldn’t hold out any longer.

  He swept her into his arms. Her towel fell again to the pavement, allowing him to see and feel every inch of her naked body as he lifted her up against himself. He ran his hands over her back, crushing her tightly against him, and then guided her face up for his kiss.

  Without any gentle prelude this time, he thrust his tongue between her plump lips. She gave a glad cry and opened to him, letting her own tongue meet his. He heard himself groan again as she wiggled and rubbed herself against him. Before he knew it, her quick little hands were at his waist, dispensing with his own towel. As it dropped, she snuggled up close, her belly warm and satiny against his erection.


  She pulled her lips away from his and backed up a step, staring down in surprise at his cock.

  “It’s much bigger than I thought it would be.” She gave it a tentative stroke with her open fingers. “So velvety.”

  It had been way too long since a woman had handled him. His first urge was to lay her out on the tub deck and go at it. But he reminded himself how inexperienced she was, how wrong it would be to just jump her bones. He wanted her to have a positive memory of her first time having sex, even if that meant denying himself.

  She seemed entranced with him, so he stood as still as he could and let her explore. She closed her fingers around the shaft of his cock, squeezing him gently. Then she moved her hand up and down a few times. He sucked in his breath.

  She looked up. “That’s what you like?” She repeated the process, now running her fingers up over the sensitive head. When he shivered, she let out a soft laugh.

  “It’s like a little animal, isn’t it? It’s alive.” Both her hands were caressing him now, fluttering over his cock like eager birds, squeezing, stroking, touching his balls.

  “Stop,” he ground out as her fingers cradled his sack. This was moving way too fast.

  She looked up, uncertainty making her eyes wide. “Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt it?”

  He smiled at her, stroked the side of her face with his knuckles.

  “No, but we need to slow things down. And we need to move this into the house. It’ll be much better on a soft bed.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “Yeah.”

  “Come on,” he said. They picked up their towels and went into the house.

  * * * *

  The low wattage night light from the kitchen stove lit that familiar space, but the stairs leading up were dark. Macy reached out for Jerrod’s hand and he wrapped her fingers securely in his. A fine, warm energy seeped up her arm. Plush carpeting softened their footsteps. Her eyes began to adjust to the darkness. At the landing she could make out a wide hallway and several doors, one of which was standing open. He led her through.

  The room was lit by a single bedside lamp, leaving the corners mysterious, but the big bed was washed in a golden glow.

  He sat down on the edge and pulled her to him. “Come here.”

  She had never heard such a gentle command. His eyes were focused on hers, his pupils fully dilated. She saw his nostrils flare. He pulled her to him, parking her between his thighs. If she looked straight down, the little opening of his erect penis stared back at her. She longed to stroke it again, to feel its strange, sleek vitality respond to her touch. But he had said they should slow things down, so she made herself wait.

  “Hello,” he said with a little smile.

  She smiled back, feeling shy. “Hi, Jerrod.”

  “I want to touch you, Macy.” His eyes searched hers. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” Her naked breasts were right at the level of his mouth. She realized that she was leaning forward, hoping he would want to put his lips on them again. But earlier, in the parking garage, he had seemed regretful about kissing her there. Again she was assailed by doubts about her desirability. Were her breasts too small? Her nipples too dark? Did she smell okay?

  Then she felt his hands on the small of her back. He brought her in closer, guiding her left nipple into his open mouth. A searing jolt of pleasure shot through her as his lips closed tightly on the tender button. He pulled her flesh deep into his mouth, working it with his tongue, his teeth, nipping and suckling. The suction was almost too much to bear.

  “Ohh!” She couldn’t keep from crying out. Her hands sought him, stroking his silky hair, holding his mouth firmly to her breast. His fingers moved down her back to her bottom. He cupped her ass cheeks in his big hands, massaging them with broad, kneading strokes.

  After a few moments, he lifted his lips away from her breast. She felt one hand leave her hip. Something nudged her in front, between her closed thighs. His finger!

  “Open your legs, Macy,” he whispered. “Let me touch your pussy.”

  She nearly fainted from excitement. He had said the very words she had dreamed he would say, not an hour ago. Guilty swells of pleasure rolled through her as she adjusted her stance, exposing her most private parts to him. She let her eyes drift closed.

  “Look at me, Macy.”

  As she opened her eyes, meeting his tender gaze, his knuckles brushed across her curls. She flinched, her breath coming in uneven gasps. Then she felt his firm, warm finger pad slide between the lips of her pussy. It was the most delicious sensation she could ever have imagined.

  “Mmm, you’re juicy,” his voice rumbled.

  “That’s…good…right?” She wanted to close her eyes again, to be alone inside the thrilling warmth radiating from her pussy. With each little prod and tickle of his finger, she felt herself engorging and opening down there like some kind of wild flower.

  He smiled in a kind way.

  “Oh yes, pet. That’s good all right. You like it, don’t you? The way I’m playing with you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak. Her breath got faster, shallower. Her body seemed to pulse and glow, almost sucking her inside-out with pleasure. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, building to a tight hot knot of suspense as he teased and rubbed. She writhed, hearing a soft mewing sound come from her own mouth.

  Just as she thought the glorious sensations between her legs might tear her apart, he cupped one of her breasts and began to work the swollen nipple with rough fingers. Then the finger in her pussy mimicked the one at her breast, becoming more urgent, and demanding something new from her body that she longed to give. She arched back, opening further, gasping and waiting. The feelings gathered and swirled like a vortex, pulsing, flowing, promising something just out of her reach.

  “Oh, Jerrod!” she cried. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and hung on for dear life.

  “Let it take you, baby,” he crooned, never stopping the rhythmic stroking motions.

  And then she was cresting. Cresting and lifting, then hovering, waiting…and suddenly something seemed to burst inside of her, something raw and unimaginable. It coiled an
d surged outward, freeing her. Taking her with it into a glorious, expanding half-conscious state. She heard herself cry out again as ecstasy completely overtook her, and she clung to him as it pulsed and hummed through her body in delicious concentric waves.

  * * * *

  Jerrod gathered Macy close, delighting in her unabashed response. As her small body bucked and vibrated, he buried his face in her hair, kissing her neck, her jaw, murmuring his approval in her ear, letting her know how beautiful and sexy she was. He kept his finger on her clit, tweaking and fondling her, until finally she went still.

  She pushed back from him a little, looking up with a shy smile.


  He grinned, completely blown away by her lush naiveté. He put his hands on either side of her face and gave her a big, exuberant kiss.

  “You’re something else, Macy Wilson,” he said happily. In that moment of her release, it was as if his own world had somehow expanded too. For the first time since Arlene had moved out, he felt sensations of true joy rushing through his body. His ability to give Macy her first taste of sexual heaven, and her whole-hearted acceptance of it, made him feel valued again. She made him feel like a man.

  She rested her forehead against his, her smile widening.

  “That was so awesome. No wonder everybody likes sex.”

  He chuckled.

  “And that was just a little warm-up. An appetizer if you will.” For a moment, neither of them spoke. He listened to her breathing slow down, his fingers caressing the satin skin on her hips and thighs. He found it surprising that she was still a virgin. In this day and age, he’d assumed all girls her age were sexually experienced. He had a suspicion his own daughter Allie was. He quickly pushed that disturbing train of thought out of his mind and focused again on Macy.

  And on the eager, pulsing fullness of his cock.

  “Are you ready for the main course?”

  She nodded.

  “Come here then.” He lay back on the bed and patted the mattress beside him. She tucked her arms into her chest and wriggled up close, ending up nose to nose with him on the pillow.


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