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Her Portuguese Man Of Love (BWWM Romance Book 1)

Page 8

by Sherie Keys

  “Would you like to go downstairs and see a movie?” he asked, walking toward her, his eyes on hers.

  She shook her head.

  A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “What would you like to do?”

  She drew close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her mouth close to his as she gazed at him. “I’d like you to take me to your bedroom and spend the night with me there,” she answered with a velvety voice. Her body was already warm, and her heart was humming.

  He grinned and kissed her long and slow before taking her hand. “Let’s go,” he said simply, and they walked up the stairs and down the hall to his room. He opened the doors again, and she felt a wave of happiness wash over her as they closed behind her.

  Walking with her to his bedside, he said nothing, and slipping her dress from her body, he still did not speak, but his eyes remained on hers until her clothes were gone, and his fingers trailed over her skin, and his touch and his gaze spoke volumes to her. He took her breath away, and when she had undressed him, he laid her back in his bed and looked down at her.

  “There is nowhere else in this world that I want you more than here in my bed, in my arms,” he said quietly, and he knelt down between her thighs, spreading them open. He moved his mouth slowly up the inside of her legs until he reached her core, and at first, he kissed her gently there, teasing lightly, but then he began to part her flesh and push his tongue into her, tasting her slowly and deeply as she began to move her body against him.

  She moaned softly at the start, but the deeper he thrust his tongue into her, the greater were her cries of pleasure, until at last he drew forth from her an orgasm, and she trembled and gasped. It was then that he moved up between her legs and slowly entered her, watching her face as he slid inside inch by thick inch, and she arched her back and clung to him.

  When he was in her fully, they began to move together the way that lovers who know one another do: with anticipation and rhythm, knowing how their connection would feel and what would please their partner most. They rocked together slowly, touching, tasting, feeling, kissing, and holding tightly as they moved as one.

  Their lovemaking grew more passionate, and their skin became hot, beaded with moisture, wet to the touch, and still they wrestled onward in their dance of love, gripping each other until the final throes of it, when at last they clung to one another and their releases overtook them. Then, they held each other close and kissed, their breath slowed and their hearts calmed. He drew her back into his bed with him to wrap her in his arms and to sleep side by side.

  She slept more soundly there than she had anywhere in a long time, and she woke rested to find him gazing at her with a smile. He kissed her softly.

  “Good morning, Delphine,” he said in a hushed voice, so as not to break the magic of the early morning light touching their bare skin.

  “Good morning, Adrian,” she answered with a widening smile. “Did you sleep well? Sweet dreams?” she asked, reaching up to touch his cheek.

  “I did, but my dreams could not be sweeter than this reality before me.” He kissed her again. “Tell me, what is your pleasure today? Anything you want to do.”

  She giggled softly and reached her hand to touch him, stroking him gently as she moved herself down between his legs. “I think I’d like to start with you,” she said as she closed her mouth around his growing erection.

  She gave all that he had given her the night before, and they made love in a leisurely and blissful way until they were spent again, and then they rose to greet the day. They showered together, and she went to her room to dress, thinking to herself that it was like they were on a honeymoon. She hadn’t been intimate with any of her lovers in her whole life as much as she was with him, and she had to admit that she loved it. She considered that she was probably never going to see him again and that as he was the best lover she had ever known, she should take advantage of all of the time that she had with him and spend as much of it as she could in his arms.

  When she went downstairs after dressing, she found that he was making breakfast for them, and all that he would allow her to do was make the coffee. Delphine brought a cup of coffee to Adrian as he stood by the stove and made their breakfast. She kissed him, and he kissed her in return.

  “You know, you don’t have to do all of this to spoil me so much. I’m already completely impressed with you.” She chuckled.

  “Yes, but are you in love with me?” he asked with a hopeful smile.

  She shook her head. “No. That’s not going to happen,” she reminded him. “Are you spoiling me so that I will fall in love with you?”

  He shook his head then. “No, I’m spoiling you because it makes me happy to do it. I love to see you smile; it warms my heart.” Taking the coffee from her, he sipped it and raised a brow. “That’s excellent, thank you.”

  She set the small table as he cooked their morning meal, thinking how nice it was to have such a personal and almost domesticated time with him. It was so very different from staying in the hotel with him and spending every day going out into the city to see all the sites. She felt that she was getting to know him better, in a real way, rather than in a ‘tourist having an affair’ way.

  With breakfast finished, he gave her a slightly mischievous look. “Why don’t you get some extra clothes, layers, in case you get cold, and meet me back down here.”

  Delphine laughed lightly, wondering what he was up to, but he would hear no questions, and instead sent her upstairs. She found herself feeling happier than she had in a long while, and she loved the feeling. It was freeing and relaxing, and it made her time there even more precious. She was already wearing jeans, so she picked up a pair of socks and flat ankle boots, as well as a windbreaker, and giving herself a last approving glance in the mirror, she headed back down the stairs to the kitchen.

  Adrian was waiting with a large picnic basket under his arm. She laughed. “We just ate a big breakfast! Are we going on a picnic?” she asked curiously.

  He shook his head. “Well, that depends on how you look at it, so yes and no. Also, this is for much later when we’re hungry again.”

  “Where are we going?” Delphine was filled with anticipation.

  “Sailing.” He grinned at her and walked toward the door at the back of the kitchen that led out to the patio, and the small sloping hill toward the beach beyond that. She followed him and as excitement bean to build up in her, she found herself mentally thanking Justin for the hundredth time for her trip. It was life changing to say the least.

  Delphine helped Adrian get the boat ready, and in no time at all, they pushed away from the dock and were heading out into gorgeous sapphire waves, rippling in the sun and dancing in the ocean breeze. They went a long way out into the sea, cruising along the coast here and there, and Adrian proved to Delphine what an excellent captain he was, as the sailing went smoothly for them.

  More than once, he pointed out some of the sea life swimming around them and beneath them, from whales to dolphins, and even a sea turtle. There were schools of fish in many sizes and birds flying overhead keeping a keen eye on everything swimming below.

  They stopped at a small island late in the afternoon and ate their picnic aboard the boat. It filled them and revitalized them, and Adrian admitted to having cooked it all himself. When their meal was finished, he went down into the cabin and changed into swimming shorts, then dove off of the boat and swam to the small beach on the island. He invited Delphine to come, and she did. Stripping down to her underwear and her bra, she leapt into the cool water and joined him.

  They played on the beach for a short time, enjoying the waves, the sun, and seashell hunting before returning to the boat. Taking their time, they sailed back to his home, but when they docked, they stayed on the boat and watched the sun as it set into the sea, and the waves rolled beneath them.

  She was sitting between his legs on the deck, and he held her in his arms, his chin over her shoulder as they gazed at t
he glowing, colorful sky. “This really is a dream,” she said softly. “It will be so difficult to wake up from this.”

  “You don’t have to, you know,” he said quietly in her ear. “This can last a lot longer.”

  Her heart caught in her chest, and she felt it pinch. He was bringing it up again, and she knew that it was part of their wager, but she didn’t like thinking about leaving or staying; she just wanted to indulge in every single moment that she had with him as long as she could before she left, and then get on the plane with her heart intact and her hometown of Manhattan waiting for her at the other end. The last thing she needed to do was fall in love with anyone, especially someone who lived in another country across an enormous ocean.

  She said nothing in return, and when the end-of-day colors were fading, she stood up, and he went with her, carrying the picnic basket back into the house. They ate a small dinner and drank wine out on the patio again under the stars.

  Then, he walked upstairs with her and paused for a moment before her bedroom door. “Where will you be sleeping tonight?” he asked, sounding as if his heart might be in his throat.

  Delphine smiled at him and weaved her fingers through his. “With you.” She leaned forward and kissed him, and as he kissed her back, flames of desire consumed them both. Neither of them knew how they got to his room or to his bed, but it was there that he took her, there that they made love for a long while into the night, and there that she stayed in his arms until they awoke in the morning.

  Adrian told her that he had a business meeting that day, and he requested that she enjoy herself at the house doing anything that she liked. She chose to go out to the beach and walk along the shoreline slowly, reveling in the sand and sea.

  Her cell phone rang, and she was delighted to see that it was Justin. Answering it, she grinned from ear to ear. “How are you? God, I miss you! We never spend this much time apart!”

  He groaned dramatically. “I know! But, I’m so glad that you stayed there a little longer and I haven’t wanted to interrupt, but I’m dying to know how things are going. So, how are things going?”

  With a long sigh, Delphine sat down in the sand and looked out at the Atlantic washing up near her feet. “That’s a tough question to answer. When I texted you to let you know that I was going to stay longer, I didn’t give you all the tiny details about that.”

  “Yes, I know, but I knew I’d get them from you eventually. Eventually is right now. Spill,” he insisted, hungry for news. Then, he spoke again. “Wait… is that the ocean I hear?”

  “Yes, it’s the Atlantic Ocean. His house is on a private beach facing it,” she said with a wicked smile.

  “I’m so jealous right now. I just want you to know that. Okay, now spill,” Justin pressed, and she could imagine the expression on his face.

  “Well, Adrian wanted to know when I was leaving and when I told him I was going in two days, he made a wager with me, of sorts. He asked me to stay with him at his house for another week, and he bet me that if I did I would fall in love with him.” She bit at her lower lip, deciding not to share the part of the details in which Adrian had told her that he would pay her a million dollars if she didn’t fall in love with him.

  There was a momentary pause on the other end of the line. “Well, so? Have you fallen in love with him yet?”

  Delphine sighed again. “No. At least, I’m doing my best not to. Justin, I can’t fall in love with him. I just got out of a horrible relationship, I have a home and a business that I need to get back to in New York-”

  “And a best friend,” he interjected importantly.

  “And a best friend,” she agreed. “I can’t go falling in love with some gorgeous guy in a foreign country! Although, I have to admit, I really, really like him. A lot. I feel like I’m in a beautiful dream and I’m having the time of my life, but this real fantasy of mine has to come to an end.” She traced her finger through the sand beside her, carving out a letter A.

  “You are being far too practical. I can’t believe this is you talking. Much too practical. You could fall in love with him, you know,” Justin encouraged.

  “I won’t.” She shook her head and pursed her lips stubbornly.

  “Then, have the time of your life and come home at the end of the week,” Justin said simply.

  “I will. I know there’s tons to do, and you’re handling all of it right now, and that’s just not fair. I am sorry about that. I’ll make it up to you,” she promised.

  “You can make it up to me by having an incredible time with that gorgeous guy. That’s how you can make it up to me. The work will be here when you get back. For now, live large, girl. Live large.” He was smiling, and she could hear it in his voice.

  “I will, thank you so much. I love you, Justin.” She smiled back for him, though he couldn’t see it.

  They said their goodbye’s and she slipped her phone back into her pocket, wondering what she was going to do about the way that she was feeling for Adrian. She wasn’t in love with him, but she very much liked him, and it felt stronger each day.

  She swam in the pool and read in the library after finding some of his English books, as many of them were in Portuguese, and late in the afternoon, he returned to the house with a handful of pretty bags.

  “There you are!” He beamed as he walked to her in the library and embraced her, kissing her long and slow. “I was thinking about you all day.”

  “I thought a lot about you too,” she admitted with a wide smile.

  “Good! I have a surprise for you tonight.” He held all but one of the bags out to her. “Go upstairs and put these on. We have a special evening ahead of us, and you’ll want to dress up for it.” He looked like a kid at Christmas, he was so excited, and she couldn’t help but laugh as she took the bags.

  “What are you up to?” She raised a single brow at him curiously.

  “You’ll find out. For now, please get dressed,” he urged her. “I must get dressed too, so I’ll meet you in half an hour.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” Taking the bags, she went to her room and laughed a little when she walked into it, because she had only been in it long enough to change clothes each day, and she still hadn’t slept in the bed.

  Placing the bags on the cushioned bench at the foot of the bed, she opened the smaller of the two and found a pair of periwinkle blue high heels with rhinestones set in a swirling design over them. She gaped in surprise, and smiled, turning them over in her hands and admiring them, then immediately wondering if they would fit. She tried one on right then and was stunned to see that they fit her like a glove, and the realization made her laugh out loud.

  Next, she opened the larger of the two bags, and inside she found a breathtaking periwinkle gown, the same color as the shoes, slender and fitted, with spaghetti straps and a long sexy slit up one side of the front of the dress. The dress had the same large swirl of rhinestones that the shoes bore, and she was amazed at the elegant design of both, and even more so that they matched.

  She changed into them and stood before the mirror, examining herself as she touched up her makeup and her hair. She was impressed with the way the dress sculpted itself so closely to her body, showing off all of her serious curves while still being flattering and glamorous.

  A knock sounded at the door and she turned to look as Adrian walked in. He was dressed in a tuxedo, and the sight of him in it took her breath away. “You are so gorgeous in that tux.” She grinned at him. “My own 007.”

  He stopped where he stood and stared at her. “I knew that it would be beautiful on you, but I had no idea… really… just how beautiful. You’re stunning.” He breathed and gazed at her a moment longer. “But you’re not quite ready yet.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think there’s anything else I can add to this.”

  “Oh, there is,” he said quietly, and it was then that she noticed a velvet box in his hand. He opened it and inside were a pair of diamond earrings, a silver and diamond necklace, and a ma
tching diamond bracelet.

  Delphine gasped. “What is that for? You can’t… I can’t…” she began, but he held a finger to her soft, full lips.

  “Please, it’s a gift from me to you. You’ve given me the best two weeks I’ve had in a long time. Maybe the best two weeks I’ve ever had with a woman. This is nothing but a token of my gratitude. Please, accept it and enjoy it.”

  She couldn’t speak as she watched him in the mirror, seeing their reflections as he fastened the necklace about her neck and the bracelet around her wrist. “I’ll let you put the earrings in.” He smiled, handing them to her.

  She stared at them in her hand for a long moment and then lifted them to put them into her ears. It did not escape her notice that she was wearing more money than she had ever had in her whole life. With the earrings in, she turned to look at him. “Well? Will this do for your special evening?”


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