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Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles

Page 16

by Morgan R. R. Haze

  I looked over towards the unappealing dish, responding, "Pardon my forthrightness, but where I am from, it is not common to eat the same food as slaves do." The captain covered the dish, looked at Ell and they both looked disgusted. I would have liked to believe that it was at the dish in front of us, but I realized their attitude was directed towards me.

  I quickly tried to change their focus by stating, "Echo, I would like to see her before I depart. It would allow the girl in the med suite to rest a while longer." The captain looked at Ell, and she nodded that she would tolerate my intrusion for a while longer. Captain Singer responded with no emotion, "Gladly."

  As we took a few steps, I turned to Ell and asked if she would meet me at the airlock before I departed. She agreed.


  Upon arriving at my niece’s quarters the captain finally made proper introductions, but then stayed at the door as if standing guard. I complimented Echo's caretaker, Willow, on her great care of my niece. Echo seemed to be a very quiet and well behaved baby. I commented that Echo had my sister's eyes, to which Willow responded, "Both of her parents had blue eyes, I think they may stay the darker blue of her father. They haven't lightened up at all yet." I took a step back, fully observing the room once more. It only reinforced to me that this ship had no control when it came to decorum, but I smiled and reminded myself that they most likely had never been taught anything better.

  Once our brief visit, where the silence of my niece was the only saving grace, the captain once again escorted me to the medical suite. There we met with his ships doctor Peter, who I learned was actually Jason's brother. Then I was introduced to Bree, the girl who had been resting on the bed when I entered the med suite the first time. She was also the stowaway that I had tracked from Fell, to Wyatt, to the small ship on autopilot, to the Waylay.

  After our conversation, which was not only the longest out of any other I had on this ship, family included, it was the most pleasant. Our discussion allowed me to glean a good amount of information from Bree. She was interesting, even resembling someone that I had been close to once, but I thought it best not to mention that fact. I would also need to review my security operations once I returned to Fell. If there was an opening in Mondragon Industries, then I would consider offering Bree a position.

  The crew she was now with had obvious sympathies for slave culture, judging by their food and appearance. I was uncertain what Bree’s stance would be towards the slave trade, after spending time on this ship. However, Mondragon Industries no longer held any slave assets, due to a corporate takeover. I was sure high end commodity trading wouldn’t sound as morally objectionable, to these people.

  It came as no surprise when our conversation was ended swiftly, with the captain marching me off of his ship as quickly as possible, without outright telling me to leave.

  I tried to smooth things over a little with the captain by warning him that not everyone he came across would overlook his possible secrets as easily as I had. He did not appear happy to be called out on this.

  In the airlock I had a final conversation with Ell. I impressed upon her that though I am not accustomed to her crew's culture, I do find them interesting. I also conveyed my hopes that upon further visits, I would get to know her, Echo, and the crew better. When she look set upon rejecting my kind offer I responded by apologizing for the inconvenience of my boarding and for any misunderstandings. She hesitated, and then agreed to give me a chance. We agreed to a meeting in about a couple of week’s time at my villa on the planet of Mecca Prime.

  The Waylay Med Suite -Day 356- Bree Reiter

  Aware of movement around me, I struggled to open my eyes. When I did I wished I hadn't. The room started spinning. Peter had been getting ready to treat the radiation poisoning. Had it worked? Was I feeling the side effects of the treatment, or the mutations’ progression?

  Keeping my eyes closed, I tried to focus on what I could hear.

  "The Teragene trail you followed was her. She hid in a crawl space close to your main hold. She had exposure to Teragene radiation, but not at levels high enough to indicate direct contact." Peter was explaining.

  So, I was the reason we were followed. Maybe Damian had the right idea by not wanting me to come. I had caused them trouble and made Natasha worry, thinking it was her fault.

  "I can see I was mistaken in my belief she stole my missing supplies. But I would still like to talk to her. Perhaps she noticed something. At the very least she can explain how she boarded my ship so easily." A second man with an unfamiliar voice was saying.

  "It will take her a few minutes to wake fully." Peter replied.

  "Perhaps I can offer some refreshments. Peter can contact us when she is ready." A third man said, sounding like Jason. I got the impression that he didn't want the other man to stay with Peter and me.

  "Lead the way, Captain," was the unknown man’s reply.

  After they had left, Peter gave me an injection, saying, "I know you heard all that. Sorry about the spinning room. Jason hinted we should give you more time to rest and think before letting him question you. So I only gave you half the dose you needed to wake up."

  Already I was feeling better. "Thank you. Does he suspect I had company?"

  "Jason fed him a line about the ship being listed as the last vehicle a bounty had stolen. He said we found the ship on autopilot, and he thought you tried stowing away again, only to get trapped on an abandoned ship."

  "I'm glad. That means the others are safe." I said with relief.

  "I'm going to have to let him talk to you. His name is Neil. Are you ready?" Peter asked.

  Nodding, I replied, "I'd like to get it over with."


  The captain and Neil returned to the med suite sometime after Peter called them. Immediately, I felt that Neil seemed vulnerable somehow. It made me less afraid of the questions he had. After all, someone was stealing from him and he had every right to find out who it was.

  "Hello," I said cautiously.

  The captain was the first to speak. "Neil here has some questions for you Bree. Do you feel up to that?"

  "Yes," then looking at Neil I said, "Peter says it was your ship I ran away on. I'm sorry I caused you concern for your shipment. I just wanted to leave Fell, and couldn't think of any other way to do it."

  Neil appeared surprised to find me so forthcoming. He came forward and eloquently sat in the chair next to my bed, so as not to crease his long coat, as I imagined a noble on Fell would; yet he leaned forward with concern showing. He was closer to my level, making eye contact much easier. He remarked, “You look taller than I thought you would be from the overhead surveillance video from my ship.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, “No one has ever said that I was taller in person before.” I shared with them.

  "May I ask why you left Fell? Do you have anyone that will be worrying about you back home?" He asked.

  “No, both of my parents passed away when I was nine. I lived at one of the Havens and have just come of age. It was in the Dock District." I replied

  He nodded with understanding. Then looking at Peter and the Captain explained, "The Dock District of Fell is known to have gangs or cartels, though the current Lord Imperator's regime has actively tried to crush them, they still remain. If it's illegal or dangerous they traffic in it." Then returning his attention to me he added, "And a Haven would be a source of new recruits. I thought the Haven's were being systematically closed by the regime due to their corruption."

  "I understand it's one of the last. They are still getting government funding from what I saw. Most of the kids came from the area, orphaned when their parents were killed by gangs, had abandoned them, or if their parents were themselves arrested and sent to prison. Maybe the regime on Fell just hopes to confine or keep tabs on the cartel's influence; running seemed as if it was my only option if I wanted to avoid that life." I explained.

  Neil was visibly disturbed by this new information and resp
onded, "It doesn't seem right. The regime is actually just funding a recruitment center for the cartels, and not fixing anything. When I get back I'll use what influence I have to look into this." He then paused looking at me, then continued, "Not to be discourteous, but with your small size, I need to ask, did the Haven supply you with sufficient nutrition?”

  I was surprised by his display of concern for me, then I responded, “There were times that they got tight with portions of food when I was younger, but the last few years the government has just been supplying them with the nutritionals, or ration packets for the number of children listed on their books, not paying them to provide the food.”

  “I will need to see if those numbers correlate with the true number of children as well then." Neil said, he then shifting the conversation, saying, "I was aware of products going missing on the ship you boarded, and was keeping a close eye on who may have been the thief. But how was it that you stowed away on one of my ships so easily?"

  "I saved a discarded delivery uniform, and then I grabbed some boxes and pretended to actually have a delivery. The guard was expecting someone from the ‘Ferret’s’ cartel and he assumed it was me. He let me onboard so I could retrieve a box he had set aside, and then he just left. Once I was onboard, I hid until we landed on Wyatt, waiting until after I heard all of the sounds of the unloading stop. I thought if the cargo was important enough it would be the main focus, not who or what was left afterwards." I answered, trying to be as accurate as possible without revealing the fact that I hadn’t been alone.

  Neil actually smiled. "You are very resourceful. Maybe I should even hire you to be on my security team as you look at things differently." His smile then changing to a more serious expression, "I recall that my warehouse director had noted that one of the guards, who I assume was the one which you passed at the entrance to the ship was manifesting lackadaisical work ethnics. I see now that the cause of the thefts was actually in front of me the whole time. However, once I was shown video surveillance of you, I had to investigate further... for due diligence sake. "

  I was shocked that he was so open with me and the last thing I expected was a potential job offer, even if he didn't mean it. If anything, I expected to be charged for passage, or with trespass. "Thank you. So much has changed in the last week or so that I'm still trying to get my bearings." One of those things was that I had at least delayed the other's plans to join the Coalition. It felt like I owed them something.

  "She also needs time to recover from the radiation. Are you quite done questioning her now?” Peter was obviously impatient to have me resting again and to have Neil leave.

  “Did you know that she had a history of malnutrition?” Neil asked in what could be perceived as a condescending tone.

  “No, once her scans showed Teragene exposure I started her treatment without delay.” Peter explained.

  “I thought a thorough doctor would want all of the facts before beginning treatment.” Neil countered.

  “Ideally we do, but in an emergency situation actions are sometimes required to stop any more damage being done. I've noticed she has developed some abnormalities. Her brain scan in particular will need to be re-administered to confirm that the progression has stopped." Peter said.

  "Something's wrong with my brain?" I asked startled.

  "There changes are to your anterior insular cortex. I need to run more tests to discover what, if any, effects you can expect." Peter said soothingly.

  "What does that area do?" The captain asked, studying me for a moment.

  "It controls the perception of emotions, empathy." Peter replied.

  "Could it cause me to sense things about others?" I asked, thinking of how it felt that Kendric could tell what I was thinking.

  "It is possible; I know some Hybrids have been documented to have empathic abilities." Peter replied. "But damage could also lead to a lack of ability to recognize emotions in others."

  "Bree, I see that you will be well looked after here. This part of my investigation into the matter of the Teragene theft is complete. It was my privilege to meet you." Neil stood up gracefully, and then bowed slightly. "I'll leave you now to recover. I may wish to contact you if I do have a place open up in my company... If I do, I ask that you please consider my offer."

  "I will, and thank you.”

  The Waylay Vault -Day 356- Kendric

  It had been quite some time since we had been put in the vault. All I could sense from the outside was conflict between the captain and the newcomer. It had lessened, but the captain was still cautious.

  Natasha had remained quiet and Damian had stopped pacing and sat down.

  "Holding up ok?” I asked, and Natasha nodded a yes.

  "The longer it takes, the less it seems that they intend to turn us over." Damian said with a shrug.

  "I'm just sensing that the captain wants our follower gone. The other man is hard to read. It is as if his mind were shrouded, some areas darker than others. Some people are just better at shielding themselves. I feel an uneasiness about him, but I don't detect anything that would be really harmful." I mused aloud.

  "Can you sense anything from Bree?" Natasha asked.

  "She was exposed to Teragene radiation, but I’m not sensing any great alarm from the doctor." I replied.

  Damian looked at me skeptically, "How can you know the diagnosis? You only get impressions, not outright thoughts." He said.

  Realizing I had revealed too much not to give an explanation, I said, "Normally, you're right. Other than being able to read other Empaths, you were the only person I could get actual thoughts from, Damian, until I met Bree. Maybe it has to do with the Teragene exposure, but from the first, I got flashes of what she was thinking, especially images."

  "Is that why you have been spending so much time with her?" He asked surprised.

  "Partly,” I replied. "I wanted to know why there was a connection. Then the more I saw, the more I liked."

  "You can't be attracted to a Norm!" He was obviously shocked by my confession.

  I shot Natasha a look. She was agitated, but trying to hide it. I knew Damian wouldn't want to be causing pain intentionally, but he was causing it nonetheless. I didn't want to add to her discomfort, but knew Damian wouldn't just let this go. "Apparently I can, because I am. But, I should try to focus on our pursuer some more. Maybe I can glean some more insight." I said, attempting to end the discussion.

  "Just make sure you are focused on HIM." Damian muttered, making it clear he didn't want me to focus on HER.

  The Waylay -Day 356- Jason Singer

  Once Ell was back on board from the airlock tube and we were safely detached from Neil's ship, Ell opened the vault. The three inhabitants gazed at us expectantly.

  "Ok, let’s eat." I said. "Follow me to the mess and we can talk over our meal." I turned to Ell and asked, "What meal is this, we had dinner last night, but is it really breakfast if it's closer to being a midnight snack?"

  "We can call it first breakfast if that would make you feel better." Ell responded with a laugh.

  As we headed to the mess I said, "You all know that I'm Jason, this is my wife, Ell, and the rest of the crew should be waiting for us in the mess."

  When we entered the mess everyone but Peter was seated loosely around the table as usual. Ell and I took our normal seats at the head.

  The purple woman was the first to sit; she chose the vacant space between Willow and Aria. The two men took a moment more and finally sat together between Mark and Gabriel. It was a good choice strategically, having a wall at their backs and next to the heaviest muscled men in the room.

  "So we all just help ourselves here." I said taking a roll from the plate in front of me and then passing the plate along to Ell, as Gabriel handed me the one that he had served himself from. Our normal dining routine forced them to act as part of our group and also assured them that we were all eating from the same dishes as them. "This gentleman to my right is our cook, Gabriel, he prepared this meal
along with most everything else we eat on this ship."

  Pete entering the room caused a pause in my introductions and the distribution of the food. "Bree is resting well. I hope you saved me some of the potatoes." Pete said to the table at large as he took his seat.

  "Ladies and gentleman my brother Peter the doctor, if he isn't thinking about his patients he is thinking with his stomach." I teased. "That leaves me to introduce Mark our engineer, Aria our weapons master, and last but not least, Willow here is our part time nurse, as well as the nanny for Ell's niece, Echo." Then directing a question to Willow I asked; "Where is Echo?"

  "As soon as the ship's engine started back up she fell right back to sleep. I asked the AI to alert me if she starts to wake up again." Willow informed me proudly. I was glad to see her being part of the group without worrying about Echo constantly.

  "So now you know who we are. Why don’t you tell us something about yourselves?" I asked. You could tell that they were still uncomfortable, but that was to be expected. Our guests were actually being treated as equals by unaltered humans.

  The taller one, which I had come to think of as the hostile one, of the two men said, "I'm Damian, this is my brother Kendric," indicating the man sitting next to Mark, "and this is our passenger, Natasha. We must thank you for your help."

  Wanting to reassure him I said, "We don't hold with slavery, whatever form it takes."

  Damian continued, "Well thank you again. Patrice said you know of the Coalition." I nodded yes, not wanting to interrupt. "Well, Kendric and I were rescued by them several years ago. We decided to stay and help. Natasha just contacted us for help a few days ago."

  "I was smuggled Coalition contact information," Natasha began quietly; "It gave me the hope I needed to try to escape."

  "Hope is being able to see light despite all the darkness.” (Desmond Tutu) Mark quoted, and then continued, "Sometimes grasping that light is the most difficult thing we can do."


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