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To Love, Honor, and Obey...

Page 4

by Dayna Quince

  “I teach my daughters moderation in all things.” Lady Wickenham beamed at the duke.

  The duke ignored her completely. “I see you almost every day, Obedience. You will wither away to nothing if you keep this up. I want to see that plate cleared of everything.”

  Obedience froze and looked at her mother. Her mother nodded stoically. “I’m sure it’s just excitement chasing her appetite away. It’s been such a long time since Lord Willowton has been home.”

  The duke never took his eyes from Obedience. “Is that so?”

  Obedience nodded.

  “Be that as it may, I will take it as an insult if you do not eat everything on that plate.” The duke returned to his own plate and continued eating. Obedience looked back at her mother. Her color was high, and her attention was focused on stabbing insubordinate peas. Obedience sighed and turned her attention back to her own plate. She may as well eat all that she wished while she could.

  Chance struck up a conversation with Patience about the latest fashions around town, and that led to Patience describing every single one of her blue dresses over four courses of dinner. Obedience was both grateful and annoyed. She was now blissfully full and sipping her wine as Patience went on and on and on. Chance appeared to be giving her his rapt attention, and that was what Obedience found so annoying. He couldn’t possibly be so interested in her wardrobe. The man she knew him to be would not be… Though the man she knew would also fake interest for the sake of being kind. Yes, that was it. She should rescue him, but this is exactly what her mother had wanted to happen this evening, and as long as it was happening, Obedience was not the target of her icy glares. She decided to let Chance take care of himself. After all, this was the sort of thing he must do all the time during society affairs. She turned to the duke and gave him a grateful smile. He nodded and sipped his wine, his eyes fatigued. She unconsciously reached over and squeezed his hand. He favored her with one of his rare, genuine smiles, the ends of his wiry mustache lifting with his cheeks. It was the first time this evening she was actually enjoying herself. It suddenly occurred to her that the room was silent. She turned and found her and the duke the focus of the other occupants. Her mother looked intrigued, her sister looked confused, and Chance was smiling in a way she couldn’t interpret.

  “Patience, have you told Lord Willowton about your new kitten?” Obedience deflected the attention back to Patience, and Patience was eager for it. She chattered excitedly while Chance nodded and smiled politely. Her mother seemed pleased to watch them and sip her wine.

  The duke leaned closer to Obedience and whispered, “Are you throwing my son to the wolves?”

  Obedience stifled a laugh. “He can handle it, I think.”

  “You are encouraging them. Are you a traitor?” He smiled wickedly.

  “I would never betray you, but I have to pretend otherwise for the moment.”

  “Rather devious, I would say.” He sat back in his chair and the dessert was brought out.

  This time Obedience only took one bite under the watchful eye of the duke and the glare of warning from her mother. Every time Chance tried to speak to her, she directed his attention back to Patience. She was growing tired, her nerves waning under the volley of appearing normal and throwing Chance at her sister. She was devious and now feeling rather guilty. She felt no loyalty to her sister. Yet here she was encouraging her, when in all reality, a marriage between her sister and Chance was the last thing she wanted. She would have to warn him. Not that he didn’t know how to dispense with marriage-minded ladies on his own, but a warning certainly wouldn’t hurt and would go a long way toward soothing her conscience. She would apologize as well.

  It was time to return to the drawing room. Chance stood and pulled out Patience’s chair for her. She smiled at him, batting her eyelashes again, and he had to stop himself from shaking her. This night couldn’t end any sooner. He went to help his father, but the duke raised his hand. “I think I will retire. Please enjoy the remainder of your evening without me,” he said.

  Chance could tell the evening had exhausted him. He felt exhausted too. For whatever reason, Obedience was trying to feed him to her sister or maybe just avoid him. The duke said his farewells, and a footman wheeled him from the room. Chance escorted the ladies back to the drawing room, praying they would depart soon. It didn’t seem likely the way Patience sat beside him on the sofa with her mother on the other side. He almost groaned aloud. He watched Obedience bolt for the sideboard, still determined to keep her distance from him.

  “I’m sorry your father couldn’t join us,” Lady Wickenham said with a sympathetic smile. “Perhaps we can get to know each other better another time.”

  “He tires easily these days,” Chance responded.

  “My dear Patience has endless energy. I’ve even let her take over the running of the house for me.”

  Obedience rolled her eyes and poured herself a sherry. Chance had been right about spirits making the night more tolerable. Her head felt pleasantly light. She held up a glass to catch his attention and he nodded. She poured him a liberal amount of brandy and took it to him.

  “My, Obedience, you serve so well. Maybe you should become a maid?” Patience giggled into her hand.

  “I’ve learned my place, you could say,” Obedience quipped.

  “It appears you haven’t,” her mother snapped. “Lord Willowton, I must apologize. Obedience has strayed far from her lessons in gentility. I hope she hasn’t been too intolerable.”

  Chance was about to speak, but Obedience cut him off. “I consider myself very tolerable, Mother. Compared to Patience, I’m a bloody saint.”

  Patience gasped. Chance coughed and immediately set down his drink.

  “I beg your pardon?” her mother fumed.

  “Running of the house,” Obedience scoffed. “Patience can’t even pour her own bath water.”

  “It seems you haven’t the tolerance for spirits.” Lady Wickenham stood. She ripped the glass from Obedience’s hand, spilling sherry on the rug.

  Chance stood in bafflement and was doing everything in his power to keep himself from laughing. Obedience looked belligerent and mischievous, her eyes glazed from too much wine.

  “My sincerest apologies, Lord Willowton. My daughter is not well, and we must return home.”

  “But Mother!” Patience shot to her feet, her arms rigid at her sides.

  “That’s enough, Patience. Tomorrow you can tell your sister how disappointed you are with her behavior.”

  Patience glared at her sister with hatred. Obedience stuck her tongue out at her.

  “I’ll have your carriage summoned,” Chance offered and walked away before completely losing control of his laughter. He wished his father could have witnessed this farce.

  In the blink of an eye, they departed, Obedience towed out by her arm like a petulant child. In the carriage, Obedience slumped against the squabs as her mother glared icily at her. Once they passed the gates of Willowton Park, she unleashed her sword-like tongue and proceeded to cut Obedience to pieces. This time, Obedience didn’t care. Her words fell on cotton-stuffed ears. The carriage rattled on, the coachman hearing every word her mother said until suddenly her mother stood and banged on the roof.

  “Why are we stopping?” Obedience asked.

  “Get out,” her mother bit off.

  “What?” Obedience looked back and forth between her mother and her sister, twin expressions of hatred staring back at her.

  “I said that you would regret ruining this evening for us. You will walk back to the manor and think about what your life will become if you have ruined your sister’s chances. Now get out.”

  “But you’d have me walk in the dark?” Obedience said numbly. She looked to her sister for help. “Pat—” She was stunned by the stinging slap her sister gave her.

  Holding her hand to her cheek as her eyes began to water, she scurried out of the coach. The door slammed, and the coachman didn’t even spare her a glance as
they rolled away.

  Chapter 4

  Chance stood on the terrace with his violin in his hand and looked up at the sky. It was crystal clear. A blanket of black velvet sprinkled with white diamonds. The moon was full and bright, illuminating the lawn and paths up to the side of the oak grove that bordered the lawn. He was trying to settle his thoughts after the disastrous dinner. Thoughts of Obedience had plagued him when he tried to retire for the night, so he pulled his old violin out from the music room and came outside to play. He lifted his violin to his chin. It felt awkward at first, his fingers stiff from lack of practice. He hadn’t picked up his violin in years, but as he set the bow to the strings, it was already becoming familiar. The first chord wafted into the air, and the frogs and crickets quieted. To an audience of creatures and stars, he tested each chord, tuning the violin until its music drifted from the strings in perfect harmony. He started with a sultry song that vibrated and hummed to warm his fingers, and then took things higher to a lively ballad that burst with joy and excitement. He was really feeling it now, his fingers sliding effortlessly over the strings and his arm and bow becoming one fluid motion of music. He was lost in the sound, closing his eyes and swaying on his feet.

  He opened his eyes, his skin tingling with the awareness that his audience had grown. Across the lawn, a figure moved in the shadows of the trees. He was about to stop, but the figure moved into the light, swaying and spinning with the same joy as the music. He continued, never taking his eyes from her. His playing became second nature as his senses drank in the magic of her. She danced her way across the lawn, smiling and laughing, until she reached the bottom of the steps. Chance switched into a slow-building waltz, smiled as she put her hands onto an imaginary partner, and began to revolve in a small circle.

  He watched her dance, entranced. She looked uninhibited, and he was acutely envious. She stopped dancing, and he suddenly realized it was because he stopped playing altogether. She smiled at him, her breathing rapid. “That was beautiful.”

  Without thinking, he set his violin and bow gently on the ground. He tripped down the steps and approached her, noticing how her breathing hitched as he came closer and her eyes widened. He stopped before her and presented his hand. “May I have this dance?”

  “But...there isn’t any music.” She laughed nervously.

  “I hear it, don’t you?”

  He took her hand and placed it on his shoulder. She stepped closer, and he slipped his arm around her waist. As if on cue, a chorus of frogs and crickets began, and they slowly started to move. Chance had never waltzed with her before, and that was probably a good thing. His body instantly remembered hers, and the way she had pressed it against him only yesterday. He could feel the warmth of her body through her dress and the shift of the muscles in her back as she moved. He'd never seen her like this, never known her as this beautiful, sensual being. How could he have been so blind? How did he not notice years ago that she would bloom into such a rare woman? Her hair was madly escaping its pins, half falling out at the bottom. Her cheeks were rosy from exertion, and her eyes were dark pools of mystery. He slowed them to a stop and gently brushed a fall of curls from her shoulder.

  “What are you doing here?” His voice came out far more serious than he intended.

  She bit her lip. “I cut across the field after Mama ordered me from the carriage. She said I had to walk home as punishment.”

  “Punishment?” Chance pulled his hands away from her. His fists clenched in anger. “Your mother left you on the road at night as punishment?”

  Obedience nodded and looked down. A stream of light from the drawing room illuminated her face and the redness that spread from her jaw to the corner of her eye.

  “What the devil?” He took her chin in his hand as gently as possible and inspected her cheek in the light. “Is this also from your mother?” he said with derision.

  “It’s nothing.” Obedience pulled her chin from his hand. “Just a bit of sisterly affection. I can hardly feel it now.”

  “They don’t deserve you,” he growled.

  Obedience smiled. “That’s very kind of you to say.”

  Chance shook his head emphatically. “I mean it. They don’t appreciate the rare gem you are and more than that, they treat you abominably.”

  Obedience snorted. “Perhaps, but they are my family. What am I to do, run away and join the theater? I have considered it, you know.”

  She laughed. It was a patently false laugh that may have fooled strangers, but Chance could see the pain in her eyes, and it made him seethe with anger. He tried to remain calm and instead focused on her lips. His father’s words came to mind, and an idea bloomed inside him. He could take her away from it all, give her the protection of his name, and she would never see her mother again if she wished. He could do all that if he married her. But could he marry her?

  He was still trying to decide. It was what his father wished—his dying wish, one could say. It would also benefit Obedience, of that he had no doubt. But what of him, what he wanted? He had yet to give his heart to any woman. He hadn’t the intention of marrying for love, but he did need to feel something. He did want a marriage that was friendly and had a modicum of passion in the bedroom. He would not be a man who would stray from his wife, so passion was paramount. The ultimate question was, could he feel that kind of passion with Obedience?

  She licked her lips and looked up at him with searching eyes. He read the confusion and embarrassment there, and he was certainly confused himself.

  “I don’t know what to do with you,” he admitted.

  She gave him a small half smile. “Nothing must be done with me, except perchance a ride home? These slippers weren’t made for long walks about the countryside.” She stepped back and presented a foot with a ragged and stained silk slipper.

  Chance was angry all over again. He was tempted to let his father truly behead her mother now. How could such a witch produce such a vibrant person like Obedience? “Would you like to stay here tonight? I can have a room readied for you.”

  “No, that would really upset her. I’ll have your coachman drop me a ways down the drive so I can walk up to the house looking contrite and pitiful. That would appease her, I’m sure.” She laughed again, that same empty aching laugh.

  Chance stepped close to her. His skin felt hot and itchy, his cravat uncomfortably tight, but that didn’t stop him from making his next move. He needed to know if he could feel more for her physically. It was so clear that she needed him, and it was up to him to make a move since he was positive the thought of them together had never entered her mind. It was almost comical. He spent most of his time in town avoiding the marriage mart, and now he would have to be the one doing the convincing. He’d never given her a reason to think they would ever be anything more than friends. That is, until now.

  “Obedience I—”

  “I want to apologize for my family.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I have to warn you that my mother and Patience have decided that you are the perfect husband for her. I sort of fed you to her tonight, that is, until the end.” She grimaced. “This evening at dinner, I had to keep your attention on Patience so you could see all her charms, or my mother threatened to send me away.”

  “Send you—oh bloody hell.” He spun away from her and grabbed his hair in frustration. “Your mother may be the most ridiculous woman I’ve ever met,” he muttered.

  Obedience giggled, and he turned to face her. “How you can laugh when you have to live with that mad woman is beyond me.”

  Obedience shrugged. “Things could be worse.”

  “Indeed.” He stroked his chin. It was now or never. If there was something between them with potential to grow, then he could please his father and protect himself and Obedience from the machinations of her family. Not that he was worried about himself. He had plenty of practice dodging marriage-minded mamas. Honestly, it would be no great sacrifice. It wouldn’t be a love match like D
ominic and Lilly, but he would have a beautiful and vivacious wife. His life would never be boring again. A single kiss would answer all the questions. He approached her slowly. He brought his hands up to her face and looked deeply into her eyes.

  “I want to know something about you, Obedience, so I’m going to kiss you if I may.” He didn’t wait for an answer, and she didn’t look as if she was going to give one. Her eyes had widened the moment he touched her, and her only other response was her mouth slightly opening in what was most likely surprise. Perfect.

  He brought his lips to hers in a very proper kiss. Her lips were astonishingly soft and full. He stepped closer to her, bringing his body against hers but not tightly. He didn’t want to shock her. She had yet to respond to him, but at the same time, she was not resisting. He deepened the kiss, teasing the wetness just inside her lips with his tongue. At last she moved, her lips firming and widening even more. He accepted the invitation and entered her mouth, surprised when his tongue met hers. She brought her hands up to his, lightly touching the back of his hands. He tilted his head, and she sighed, her lips tentatively moving against his now.

  Chance was stunned. It was clearly the first time she had been kissed. He was her first and that made him feel...pleased. She was an innocent through and through, and if they were to be married, he would be the only man to claim her body and introduce her to the world of pleasure. That single thought delighted him. He ran his hands from her face to her shoulders, and then to her back, pressing her body firmly against him. To say it was merely enjoyable would be an understatement. Had it been so long since he held a woman?

  Her curves fit perfectly against him and set him on fire. He boldly swept his tongue against hers and was gratified when she did the same in return. He was definitely enjoying the feel of her in his arms, but he didn’t know how to push the limits of the kiss without scaring her.


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