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Tenth Avatar: A quest for answers

Page 14

by Kanchan Joshi

  Ram was a warrior by birth who had become an ascetic to keep his father’s word. Lakshman and Hanuman stood by his side.

  King Sugriv wore a short red dhoti tied around his waist and tail. His mighty, hairy arms balanced a heavy mace, while a dagger hung by his waistline. He wore thick gold bracelets around his wrists, a pendant with a blue jewel on his chest, and a heavy gold crown studded with a red ruby in the center. He sat attentively, eager to get on with the battle preparations.

  Trusted guards protected the entrance and kept an eye out for spies.

  Ram stood up from his seat and addressed the assembly of brave men and seasoned warriors. He spoke with a steady, assured, and confident bravado.

  “Har Har Mahadev! We are here to strategize about our attack on the island of Lanka. There are several factors that need to be planned meticulously. But, before we get into the details, I want to assure all of you that victory will be ours, because truth and righteousness always win! Jai Mahadev!” Ram paused for a moment. He wanted his allies to reflect on what he said and internalize it. “I can clearly see the red-yellow sun banner of Ayodhya and the flying-ape flag of the Vanara on Lanka.”

  He walked over to the sand model of Lanka they had built and placed their flags on the highest palace tower that belonged to Ravan.

  The military leaders were astonished by this bold assertion, particularly from Ram who was always measured in his words and well controlled in his actions. After all, Ravan was a formidable enemy, especially in his own homeland.

  As if reading their minds, Ram continued, “I am not saying it will be easy. It will undoubtedly be hard fought. Some of us will sacrifice our lives, but we ultimately will prevail and annihilate Ravan! That is my word. Agastya Muni has built special weapons and missiles, arranged for a flying machine and chariots in anticipation of this war. They will help us.”

  Ram observed everyone with a steady gaze. “With the assistance of millions of Vanara, the great warriors assembled here, the great Muni’s support, and the power of truth and righteousness, we will be victorious!”

  The military leaders finally bought into his vision and sounded a loud battle cry, “Victory to Ram! Victory to the Vanara! Victory will be ours!”

  Sugriv said, “My lord, myself and my entire army is at your command. I formally announce you as the commander-in-chief of this war!”

  Ram folded his hands and respectfully accepted the role of commander-in-chief. Ram had aligned his team’s vision and set a clear goal. “Here are the major tasks and responsibilities. We don’t have much time, as I don’t know how long Sita can hold off Ravan on her own. She needs help. Hanuman, swim the ocean and travel to the island of Lanka. Locate where Lady Sita is being held and obtain military information such as how the city is protected, defense installations and weapons, important enemy leaders, their specialties and weaknesses, and most importantly, study any divisions to be exploited within the enemy camp. Pick your team and leave right away for your task. Report back in one month.”

  Hanuman adored Ram as his guru and friend. Now, he also witnessed Ram as a skilled military leader. Hanuman touched Ram’s feet in reverence and said, “My Lord, I will leave at once and bring you good news about Lady Sita’s well-being.” Hanuman knew Ram could not rest for a moment being so worried about Sita. He also knew that one month wouldn’t be long enough for the task.

  Ram continued, “We will follow the art, science, and principles of Yudh Shastra, the Book of Warfare. Sugriv, make sure we are secure from behind as we march forward. Sign treaties and make peace with friends, and crush Ravan’s allies before we move forward. Call all of your troops stationed in different locations throughout the country. Arrange for food, water, and supply lines along our path to the southern ocean. Send advance parties to ensure safe passage.”

  Sugriv nodded in acknowledgement of the task. He got up, put his heavy mace by his side, and said, “Shree Ram, I will start working on it right away.” Sugriv paused for a moment. “One important aspect is the supply of medicinal herbs found in the Himalayas, thousands of miles away. These herbs are short lived. They will be needed to fight Ravan’s missiles, radiation, venomous weapons, arrows coated with paralyzing oils, and injuries from maces, spears, harpoons, and axes. I have asked my garrisons stationed to the north to use mechanical devices to cut and transport big chunks of the hills from the Himalayas and bring them all the way over to the ocean to the south. This way, the herbs will be preserved until we need them.”

  Sugriv brought his experience and knowledge of the land’s geography to the preparation strategies.

  “Brilliant thinking my friend Sugriv. Excellent! With leaders like you, our victory is assured!” Ram walked up to Sugriv and patted his back. Sugriv folded his hands to show respect. “Another crucial hurdle is building a bridge to cross the ocean to the island of Lanka,” Ram said. “The distance is around 100 yojanas, and we will be under attack from Ravan’s strong ships, likely firing missiles while we build. We will deploy a flying machine made available by Agastya Muni for protection. But, we must finish building the bridge in four to five days’ time.”

  Ram looked at the Vanara Nal, and said, “Send Nal to study the tides and survey the ocean for a suitable place to build the bridge. Employ tools made from steel, copper, and diamonds to cut and transport trees and stones that will be needed for construction. Get help from the Muni in locating the ridge that connects to the island. That will serve as a platform for the bridge.”

  Ram had planned everything out. And, following the Yudh Shastra, he had considered the smallest details that could be decisive in a war against a powerful and malicious enemy.

  Ram moved close to Lakshman. Ram said, “Lakshman, you are responsible for the missiles. Transport all the missiles under the cover of the night. Make sure all the Signature Arrows are carried in a special metal covering for protection against radiation. Start working on the transportation immediately. Select five hundred of the bravest Vanara to help you guard the missiles and five thousand to help with the movement. Remember, you will have to do most of the work at night. Stealth and the element of surprise are as important as the missile itself.”

  “I agree brother. I will coordinate with the Muni and get access to missiles for transportation. We will have a few of the Muni’s disciples with us to help operate the weaponry as well.” Lakshman cleared his throat and addressed the Vanara as a whole. “I will keep the specific Signature Arrows coated with the same radiation material as the missiles—secure and protected from leaking radiation. When the Signature Arrows hit the target, and produce a small explosion of a particular color and intensity, the technicians will know which type of missile to fire and what the target is.” He wanted to be sure that they all understood the procedure. “Only Ram and I have access to these missiles.”

  All the military personnel felt their confidence levels rise a notch higher.

  Hanuman said, “These demons know several tricks to change their appearances, and even in conjuring up fake forms. We need tighter control to make sure the powerful missiles are not misused or fall into the hands of the enemy.”

  Lakshman nodded in agreement. “In addition to the fact that only Ram and myself have access to the Signature Arrows, as a secondary verification we have to recite a specific hymn in an exact manner and diction to authenticate our identity every day the war goes on. The rendering takes a lot of practice and cannot be mastered in a short time by an imposter. Every morning the hymn is selected randomly from more than a thousand that we have had to memorize for this particular war.

  “The missile user, in turn, also verifies the identity of the technicians responsible for launching it. Now, a word about the deadly Universe Missile that is filled with extraordinary radiation. There are additional verifications for the Universe Missile, and only Ram has been taught how to fire it. He is required to do it himself. Before using this missile, that is the messenger of death and misery, he has to say a prayer to take all responsibility for the
consequences of firing it. Once it is fired, there is no turning back. The island could be completely destroyed and rendered uninhabitable for hundreds of years as a result,” Lakshman concluded.

  Everyone was awestruck by the power of these incredible weapons. As the meeting came to an end, a feeling of awe and worry was taking shape in the minds of some of the warriors.

  One of the old generals from the Vanara army, colossal in size at seven-and-a-half feet, stood up and declared, “I respect my King Sugriv and his decisions, but the mission we are embarking on is the greatest in scope that I have ever seen.” The general was nervous to be speaking against Ram, but felt compelled to express his worry. His throat clenched, and he said in a hoarse voice, “The scale of the war—the distances, the technology, the mighty enemy—is unheard of. There is no doubt that thousands of Vanara lives will be lost. If we lose the war, our entire race and kingdom will be wiped from the face of the earth—as the demons will surely destroy us completely after their victory. And for what? To find Ram’s wife? To thank him for killing Vali by subterfuge? We are happy the way we are. We don’t want this gamble.”

  Some of the other generals nodded in agreement. The whole assembly was stunned by their dissenting voices. Nobody said anything.

  The silence proved to be too much for the fiery and volatile Lakshman. He said, “My brother and I don’t need your help! We are fully capable of fighting this war on our own. And, speaking of annihilation, we will destroy your kingdom before we leave from here! Remember, your king was roaming around in the jungle when he asked for our help. Your people would have killed themselves anyway due to this fight between the two brothers. Put your tails between your legs and get lost! You are cowards, not warriors!”

  King Sugriv was in a precarious situation with a rebellion on one hand and antagonized allies on the other. Sugriv looked to Ram for guidance.

  Ram took a deep breath and said in his ever-steady voice, “Please do not mind Lakshman’s words. It is his love and devotion to me that came out so aggressively. You are correct General. This is a high risk—high reward situation. Your people could be completely destroyed or permanently secure and prosperous for thousands of years. You have to decide if you are up to it. I can take care of securing my Lady Sita with or without your help. But, you have to decide what kind of society you want to live in—one that is brave and righteous, or one that settles for the way things are, and is always on guard for the next attack. You are encircled by demons from the south and north. And, as long as they have the island as their base, you will never be secure. You decide what you want to do and let me know. There will be respect for your decision no matter what you choose.”

  Hanuman watched the proceeding quietly before he stepped forward. “We have given our word to Shree Ram. We swore an oath to him when he helped us against former King Vali. Does our word mean nothing?” His reflection appealed to the moral side of his fellow Vanara. After a pause, he added, “In addition to the future security of our kingdom, there is another big reason why you should walk this path with Shree Ram…” Hanuman looked squarely at the dissenting general. “You have these doubts in your mind because you don’t know your true nature. By Ram’s grace, I have realized the true nature of life. Let me help you do the same, and all your doubts will be destroyed.”

  Hanuman took a few steps from his seat. He took off his metal helmet and placed it on his seat. He walked bare footed. The silver anklet around his right foot sparkled in the daylight. He walked on the hard floor with a steady gait. He approached Ram, bent on one knee, and touched Ram’s feet with his fingers. He ran those fingers through his long hair, depicting that Ram had blessed him.

  Ram smiled gently and gave him a special arrow. Hanuman took the arrow and passed it among the leaders sitting along the cave wall. After all the leaders had handled the arrow, Hanuman took it in his hands again, and sat in a meditative state. The leaders followed his example. Hanuman guided them along their meditation.

  In a few moments, the leaders experienced an extraordinary energy inside them. Their experience was beyond the physical dimensions. Some, who were more spiritually inclined, had tears rolling down their faces. Everything became clear to them spontaneously. It was a very simple and straightforward realization once they stopped the constant buzz of their minds.

  Hanuman spoke gently, “We have to perform our duty as warriors, and everything else will follow.” Hanuman looked around at his fellow Vanara and smiled. I know you cannot express what you just experienced. Let me help with that.”

  He thought for a little while, then said, “Energy is constantly flowing, and we see its effects in the world around us. The effects we see and feel in our world are—day follows night, water flows from the top of the waterfall to the bottom, wind blows from higher nipida, or pressure, to lower nipida, planets go about moving in their orbits, etc. These are all results of energy flow. These physical objects don’t do anything as such. Similarly, you simply must be the instrument for the energy to manifest. That is all. Follow your duty as warriors to the best of your abilities, let the energy work through you, then you will have the ability to create the future you want. Just say ‘Ram’ whenever you want to get in touch with your true nature. And your true nature is that of the creator of the world around you. Jai Mahadev!”

  The warriors felt completely recharged by Hanuman’s lucid explanation and their extraordinary meditative experiences. The dissenting general was overwhelmed by the realization of this simple, yet profound, truth. He said, “Hanuman, you have shown us our true nature. We have realized that we are beyond this physical body. With a yogi like you on our side, we realize that death is just related to this body. We will do our duty and not run away from it to protect this puny body and mind. We will perform our duty as warriors, and because we are righteous, we will create a world where we are victorious. Jai Shree Ram!”

  “Jai Shree Ram. Victory will be ours!” Hanuman cheered.

  The chiranjeevi, or long-lived, Hanuman became a guru to others on their journey toward truth. Ram smiled gently at Hanuman. In addition to being a great warrior, a long-lived Vanara, and yogi, Hanuman had also become an excellent guru.

  Ram’s faith in Hanuman’s abilities and character was not misplaced. He thought, Hanuman appears to be an excellent choice for the task of staying on Earth for a long time—potentially, thousands of years—to guide others! Ram kept his thoughts to himself for the time being. Everybody got to work on their assigned tasks with renewed energy and urgency. There was little time to lose and a tremendous amount of work to be done!

  Chapter 12

  Despair: Humans Are Beyond Help


  Modern Day


  The pearl.

  Wow! Look at these particles smashing into each other at light speed. And they’re revealing their components while generating new particles in the process. We need the data from the Compact Muon Solenoid. We also need results from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. This data will provide boundary conditions, constants, and inflection points for Ramanujan’s equations. This is tremendous—worth ten research papers at least! What a facility!” Krish said to his colleagues at CERN. He was beyond excited about his experiments and the work being done at CERN.

  “I’m particularly interested in seeing the results of run 16256, where we changed the detector setting downstream to see if it influenced the behavior of particles up stream and 16300 where we applied an external force,” Krish could barely keep his excitement, curiosity, and anticipation under control. “Thanks a lot Anton. I’ll send you my results for review,” Krish said to the great professor.

  “I hope the ‘God Damn’ particle does appear in your work, for verification of earlier results. Otherwise, we will have to conclude that it just appeared once to tell us not to keep looking,” Anton said with a deadpan expression.

  “I need to slice and dice the data. I’ll have to connect with my graduate advisor, Dave, and lab m
ates, Kathy and Mark,” Krish said.

  “I’ll join you, and will just have to tolerate the sunny Southern California weather and beaches. I must say, I’ll miss the cold, cloudy weather tremendously. Now that we’re not part of the European Union, we’re truly an island,” Anton said referencing his homeland of England. He moved his wheel chair in a circle, depicting the island.

  “Sounds good professor,” Krish chuckled. “See you at Cal Tech.”

  Krish analyzed the data at Cal Tech with his advisor and colleagues using NASA’s Pleiades supercomputer. He had all the mathematics and data in front of him—several research articles in top rated journals with very high impact factors. But, Krish thought that some pieces of the puzzle were still missing.

  “In all this work, I can’t figure out what could be bigger than the sum of the individual parts. Something is hidden in plain sight, and I can’t see it,” Krish said to Kathy, placing his head in his hands. Kathy nodded in agreement. They dove silently into further data analysis and mathematical proofs.

  Krish invited Prisha to be with him in Pasadena. She was busy getting the visa and other paperwork arranged. From his conversations with her, it was clear that her psychosis was getting worse. Krish wanted the two of them to stay together so that he could support her through this.

  It was a cool, cloudy day in Pasadena. Krish was enjoying a relaxed Sunday afternoon at his home. His neighborhood was very quiet. He closed his eyes and took stock of all the progress he had made in the last couple of months. He looked at his exquisite, ancient arrow.

  As he sat, he slowly started noticing his breath and could feel his lungs expanding and contracting. Then, he noticed his individual heartbeats. He was feeling very relaxed and in the moment. The breeze blew the long, white window curtains gently and caressed his body. Krish felt very well-rested and energized. He sat on the floor, enjoying the silence of his surroundings, and more importantly, the silence of his mind. He turned on the tap and aerated water came out, making a gentle sound as the water drops sparkled in the sunlight from the window.


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