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Five Reasons to Love Her [Werewolves Wanting Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Cara Adams

  “It’s fine. Everything’s all right. Don’t stress. I need to get back to work. Barry will be wondering where I am.”

  But Tally and Sam dragged her to the far side of the parking lot. “Listen, Heather, you can’t do such crazy, dangerous things. You could have been killed. Can’t you see that?” asked Tally.

  Once again she pulled herself free from them.

  “All I can see is you two acting like a couple of drama queens. There was no danger. No one was hurt. Calm down and get a grip, both of you. If you’re both likely to go ballistic every time I move, this relationship isn’t going to last.”

  Heather turned her back to them and went inside. What was wrong with them? They were acting like she’d run in front of a speeding train or something.

  Chapter Five

  “How could she endanger her life like that and just walk away?” asked Sam, staring after Heather, his heart still pounding with fear from watching the scene unfold. He’d thought she’d be killed for sure. He’d never run so fast in his life before and he still wasn’t there in time to stop the car.

  “Little Miss Heather needs a stern lesson on submission. Maybe we need to rent a dungeon at the BDSM club instead of a bedroom,” said Tally.

  Sam ran his fingers through his hair and then shoved his hands in his pockets to stop himself from tearing his hair out by the roots. “The problem is deeper than that, though. She just doesn’t seem to understand that she was in danger. We need to make her see that. She has to understand we love her and therefore she has to be sensible and take care.”

  Only after he’d said the words did Sam realize what was in his heart. “We love her.” Yes, he loved her, completely and utterly, from the tips of her sexy toes to the top of her unruly curls. He couldn’t bear it if even a single bruise marked her delightful body because she’d engaged in some daredevil activity. Even now, the thought of her running down the stairs and maybe falling made him feel ill with worry. And that was without thinking about her jumping inside moving vehicles in the parking lot. How could Helena have abetted her in such a crazy game? Maybe he needed to have a word with Helena. Or better yet, Ieuan. Surely Ieuan would understand the need to keep his woman safe.

  Tally held his hand out. “Look at that. I’m still shaking from thinking Heather might be killed. We were on our way. She should have let us stop the car.”

  Sam sighed. “It was speeding up. She was right, we might not have been in time to prevent it hitting the wall. But I still can’t agree to her risking her life with these…these…whatever it is she wants to do.”

  “Parkour. Stop and think though, Sam. How much effect do you think us saying no is going to have? Seriously?”

  Sam groaned. She’d been mighty cross with him when she’d left them just now. “You’re right. She wasn’t very pleased with us, was she? But she has to understand why we’re worrying about her. Do you think she even knows how much we care about her?”

  “So what we need is a dungeon scene where we teach her to let us take care of her and tell her we love her. Heather has to learn to trust us to make the decisions in her life. We have to show her that if she gives over the control to us, her pleasure will be ensured,” said Tally.

  “Yeah. I’m not convinced that’ll work. How do we fulfill this daredevil streak in her? Ropes and chains and punishment are all very well and I know she’ll enjoy them, but I’m not sure about the rest of it. Jumping down flights of stairs, diving through windows into moving cars. It’s all beyond me. Next thing we know she’ll be jumping off rooftops like she mentioned that time. And you saw how fast she learned to jump up The Wall at that trampolining place. No roof would be safe with Heather around.”

  Sam wanted to scream and shout and kick something. Except that adults weren’t allowed to act like that. But Heather meant so much to him and the thought of her hurt was more than he could deal with right now. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and tell her to stay nice and safe in her florist store. But he knew that wouldn’t work. How could a man, a wolf, outsmart a piece of quicksilver like her?

  Never in a million years would he have considered she’d progress from jumping down stairs to jumping in car windows. Damn, the woman was like a mirage in the desert. Always just out of his reach.

  “I don’t know how to keep her safe, but I do know we need to school her thoroughly in a dungeon. Let’s work on that. We’ll book a dungeon for Sunday after the mall closes and together we’ll design the perfect scene to leave her limp and pliable in our hands. Three orgasms should do it. Or maybe we should aim for four just to be certain,” said Tally.

  “Four orgasms. Two each. We can do that.” But Sam still wasn’t convinced that would be enough to control Heather.

  * * * *

  On Sunday afternoon Barry had just taken the trash bags out to the dumpster when Tally and Sam appeared at Heather’s store. Internally she sighed. She’d spent a lot of time thinking about them this week and had struggled to reconcile their actions in the parking lot with the men she was growing to know so well. Wolves were protective. Everyone knew that. And truly, it was nice to be looked after and cared for.

  Her brothers hadn’t been protective of her at all. Oh sure, if someone had attacked her, likely they’d have responded, but they never looked out for her at school or at home. Mostly they considered her stupid, useless, and far inferior to themselves. They were a unit, the three of them, all male, strong, intelligent, and far too big, busy, and important to be concerned about a small, weak female child.

  Sam and Tally had been different. They were concerned about her and had looked after her amazingly well. But she wasn’t prepared to have them wrapping her in bubble wrap and putting her on a shelf so she didn’t get hurt or dirty. She was active, energetic, and interested in everything. She might not have been PhD material, but she was herself, a lively, intelligent person. She wasn’t stupid. She knew free running and parkour were dangerous, and she only attempted things one step at a time. But the freedom and energy she derived from running and jumping filled her with life and happiness and she wasn’t going to simply sit in a corner and look pretty until the men wanted to let her out to play.

  “Hi, Heather.” Sam’s dark brown eyes were filled with pleasure at seeing her. That made her feel nice inside. It was wonderful to have someone who actually wanted to speak to her.

  “Hi, Sam. Hi, Tally.”

  She swept a pile of cut off ends of ribbons into the trash, and then put the scissors in their stand so she could find them easily tomorrow.

  “We’ve booked a dungeon for this evening and planned a scene especially for you. Will you come with us, please?” asked Tally.

  Heather’s nipples hardened and her belly clenched. A special scene just for her in a real dungeon. That sounded excellent. However, she needed to make them understand her first.

  “There’s something you need to understand first. I don’t want to sound cruel or harsh, but I need you to see things from my perspective, too. You both do know I’m only going to obey you in the dungeon, don’t you? Neither of you has any control over my life in the real world. Outside the dungeon, I’m happy to listen to what you say as my friends, but you aren’t my parents or guardians and you never will be. That’s the only basis on which I’m prepared to play.”

  For a moment she thought Sam was going to argue with her, but his jaw snapped shut and he nodded. “I agree.”

  “I agree that’s how things are right now,” said Tally.

  She stared at him. He could think she’d change her mind later, but she wouldn’t. She was no man’s plaything. She’d worked much too hard to build her own life and her own business to put it aside for these men. However, playing BDSM games in the dungeon absolutely appealed to her. Her panties dampened as she thought about trying out some of the dungeon equipment she’d heard about. Hell yes. She’d like that.

  * * * *

  Tally almost ground his teeth. Damn. She was still cross with them. Well, they’d just have to mel
t her into a puddle of lust. Maybe then she’d see sense. She could do adrenaline-inducing games in the dungeon under their guidance and get her energy boost safely with them in control.

  She followed them contentedly into the dungeon and Tally relaxed. Now she’d learn how very good it could be to trust herself completely to them. He and Sam had spent many hours planning this scene to demonstrate to Heather how much they loved and cherished her, and how they would still encourage her to live life to the full.

  “Undress, slave,” he said to her.

  It didn’t take her long to strip off her uniform, but then she looked at him and Sam, both still fully dressed.

  “Aren’t you going to undress as well?” she asked.

  “It’s not for the slave to question the master,” said Sam sternly, flicking a whip though the air.

  Tally saw Heather’s eyes sparkle at the sight and sound of the whip and relaxed a little. They’d worked so hard to plan this scene and she would enjoy it. She already was.

  Tally picked up a ball gag and took it to her. “Perhaps a ball gag is what you need to keep you silent.” He pushed the ball into her mouth and tightened the straps around her head. “If you need to stop the play, blink four times fast and then close your eyes for the count of ten seconds. Understand?”

  She nodded but he knew she was smiling around the gag. She didn’t anticipate stopping play. Good. He wanted to do the whole scene just as they’d planned it. She should come with a crashing orgasm.

  They led her to a St. Andrew’s cross and buckled her hands and feet into the cuffs and manacles. Sam flicked his whip several times so she’d know what was about to happen, and then Tally stood back as Sam whipped Heather’s ass, shoulders, and thighs until they were pink. Between the strokes of the whip, they both moved around behind her, out of her sight. They wanted her to think about who might touch her next. To ponder over whether she would be whipped some more or if that was all for now. They wanted her to enjoy every moment of this scene, and the pauses added extra effect, doubling the intensity of the whipping because they knew she’d be imagining all kinds of potential scenarios.

  When Sam finished whipping Heather, the insides of her thighs glistened with her cum. Tally had ensured that he’d stood where he could watch her face the entire time. She made no attempt to blink. He already knew she was appreciating the punishment. Her body language was incredibly accepting.

  Sam stepped back and got undressed while Tally walked around the St. Andrew’s Cross to stand in front of her. This was his first surprise for Heather. This one was the type of cross which could be turned to any angle, including having the sub completely upside down.

  Tally showed her what was in his hand. It was a set of nipple clips. Very special ones. He sucked her nipple until it was hard and engorged then attached a clip to it, before repeating his action on the other nipple. Next he linked a chain between the nipple clips and hung a weight between them.

  “Are you ready for some more punishment?” he asked.

  She nodded and he watched her surprise as the chain on her nipples swung and the weight dragged on her skin.

  Tally stepped behind her and took a flogger which Sam was holding ready for him. Sam turned the cross one quarter turn and then Tally flogged Heather’s shoulders. Another quarter turn and he did it again. Now Tally flicked the flogger between her legs, punishing the cream-coated sensitive inner skin. Sam turned the cross back to upright and they repeated their punishment, but turning the cross the other way this time. When she was completely upside down Tally locked the cross in place. The weight would be dragging on her nipples and it was Sam’s turn again.

  Sam kneeled so Heather could see his face. “Have you ever been fucked when you’re upside down?” Sam asked her. She shook her head.

  “Would you like to be?”

  Now she nodded so vigorously Tally hoped he’d locked the cross securely. Apparently she was very much on board with Sam’s next step. They turned her upright again, and undid the handcuffs and foot cuffs, turned her to face outward, and locked her in place again. Tally rotated the cross and locked it down.

  Sam was already wearing a condom and he moved in front of Heather and pressed his cock into her pussy. Sam was standing on the floor of the dungeon, whereas Heather’s hands and feet were manacled to the cross. With Heather turned almost upside down, their bodies matched perfectly. Tally could imagine how very hot and wet she’d be. Her cream was clearly visible on her upper thighs. Surely this would demonstrate to her that they weren’t stick-in-the mud type people. That they could change and innovate and plan scenes for her that would fill her senses with excitement as well as bring her to release.

  Fucking on a cross wasn’t going to be easy, but anything was possible for a couple of determined wolves who’d planned the scene carefully.

  Tally walked over to the other side of the dungeon and undressed, rolling a condom over his own hard dick. He picked up a paddle and turned around. Sam was holding Heather’s legs and pumping into her. She was doing her best to move her hips with him so they were close to release. He needed to be ready to start the next segment of this playtime.

  It was important that they maintain the intensity of this scene. Heather didn’t seem to him to be the kind of slave who would be aroused by a long wait time between events. That was underscored by the fact Sam hadn’t left long gaps between whipping her. He felt that the more time she had to think, the less excited she’d be. Therefore they needed to keep the action happening.

  When Sam pulled out of her and turned the cross upright, Tally hurried across to help him. They locked the cross in position and once again freed her from it. Tally sucked her breasts, wondering how they were feeling after the weight had been dragging on her nipples. But he didn’t remove the nipple clips or the weight. Instead he and Sam turned her to face the cross and locked her in place again. Her body was soft and limp from her orgasm, but he sensed her surprise as they tied her up again. Good. He wanted to keep her on edge. That was the entire point of this game.

  As soon as she was cuffed again, he picked up the paddle from the floor where he’d left it, and paddled her ass hard. He wanted the dull thwacking punishment of the paddle to drive home the contrast to the whip and the flogger. One, two, three, four, five, six heavy paddles on her ass. Next he waited only for maybe thirty seconds. Just long enough for her to wonder why the next stroke hadn’t happened.

  With her legs tied so wide apart he was also able to punish the insides of her thighs. Right, left, right, and left again, he paddled her inner thighs. Tally noticed how her soft inner skin turned pink instantly, whereas her much tougher ass was still only a dull pink. Yes, two strokes on each inner thigh was enough for her. This was all about arousing her and demonstrating clearly how she could trust him and Sam to give her endless pleasure. Without wasting a moment, he drove his cock deep into her cunt from behind her, pressing his body hard against her warm pink ass and slamming as deep as he could power into her in a single stroke. Once in place he put his arm around her waist, sliding his palm down until he cupped her cunt and could stroke her clit. It was still as hot and hard as ever, and he circled and pinched the little button as he pounded into her.

  Once he had a good rhythm in action that he knew he could maintain, he let go from the cross with his other arm and wrapped it around her body as well, gripping the weight between her breasts. It was much harder to do three things at once without slowing up his pounding hips thrusting into her delicious cunt, but he managed to tug on the nipple chain every now and then, to add a little extra bite to their fucking.

  Heather was pushing back against his chest, wiggling her ass against his pelvis, and dragging her back over his nipples. For a woman gagged and tied hand and foot to a cross, she was an incredibly energetic partner. His dick was desperate to spill his seed. She was so damn erotic that every tiny wiggle she made against his skin lit a fire of need deep inside him. He loved Heather, she belonged to him heart and soul. It was time t
o give her the second orgasm.

  He pulled right out of her, then bent his knees and thrust inside her with everything he could give her. As he did, he dug a fingernail into her clit and gave a brisk jerk to the nipple chain. Instantly her cunt gripped him like a vise and then she rippled around him, pouring her hot cream over his aching dick. He exploded inside the condom pouring stream after stream of cum, and still thrusting his hips up until he had no more to give her. Tally kissed her neck and whispered, “Well done, Heather,” as he pulled out of her. He disposed of the condom and dressed in a black thong that was waiting for him, one identical to the one Sam was now wearing.

  By the time he turned around, Sam was kneeling behind her, massaging lube into her ass, already getting ready for the next step. Tally took out a double vibrator. It was bright purple and would fill both her cunt and her ass. He also collected a purple hood that would cover her head completely to her shoulders with just little slits for her eyes. As soon as she’d mentioned public exhibition, his cock had stood up and danced. But he definitely didn’t want anyone knowing who they were and the masks would accomplish this.

  * * * *

  If the cross wasn’t supporting her, Heather would have sagged to the floor. She’d had two amazing orgasms and there was going to be another one, because Sam was lubing her ass. She always knew which one of them was touching her even when they moved around. They smelled and tasted different and were quite different in their thoughts and mannerisms, even though they always seemed to speak with one voice when it came time to make a decision. She supposed that was a good thing. If two men were to share a woman they needed to think a lot alike or it would be difficult for them both to be happy.


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