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Alpha's Mate

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by Moya Block, Caryn

  Did she leave the club too early? What would have happened if she stayed? Maybe she needed a cold shower or a knock up alongside the head. The whole evening seemed like a strange twist of fate. She was leaving in the morning. What was she thinking? There was no future with Dmitry. Violet sighed and got up to finish putting the last of her things into her suitcase. She needed to get up early in the morning. Maggie and Ellen were meeting her for breakfast before they left for the airport.

  As she undressed and climbed into bed, she pictured the dance with Dmitry. Her body felt flushed and uncomfortable in her pajamas. She rolled to her side, pulling her knees up. She never felt like this before. What was with the electrical jolt, when they touched for the first time? Was he the telepath that touched her mind? How did he keep his thoughts a secret from her?

  “I’ll come to you tomorrow,” he said. Of course not knowing where she was staying might be a problem. He didn't bother to ask her, or find out her last name.

  But there was a little voice warning her he meant what he said. Should she be excited or upset, if she saw him again? She reached over and turned off the light next to the bed. If he did show up tomorrow, what would she say to him?

  She was leaving on assignment. She couldn’t hang around and get to know him. He was so arrogant, ordering her around, she wasn’t sure why she should want to see him again. But the man could dance. He was amazingly graceful. Violet was surprised to admit she already missed him. He somehow got to her, and she didn’t know how. She was very particular about who she allowed close to her. She needed to be since she could read a man’s mind. But she wasn’t able to read Dmitry, and sometimes a woman wanted to be held. Violet missed being held.

  For the last year, she felt like she was going through life on automatic pilot. That was why the lion got the drop on her. If she didn’t use her telepathy to freeze the animal in place, she would have died.

  Sometimes, things seemed too hard to manage all alone. But when Dmitry held her, she felt alive again, complete. Everything righted itself. Though she was a little afraid of her overwhelming response to him, she was grateful to feel the tension. He was like the lions she photographed on her last assignment, beautiful, but dangerous to get close to. It was really too bad she’d never see him again. Would he miss her? Because she was very much afraid she would be missing him.

  Dmitry was missing Violet already. It was way past midnight, when Dmitry, Anton, and Kolya left their friend Ivan Kuznetsov from the Moscow police department. Jarvis Petrov and his two body guards were behind bars. The digital recording of them selling drugs to Dmitry and Kolya, as well as the cocaine, was in Ivan’s hands. Ivan would get all the credit and hopefully keep their names out of the press.

  They convinced Jarvis to leave the club through the back door, so innocents wouldn't be hurt. Then after the deal was recorded, they over-powered him and his body guards. Jarvis' body guards pulled their hidden guns out of their jackets, but Kolya and Dmitry disarmed them before they could get a good shot. Their wolf spirits gave them super strength, enhanced speed, and agility. Their sense of smell and hearing were also better than humans, and they could see clearly in the dark. However, a bullet would still hurt.

  Jarvis and his men didn't know what hit them. All Ivan needed to do was handcuff the men and call in back up. Anton arrived back at the club, in time, to see the culprits loaded into the police van. All in all, a very satisfying night, except for letting Violet out of his sight.

  After all the paperwork was completed, and the congratulations over with, they all needed to release their nervous energy. Ivan offered to drop them off at their apartment. But Dmitry thought it would be better to walk. The night was cool and the two mile walk was similar to a stroll in the park for them. This was the only time of the night when the crowds were gone. There was still plenty of smelly trash and loud noises. But it wasn’t quite as bad on their heightened senses. They strolled down the street. Anton would occasionally kick a can along the way.

  Dmitry was glad the bust was over. He needed to court his mate. Then he wanted to go home to Siberia. He missed the forests and the beauty of the wild. He wanted to get out of the noisy city with all its bad smells, and back to his pack, the people who depended on him. He hated to tell them his trip to Moscow did not supply the answers as to why there were no females being born to the pack. After hours of research in the archives, there was no evidence of another Lycanthrope pack left in the world.

  “Anton, did you find out where Violet is staying?” Dmitry asked as the three men walked down the nearly deserted streets towards an apartment building uptown.

  “She’s staying at the Hotel National with her two friends. I found out her name is Violet Anderson, she’s an American and a famous photographer for National Geographic. She’s going to be taking pictures of wolves in the Stolby National Reserve. Ivan says she has a special permit to camp in the restricted areas of the reserve to get her pictures.” Anton said as he kicked a can into an alley.

  “You asked Ivan about her?”

  “What good is having a friend in the police department, if he can’t help you out? Besides, after this last arrest he feels like he owes us.”

  “I'd say he does,” said Kolya. “Why are you worried about it? You've known Ivan since we were boys, running around the human’s village.”

  “He isn't pack. I know he's a good friend, but he still isn't pack.”

  “I didn't tell him why you are interested, I'm not sure I understand. Why are you interested?” Anton asked shrugging his shoulders.

  “When she walked into the club last night, I knew. She's my mate, Anton,” explained Dmitry as they continued walking.

  “But she is a human,” blurted Anton in surprise.

  “I know, but it doesn't change the fact. My wolf spirit knew it and demanded her. I fought to keep from going wolf, right there in the club, in front of everyone. She's also a telepath with strong shields. When I touched her mind, she was aware of it. That's never happened before.”

  “What are you going to do, Dimka?”

  “Court her and claim her, of course. But she doesn't know our ways, so I'll have to move carefully. She can't escape me or our destiny together.”

  “Do you think human women, like her, are the answer to our breeding problems?” asked Kolya.

  “I hope that will be the case, Kolya, yet if it isn't, I must still claim her, my wolf spirit demands it. She was born to be my mate. I can feel it, inside, with every part of me wanting her.”

  Kolya and Anton looked at each other with worried eyes. Dmitry seemed so determined, but so vulnerable. If he mated with this human woman, the pack could turn against him. The Alpha was supposed to mate to carry on the bloodline. If this human woman didn't bear a child with a wolf spirit, then Dmitry would be disgraced and banished from the pack. But even with their doubts, they would support Dmitry, because they loved him, and he earned their respect. If he wanted the human woman, then he would have her, it was as simple as that.

  They arrived at the apartment and let themselves in, each one going straight to his bedroom. Dmitry took off his clothes and climbed into bed. He thought about Violet and her soft brown eyes. Sending his thoughts out, he caught a whisper of her presence. She was in bed asleep. He wrapped her in his presence and felt her relax into a deeper sleep. He never considered a human for a mate before, but with finding Violet, he was determined to keep her. He hoped she would be able to adjust to the pack. Lycanthropes mated for life.

  His people lived simple lives, hidden in the forests of Siberia. Could Violet adapt to such a life? Was she one of those people who always needed the latest gadget and convenience?

  What would his parents say when he came home with a human mate? Would they support his choice? If the mating bond snapped into place, they would have to accept her, human or not. It was a law of the pack a mating bond could not be ignored, or the pair separated. It was the outward sign of a mating of soul mates. All lycanthropes hoped to find the mate wh
o would bond with them, heart and soul. But how could a human woman live with a pack of wolves surrounding her? Both of their lives might depend on it.

  Chapter Three

  Violet watched, carefully, as her equipment was loaded into the prop plane's cargo hold. Then with her camera bag in hand, she climbed into the second seat and buckled in. The small single engine Cessna would be taking them out to Siberia. The pilot was a young man who spoke very little English. His friendly blue eyes twinkled and he smiled a lot when she tried to talk to him. It always made her feel nervous when she couldn’t communicate clearly. Violet didn’t speak Russian, knowing only a few phrases she learned from a travel book. To reassure herself, she touched his mind gently. He was a conscientious pilot who was trying to do a good job.

  Before she learned anything else, she quickly pulled out. She didn't like listening in to other people's thoughts. It seemed like such an invasion of their privacy. But she felt better knowing everything was okay with him. Settling back she hoped to enjoy the trip. The weather was sunny and mild. The views from above would be beautiful. She would try to take a few pictures.

  Maggie and Ellen’s flight got off on time. They would be home in Virginia sometime tonight. She missed them already. They were the only people who knew about her gift of telepathy. The only people who really understood her. As they left, she gave them the number of the ranger station at Stolby in case of an emergency. Her cell phone wouldn’t work outside of Moscow. They were used to her dropping off the radar for long periods of time, while she was on assignment.

  The pilot climbed in and, with ease of experience, they were in the air quickly and efficiently. Violet watched as Moscow was left behind them. She could see the Kremlin and the river as they turned towards the east. Her thoughts circled around to Dmitry. She missed him. How could she miss him, when she didn't know him? She kept picturing his blue eyes and aristocratic features. She ached to feel his arms around her again. He didn't tell her his last name. She had no way to find him. Her heart yearned for him. But what was the point?

  Violet watched as they flew towards the forests of Siberia. The trees were lush and close together. After a while everything looked green. She found herself nodding off. It was always hard to keep her shields up in a big city like Moscow. That was one of the reasons she enjoyed her work so much, being alone let her relax her shields. She leaned over so she could lay her head against the side of the plane and let herself doze. Soon she was dreaming of Dmitry and being safe in his arms.

  Dmitry woke up with a start knowing something was wrong. The sun shone brightly in the window. What time was it? What woke him? He felt it then, Violet getting farther and farther away. Was she hurt? Did she leave him?

  He jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes from last night. Throwing them on, he rushed out the door. The metro was a block away, and would take him to the Hotel National. He ran down the street, zigzagging around people, and cars, honking at him. Then he ran down the stairs and through the gates.

  The metro cars were already crowded with workers coming into Moscow. But Dmitry pushed his way in the door. He wanted to howl in frustration. He could feel hair prickling his skin, as the crowd pushed up against him. A child wailed as his mother tried to quiet him. He could hear each murmur and whisper.

  The smell of so many people assaulted his senses. Gagging he wiped at his mouth and then held his hand over his nose. He closed his eyes, and forced his wolf into submission. He needed to remain calm. Finding the right stop, he got off the train, pushing his way through the masses. Bounding up the stairs, he dragged a huge lungful of air into his chest. He ran across the street, dodging cars and busses, and into the Hotel National. Rushing up to the desk clerk, he felt wild, and knew he looked disheveled. The hotel was alive with people coming and going. More than a few were staring at him.

  “Violet Anderson, is she still here?”

  “Miss Anderson and her party left an hour ago, sir.” answered the clerk as he frowned.

  “Where did she go? Did she leave a forwarding address?”

  Dmitry leaned against the counter and watched as the clerk decided whether to answer or not. He smiled at the clerk and staring into his eyes, gave a little telepathic push. You will trust me. The clerk’s eyes took on a glassy cast.

  “I believe she was on her way to the airport, sir.”

  Dmitry turned and ran out the door. Down the street, he found a park and turned down the nearest path. Looking around, he found a secluded spot under a tree, and sat down on the bench. Then he closed his eyes, steadied his breathing and reached out with his mind. He felt his mind merge with Violet’s. She was dreaming of their dance last night. She was missing him. He smiled with pleasure as he inserted himself into her dream. Feeling her in his arms again, he sent his question across space and time.

  Violet, where are you?

  Right here in your arms, silly. Don’t talk, hold me. You’ll ruin everything if you talk.

  Will I? Dmitry felt amusement bubble up inside him. His mate made him want to smile all the time. She was sassy, definitely an alpha female. Why do you run from me? I told you I would never hurt you.

  I'm not running, I'm working. You're the one who left without looking back, Dmitry. Besides you didn’t tell me your last name.

  It's Volkov. Dmitry Volkov and I didn't look back, because I knew exactly where you were. Violet come back to me, I need you. She was upset because he didn’t look back? Silly woman, he would always be aware of her presence.

  I’m right here. I have pictures to get, and a deadline to meet. This is all a dream. Gorgeous men aren't interested in me.

  Do you really think I'm gorgeous? His mate felt as attracted to him, as he was to her. It gave him something to work with.

  I don't think you need any more help being arrogant. Just because you're gorgeous, and you know it, doesn't make it okay. I didn't appreciate you ordering me around.

  Forgive me, milaya moya. I was only concerned with your safety. The club was going to get dangerous, and I wanted you safely away.

  I'm not sure what to think. You should have explained yourself. You seem to be the kind of person that orders others around without question.

  If I do, it is because they respect my decisions and know I only want the best for them. His mate needed to trust in him. She would learn soon enough.

  Look, you're not my father. You're not my boyfriend.

  No, I am your mate! The one man born to be yours, as you were born to be mine.

  I need you, Violet. Dmitry was desperate to make her understand. She was his other half.

  Well, I am going to the Stolby National Reserve. If you need me so much, then come and find me.

  I plan to, lyubov moya. I will always come for you.

  I love how you phrase things. It sounds very romantic when a man says he will come for a woman. Like in those old romantic movies. I should know I'm dreaming from that alone.

  You are not dreaming Violet, and I will come for you. The question is will you welcome me when I arrive? And could she accept the black wolf sharing his spirit?

  How can I answer? I still don't know anything about you, except when you hold me in your arms I feel good.

  It is a start, lyubov moya. I will come to you as quickly as I can. Reach for me if you have a need, and please keep yourself well. Sighing with frustration, Dmitry opened his eyes. He needed to get back to the apartment as soon as possible. He needed to chase his mate.

  Dmitry came storming through the door of the apartment, marched into his bedroom and started throwing things into a canvas bag. He could feel his wolf raging, wanting its mate, wanting to chase. It took a supreme act of will to keep from going wolf, and ripping the apartment apart. She didn't really think he would come for her. He could read the doubt in her mind. How dare she leave him? Didn't she know they were meant to be together? Didn't she feel the connection between them? He could feel the bond growing stronger, the hunger, the need to have her at his side. What kind of woman g
oes off into the wilds of Siberia to take pictures? His mate would have to learn to trust him to care for her. He told her he would never hurt her. Didn't she know he would never lie to her?

  “Girl trouble?” smirked Kolya, as he leaned against the door, his arms folded over his chest.

  “She left me. Can you believe it? I just found her, and now she is gone. Then she told me if I needed her so much, to come and find her. Yet when she challenges me, she doubts me.”

  “Dmitry, you've got to remember she isn't one of us. She doesn't realize she has challenged you. She doesn't understand why she is missing you. The mating bond is getting stronger between you, is it not? She doesn't know what is happening to her or why. Give her a chance.”

  Dmitry paused sinking down onto the edge of the bed, a handful of clothes forgotten in his hands. “You're right. I've got to find her and quickly. The mating bond grows stronger and with it my wolf. I need to find her before I lose control. I could take her without her understanding. She isn't one of us. I could hurt her, Kolya.” He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. How could a fragile human woman mate with a Lycanthrope?

  “I don't think you will hurt your mate, Dmitry. I will call the airport and try to get our plane prepared to leave. If she is off to Stolby, then she will be flying into Krasnoyarsk. She will have to stay in the town tonight, and go out to the reserve in the morning. We can catch up to her.”

  “Thank you, Kolya. Violet is my mate. I don’t want to take the chance I might hurt her.”

  “You won't hurt her. You care for those weaker than yourself. You are a good Alpha, Dimka. You've done well with the pack since you took over. If Violet can bear a child with a wolf spirit, we will have the answer to our future. Trust yourself a little more.”

  “Thank you for your faith in me. But please be vigilant. My wolf is very close to the surface right now.”

  “I think that's normal during the mating heat. You will be fine once you claim her. Finish packing. I'll get on the phone and get Anton moving.” Kolya hurried from the room as Dmitry got up to finish putting his clothes in the bag.


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