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Tenth Avatar: A quest for answers

Page 21

by Kanchan Joshi

  “To me, dark energy is the wild card. From the study of type 1A supernovae or explosive dying stars, we know that some seven billion years ago, this dark energy appeared and accelerated the expansion of the universe,” Kathy added. “This acceleration can be seen by a shift in wavelength toward the longer end of the light spectrum by a factor lesser than 0.49. A factor of 0.49, for a plot between distance and red-shift, would indicate an expansion at the same rate as in the past. A redshift less than 0.49 indicates an accelerating expansion.”

  Professor Kimble said, “We don’t know why dark energy appeared suddenly, its nature, or how it will behave in the future.”

  “Or perhaps, more significantly, it could indicate a fundamental gap in our current model based on the understanding of physics,” Krish concluded.

  Kathy leaned back in her chair. Her diamond shaped eyes showed a little surprise. She adjusted her brunette hair over one shoulder. “Well, dark energy and dark matter are some of the missing pieces in the current physics model, which has served us quite well, by the way. Let’s not abandon it so quickly. Dark matter is illusive to detect. It could just be an effect of dark energy. We have not seen any evidence of the alternative hypothesis—massive particles interacting weakly.”

  “I see your point,” Krish said, “but here are the big unknowns of the current model. In addition to not knowing much about dark matter and dark energy—which together constitute 96% of the universe—we don’t know how matter was produced from energy after the Big Bang, or how mass was produced from the forces that created protons and neutrons.”

  Kathy agreed. “Yes, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.”

  Krish got up from his seat, crossing his hands behind his back. “What bothers me most is the Incomplete Theorem.”

  Anton sounded amused, “I don’t get it… how is that related?”

  “As you know, Kurt Godel, an East European mathematician, came up with the Incomplete Theorem. Any logical system cannot be self-contained and cannot explain every logical assertion within that system. We need a bigger system than the one we’re studying to explain everything.”

  “So, to understand this universe, we need something bigger than the universe? What does that even mean?” Kathy said, challenging Krish’s claim.

  Krish shook his head, defeated. “I don’t know.”

  “I guess we summarized all the problems facing physicists today,” Anton said. “And still, we’re not any closer to solving one of them. Good day’s work, I reckon.”

  “We’re completely useless,” Kathy added, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

  Anton couldn’t miss an opportunity to showcase his humor. “I’m sure the rest of our colleagues—whom I refer to as cubical rascals—are even more clueless. I’m sure they’re devising twisted mathematics as we speak to claim the fame for solving these fundamental problems!”

  Kathy winked at Anton and adjusted her hair back over to the other shoulder. “Cubical rascals, you mean rascals from all sides,” she giggled flirtatiously. “That’s a good one. Where did you get that?”

  “Love Brit jokes!” Kathy said. Everyone had a laugh and decided to call it a day.

  When Krish got home from the lab, he checked Prisha’s room. She was sleeping and had an erratic breathing pattern. She must be dreaming, Krish thought. He tiptoed over and checked the medicine cabinet to make sure she had taken her medications. He then went to his room and thought about the problems he had discussed with Kathy and Anton that day. He took out the mysterious arrow and Hanuman statue from his bag. Krish put the statue and arrow down and sat cross-legged on the floor, closing his eyes to think deeply about the obstacles he faced.

  Spontaneously, he felt a strange energy inside him. His awareness was withdrawn from everything around him, and only focused on his breath. With each inhalation, he could feel a tide of energy coarse through him—increasing, rising steadily. And finally, it erupted within him and a crackling of energy rose through his back, toward his forehead, and into the center of his brain. He began shaking uncontrollably. The energy caused a sweet, joyous effect throughout his entire body. He felt completely elated. Krish could feel a warm, comforting glow near his heart. He experienced the entire length of his spinal cord suddenly lighting up like a live wire.

  Completely lost in his experience, Krish felt pleasant sensations spread to every cell in his body. He felt every cell bathed in some sort of nurturing energy field. He was smiling, overwhelmed with sweetness, as tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt free from everything—all the painful, as well as the pleasant, memories lying dormant in his mind. He felt like a ball of unbounded energy. The energy kept rising inside him in waves, and he felt as though he was floating.

  In this state, he could hear sound waves emanating from a cave somewhere. Somebody was uttering some words at a particular frequency, rapidly, and with very high energy. He could feel the vibrations of the word ‘Ram’ from that sound. His awareness locked onto that word. The energy waves inside him started vibrating at the same frequency as that of the sound ‘Ram’ emanating from the cave. Now, the two waves were synchronized and reached a resonant frequency. Slowly, the vision of the person reciting those words came into view of his mind’s eye. Krish focused on the being sitting in a cave, chanting Ram’s name. It was the Vanara, Hanuman! Krish couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  Taken over by the unfamiliarity of the whole experience, Krish was glad to see a being with a physical form that he could turn to for some understanding of his current state. Krish mentally urged Hanuman for help, for clarity and direction. Krish then saw the mighty Hanuman, in energy form, appear next to him. He could feel Hanuman’s presence near his own body. Slowly, the energy form pulled matter particles together. Then, Krish saw Hanuman in physical form standing right in front of him! Krish could physically touch and feel Hanuman. Hanuman’s body was strong, like armor. His simian face was compassionate, and his eyes were energetic and gleaming. Hanuman maintained a kind gaze. He looked at Krish lovingly. Hanuman then reached out for something lying near Krish. He put the arrow in Krish’s hand.

  “This arrow is powerful, like a thunderbolt. It is decorated with gold, its wood is from the reed forest of Kartikeya, it has eagle feathers for fins toward the end, the nodes are very smooth, the tip is extremely sharp, and its egress is straight. Lord Ram gave me this arrow for this very moment, with these exact words! This is the same arrow you saw at the presidential debate hall when you heard these sacred words! That was a clue to nudge you in this direction of exploration. This arrow has been used nine times in the past. This is the tenth time it will be used. You are the Tenth Avatar. Please realize you true nature. The right time is upon us! I have lived all these years awaiting this moment…waiting for you! I’m here to help you. Once you realize your true self, you will guide the world! This is the purpose of your life!”

  Krish was shaken by these words. The illusion of the world created by his mind had been completely shattered! As soon as Hanuman touched him, Krish became completely disconnected, not only from his body, but also from the world created by the current model of physics his mind was conditioned to believe in. His own body had conspired to make him believe in this model. His senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing—that had evolved to protect him from outside threats—had built their own model of reality that presented information in a form that would keep him alive and safe from predators. In addition, his mind was always buzzing and creating all kinds of stories to keep him occupied with one thing or another. To experience life in its native form, he had to abandon this model.

  He stepped out of the model and saw things as they were, without the constraints of physics, mathematics, and biology. He had broken through and stepped outside the model-based reality. He could see life and the universe exactly as they were—in their true form! Not in the form presented by his brain for protecting and sustaining his body.

  In his energetic form, Krish could not distinguish h
imself from the rest of the universe. The bubble of his physical limitations had burst, the fake boundary had been eliminated, and his true self was released from the trap of his body to be one with all that surrounded him! He saw himself as a small bundle of energy whizzing around, looking for an appropriate physical body to land upon. He looked down and saw his own body sitting cross-legged and motionless. He drifted downward gently, landing back in his body.

  Krish stayed in his meditative state for what he thought was just a few utterly pleasant moments, but it was late morning by the time he emerged from his ecstatic state. He had all the answers he needed. With Hanuman by his side, he was a transformed and self-realized being.

  In his elevated state, Krish was like a thunderbolt of energy, greatly affecting everything around him. He immediately got up and called Kathy and Anton to his home.

  As soon as they saw him, they felt dizzy under the influence of his power. Spontaneously overcome by energy radiating from Krish’s body, Kathy couldn’t contain what she was feeling; they were the purest emotions she had ever experienced. She started crying like a baby and shaking involuntarily. Her stomach churned as a strange energy pervaded her whole body. From the depths of her stomach rose deep feelings of joyous energy.

  Brimming with ecstasy, she sobbed, “You’re a changed man.” She pulled Krish into a bear hug. Her tears soaked his shirt. “I just want to be in this rapturous state forever. I don’t care about physics and mathematics. Don’t ever ask me to go away from you! Take everything from me, but let me just be in this state! What have you done to me? Why haven’t you ever shown me this state before?”

  Anton was also profoundly impacted by Krish. He cried loudly, throwing his hands up in the air and beating his chest. Everything he had been holding back was finally allowed to come to the surface and was bursting out. He was overpowered by an intense experience of unfathomable energy he couldn’t even begin to express.

  “I feel like I have new powers inside me. Krish, what is this? I feel this intense love toward you. I’m drawn to your energy, man. Help me, help me, Krish. Help me. Please.” Overpowered by an intense pull, Anton tried to get out of his wheel chair to reach Krish.

  Krish stepped forward and hugged him. He sat down, closed his eyes, and tried to reduce the intensity of the situation. He tried to lower his energy to reduce its impact. Gradually, everyone calmed down.

  Krish told them about his experience from the night before and about his encounter with Hanuman.

  After hearing that, Kathy said, “If I hadn’t experienced the impact first hand, I would’ve accused you of popping some of Prisha’s pills!”

  Krish laughed. “I would’ve thought the same! I guess I need to learn to control this energy so that it doesn’t send everyone around me into a tail spin.”

  Kathy said, “Wow! Just wow! I don’t even know what I’m going to do next!”

  Krish said, “Guys, let’s get ahold of ourselves. We have a responsibility to explain all of this mathematically and to spread this experience and knowledge to everyone! Imagine what a fantastic world could manifest from all this!”

  The three of them shared a group hug. Anton said, “Krish, this is so much bigger than academic papers, patents, money, and prizes. This is real-fucking-life man! A revolution, a transformation! This is REAL life, in every sense! Historic, my friend! I assure you, both of us will always be there with you, every step of the way!”

  Krish smiled gently. “I’m counting on it! Let’s get to work.”

  After the transformational experience, Hanuman directed Krish toward a master yogi who was visiting the US at that time. Krish decided to attend a yoga program that the master was conducting.

  As soon as Krish walked into the hall, the master was hit by a bolt of energy. He couldn’t see Krish, but he clearly felt his presence long before Krish even entered the room. A very composed, compassionate, and serious person, he got up from his seat and ran like a long-lost child running to his mother. He made his way through the assembled people and headed straight toward Krish.

  Krish tried to bow in respect, but the master hugged him tightly and whispered, “I have been waiting for you! What took you so long, my dear? Remember, I helped you before in the jungles of Kishkindha!”

  Krish had goose bumps all over his body. He couldn’t stop weeping. “Why was I lost for so long? Why didn’t you come sooner?”

  “You tell me!” the master said. “Everything happens at the right time. You, the Tenth Avatar, the incarnation of the very energy that constitutes everything—which some people refer to as God—were still completely lost in this world. The purpose was for you to experience first-hand how ordinary people feel and experience the world! But, now the time has come for you to realize your true self and guide all who are willing to be guided!”

  Krish and the master shared a soulful connection. The yogi taught him how to control his experience and the intensity of his energy. He taught Krish how to always be in a meditative state while going through his daily activities.

  Within a few days of practice, Krish could experience the meditative state at will. His experience of life had changed immensely, in a way he could never have imagined.

  Krish met with Kathy and Anton. Now, they always looked at him with a loving gaze, as if he was the source of their happiness.

  “Guys, we need to focus on our work. We need to spread this wealth to as many people as possible! Everyone should have this experience. And it starts with you two. So that you aren’t dependent on me for your spirit-centeredness I’ll start training you. As for the physics, here is what I have:

  “One, we know space-time is not flat, but curved and distorted by mass and energy. Conscious life and energy are interlinked. That means energy, and in turn a conscious life, can shape space-time and affect mass. Thus, a conscious human who has realized his true form can rearrange space-time in a favorable manner.

  “Two, a conscious life, such as a yogi, can step out of the physical and biological model-based reality any time to witness the world as it is and understand the mechanism of how the world functions, using it to solve the mysteries of the universe.”

  Kathy interjected, “That’s good, but how do you explain the strange effect you had on us when we saw you for the first time after your self-discovery?”

  Krish nodded his head. “That’s a good question. The real question is, how can the energy of one human affect another? The reason electromagnetic forces are not significant in large bodies, such as in human beings, is because they cancel each other out. At the atomic level, all reactions take place due to electromagnetic forces. So, if we start changing a big body from the atomic level, that person can have a net energy that is not zero and this energy has the ability to affect other humans. And with practice, I can generate this energy on demand. That’s how my energy was influencing you. This is also the energy one can use to step out of and refine the scientific model. It can also be used to accomplish several super human tasks such as lifting objects, flying, etc. Now, we need to prove this mathematically and unequivocally so that all the disinformation from religious, political, and other sources will be discarded, and spirituality at last won’t be tented by national, religious, geographical, or any other discriminatory factor. It will be the same for everyone and will be backed by science! The time for such a transformation of human society is upon us!”

  Anton said, “Wow! Krish, that sounds like a wonderful idea. The world has no idea what’s going to hit it!”

  Kathy listened to everything excitedly. She habitually flipped her pen and said, “Hate to be the devil’s advocate here, but what if this awesome power is misused by individuals? Second, how do we convince fellow scientists that one can actually step outside the model-based reality and that the model will rearrange itself to accomplish the change desired by the individual?”

  Anton jumped in, “I have an idea. A quick history lesson is in order. The scientist, Fred Hoyle, took an intuitive leap and predicted the existen
ce of an excited state of carbon to stabilize the fusion of three helium nuclei to form the carbon. He proved it experimentally at Cal Tech using one of the few particle accelerators at that time in 1950. Of course, he was a Brit, and he was right. He didn’t get the Nobel Prize. The Americans got it. That aside, he essentially determined the excited state of carbon solely based on intuition, then provided experimental proof later on!”

  Krish said, “Great idea! We’ll do the same thing. We’ll provide the theoretical basis using the mathematics found in Ramanujan’s lost pages. And experimental proof will be the people and their transformed lives! The ultimate experimental data. The data that really matters! As for the misuse scenario, I don’t think anybody could think about petty, selfish desires once they have an experience this extraordinary. In any case, it won’t be a majority. As with any new power, be it guns, cars, the internet, or anything else, ultimately it will work out for the betterment of the majority.”

  Krish and his team, in a burst of creativity, published three major papers in the premier scientific publication Nature, boasting the highest impact factor among peer-reviewed journals. The titles of the research articles took the academic world by storm. Headlines flashed: ‘Effect of conscious energy on space-time and mass,’ ‘Redefining the current physics model by stepping outside the model,’ and ‘Electromagnetically charged macro objects.’

  In the academic world, some researchers supported the ideas and some opposed them, but nobody could deny that they were provocative and the supporting mathematics was solid.

  The outside world took notice as well. First local, and then national and international, news channels picked up the story. Krish was busy explaining his work for days. Soon everyone was talking about these mind-boggling, but exquisitely explained and mathematically backed, ideas.

  Spiritual masters from various religions and countries, ascetics, saints, and truth seekers who had always had these insights were brimming with joy that their life long quest had finally been proven mathematically. Now, the whole world could potentially benefit from it.


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