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Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles

Page 22

by Morgan R. R. Haze

  "I feared the worst when Patrice said she had entrusted your safety to bounty hunters." Suha looked genuinely distressed, but it didn't harm her beauty.

  "Patrice was right to trust them. They are the ones who are providing this planet as a base for us." Damian replied.

  "As long as it's not so we mine for them." Suha said, clearly distrustful.

  "When you meet them, you will see." Damian said giving her a brief kiss.

  She looked surprised and glanced at me saying, "It isn't like you to trust Norms." Immediately, feeling uncomfortable, I put my walls up.

  "I'll have to tell you everything that has been happening while I've been gone. But first, meet Natasha, and Bree." Damian said indicating us. "This is my wife, Suha."

  "It is nice to meet you." Natasha replied, as Suha gave her full attention to her.

  "And you." Suha said as she held out her hand, palm up towards Natasha.

  Natasha gently touched fingers with her, as my father had taught me would be the proper way to greet a grand lady. I was surprised by the action, but perhaps they had similar customs. Everything had originated with Old Earth anyway.

  "Come, darling. We have so much to catch up on." Suha said, looking up fondly at Damian, completely ignoring me.

  "I'll help Natasha AND Bree get settled." Kendric said as Suha pulled Damian away. Damian, at least, looked apologetic. Suha continued to pretend I wasn't there.

  Wanting to get the uncomfortable focus off of me, I asked Kendric, "You don't have anyone waiting for you?"

  "Of course I do." He said with a grin, as he took Natasha and me by the arm. "We have to find Owen. He was with us in the mine when Patrice rescued us. I think you'll both like him."

  We found Owen, helping set up the temporary shelters everyone would be using. A man of about Natasha's height, he firmly shook my hand. His hair was a brindle of blacks and browns, like many of those he was working along with. If Natasha and Kendric were fey creatures, Owen was substantial, like the very ground we stood on. He smiled, while seeming to assess me with his amber eyes. Again, I imagined reinforcing my walls.

  "Ken. I'm so happy you made it safely back. There is good news as well as sad. Patrice found my family in a mine on Pyre. We freed them while you were gone. Unfortunately, the mission didn't go as smooth as usual. Mercenaries must have tracked us. Our base was hit, we lost Samkelo and James. They were able to take out the mercenary ship, but got caught in the blast.” Owen said in a solemn tone.

  Kendric then put his hand on Owen’s shoulder, saying, “We won't forget them.”

  “No we won’t.” Owen replied. “Let me introduce the three of you to my family, who they saved."

  Owen's family was numerous. I wondered what Patrice had to do to free them. While they were friendly enough, I felt uncomfortable. Everyone seemed to belong, except me.

  That feeling followed me throughout the day, as we continued to meet Kendric's friends and get work assignments. At first, I was glad that Kendric asked for me to help him, while Natasha was assigned to Owen's group. As the day progressed, I saw how well Kendric was liked. While I felt happy for him, it intensified my feelings of not belonging and the need to not let anyone see how vulnerable I was feeling.

  Towards the evening, there was a bell rung. Everyone started to head in the direction of the sound. "Dinner is served, and I'm sure you have worked up an appetite like I have. Shall we?" Kendric said extending his hand to help me off the ladder I was using to reach the seams in the wall I was sealing.

  "Sure, I’m hungry." I said, letting him help me down.

  He led the way to a large room, set up cafeteria style. "This is always the first area to be completed." He explained.

  I hadn't thought about the fact that he was still holding my hand until I saw the looks some of the Hybrid women were giving me. There were several very pretty women who hadn't hidden their pleasure at seeing that Kendric had returned. Now, I couldn’t help but notice, they weren't very pleased at me being the focus of Kendric's attentions.

  I hoped the mental shielding Kendric had taught me was working, because I wanted to hide from the curious stares of some and the obvious hostility of others. When I spied Natasha with Owen, she smiled and I made myself smile in return. When Damian and Suha saw us, he frowned and she looked shocked. I wondered if this was what Natasha had felt like when she was paraded around as a Hybrid specimen by her father. One day I might ask her.

  Finally we reached the food, and I focused on choosing my meal, even though I didn't feel like eating anymore.

  "I'm sorry," Kendric said quietly. "While the Coalition is based on mutual respect, there are those who harbor prejudices. Would you prefer to return to the Waylay?"

  "Let's eat first. I don't think running away is a necessity in this instance." I replied, trying for levity.

  He smiled, "Even though that is what you want to do. Come, we'll sit with Natasha. I know she counts you as a friend."

  "Thank you. I'm not broadcasting again, am I?"

  "No, I just think I understand you well enough to know that you would rather avoid uncomfortable situations.


  After dinner, Kendric walked with me back to the Waylay. Both of us seemed to be lost in thought, because we didn't talk much.

  Reaching the ship, I asked, "Are you staying with Owen and his family tonight?"

  "No, the ship I am usually attached to has just arrived. I plan on using my room there." He said.

  "It's always easier to sleep in familiar surroundings." I replied.

  "And nothing is familiar to you here, is it?” Kendric said.

  "True, but I didn't really like what was familiar on Fell. I knew I would have to adapt." I mentioned.

  "Well, I think you've done a remarkably good job. You wouldn't believe it, but some who have been slaves don't want anything else. They return to their masters after a short time. You weren't a slave, but you still left everything you knew.” He shared.

  "I didn't really have anything to lose. It’s not like I have ever felt I belonged." Suddenly all the feelings I had been suppressing threatened to overwhelm me. I had to express them. "I didn't even belong with my parents. I was doing a class project about heredity when I realized they couldn't be my biological parents. I was so upset that I didn't go directly home after class. When I finally did go home, it was to find that they had been out looking for me and been caught in the crossfire of two warring cartels. If they hadn't adopted me, they would still be alive!" I confided in him.

  "Or if they had told you the truth, you wouldn't have been hurt to learn it on your own. You would have gone home." Kendric replied softly.

  "Maybe," was all that I could reply to his logic.

  "As for belonging, I hope you will stay. I know it won't be easy for you, but I know you will be accepted when they get to know you. Right now you are an unknown. For many the unknown inspires fear." He tried to encourage me.

  "Unknown. That is a good way to describe me. I don't even know where I come from."

  Kendric was quiet for a moment, I could tell he was thinking about something. "This seems very important to you. Maybe Ell and Jason could help. They are good at finding people. Perhaps they can help you find out who your biological parents were. Once you have the answers maybe you will feel more settled." He actually understood what I needed!

  Agreeing with him I said, "That sounds like a good idea. I'll talk to them tomorrow."

  "You've had a very busy day, besides all the emotional strain of the situation. Hopefully you can sleep tonight. I'll come see you tomorrow, after you talk with Ell and Jason, if that's okay?” Kendric offered.

  "I'd like that." I said and I hugged him. He understood my feelings. He didn't belittle them, telling me I was overreacting or imagining things. Even with my parents, I hadn't felt as accepted. I ended the hug saying, “good night."


  Though I didn't sleep well, I was determined to talk to Ell and Jason at breakfast. I waited until m
ost of the others had headed off to their assigned duties. "Ell, Jason, do you have time to talk?" I asked quietly.

  "Sure," Jason said. "What can we help you with?”

  "Well..." I hesitated; did I really want to find out? Yes, I did, and then continued, "I want to find out who I am." They each gave me a confused look. "I mean, I was adopted. They never told me, but I found out. It feels like there are pieces to me missing."

  Jason looked at Ell, who nodded her agreement then got a far off look in her eyes. "We will do what we can, but don't…"

  "I found something." Ell cut in.

  "So quickly?” both Jason and I responded in unison.

  "Peter did a full work up on you. It is easiest to start with the known, so I started with our database first. I immediately got a match between you and Echo." Ell said.

  Somehow I was related to Echo? "Am I related to you too, then?" I asked stunned.

  "No, but Echo is your half-sister. My sister-in-law must have been your mother as well. I didn't go out of my way to look into your past until now, but I did notice that your facial structure resembled Lydia’s. However, your father must have had a dark complexion. There are look a likes in the inhabited universe who aren't closely related. I try to give everyone on this ship as much privacy as possible, so digging into their family history isn't my top priority." Ell explained.

  I sat down. My mother had left me, left Fell, and started a new life for herself. Did she ever think of me? Was she unhappy with me for some reason? But she had had another child; to replace me? Or did she just pretend I had never existed? "I have so many questions.”

  "I didn't live with my brother William and his wife Lydia for long. I don't know much about her. Willow may know more, but I think she was isolated for much of her time on Talia. I will get you more information." Ell said.

  "Hmm, there is also Neil." Jason said, though I could tell he didn't care much for the idea of me having a family connection to Neil. Neil had done some things they felt offensive, but I knew the overly formal customs of those who had been in the service of Noble Houses on Fell, and I knew the laid back manners on the Waylay. It's no wonder that their cultures clashed when they met, not to mention everyone was on guard when Neil boarded the ship. Also, Neil was much less abrasive than some I had encountered on Fell.

  "He is Echo's uncle, so he would be yours as well." Ell confirmed.

  "Neil said he had lost his sister years ago. But Echo's not even a year old." I said half to myself.

  "There is a mystery here. But I know I speak for Jason as well, you have a place here if you want it. We will give you whatever help we can." Ell said.

  "Thank you. I have a lot to think about." I said. "If it's okay, I'll go back to my room. I'd like some time to myself. "


  I was in my room for a few hours when the entrance chime sounded. It wasn't surprising that it was Kendric. Though I was still a bit disconcerted, I was glad to see him.

  "What's wrong?" Were the first words out of his mouth.

  I laughed, "Of course you would know I'm overwhelmed." then I added more seriously, "Ell immediately had results for me."

  "Really? That was fast." He replied.

  "Well, Echo's DNA was in the system already." I stated.

  "Echo? How are you two connected?" He asked.

  "She's my half-sister. Ell's sister-in-law Lydia was my mother. That makes Neil my uncle as well as Echo's. It is all so strange." I said.

  "You said he commented that you reminded him of his sister. They were from Fell. Neil's base of operations is in the capital, Port Arthur, where you were raised. Mondragon Industries is a large company, and he probably is connected to many of the royals, such as the one your step-parents worked for. Perhaps Lydia was connected as well. The biggest coincidence is running into Ell. But even that is understandable when you consider what kind of people are on the Waylay. Patrice wouldn't have trusted many others." Kendric pointed out.

  "When you explain it like that, it almost seems inevitable." I teased.

  He smiled, "I'm glad you can see some humor in this."

  "I'm sure I would start crying if I didn't. Like I said it's overwhelming. Suddenly I have all these answers, but even more questions. Will Neil be willing or even able to give me more answers?" I paused then added, "But that means I'll have to go with Ell and Jason to meet him."

  Kendric nodded. "I do hope you will return."

  "Right now it feels like nothing is solid. I half expect Ell to come in and say she made a mistake. Or even to wake up and find I never left the Haven."

  Kendric reached over and took my hand. "Whatever you doubt, be assured that the connection between us is real."


  For several more days the Waylay stayed on Talia. Kendric and I continued to help with temporary housing. Natasha and Owen were part of the group setting up and learning to operate the EMP shield’s manual controls. Though many still viewed me warily, things did get easier. Owen and his family made it a point to include Natasha and me at meals and even some play. They enjoyed card games involving speed and concentration. Kendric and I joined in, since empathic abilities didn't give us any advantage. It was nice to laugh and simply enjoy our time together. I could see myself staying, but so much of the closeness was because of family. It made me long to know mine.

  About a week had passed when Neil's message came, reminding Ell of their scheduled meeting on Mecca Prime. We would soon be leaving.

  That night Natasha and I were talking about it. "Things are going well here. Just today Suha even expressed an interest in taking a turn manning the shield controls. She starts training tomorrow." Natasha said.

  "Most of the housing is finished as well and this is a nice little base now." I replied.

  "But not nice enough for you to stay. You know Kendric really likes you and you seem to like him too. Why not remain here to explore a relationship?" Natasha asked.

  I thought about how to answer, finally settling on, "I feel I need to understand my past, before I try to build a future."

  "I am having a hard time understanding that logic." She countered.

  Turning to look at her, I asked, "Well think about it. If you didn't know who your father was, would that have changed your decisions?"

  She was silent while she considered the matter. "I guess my life would have been much like my mother's. But I think I would not have run away. I would not have been the outcast, or the advertisement."

  "Knowing that one fact changed your life drastically... I have no idea what facts I will uncover," I replied.

  "But do you believe those facts could change how you and Kendric seem to feel about each other?" She asked.

  "I hope not, but I would rather find out first, than to build a life only to have it crumble later because I was too scared to investigate. When I choose a relationship, I want it to have every chance of success." I said firmly.

  Natasha then replied, "I guess I understand that. Just don't wait too long. You never know what tomorrow will bring."

  The Waylay Approaching Mecca Prime -Day 378- Bree Reiter

  The Waylay had left Talia, shortly thereafter engaging the stardrive for a straight shot to Mecca Prime, in the Epsilon Sector. Though it was only one sector away, it took several days of travel to reach the planet.

  Once we arrived in the Mecca system, Ell found a mined out, and therefore un-terraformable, planetoid to hide the Waylay on. She decided it would be best not to take Echo planet side, at least until after we had first met with Neil and had some time to get to know him better.

  As Ell, Jason, Mark, and I prepared to board the Waylay's shuttle, the Siren’s Song, I could feel myself getting impatient to find out about my past, and as I said to Natasha, how it would affect my future.

  Once we took off in the shuttle, I could see the views, previously only visible on the vid screen, with my own eyes out of the observation windows. Mecca Prime looked to be a lovely place; with ocean views as far as the eye could
see. I had never seen an ocean which was so clean and crystal clear. After all, the Fionuir Ocean of Fell was always dark, covered in dense fog, and known to have predators lurking beneath the surface.

  Once the Siren’s Song touched down, we opened the loading ramp. I had imagined Neil had some wealth by the way he was dressed when we met on the Waylay... but his villa was a regal complex. In fact, palace would have been a better description of it. We landed in one of the smaller courtyards. Beyond a tall row of hedges, I could see the high stone walls and arches of the villa rising into the tropical sky. The courtyard was beautiful. It had a majestic wall fountain surrounded by a variety of exotic plants which must have been exclusively chosen for Mecca Prime. I felt very small surrounded by all the magnificence. There was no evidence of technology here. Instead each new area of the villa that we entered had servants to open doors, run messages, and to accomplish any number of other tasks. It all felt so foreign. The others felt as awkward as I did with people doing things we would normally either do for ourselves, or had electronic devices do for us.

  Finally Neil himself arrived, coming down the main walkway of the central courtyard. "I am so glad you could make it.” He said extending his hand to Jason. "Is it just the four of you? Echo has not joined us?”

  "Yes, we wanted to take this chance to get to know you better." Ell said. She acted wary of him.

  Neil seemed disappointed, but simply said, “There are some things I need to take care of before our meal.” He then gestured to an older manservant, “Bartholomew here will show you to your rooms."

  “Yes, Sir,” Is all Bartholomew, the servant replied.

  With that, Neil slightly bowed towards us and left. We followed Bartholomew up to the second story of the villa and the most luxurious rooms I had ever seen. Another servant was waiting in the room I was assigned. She asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

  "Like what?" I asked, perplexed.

  "Would you care to bathe and change before dinner?" She suggested, eying my outfit distastefully.


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