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Five Reasons to Love Her [Werewolves Wanting Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Cara Adams

  Sam brought over their drinks, putting both coffee and a soda in front of Heather and coffee and a beer for himself and Tally. Tally took a sip of coffee to hide his grin. Sam was definitely getting with the program of both.

  “What do you do when you aren’t working, Sam? Tally?” Heather asked.

  “Sleep. I’m basically always working,” said Sam.

  “But we’re planning to change that. We’re both looking to carve out some personal time away from The Steakhouse and the cinema. What about you?” asked Tally.

  Heather face split into a cheeky grin. Her eyes sparkled so brightly Tally was instantly intoxicated. “There’s a place where they have a whole building full of trampolines so people can jump anywhere even up walls. In fact they have a special wall where experienced runners and jumpers can jump and run right up the wall. It’s used by people training in parkour. I’m planning to go there. I want to try that wall but I don’t know whether I’ll be good enough at it yet.”

  “Parkour? I’ve heard the word but I can’t quite remember what it is,” said Tally.

  “It started out as training for obstacle courses. A runner can only use their body to get over, under, or around each obstacle. Free running is sort of similar. I love the idea of running up a wall and jumping from space to space.”

  “Is that what you were doing on the stairs?” asked Sam, staring at her.

  Heather shook her head until her curls swung madly in every direction at once. “No, I have no training in parkour at all. I just like the idea of running and jumping and it’s so much fun to go fast and then dive in.”

  Tally stared at her. He had the idea she’d planned to say more and then had stopped instead. But he now had a better idea for their next date. “When do you plan to go to the trampoline place? If it’s possible to organize it, Sam and I would like to come with you.”

  “It would need to be a Sunday afternoon after the mall has shut, but I don’t have a set time. Since I want to try The Wall, I need to be sure I’m good enough before I go.”

  “But can’t you go again and again? Do they test runners or something to see if they can attempt this wall? If you fail one time you can try again next time, can’t you?” asked Tally.

  “Oh yes. Some people go there all the time to train. But I don’t have a whole lot of free time, and I do have all the usual chores to complete, so I was planning on getting reasonably fit first.”

  “Why don’t we all go? We can have a practice session and see how likely it is you’ll be able to get up The Wall first. It does sound like fun,” said Tally.

  “But what about the cinema and The Steakhouse? Sunday afternoon they’ll both be busy.”

  “We’ve decided we have to give our staff more responsibility and leaving them in charge for a few hours is a good start.” Sam pushed the plate of cheese and crackers across to Heather as he spoke.

  Tally leaned back in his seat. They’d organize this trampoline date and then they’d take her to the BDSM club. The old rule used to be no sex before the third date and that would be the third date. Not that he’d be saying no if she agreed to anything tonight. They were all relaxed and chatting comfortably. Sex on the first date would work, too.

  * * * *

  Heather had loved the movie. It was everything she’d hoped for on the big screen. The men had been ideal companions, undemanding but helpful. They’d also been great hosts afterward. But now she needed to get home. It was going to be hard enough to get up in the morning and go to the flower market without staying out any later. Her alarm was going to be dragging her out of bed after way too little sleep as it was.

  She stood up. “Thank you for a lovely evening. I need to go home now. I have to be at the flower market in not too many hours.”

  Tally took her hand in his. “Thank you for sharing the evening with us. We appreciate you spending time with us.”

  Sam took her other hand. “May we kiss you?”

  Heather felt her cheeks heating. No one had asked permission to kiss her in a long time. That was a really sweet gesture. She bobbed her head and felt Sam’s arms surround her. He lifted her chin and she looked up into his dark brown eyes. They were full of desire but he was very slow and gentle as he bent his head down and possessed her lips. His were soft and sweet, yet still demanding.

  She opened her mouth to him and slid her tongue along his, tasting coffee and chocolate blended together. He turned her head another inch and she was lost in the sensations of his big hand pressed to her back, his thick thigh between her legs, and his sweet, delicate kisses on her mouth, her lips, her cheeks, and then peppering delicate touches along her jaw line.

  When he lifted his head from her face she was almost dizzy from the power of the emotion he’d pulled from her. Sam was definitely the best kisser she’d ever met.

  Tally turned a chair to face away from the table, sat down and tugged her onto his lap. He clasped his hands at the base of her spine and nuzzled her neck before turning his head to her mouth. But instead of deepening the kiss, he licked a line across to her ear and nibbled on the lobe, and then kissed his way back to her mouth again. Next he took a side trip up to her forehead, kissed the point of her nose, and then her mouth. Giggling, she grasped his hair, held his head still, and kissed him properly herself.

  His big hands rubbed up and down her back until her body was pressed tight against his. He felt amazing, so hard against her softness, yet so protective and reassuring. She sensed Sam kneeling down with them, and then Sam’s hands were on her thighs pushing underneath her skirt. Sam moved very slowly, clearly waiting for her to tell him no, but she didn’t want to stop him yet. It felt so very good to have one man’s hands on her back holding her against his hard chest, and another man behind her stroking her knees and thighs.

  Her panties were dampening with her cream, and she took a moment to hope there wouldn’t be a mark on Tally’s navy jeans.

  Tally’s kisses became a lot more urgent and she leaned against him as his tongue fucked her mouth deeply and thoroughly. Meanwhile, Sam’s hands petted and stroked her legs, gradually moving higher. Obediently she widened her legs, wanting his touch, wanting to feel him inside her, even if it was only a finger.

  Sam teased her hips and then slid both hands inside her panties, one from each hip. Gasping, she leaned back against him, wanting more. But he moved so slowly, inch by inch over the skin of her lower belly, until finally he tangled his fingers in her pussy hair.

  Taliesin tilted her neck back and sucked the skin at the base of her throat. Damn, that was sexy. No one had ever done that to her before. His lips there were so damn erotic. Heather’s cunt was creaming with the need to be touched by Sam, who was still combing her cunt hair with his fingers. He was so close to her clit and her seam that she wanted to scream at him to do more.

  Heather was so invested in what Sam was doing to her, she hadn’t even noticed that Taliesin was no longer holding her back until her top disappeared and her bra was unsnapped. And then his mouth was over a nipple as he sucked it deep. Fuck! That was even better than when he sucked on her neck.

  Taliesin’s hands held both breasts now, pushing them together as his lips and mouth were on one, and then the other. Heather rested her head back on Sam’s chest as his palm cupped her pussy and finally, finally, he slid a finger deep inside her. It felt so good that she moaned out loud. Her hands gripped Taliesin’s shoulders and her body pressed back into Sam’s chest. Her hips thrust up into Sam’s hand on her pussy while she pressed her breasts into Taliesin’s hands. It was too much, too many stimuli at once.

  The moment Sam curled his fingers up and scraped one over her sweet spot, Heather shattered, her cream covering his hands.

  Once again Taliesin possessed her mouth, kissing her hard and deeply. Then both men were standing her up again, and Sam dressed her most efficiently. She only had a moment to wonder when he leaned to dress a lust-hazed woman so fast before they both kissed her again.

  “We would like to
escort you to this trampoline place on Sunday afternoon. Do we need to book a time, or do we just turn up?”

  Heather had to struggle to get her brain working again and answer Sam. “I don’t know. I’ll find out if you like. It’ll be about five thirty on Sunday by the time I’ve tidied my store and we get there.”

  “We’ll come and talk to you tomorrow afternoon and get all the details then. Now we’ll walk you back to your car.” Taliesin took her hand and Sam opened the apartment door. Heather went with them, glad of their arms around her as her knees were still a little wobbly. She’d just had a very nice orgasm and they hadn’t even been to bed yet. What might happen next time? Did she want more from them? Hell yes. But were they really prepared to take time away from The Steakhouse and the cinema? Or would their excitement about her die down really fast now they’d touched her? If she let them fuck her, would that be the end of any friendship? Once they fucked her, would they lose interest? Ugh. She was too tired. It was too late at night to think about such deep issues. She’d worry about them all later.

  Chapter Three

  “Do you want me to pick you up some lunch on my way back?” Barry asked Heather. She smiled at him. He was always considerate. “I’d love some noodles please. I didn’t get up in time to make a brown bag lunch today.”

  “I’m not surprised. Gone with the Wind is a mighty long movie. Although those Tolkien ones you’ve been watching are pretty long as well. I’ll be back in forty minutes.”

  Heather smiled at Barry and then very deliberately moved away from the counter and walked around her store, looking at all the flowers, opening the cool room door and checking the plants there, and then standing by the stand of balloons and fluffy toys. She circled her head to loosen up her neck, did a couple of quick knee raises, and then went back to little bouquets she was making. Twenty identical little posies to be set in the center of the tables at a wedding reception. She was still quite tired and a mechanical job like this, which basically involved making the same posy twenty times, was not good for keeping her awake and alert. It was, however, very good for her bank balance, so she concentrated on it once again.

  She’d lost track of the time when she saw Sam and Taliesin approaching. She smiled at them, her belly clenching as she remembered the touch of their hands and mouths on her last night.

  But instead of asking her about the trampolining, Taliesin said, “Do you have any brothers or sisters? Family near here?”

  “Not near here, no. Why?”

  “I realized I don’t know anything like that about you at all.”

  “But I don’t know it about either of you. So that’s reasonable.”

  “Let me start this again. The old Alpha adopted me when my mom was dying of tuberculosis. Her own pack wouldn’t let her stay there and didn’t want me either because they were sure I’d have it, too. By the way, I don’t have TB and never did. Besides, it’s easily cured with antibiotics if you just go to a doctor soon enough. It’s actually not hard to avoid passing it on to other people if you’re careful, and my mom was careful.”

  Heather was shocked and saddened at what Taliesin had just said. “I can’t believe they’d throw out an innocent child. How incredibly cruel. I’m so glad the old Alpha accepted you, though.”

  “It was absolutely the best thing that could have happened to me. Now tell me about your story.”

  “I have two parents and three older brothers all living in New York City. I’m much happier here.” Maybe someday she’d tell them about how much her family despised her as the brainless, airhead ditz of the family, but not now.

  “And Sunday?” asked Sam.

  “Don’t you have to pay a forfeit and mention your family first?” she teased him.

  “Only child. Parents retired to Florida with several other families who used to be—er, here.”

  Heather had noticed a customer approaching the store and moved forward. “Hi there. Can I help you?”

  “She likes purple,” the young man said.

  Hiding a smile, Heather walked across to a stand and held up a bouquet of flowers with some purple crocuses in it.

  “Perfect. How much?”

  Heather wrapped them and tied the bouquet with a length of deep purple ribbon, then went back to Sam and Taliesin. “I’ve booked us for five thirty on Sunday and I booked The Wall as well. I didn’t know whether you’d want to try it, and I’m not sure I’ll be good enough, but I thought since we were going we might as well have the opportunity of giving it a go.”

  “Absolutely. I like the whole idea. It isn’t something I’d ever thought of, but I think it will be something different and fun.”

  She grinned at Sam. “I can’t wait. It’ll be awesome.”

  “Can we pick you up? What time?” asked Sam.

  But Heather shook her head. She’d definitely want a shower afterward and she might need to rub ointment on pulled muscles and all sorts of things. She’d need her own car to go home in. But it didn’t matter how many muscles she pulled if she managed to conquer The Wall. That was her ambition.

  * * * *

  Sam had been called anal, a control freak, and a micromanager. None of those derogatory labels was completely true. But the facts were that he was a Dom and couldn’t help wanting to know everything about what was going on when it related to someone he cared about. For example, Heather. So he hurried back into his tiny office in the restaurant, and Googled the trampoline center, appropriately named Bounce.

  Fifty trampolines locked together covered the floor space and there were more angled up the walls of the building. Then there was The Wall which seemed to be some kind of giant crash mat. Several more trampolines were dedicated to users of this wall. The aim seemed to be to bounce high, run up the wall, and stand on top of it. Sam enjoyed exercising and loved a good challenge, but he didn’t understand what attracted Heather to it. Well, if it’s what she wanted to do, he was happy to have a go at it as well.

  It had to be a whole lot safer environment for Heather than running down the stairwell at the professional suites.

  When they walked inside the building on Sunday afternoon though, it almost blew his mind. He hadn’t really stopped to do the math. Fifty trampolines all together were huge. There was no other word for it. He, Tally, and Heather put their shoes and other things in a locker, and then lined up. The only rule seemed to be that it was forbidden to jump on a trampoline which already held a person. That seemed reasonable.

  Heather was so excited she was almost fizzing and bubbling. He really wanted to keep her between him and Tally to protect her, but he knew she wouldn’t stay put for so much as a second. It was better to let her go first and just follow her around. He stood beside her as she waited her turn to begin, loving the excitement rolling off her, and then she was off bouncing across half a dozen trampolines and off one of the sloped ones against the wall.

  He was so busy staring at her Tally went next, following her across the matrix of trampolines. Sam knew he needed to get a move on or he’d miss his starting time so he too bounced off. It’d been so many years since he’d been on one that he’d forgotten how very elastic a trampoline was. It took him several minutes to work out how much effort he needed to exert to get himself where he wanted to be. Yet Heather was zipping all over the building, often only bouncing once on a given trampoline before she moved on to the next one, like a chess piece on steroids.

  It almost seemed to him like she was challenging herself to bounce on every trampoline as she moved from one to other, zigzagging all over the place. Then she slowed down and began jumping much higher, staying near the angled trampolines most of the time and bouncing on and off them. Now he understood. She was testing herself for the wall.

  Sam stayed put on a centrally located trampoline and practiced jumping higher himself. He had a sinking feeling that Heather would ace The Wall and he’d end up on his ass looking like a clown. Oh well, as long as she was happy, he could deal with it. Although it seemed everyone was too
busy bouncing themselves to be watching other people.

  It was certainly addictive. Trying to progress around the room was a bit like a computer game, so that when he reached a side wall and managed to bounce off it successfully he almost heard a little voice in his head say, “level up.”

  Heather came bouncing back toward him and waved, then pointed to The Wall. Already? Hell, he was sure to fail. Nevertheless, he followed her over to The Wall. The trampolines in front of the huge crash mats had an X in the center of them. He took that as a delicate hint about where a person needed to be standing to make it to the top. Heather watched a couple of young men bounce madly and land in a mass of limbs on their trampolines. Okay, so failure wouldn’t be such a big deal. Except that he noticed one of the staff wave the young men away from the wall after they’d failed several times.

  Heather moved to one of the trampolines and bounced. Her feet landed absolutely on the X as she gradually bounced higher and higher. Then she stretched out her arms, tucked up her feet, and at the top of her jump, launched her body at the wall. Her fingertips actually grabbed the top of the wall, but she didn’t get a good enough grip so fell back. She stood straight up and started bouncing again. This time she jumped even higher and landed with her hands and knees on the wall.

  Tally was beside him and they both gave her a thumbs-up, but she shook her head and went back to bouncing.

  What? She’d done it. She wanted to do it again? But then Sam understood. Her next two turns she scrambled up to the top of The Wall, but on the third try she landed there neatly on her feet. Only then did she put her arms up in a victory salute. That was how she’d stood when she’d jumped down the staircase. Well, she’d earned it this time fair and square as well.


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