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Scarlet's Torment (1)

Page 13

by Krihstin Zink

  Kim chimes in with a, “YUM!”

  “We could get started with what is in the fridge or should we wait for some fresh ingredients?” I offer.

  Tim and I arrange the kitchen island: one side with cups and beverages, as well as a section with plates. We stack napkin-rolled-silverware nearby. Tim decides not to wait for our food, so he serves Kim and himself Mimosas. David’s enticed by Violet’s iced coffee—I ask for a cup.

  “Here’s to a safe but eventful trip…” Tim begins then continues, “David, you must plan better next time so we can all go together.” He offers David a lopsided smile.“I’m happy knowing I have Naples friends...I was worried about moving down here and how it would impact my social life…” Tim confesses before taking a sip of his drink.

  “Me, too,” Kim adds.

  “May we all enjoy a long, adventurous friendship,” David cheers. We cheer then clink our cups, but as we draw our beverages close, the doorbell rings.

  “Wow. That’s sooner than I expected.” I check my cell phone and notice that exactly thirty minutes had passed. My heart stops when I open the door—I’m startled by a woman who resembles Kate.

  “Good morning. Order for four, for Scarlet,” the delivery person offers with a concerned facial expression. I quickly compose myself, then notice I forgot my wallet and invite her in.

  “I’ll be back with the payment,” I offer as I retrieve my wallet.

  “Scarlet, ma’am—your order was added to your account,” she mentions.

  “You’re right. Well, let me grab some cash,” I offer then withdraw a twenty-dollar bill from our take-out jar in the kitchen. I return to the door and spot Kim helping with the order.

  “Everything smells so intoxicating,” Kim says with a grin as she walks to the kitchen with what she can carry. I collect the remainder of our order, then thank the delivery person as I hand her the twenty. I return to the kitchen just as David and Tim chuckle at something Kim has said.

  Kim notices my questioning expression then offers, “I let them know how nice it is to be around such bronzed people. And that I plan to build my tan on our trip. Who needs to stand out like a sheet of paper?” Kim declares, with her hands on her hips and a wide smile on her lips.

  We eat and compare the different autumn and winters experienced by Chicago versus Naples. David questions if Tim will miss the Chicago-style pizza. Tim answers, “No, I prefer New York-style pizza.” David nods his head in agreement. We eat without speaking a word until Kim excuses herself to make another Mimosa.

  “Would anyone like a refill?” Kim offers.

  “So sweet. Yes, I would Kim,” I say. Tim requests a refill as well. David cleans his face with his napkin then says, “I need some water, but I’ll get it, thanks.” He attempts to stand, but Kim stops him by saying, “No, I’ll get it. Sit.”

  David hesitates then asks if she was sure. Kim motions for him to sit. After a quick moment, Kim returns to the kitchen island with fresh drinks for everyone. We finish our breakfast, and as usual, Kim rushes us off so that she can tend to the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to—I don’t mind,” I tell her.

  “Shoo!” she hisses with a smile on her face as she rushes me away.

  David and I make a quick escape to my room. The moment the door locks, we attack the other’s lips with long seductive kisses. We quickly have our way with one another, right on the bedroom carpet. When we’re satisfied, I stretch off of David then lie next to him on my plush carpet.

  “Do you want to shower together or would you like some privacy?” he queries.

  “Let’s shower quickly. I need to pack then call Violet as well as Elizabeth,” I say as David yanks me into a hug. I smile and inhale deeply. I enjoy David’s playfulness—I adore him.

  We shower like a rushed couple late for work. By 11:45 we’re dressed, and I’m on my bed, making my calls.

  “Hello, darling!” Violet says cheerfully. I can tell she’s excited about something.

  “You’re in a good mood,” I reply.

  “I am. Do you guys have plans for dinner? Tonight Milton and I will be making an Italian-inspired dish at Mom and Dad’s,” Violet says, then waits for my response.

  “I’ll ask and see what everyone has planned.”

  “All right. So how is everyone?” she questions in a normal tone.

  “We’ve had an enjoyable time. Kate has kept to herself, thankfully,” I offer as I neglect to include my nightmares. Why upset Violet? I’m sure that soon enough my restless thoughts will settle, and my dreams will be back to normal.

  “That’s good to hear. Hopefully, the cops arrest her or have a better plan to do so.”

  “That’d be nice,” I concur. Violet questions if anyone has any food allergies in case everyone decides to attend. I let her know I’ll ask. We conclude our dinner arrangements by agreeing to meet at five for appetizers. After we update each other on our significant others, I wish Violet well and end our call.

  I search through my phone log for Elizabeth’s cell number, then give her name a tap to connect our call.

  “Hellooo, daar-ling... I waaas just thinkin’ ‘bout you. Hooow’s everyoone?” Elizabeth utters in a slur.

  “Hi, Mom…” I pause, unsure if I should address her obvious inebriation. “We’ve had an enjoyable visit so far. I had a Kate dream.” I feel a grand release of pressure from my chest as I reveal my nightmare of Kate killing everyone.

  We question what is taking the Naples police so long to arrest her. Then Elizabeth blurts out in a slur that Kate’s a psychotic criminal who’s aware of how to evade the police.

  After discussing Kate’s psycho behavior terrorizing my subconscious, I change the subject by letting Elizabeth know how I’m looking forward to spending time with everyone before leaving for the Keys.

  “I…think…Milton wants to take their relationship to the next level…but Violet’s ap-pre-hensssive,” Elizabeth says a tad more coherently.

  “We should get to know Milton; maybe then we could understand why Violet is stalling,” I offer as a smile spreads across my face—Elizabeth’s such a meddling mom. Nonetheless, it’s her concern for us that encourages our ability to accept her need to secure our happiness.

  I promise Elizabeth I’ll make time to bond with Milton. I add that she should make an effort, too. Elizabeth responds, “Let’s be honest: she needs to be a happily-married woman. They could adopt; there’s still time for her happily ever after.” We become silent.

  Would Violet want children? Elizabeth interrupts our silence by wishing me a good afternoon. I wish her the same and let her know I’ll be seeing her soon. I send her phone kisses, and she does the same.

  I sit still and stare at my phone; the thought of conversing with a drunk Elizabeth causes a pang to form in my chest. My phone rings. I swipe my cell screen and connect my call to Benjamin.

  “Scarlet?” Benjamin snaps.

  “Hi, Dad! What’s up?”

  Benjamin sighs. “Your mom decided to start drinking at nine this morning. She hasn’t had anything to eat, either,” he blurts out. I can imagine him shaking his head, then rolling his eyes.“I think Kate’s terrorism has triggered the drinking, but now it’s just because she just enjoys being inebriated. You know she never had a taste for alcohol, not even in college. It’s as if she’s having a mid-life crisis. She’s behaving like an old party girl!” he snaps before releasing a drawn-out sigh. His tone is more fatherly than that of a husband.

  I suppress a laugh as I imagine poised Elizabeth, with her expensive clothing preferences, dressed in a provocative cocktail dress, being the life of the party. Elizabeth would be a hoot!

  “Scarlet? You there?” Benjamin questions in a growl.

  “Yes. Sorry. Should I say something to her? Mom was pleasant during our phone conversation,” I say as I hear Benjamin mumble something before returning to our conversation.

  “Honey, I have to let you go. Your mother needs me to buy her some sangria mix for dinner.
I love you. See you tonight,” he informs as he sends me phone kisses. I reciprocate his affection then end our call.

  I recline, then stretch across my bed. I stare at the ceiling before collecting my strength to lift myself up. David knocks as he walks into my bedroom.

  “All done with your calls, babe?” he questions as he rubs my neck. His hands are strong but gentle as he moves from my neck, then to my shoulders. I confide that Elizabeth was obviously drunk, also how Benjamin called to confirm it. We become silent. David tightens then twists his lips to the side. He stares at me in wait for my response. I slide off of my bed to stretch before tugging David’s hand to follow me out of my room. As we walk out, I glance at my cell—it’s almost 1:00 PM.

  “Shit! I need to pack!” I blurt out as I let go of David’s hand, then rush back into my room.

  “Would you like me to help?” David offers with a smirk on his face—it reveals his ulterior motive. He rushes me into my room, and with haste, he locks the door. Before I can protest, we’re in my closet.

  Heat engulfs my skin as he rapidly undresses me. I stare with lust as he undresses himself, then steps toward me. I bite my lip and let out a moan as he lifts me into a standing straddle.

  We’re pressed hard against my closet door, building a vigorous rhythm. My tension quickly disappears as David induces several orgasms. Soon after, he achieves his release. We’re covered in a sexual glimmer. Once we’re dressed, I give David a swift kiss, then let him know I’ll try to be done by 3:00. He nods in acknowledgement then relaxes in a nearby chair.

  David makes several calls then checks his email while I pack two weeks’ worth of Victoria Secret shorts, skirts, and blouses for daytime activities. Then I pack several trendy nightclub outfits that I bought at several waterfront boutiques. As Tim suggested, to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to myself, I try to pack my frugal clothing.

  I grab enough undergarments and bathing suits—all Victoria’s Secret—my beach sandals, and two pairs of peep-toe high heels: Black and red Christian Louboutins, and nude Jimmy Choos.

  Once my Bric’s cargo duffle is stuffed with enough day and night clothing, shoes, beach attire, sleeping wear, and undergarments, I grab my Bric’s toiletry bag, then prance to my bathroom.

  I decide to wear natural makeup, so I pack a few Chanel cosmetics, along with a new Victoria Secret bathroom set that has my favorite body wash, lotion, and body spray. I pack my new travel, Regis shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in. Wavy tousled hair will be my hairstyle for our vacation. I make sure to pack my hair comb and a handful of hair ties.

  Then I remember to pack some appropriate vacation jewelry. Pearl studs for the day and white-gold hoops for night. I almost forget to pack an evening clutch and a day handbag, so I rush to my closet to find something low-key. I select a red Alexander McQueen clutch that matches my high heels and most of my night outfits.

  I switch my current purse contents into a smoke-colored Stella McCartney cross-body bag. I also pack a pair of Lucky brand flats that would be practical for our daytime activities. I’m confident I’ve packed what’s needed, then make sure to set a reminder on my phone to grab my cell charger. I place my luggage next to my bedroom door then join David in my sitting area.

  “Did you pack enough?” David questions as he gapes at my luggage. I glare at him playfully. He reciprocates with a strong hug and I melt into his embrace. We kiss and touch until there’s a knock on my bedroom door. David’s dark-green khaki shorts are tented, and his black V-neck shirt is a tad wrinkled.

  I check my outfit: my dark, fitted, gray skinny jeans and a purple, mid-sleeve, button-down blouse are also a tad wrinkled. We poke fun at each either, then jump as there is a louder knock at my door.

  “Come in!” I holler from my sitting area.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s almost three. Do you guys want to pick up lunch at the club or go out?” Kim questions as she peeks into the room with an embarrassed expression on her face. Our disheveled clothes make it obvious we were in the middle of something hot and heavy.

  “I could go for a club sandwich. Do you want to eat at the club, or have them deliver it?” David inquires with a smirk that makes me want to pounce on him.

  I consider our options then offer, “Violet invited us over for dinner; she’s serving appetizers at five. So maybe we can just order a veggie platter for four and snack in the kitchen?” Kim and David nod their heads in agreement.

  After I retrieve my cell from my bed, I scroll through my call log to connect to the club’s café number—Mandy answers on the third ring; she greets me with her usual spiel.

  “Hey, Mandy. It’s Scarlet. I’d like to have a veggie tray for four delivered with a pitcher of punch, please.” I request.

  I hear tapping before Mandy asks, “Is ranch dip all right?” I request blue cheese as well as ranch, then wait for Mandy to confirm our order.

  After more screen-tapping, Mandy tells me she added my order to my monthly bill. She wishes us a safe and fun trip. I thank her then end our call.

  “How long until we eat?” Tim queries over Kim’s shoulder. I realize Mandy didn’t give me an estimated time of arrival.

  “She didn’t say,” I reply with an apologetic smile and shoulder shrug. Tim returns my gesture with a playful head nod. David and I stand then walk toward my bedroom door. We follow Tim and Kim into the kitchen. I thank Kim, again, for cleaning up our breakfast mess.

  “It’s the least I can do,” she replies with a smile. We agree to enjoy our veggies and punch in the living room. David searches the TV guide while I collect disposable plates, cups, and some napkins from the pantry. He selects the local news channel. Frantic reporting causes us to stop and gawk at a motorcyclist evading the Naples police.

  The reporter speaks in distress as she describes the motorcycle chase that started over an hour ago. Apparently, the motorcyclist robbed a bank in Bonita Springs and was attempting to make his way through Naples.

  Bonita Springs and Naples patrol officers are chasing him. Kim gasps as we witness the motorcyclist weave and swerve around the vehicles that have congested the highway. Just as it appears the motorcyclist may escape, the news helicopter films the horrific image of the motorcyclist crashing into a school bus.

  The doorbell rings. We’re motionless, waiting with anticipation to see if the motorcyclist survived. The school bus is intact, but I imagine how horrible the experience must have been for the young passengers. The screen quickly changes from the scene of the accident to a raven-haired news anchor updating viewers on the chase and accident caused by the motorcyclist.

  In my peripheral vision, I observe Tim leave the living room then hear him apologize to the delivery person. I’m motionless as I say a private prayer. Kim wipes tears from her face. I give her a weak, sympathetic smile.

  “It’s just horrible…” she whimpers in disbelief as she excuses herself to the bathroom. Tim returns with our punch and veggie platter. He places the tray and punch on the cocktail table then stares in disbelief. Kim joins us. We’re silent as the television fills the living room with up-to-date information on the chase and accident. The collision footage is referenced but never shown. The motorcyclist was the spotlight for the duration of the news report.

  Five minutes pass. David sits up then clears his throat to speak, “Maybe we should change the channel?” Tim, Kim, and I all nod in agreement. David quickly searches for something less morbid. He stops on a rerun marathon of “Friends.” The mood lightens as we polish off our veggie tray and almost all of the punch while we listen to Monica and Rachel’s playful banter.

  “I love this neighborhood! You’ll have to take me to the club sometime. How convenient to have a café that delivers,” Kim declares with a smile. The motorcyclist’s death becomes an afterthought. I stand up before Kim can, then collect our cups and plates. Kim follows my lead and carries the tray and jug to the kitchen. The microwave clock reads 4:15.

  “Should we take something to your parents’
house to help with dinner?” Kim questions. I appreciate her desire to fit in with our group.

  I smile then answer, “A couple bottles of red should suffice.” Kim nods in agreement, then retrieves two bottles from the pantry. After a quick discussion, we decide to walk to my parents’ house.

  “It’s less than a ten-minute walk,” David declares. We agree, then disburse to locate our items we plan to take with us—cells and wallets for the guys, cells and purses for the ladies.

  Tim volunteers to carry the two bottles. I follow everyone out the front door, then turn to lock the deadbolt. Kate’s face flashes in my mind, so I double-check the door. David notices my hesitation to leave; he draws me close to give me a tender hug and kiss. We walk hand-in-hand behind chatterbox Kim and head-nodding Tim. Kim talks nonstop until she spots my parents’ house.

  “Now this is a house I’d love to see the inside of.” Kim gazes in admiration as Elizabeth walks out the front door.

  “Come in! Come in!” Elizabeth greets us with a radiant smile—we reply with lots of love. She’s all smiles. I’m not sure if our presence or the wine has caused her elation, but by the wine on her breath, I’m sure it’s the wine. Benjamin peeks out from the kitchen to wave us over.

  My parents’ house is laid out similarly to ours. Their living room and kitchen are at the front of the house. An office and semi-workout room are on the main floor, leaving all the bedrooms and most of the bathrooms upstairs. We follow Elizabeth into the kitchen. From their prep stations, Violet and Milton greet us before returning to their task.

  Benjamin goes back and forth from the kitchen to the outdoor dining table. I peek outside to see his progress. I plan to offer my help, but Benjamin’s already finished. Tim sets the wine bottles down. I quickly introduce Kim and Tim to everyone—my family greets them warmly. Milton and Benjamin give David a nod.

  “I hope everyone’s hungry. We’re having flatbread cheese pizza with stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer, followed by shrimp and pasta in pesto,” Violet announces as she flashes her utterly brilliant smile.


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